Renaissance in ceramic technology

Renaissance in ceramic technology

Absorption of ultrasound in two-band superconductors with non-magnetic impurity Moskalenko, V. A. et al Fizika Metallov I Metallovedenie, Vol 30, No 2...

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Absorption of ultrasound in two-band superconductors with non-magnetic impurity Moskalenko, V. A. et al Fizika Metallov I Metallovedenie, Vol 30, No 2 (1970) (In Russian: English translation available) l~onon component of dislocation drag Brallsford, A. D. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 41, No 11 (October 1970) p 4439 A method for extending the calculation of the number of even moments of the vibrational frequency spectrum of a crystal Isenberg, C. Journal of Physics C, Vol 3, No 10 (October 1970) p1179

The strength of ceramics Davidge, R. W. et al Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 6, No 5 (November 1970) p281 Renaissance in ceramic technology Stuijts, A. L. Philips Technical Review, Vol 31, No 2 (1970) p44 Generalised Langevin approach to evaluate ultrasonic attenuation rate in superconductors Leung, M. C. Physica, Vol 48, No 4 (September 1970) p597 Thermal expanstvity and ultrasonic propagation near the structural transition of b ~ i O 3 Golding, B. Physical Review Letters, Vol 25, No 20 (November 1970) p1439

Sound monitor intruder 21~em system Stevenson, L. A., Mickley, L. D. (Automatic Sprinkler Corp of America) US Patent 3, 513,463 (1970) Ultrasonic transmitter Somer, J. C. (Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurweten-Schappelijk Onderzoek ten Behoev van de Volksgezondheid) US Patent 3,516, 054 (1970) Piezoelectric crystal transchcer f or controlling fluid flow Avery, H. W. (General Electric Co) US Patent 3, 152, 612 (1970) Ultrat~nic beam transducer Egli, P. H. (Parke Davis & Co) US Patent 3, 513,439 (1970) Sin-face wave transducer Byram, G. W., Whitehouse, H. J. (United States of America) US Patent 3,515,911 (1970) Ultrasonic copper precipitator Stubblefield, R. A. US Patent 3, 511, 488 (1970) Ultrasonic inspection and fail-safe indication method and apparatus Weinbaum, H. (American Machinery & Foundry Co) US Patent 3, 512, 399 (1970)

Ultrasonic testing method Lynnworth, L. C. ( Panametrics Inc) US Patent 3,512, 400 (1970) Ultrasonic type net weight load indicator for vehicles Nolan, E. C. US Patent Re 26, 826 (1970) Ultrasonic generator Whittaker, R. H., Thompson, J. H. (Westinghouse Electric Corp) US Patent 3, 157, 151 (1970)

Method of applying L a m b waves in ultrasonic testing Worlton, D. C. (United States of America) US Patent 3, 165, 922 (1970) Variable focus transducer Bayre, W. W., Schubring, N. W. (General Motors Corp) US Patent 3, 168, 659 (1970) Method of couplinE ultrasound into hot metal Thalmann, A. (Concast AG) US Patent 3, 512, 401 (1970) Ultrasonic sensing system Lynnworth, L. C., Spencer, B. J. (Panametrics Inc) US Patent 3, 514, 747 (1970)

Ultrasonic warning system Will, G. A. US Patent 3, 516, 384 (1970) Ultrasonic cleaner Arndt, J. P., Franklin, E. G. (Clevite Corp) US Patent 3, 516, 645 (1970)

Echo sounding apparatus Grada, W., Stednitz, W. R. E. (Friedrich Krupp GmbH) US Patent 3,504, 333 (1970) Helical-wound magnetostrictive Line hydrophone Parker, D. E., Prentice, W. W. (United States of America) US Patent 3,509, 523 (1970)

Ultrasonic suturing Winston, R. H., Schultz, S., Garvey, T. Q. (Ultrasonic Systems Inc) US Patent 3,513,848 (1970) Bimorph piezoelectric device functions as flapper valve NASA Tech Brief 70-10382 (September 1970) New t ransverse piezoresistance and pinch effect electromeehnntcal transducers: a concept NASA Tech Brief 70-10075 (September 1970) Fabrication of electroacoustic rf amplifiers NASA Tech Brief 70-10460 (September 1970) Ultrasonic propagation in gases at high temperatures NASA Tech Brief 70-10137 (September 1970) Contribution to the study of the absorption coefficients of materials Val, M., Lehmann, R. Revue d'Acoustique, Vol 4, No 11 (1970) pp 221-224 (In French)

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