Reliability analysis of traffic noise estimates in Hong Kong

Reliability analysis of traffic noise estimates in Hong Kong

Transpn Res.-D, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 239±248, 1998 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 1361-9209/98 $19.00+0.00 P...

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Transpn Res.-D, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 239±248, 1998 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 1361-9209/98 $19.00+0.00

Pergamon PII: S1361-9209(98)00002-9


Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Received 26 June 1997; in revised form 2 February 1998) AbstractÐThis paper examines the reliability of trac noise measurement techniques and the noise estimates in Hong Kong. A simulation model making use of the Monte Carlo technique is devised to incorporate the uncertainty in trac noise estimates in Hong Kong. Trac ¯ow, trac speed and trac composition (in terms of percentage of heavy vehicles) are identi®ed as the key factors in¯uencing the generation of trac noise. The new equations for estimating the noise descriptors L10, Leq, L50 and L90 were calibrated on the basis of the Hong Kong survey results. The e€ects of the key factors on trac noise estimates can be assessed. The probability distribution for each of the key factors is derived with the use of the survey data. The variation on the key factors is due to the sampling error in the survey. The reliability of the trac noise estimates is obtained from the combined probability distributions of the key factors. The reliability analysis gives the trac noise estimates with a particular probability or vice versa. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Keywords: trac noise, Monte Carlo simulation, roads, Hong Kong 1. INTRODUCTION

Provision of transport infrastructure such as road bridges or ¯yovers in Hong Kong will undoubtedly contribute to the bene®t of the community at large. Nevertheless, due to the limited availability of land resources and ®nances, it is inevitable that in some of the schemes there will be some adverse environmental e€ects to those living in close proximity to them. For example, some of the existing road bridges in Hong Kong have caused many socially unacceptable e€ects such as intolerable noise, loss of privacy, visual intrusion, fumes and dirt, and vibration a€ecting those people unfortunate enough to have to continue to live and work close by. In order to assess properly the likely e€ects which transport infrastructure projects will have on people and the environment, it is required to develop a measure, combining the elements of speci®c techniques of environmental measurement already available (Ferrary, 1990), which will enable a reliable assessment of environmental impacts of transport proposals to be made in general circumstances. In the Hong Kong Second Comprehensive Transport Study (Hong Kong Transport Department and Wilbur Smith Associates, 1989), road trac noise was considered as the major environmental impact and chosen for environmental evaluation of all candidate highway projects. The most common trac noise descriptors are L10, Leq, L50 and L90 where LN represented the noise level exceeded for N% of the time period. L10 gives an indication of the top end of the level range although it can be substantially less than the occasional peak. L90 corresponds to the background noise level in the absence of nearby noise sources. Leq is the equivalent continuous sound level contains the same quantity of sound energy over a de®ned time period as the actual time varying sound level. The trac noise model currently used in Hong Kong is the one developed by U.K. Department of Transport (Department of Transport, Welsh Oce, 1988). The new equations for estimating the trac noise levels will be calibrated using the survey data in Hong Kong. The noise descriptor L10 will be applied for analysis because it is commonly used in the evaluation of highway projects. *Author for correspondence. Fax: 00 852 2334 6389; e-mail: [email protected]



W. H. K. Lam and M. L. Tam

This paper highlights in particular the impacts of trac noise variations on highway projects as well as the major underlying factors a€ecting the noise estimates. The trac noise prediction models (Department of Transport, Welsh Oce, 1988) developed in U.K. has been adopted in the Hong Kong Planning Standard and Guidelines as the preferred calculation method. Empirical formulae relating various local factors a€ecting generation and propagation of trac noise are implemented to assess trac noise in Hong Kong (Lam and Lai, 1994). However, if the e€ects of variations of those factors are not examined, the trac noise measurements may be over-estimated or under-estimated. With advanced mathematical techniques, it is possible to incorporate reliability analysis in trac noise estimates. The following four stage process is the proposed methodology for assessing the reliability of estimating trac noise: 1. identi®cation of the key factors behind the trac noise estimates; 2. estimation of how these key factors a€ect the noise estimates; 3. derivation of probability distributions for the key factors which specify the range and shape of the probable future outcome over which each factor is likely to vary; and 4. estimation of the combined probability of the outcome. Basically, the ®rst and second stages involve identi®cation of data required and calibration of the trac noise model. The third stage is concerned with the use of the survey data to derive the probability distribution for each of the key factors. The last stage makes use of the Monte Carlo simulation technique (Ross, 1991) to consider a number of possible outcomes of each key factor with their values selected at random form within their probability distributions. As a result, the reliability of the trac noise estimates can be obtained from the combined probability distributions of the key factors. The reliability analysis can be carried out to assess the probability of reaching speci®c trac noise levels in given time periods for the candidate highway project. The new approach would give a better insight on the sustainable impact of trac noise due to implementation of transport infrastructure. 2. FACTORS AFFECTING THE GENERATION OF TRAFFIC NOISE

There are many factors which in¯uence the generation of trac noise level under Hong Kong circumstances. For instance, on the supply side, trac ¯ow, speed, composition, frequency of stopping and starting, road gradient and surface. When considering the a€ected side, the factors like proximity to road, type of land use and time of day, also a€ect the generation of trac noise. In Hong Kong, the basic method for calculating the trac level is the CRTN model (Department of Transport, Welsh Oce, 1988), in which the following variables are investigated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

trac ¯ow Q (veh/h), trac speed V (km/h), trac composition (in terms of percentage of heavy vehicles) P (%), road gradient G (%); and road surface.

Hence, in this paper, the same choice of the variables is adopted so as to assess the applicability of the CRTN model to Hong Kong. As a result, it can easily adjust the noise level that was estimated by the CRTN model in the past. It is impossible to separate the parameters completely, in particular trac speed and trac composition were found to interact and these are therefore considered together. When estimating trac noise levels for a road section it is important to ensure that compatible values of ¯ow, speed and composition are adopted. For noise prediction purposes, trac compositions are generally divided into two vehicles classes: 1. Light vehicle (<1525 kg unladen weight); and 2. Heavy vehicle (>1525 kg unladen weight). It is also recognized that trac noise levels are a€ected by the gradient of a road. The e€ect of gradient depends critically upon the percentage of heavy vehicles and the trac noise can be increased up to 12 dB(A) for a gradient of 1 in 8.

Reliability analysis of trac noise estimates in Hong Kong


Due to the interaction between the road and tyre, road surface texture a€ects directly the noise level generated by trac. The noise generated by vehicles traveling on impervious (concrete or bituminous materials) surface can be 2±3 dB(A) higher than that on pervious (open-textured materials) surface. In Hong Kong, four road sites were selected for measuring the trac noise levels at both peak and o€-peak hours. The sites re¯ect di€erent local characteristics which consist undivided carriageway, divided carriageway with and without tramway, impervious and pervious road surfaces. The site characteristics are summarized in Table 1. 3. ESTIMATION OF THE TRAFFIC NOISE LEVEL

The equation being used in practice for predicting the basic trac noise level at the reference distance of 10 m in terms of hourly L10 is the CRTN model (Department of Transport, Welsh Oce, 1988): L10 ˆ 10 log Q ‡ 33 log …V ‡ 40 ‡ 500=V† ‡ 10 log …1 ‡ 5P=V† ÿ 27:6


where further adjustments for gradient and road surface are required (Department of the Environment, 1976; Department of Transport, Welsh Oce, 1988). Figure 1 shows the ¯ow chart for estimating trac noise from road schemes. The adjustment for the extra noise from trac on a gradient (G) is expressed as a percentage. The adjustment for road gradient of 0.3G is applied when actual mean speed is used, or 0.2G when using design speed of road. In the special case of dual carriageways being separated by more than 5 m or if their outer edges di€er in height by more than 1 m, each carriageway should be treated as a separate road. In such case, the gradient adjustment is applied only for the upward ¯ow. The adjustment for road surface is only applied if the road is concrete with 5 mm or more deep random grooving. The adjustment is (4±0.03P) where P is the percentage of heavy vehicles. In the study of Lam and Lai (1994), the validation of eqn (1) was carried out by comparing the estimated L10 values with the corresponding L10 values observed in Hong Kong. The estimated L10 values are calibrated by eqn (1), in which the data of Q, V and P was collected on sites. Using the linear regression model, the accuracy of the estimated L10 to the observed values (directly collected from the surveys) was examined. Figure 2 shows the result of regression analysis of the noise descriptor L10. It was found that the CRTN model is over-estimated trac noise level by 1.2 dB(A) on the average. As shown in Fig. 2, the coecient of determination (R2) of the 45 line (i.e. the observed values=the estimated values) is 0.892. With taking into account the e€ects of local environment and conditions, the equations for estimating the Hong Kong trac noise levels need to be re-calibrated. Without adding considerable complexity to the prediction model, a simply way of modifying the prediction procedure is only to recalculate the coecients of equation and the constant term using the survey data. Regression analysis was used to carry out on the four observed noise descriptors L10, Leq, L50 and L90, with the trac noise estimates (EstL10) from eqn (1), respectively. The residual term of each regression model is assumed to be normal. The following regression models (2)±(5) are found. The advantage is to easily adjust the noise level that was estimated by the Table 1. Characteristics of the four road sites in Hong Kong Site





Location Road type Carriageway width (m) No. of lanes Central divider (m) Tramway Road surface Ground cover Road surface Two-way peak ¯ow (veh/h) Heavy vehicles at peak (%)

Queensway Primary distributor 22.6 7 1.5 Yes Impervious Concrete Dry 4950 13.6

Harcourt Road Urban trunk road 23.5 7 1.2 No Impervious Concrete Dry 10,230 16.1

Kennedy Road District distributor 7 2 No No Impervious Flexible Dry 900 14.5

East Kowloon Way Urban trunk road 20 6 1.2 No Pervious Open-textured Dry 4200 16.1


W. H. K. Lam and M. L. Tam

Fig. 1. Flow chart for estimating trac noise from road schemes.

CRTN model in the past. Therefore, it is not necessary to follow the estimating process again and the revised estimates can be simply found from the regression models. L10 ˆ 1:0534…26:52† Est L10 ÿ 5:3347…ÿ1:71†

Adj: R2 ˆ 0:963


Leq ˆ 1:0548…23:52† Est L10 ÿ 7:8634…ÿ2:24†

Adj: R2 ˆ 0:953


Reliability analysis of trac noise estimates in Hong Kong


Fig. 2. Validation of estimated trac noise by the CRTN model.

L50 ˆ 1:0976…22:03† Est L10 ÿ 12:083…ÿ3:09†

Adj: R2 ˆ 0:947


L90 ˆ 1:0047…20:37† Est L10 ÿ 7:2044…ÿ1:86†

Adj: R2 ˆ 0:939


The t-statistics of the coecients are shown in the parentheses and they are signi®cant at the con®dence level 95%. The residual analysis shows that the problems of heteroscedasticity and multi-colinearity have not existed. The normality test is also conducted and found that the assumption of normality in the residual term is adequate. The standard deviations between observed and new estimated values of L10, Leq, L50 and L90 are 0.94, 1.07, 1.26 and 1.15, respectively. When comparing the adjusted coecients of determination (Adj: R2 ) of the equations, eqn (2) gives the highest accuracy of 96.3% to estimate the L10 trac noise, and eqn (5) has the lowest accuracy of 93.9% in the estimation of L90. The overall accuracy of the four equations is over 90% which shows a good estimation of trac noise levels under local circumstances. By substituting the eqn (1) into eqns (2)±(5), the general form of the revised equations of noise descriptors L10, Leq, L50 and L90 are listed as follows: L10 ˆ 10:534 log Q ‡ 34:762 log …V ‡ 40 ‡ 500=V† ‡ 10:534 log …1 ‡ 5P=V† ÿ 34:409


Leq ˆ 10:548 log Q ‡ 34:808 log …V ‡ 40 ‡ 500=V† ‡ 10:548 log …1 ‡ 5P=V† ÿ 36:976


L50 ˆ 10:976 log Q ‡ 36:221 log …V ‡ 40 ‡ 500=V† ‡ 10:976 log …1 ‡ 5P=V† ÿ 42:377


L90 ˆ 10:047 log Q ‡ 33:155 log …V ‡ 40 ‡ 500=V† ‡ 10:047 log …1 ‡ 5P=V† ÿ 34:934


where further adjustments for gradient and road surface are required.


W. H. K. Lam and M. L. Tam

The new estimated noise descriptors were compared with the observed values to investigate the accuracy of the revised equations. Regression analysis was also performed to compare the noise descriptor L10 estimated by eqn (6) against the observed data. Figure 3 shows the result of the comparison. It was found that the coecient of determination (R2) is 0.964 which is comparatively higher than that of 0.892 as shown in Fig. 2. Comparing the eqns (1) and (6), it can be seen that the coecients of trac ¯ow Q, trac speed V and percentage of heavy vehicles P in eqn (6) are greater than that of eqn (1). However, the absolute value of the constant term in eqn (6) is comparatively greater than that of eqn (1) but with a negative sign. As shown in Fig. 2, the CRTN model tends to overestimate the trac noise as compared to the noise levels measured on sites in Hong Kong. This is due to the model was calibrated mainly to suit the urban characteristics, street systems and local conditions in U.K., while the urban characteristics and conditions in Hong Kong have not yet been tested. In Hong Kong, many mitigation measures for controlling the problem of road trac noise are implemented in recent years by the Government. Statutory provisions on the maintenance of vehicles require vehicles to be ®tted with ecient exhaust silencers. This would give rise to a decrease in the overall trac noise levels and to have annual inspections before renewing the licences. Moreover, improved road surface design has reduced noise generated from road/tyre interaction. Since the trac noise descriptor L10 represents the critical condition on the noise levels, it is decided to use L10 for the following analyses. With the use of the eqn (6), the e€ect of each factor on trac noise can be assessed by sensitivity analysis. Firstly, one of the factors is identi®ed and used to test the e€ect on trac noise estimates. Then, the value of this factor is varied to compute the noise levels while other factors are ®xed. The ranges of the key factors chosen for the sensitivity analysis is 500±6000 veh/h, 25±80 km/h and 0±100% for trac ¯ow, speed and percentage of heavy vehicles, respectively.

Fig. 3. Validation of estimated trac noise by new model.

Reliability analysis of trac noise estimates in Hong Kong


In the analysis, three di€erent noise scenarios are de®ned: (a) high noise scenario: Flow (Q)=6000 veh/h, speed (V)=80 km/h and percentage of heavy vehicles (P)=100%. (b) medium noise scenario: Q=3250 veh/h, V=52.5 km/h and P=50%. (c) Low noise scenario: Q ˆ 500 ve=h, V ˆ 25 km=h and P ˆ 0%. The sensitivity of trac ¯ow on noise levels shows that the rate of changes of L10 levels on the three noise scenarios are decreasing. The decreasing rate is obvious from 500 to 300 veh/h. The increase of L10 level from 3000 veh/h onwards is approximately linear. Over the whole range, the maximum di€erence of L10 levels for all noise scenarios is 11 dB(A). The sensitivity of trac speed on trac noise levels show that the L10 variation for high and medium noise scenarios are similar. The noise levels are decreasing slightly and then increasing in the ranges 25±40 and 40±80 km/h, respectively. The noise variations are small with a maximum di€erence of 2 dB(A). The speed change is comparatively sensitive in the low noise region. The L10 level is increasing with a steady rate in the whole range. The maximum di€erence of L10 level is about 6 dB(A). The sensitivity of heavy vehicle percentage on noise levels shows that the L10 variations for the all three noise scenarios are similar. The rate of changes are decreasing in the range 0±45% and then become steady from 45 to 100%. The maximum di€erence of L10 levels for high, medium and low noise scenarios are 9, 10 and 14 dB(A), respectively. The overall results show that the three key factors have an increasing e€ect to the L10 noise level in all noise scenarios. The results also show that the trac ¯ow is the most signi®cant factor a€ecting trac noise, while the percentage of heavy vehicles is the second and the trac speed is the least one. The results of the sensitivity analysis are summarized in Table 2. 4. DERIVATION OF PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE FACTORS

In the reliability study of the trac noise estimates, all the essential factors were measured in nine locations on the Queensway in Hong Kong during October 1993 to January 1994. The recorded data includes trac noise, trac ¯ow, vehicle speeds and trac composition. All the vehicles were classi®ed into three categories: (a) cars, vans and light goods vehicles which less than 1525 kg unladen weight; (b) medium goods vehicles with two axles and heavy goods vehicles include all commercial vehicles with three or more axles greater than 1525 kg unladen weight; and (c) including public light buses, coaches and tram. Manual trac count was carried out at 30 min intervals at each location to obtain trac ¯ow rate. Spot speed study was conducted to obtain vehicle speeds. It was found that the hourly tram ¯ow was small and the noise generated by trams were insigni®cant. For simplicity, trams were classi®ed as heavy vehicles. Using the data collected from the surveys, the distributions of the trac ¯ow, speed and composition are obtained by goodness-of-®t test at 5% level of signi®cance. Since no any well-de®ned Table 2. Summary of the results of sensitivity analysis Factors Range E€ect to L10 level Maximum Di€erence in noise region [dB (A)] Sensitivity rankinga Overall sensitivitya a

High Medium Low High Medium Low Overallb Decrease in sensitivity

Flow (veh/h)

Speed (km/h)

Heavy vehicles (%)

500±6000 Increase 11 11 11 1 1 2 4 1

25±80 Increase 2 2 6 3 3 3 9 3

0±100 Increase 9 10 14 2 2 1 5 2

Sensitivity ranking: 1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ! 10. Sum of the sensitivity rankings of high, medium and low noise scenarios.



W. H. K. Lam and M. L. Tam Table 3. Probability distribution functions of trac ¯ow, speed and composition


Probability distributions

Trac ¯ow Trac speed Trac composition (in terms of percentage of heavy vehicles) Notes:

… 1 ÿ1† …1ÿx†… 2 ÿ1†

Beta … 1 ; 2 † ˆ x

B… 1 ; 2 † „1 x ÿ1 1

where B…x1 ; x2 † ˆ t 0

Empirical distribution Beta (0.9868, 0.6388)15.57+33.7143 Normal (17.4160, 5.49842)

ÿ…ÿ†2 ÿ  1  ; Normal ;  2 ˆ p e 22 2 2

…1 ÿ t†x2 ÿ1 dt

Table 4. The results of reliability analysis of trac noise estimates Observed mean trac noise [dB(A)] Estimated mean trac noise [dB(A)] Probability of reaching or greater than observed mean value 95% con®dent interval of the estimated trac noise [dB(A)] Estimated median trac noise [dB(A)]

77.06 77.73 73.54% 75.28
probability distribution function can be generalized for trac ¯ow distribution, empirical distribution of trac ¯ow will be used. It is observed that the probability distributions of trac speed is followed a Beta function and the trac composition (in terms of percentage of heavy vehicles) is normally distributed. The probability distribution functions of the three factors are given in Table 3. The probability distribution of trac noise can then be estimated by the Monte Carlo simulation using the derived distributions. 5. ESTIMATION OF THE COMBINED PROBABILITY OF THE TRAFFIC NOISE

With the use of the Monte Carlo simulation method, the combined probability of the estimated trac noise can be derived. A convergence test is performed to determine the number of simulations required. The result shows that 10,000 simulations are better than 5000 simulations, while the result of 10,000 and 15,000 simulations are nearly the same. Therefore, it is decided to simulate 10,000 possible outcomes of each factor for the reliability analysis of the trac noise estimates. The results of the reliability analysis of the simulated trac noise are summarized in Table 4. The probability density function and cumulative distribution function of the simulated trac noise are presented in Figs 4 and 5, respectively. The reliability analysis incorporates the variations of those key factors a€ecting the generation of trac noise. It can give the interval within a particular probability and/or probability of a

Fig. 4. Probability density function of trac noise (L10) estimates in the Queensway.

Reliability analysis of trac noise estimates in Hong Kong


Fig. 5. Cumulative distribution function of trac noise (L10) estimates in the Queensway.

speci®c trac noise level. The observed average trac noise measured in the nine locations on the Queensway is 77.06 dB(A), while the simulated average trac noise is 77.73 dB(A). It is observed that the percentage di€erence between the observed and estimated average trac noise level is only 0.87%, which means that the revised eqn (6) gives a reasonable estimate for the average trac noise. There is about 73.5% of the trac noise reaches or greater than 77.06 dB(A) and 95% trac noise is below 79.41 dB(A). The 95% con®dence for the range of trac noise estimates on the Queensway is from 75.28 to 79.78 dB(A). The median trac noise estimate is 77.8 dB(A) which is close to the estimated mean value. The reliability analysis not only gives the average value of the estimated trac noise, but also displays the whole picture in terms of the probability with the trac noise estimate. Therefore, this analysis can give a better insight on the impacts of trac noise so as to help environmental evaluation of all candidate highway projects in Hong Kong. 6. CONCLUSIONS

Due to the adverse environmental e€ects existed by the transport infrastructure, attention has been given by the planners and engineers to establish environmental criteria and protect the minority from su€ering the pain. In order to assess properly the likely e€ects which transport infrastructure projects will have on people and the environment, it is required to develop a measure, which will enable a reliable assessment of environmental impacts of transport proposals to be made in general circumstances. Road trac noise is considered as the major environmental impact and chosen for environmental evaluation of all candidate highway projects in Hong Kong. In this paper, the impacts of trac noise variations on Hong Kong urban roads as well as the major underlying factors a€ecting the trac noise estimates are examined. The trac noise prediction model relating various local factors a€ecting generation of trac noise is implemented to estimate trac noise in Hong Kong. A reliability analysis for the Hong Kong trac noise model is given to consider the variation of the key factors (trac ¯ow, speed and composition which is in terms of percentage of heavy vehicles) in estimating the trac noise level. The analysis gives the trac noise estimates with a particular probability, or vice versa. This approach will give a better insight on the sustainable impact of trac noise due to implementation of transport infrastructure. AcknowledgementsÐThis study was supported with a research grant (350/382) awarded by the Research Committee of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. REFERENCES Department of the Environment (1976) Predicting Road Trac Noise. HMSO, London. Department of Transport, Welsh Oce (1988) Calculation of Road Trac Noise (CRTN). HMSO, London. Ferrary, C. (1990) Environmental assessmentÐthe transport element. Highways and TransportationÐThe Journal of the Institution of Highways and Transportation and IHIE 37, 31±35.


W. H. K. Lam and M. L. Tam

Hong Kong Transport Department and Wilbur Smith Associates (1989) Hong Kong Second Comprehensive Transport Study. Government Printer, Hong Kong. Lam, W. H. K. and Lai, W. P. (1994) A time-dependent trac noise model for Hong Kong. Conference Proceedings of POLMET'94ÐPollution in the Metropolitan and Urban Environment, Beijing, China, 14±17 November 1994, pp. 628± 635. Ross, S. M. (1991) A Course in Simulation. Macmillan, New York.