World Abstracts on Microelectronics and Reliability
can be made early in a program's development cycle. Sufficient limited range data is available, even in the preproposal phase, to adequately identify those system components that make up a hardware design baseline. A support system baseline can be structured from the hardware baseline, and postdeployment life cycle costs developed by exercising the equations contained in this paper. Pocket programs for reliability computation. F. A EBLE. Prec. 1974 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, U.S.A. 229 (29-31 Jan. 1974). Today's new breed of pocket size scientific calculator gives today's reliability engineer remarkable computational power. This paper offers a library of eighteen reliability oriented routines written for the HP-35 calculator, first of its breed, and discusses some important considerations for the do-it-your-self pocket programmer. Optimum life cycle costing. V. O. MUGLIA, A. S. CICI and R. H. WAIN. Proc. 1974 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, U.S.A. 369 (29-31 Jan. 1974). The increasing requirement for minimizing the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) to the consumer while maximizing equipment performance has motivated the creation of an Optimum Life Cycle Costing (OLCC) technique. This paper discusses the OLCC technique, the resultant computer program, a sample problem, and an overview of the OLCC cost control effectiveness. The OLCC technique discusses the functional elements influencing the total LCC and their interaction. These elements include reliability, maintainability, availability, data, logistics, spares, training, test equipment, tooling, testing and evaluation, cost, time, labor, and others. The LCC is modeled as a non-linear interactive function of the above elements. The model encompasses the research and development, production, and operations phase cost considerations. The elements of the model may be variable, weighted, or fixed. Cost effects of element changes can be quickly derived for trade-off studies as well as an optimum and/or most feasible solution. This visibility assists in the control of costs throughout the life cycle.
Reliability evaluation of microwave communication systems. L. NENOFF. Prec. 1974 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, U.S.A. 294 (29-31 Jan. 1974). This article describes methods of analyzing the reliability of Microwave Communication Systems. Individual considerations are given to Propagation Reliability, Equipment Reliability and Systems Reliability. Typical Microwave equipment is described and an evaluation of the equipment individual building blocks is performed during their manufacturing cycle and performance in the field. Equipment predicted failure rates are compared with actual field operational failure rates. Discussion is presented on the Microwave overall Systems Reliability calculation numbers and the many assumptions made to derive them. It is pointed out that these numbers can not be measured realistically in the tield and the evaluation emphasis should be placed on the individual modules performance for reliability growth and reliability measurement.
Practical R/M design techniques. A. C. SPANN and J. P. MALIZIA. Prec. 1974 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, U.S.A. 60 (29 31 Jan. 1974). This paper presents a general analysis of those reliability and maintainability design engineering techniques which, in the opinion of the authors, are best suited for solving R & M problems resulting from mis-specification, part misapplication and design oversight. The authors have attempted to distill the essence of design-influencing power out of the total bag of R & M tricks--developing a set of rules for effective selection and application of the more important R & M designSdesign review techniques. Over the years, we find surprisingly few classes of design errors causing a surprising amount of grief. The problems resulting from these errors surface at various points in the equipment development or use cycle. if design errors can be prevented--fine; if not. the earlier they can be detected and corrected, the better. We are concerned here with their prevention, or their capture and correction before release to manufacturing.
4. M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S - - G E N E R A L Is 1974 the year of the digital watch? M. OFFENHEISER. Electronics 74 (16 May 1974). C-MOS and display suppliers. eyeing sales of 1.5 million units, think so, but watch companies are less enthusiastic. Temperature measurement on an IC-chip. G. PEPPIETTE. EEN 107 (Apr./May 1974). This electronic thermometer on a chip needs only power and a meter to provide temperature readings. It uses the difference in emitter-base voltage of transistors running at different current densities as the basic temperature sensitive elements. Since this output only depends on transistor matching, the same reliability and stability as present op-amps can be expected. Probe parameters and considerations. F. J. ARDEZZONE. Solid St. Tecbnol. 51 (1974). A compilation of data and techniques applicable to semiconductor probing is presented. Comparisons are made among system types and kinds of probes as well as materials in each. Aspects of inking, probe cards, and adjustable probes are discussed. Operator pitfalls and preventive techniques are outlined, and system related limitations as well as advantages are pointed out.
Semiconductor elements--the new manufacturing concept. L. R. RICE. Solid St. Technol. 43 (1974). Converter mannfacturers have used emerging solid state technology from the earliest copper oxide cells to today's large area, high power silicon devices. The gradual change from low voltage painted plate cells to our sophisticated glazed ceramic devices tracks the advances of fusion, preparation, passlvation and processing that brought us to where we are today. This marriage of elements and hermetic seal hasbeen accepted as commonplace. However. high voltage devices and CBE (Compression Bonded Encapsulation) construction has demanded special manufacturing techniques permitting additional element handling. The mechanical isolation from the package has forced the development of production techniques to characterize and segregate the elements into electrical classes prior to committing them into packages. CBE manufacturing practices have brought about additional insights into element classification and storage by commercial parameters. Today these established manufacturing procedures are the cornerstone of a large scale manufacturing concept wherein power semiconductor elements are the common denominator among worldwide manufacturing