MUWri~us,10 (1988) 243-25s Ehevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd.
Abstract Section
Division of General Medicine, lkputment of Maiirine, Unimsity of Texas Health Scimcx titer, Son Antonio, TX 78284, United States of Amerim AM. J. EPIDEMIOL.; 127/l (145-149)/1988/ To confii a previous report of lower risks of hip fracture in Mexican Am&cans, we cak&tad the incidancc of hip fractures amon hispanics, blacks, and non-Hispanic whites redidin in Bexar County, Texas, dur& 1980. A totai of 576 rmidaits with hip fracture not due to serve trauma ware identified. Tbe 1980 census data wure used to c&ulatu ctbni~peciflc incidcncu rates which were ageadjusted using the entire 1980 US population as the standard. Hip fractures were more common amon non-Hispanic white woman (139 par 1oO,ooO,95% co&demx interval (CI) = l-153) than amon Mcxiuan-American (67 par 100,ooO; 95% Cl = 51-82) or black (55 per 100,ooO; 95% Cl = 27-83) women. Thus, Mexican Amaians and blacks are relatively pro&&xl from hip fractures, and they may benefit less than whites from prophylactic Wrapias for ostarporosis.
ltemhNpof~topbJllicllfikraulhoRemaeompold-Bwoma chowRK;HanisonJE l%partment of Physiml Mdcine and Rehabilitation, Queen Elizabeth Toronto, Toronto, Gnt. M5G 2A2. C&ado AM. J. PHYS. MED.; 66/5 (219-227)/1987/
Kyphosis is commonly asso&&d with ageiq and cuteoporosis of the spine. This study was conducted to evaluate whether physical fitness and bone mass in post munopausal women, betwaan the agus of 5tr-aoyears,mclyinfluencethedegceofIryphosis.TheImlof~~~nudaamiaectby1) calculating maximum oxy8cn uptake (210, max. attained by a 8rada-l examisetradmillteat.and2) evaluatin8 the muscle stmngth in parform& one repetition maximum on the bencb press. In vivo theboneminemlcontentintheaxlaskduonand ncutronactivationanalysbwasusedt0masure proximal femurs. It is w as Cal&m Bone Index (CaBI). The normal ran8c was 1.00 t 0.12 (I.S.D.). The degree of kyphosis was mcasuredindhectlybyc&ulationofanindexofkypho&.(I/ K), usin a surveyor’s flexicmve. Individuals with I/K > 13 showed a clinically apparent kyphosh. Fit individuals (I%), max > 29 ml/kg/min) had a signifiitly lower I/K (P < 0.001) tban awryc pursons. Individuals with normal bona mass (CaBI > 0.8) also had a s&nificantly lower I/K (P < 0.05) than those with bone loss. Similarly, subjects who were fit. and had normal bone mass, had a sig&kantlylowerI/K(P< O.OO1)tbanthosewhowarekssIltandhadbonaloss.Tharewasasi8nifmt corrulation butwecn I/K and <+D* man (P < 0.02, df 45), l/K and CaBl (P < 0.05. df 45) and I/K and ban& press (P < 0.05, df 45). The fe suggest that individuals who ware less active physically and who had bone loss, had greater kyphotic curves. Those who kept fit and maintained normal bone mass may retard the dmlopment of kyphosls.
Orimo H; Shiraki M; Hayashi T; Nakamura T