Relationship between smoking and lung cancer cell type
001 DOSE RESWNSE RELATICNSHIPS FCR ASBESTOS AND LUNG CANCER. A.W. Musk, N. de Klerk, J. Eccles, M.S.T. Hobbs. Sir Charles Gai...
001 DOSE RESWNSE RELATICNSHIPS FCR ASBESTOS AND LUNG CANCER. A.W. Musk, N. de Klerk, J. Eccles, M.S.T. Hobbs. Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, NH & WC Research Unit in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of W.A., Nedlands, W.A. Crocidolite was mined and milled at Wittenccm Gorge in Western Australia between 1943 and 1966 by the Australian Blue Asbestos Carpany. The employment records of the caqany have form& the basis of a cohort mortality study and a sub cohort of the workforce answered a questionnaire in 1979 provided information on tiing history. The workforce was of crocidolite for a exposed to high concentrations median duration of less than fcur myths resulting in an estimated median to-1 cumulative exposure of
I,Y.X. cha,Q. and &n,Y.Z. bpt. of Hygiene,Gum&u l%dical. col.lege 195,Dmgfeng Rd. W., Gwngzhou, 510182,China It has been widelyobservedthat epidenmid carcinam ( EC ) is primrily assxiated with lung cater in ties, tir-eaz adem carcincm(AC)is oftenpresentin lung cancerof f&es. lhe mderlyingcausefor the observedgenderdifference raains un!umm.lllis reportis an malysis of the relationship betkeending and lung cancercell type, usinginformtim frm 973 cases ( 719 casesof rmlesand 2% casesof femles). Theresul.ts show that rate of EC is higherin rmle than farale both smkers(p603,the frequencyof EC is positivel.y correlated with SI(X'=18.45, po.O5),hmwer the reverseis observedin the ofcurreme of AC (male X2=16.05,p