.I Chron Dis 1973, Vol. 26, pp. 503-527. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain
RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION : INCIDENCE, DIAGNOSIS, MECHANISM AND TREATMENT JOHN P. CAPELLI,LAURENCEG. WESSON,Jr. and EDMUNDL. HOUSEL Department of Medicine, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Camden, New Jersey and the Department of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (Received
21 September
1972; infinal.form
26 February
Richard Bright [ 1J noted an association of kidney disease with elevated peripheral arterial pressure in 1827, the first clear theory of renal hypertension was that of Traube in 1856, who suggested that reductions in renal blood flow caused increased quantities of blood to enter the rest of the systemic circuit producing hypertension [2]. Excretory insufficiency leading to retention of agents causing vasoconstriction was a second theory advanced as a cause of renal hypertension [3]. A third concept and teleogical theory explained increased systemic pressure as a protective device for maintaining adequate glomerular filtration as a compensation for reductions in filtering surface area of damaged glomeruli [4]. Despite widespread belief among clinicians that the kidney was a prime factor in the genesis of hypertension, specific supporting evidence was meager. Strong evidence incriminating the kidney came with the experimental design of Goldblatt in 1928 [5]. Following Goldblatt’s experiment in dogs, occlusive renal artery techniques elicited hypertension in monkey, rat and other animals. The experimental setting was expanded by Page [6] who demonstrated that a constricting perinephritis elicited by wrapping a kidney in cellophane, silk or other material causing an inflammatory reaction could produce severe hypertension. Compression of intrarenal circulation was felt to be the factor producing the hypertension. Following these studies, Selye and Stone [7] demonstrated that aortic constriction above the left renal artery in the rat, leaving an intact circulation to the right kidney, could produce a severe, necrotizing hypertension even when the left kidney had lost its functional capacity to secrete urine. The continuation of the hypertensive process in the face of no excretory function, led Selye to coin the term ‘endocrine kidney’. The special interest engendered in the experiments was that a ‘nonfunctioning kidney’ is capable of initiating and sustaining hypertension through its persisting endocrine function. Butler applied Goldblatt’s concept to a clinical setting in 1937 and demonstrated the disappearance of hypertension following the removal of a pyelonephritic kidney in an 8 yr old boy [8]. The resulting effect upon the medical community might be termed 503 ALTHOUGH
the ‘Rape of the Nephros’, with indiscriminate application of nephrectomy for the treatment of hypertension. Fortunately, the entire subject came under critical review by Homer W. Smith in 1948. Smith proposed simple, but clearcut criteria for surgical cure of hypertension, i.e. unequivocal preexisting hypertension (blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg), and reduction of blood pressure levels to normal for at least 1 yr following nephrectomy [9]. Using these criteria, a cure rate of only 19 per cent (47/242) was established. In a later analysis, Smith [lo] found a cure rate of 26 per cent (149/575). Consequently, he concluded that the only indication for nephrectomy was a urological one. In the vast majority of the reported cases in Smith’s analysis pyelonephritic (atrophic) kidneys were the pathologic entities. Nevertheless, Smith cautioned against unnecessary and fruitless surgery. Fortunately, the harvesting of kidneys ceased while investigators took a closer look at the entire subject and role of the kidney in hypertension. One of the most significant contributors to clarifying renovascular hypertension was the development of aortography [ll, 121. The demonstration of stenotic lesions of the renal arterial tree permitted a more systematic approach to the study of hypertension and identification of those with potentially impaired renal blood flow. White [13] and Mueller et al [14] showed that the Goldblatt kidney in the dog excreted less urine and sodium than the contralateral kidney when filtration rate was only slightly depressed. Further studies of the effects of reduced arterial pressure on sodium excretion and urine concentration were provided by Selkurt [15] and by Berliner, Davidson and Levinsky [16-181. Clinical application of this physiologic data for demonstrating disparate kidney function in patients with suspected renovascular hypertension was made by Howard et al [19]. Lastly, the acquisition of techniques for the measurement of the separate renal venous pressor (renin) activities has gendered renewed interest in the endocrine role of the kidney in renovascular hypertension. FACTORS UNRESOLVED IN THE STUDY RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION
(a) Incidence The incidence of renovascular hypertension has been estimated to range from 2 to 30 per cent of the hypertensive population [lo, 20-241. There have been 2 major problems in arriving at an actual estimate of this disease. The first has been the biased selection of cases for study; cases having been studied were those felt to yield the highest incidence of positive results. The second, most significant, but subtle, factor is the criteria used to establish a final diagnosis of renovascular hypertension. The presence of an arteriosclerotic plaque, or any variant of the renal vasculature, does not necessarily imply the presence of renovascular hypertension. The diagnosis of renovascular hypertension basically rests upon the demonstration of a favorable blood pressure response to surgical correction of a renal arterial stenosis. However, the demonstration of a significant functional compromise in one kidney with or without the elaboration of abnormal amounts of pressor material also provides strong evidence for this diagnosis. Poutasse, Dustan and Page [20] reported an incidence of 31 per cent in selected cases, while other groups reported an incidence of 50-90 per cent [25, 261 in similarly selected groups. Autopsy analyses have led to figures ranging from 4 to 86 per cent [27, 281. Even the report on the Cooperative Study of Renovascular Hypertension, wherein 2442 hypertensive patients were analyzed, made a
Incidence, Diagnosis,
Mechanism and Treatment
clear statement that no conclusions can be drawn from figures as to the prevalence of this disorder in the hypertensive population [29]. The requirements, therefore, to determine the incidence of this disease would be the study of an unselected population of hypertensives undergoing available diagnostic procedures together with the fulfillment of the above criteria. In the only known prospective study, Capelli, Housel, Zimskind et al [30] studied the incidence of renovascular hypertension in an unselected population of hypertensives. The final diagnosis was based upon a response to surgery and/or a positive split function study. The results revealed an incidence of renovascular hypertension in the general hypertensive population of 6 per cent. (b) Clinical features In a review of this subject by several investigators [22, 311, the seemingly uniform conclusion has been that little or no distinguishing clinical features exist between essential hypertension and renovascular hypertension. Generally, the clinical criteria suggesting further investigation for an occlusive renovascular problem have been summarized as follows: (1) onset of hypertension below the age of 30 or over the age of 50, particularly in those patients with a negative family history of hypertension; (2) the acceleration of diastolic blood pressure in any hypertensive patient previously under good control; (3) the development of hypertension following abdominal or flank trauma; (4) the development of hypertension in anyone suspected of arterial embolization; and (5) a patient with malignant hypertension. In analyzing the clinical characteristics of 175 patients with proven renovascular hypertension from the Cooperative Study, Simon et al concluded that the difference in clinical characteristics between patients with this entity and essential hypertension may more properly be considered quantitative than truly qualitative [32]. Despite the fact that patients with renovascular hypertension are more likely to be thin Caucasians, with a negative family history, these investigators concluded that there are no ‘distinctive’ features of renovascular hypertension. Abdominal bruits, which are reported to occur in 48 per cent of cases, are probably the single most valuable identifying clinical finding in renovascular hypertension [32]. Nevertheless, the diagnostic value is limited by the much greater frequency of essential hypertension in the hypertensive population. If bruits are heard in 9 per cent of the essential hypertension population, because of the size of this group, the frequency of nonrenovascular bruits may in fact exceed the entire renovascular group [32]. Consequently, the physician evaluating the hypertensive subject must decide which patient requires further study as a potential renovascular case. The special tests involved in this disorder are expensive, hazardous and time consuming for every hypertensive patient to be subjected. Therefore, the development of a clinical assessment program with relatively safe and inexpensive laboratory screening tests is necessary to select those patients who require further in-hospital study. (c) Diagnostic tests At the present time, there is no single test which is truly diagnostic of a functionally significant renal artery stenosis. As for screening studies, the intravenous urogram has been reported to indicate a disparity in approximately 80 per cent of the cases [33-371. This disparity has been represented in both renal sizes and pyelocalyceal dye concen-
tration. Various manipulations of the intravenous urogram such as the timed [36, 381 or urea-washout [39, 401 urogram have been reported to increase the incidence of positive findings by 10-15 per cent. The major disadvantage with this test, however, lies in its specificity, since disparity of kidney size and/or function can occur in a variety of urologic diseases with or without hypertension. Also, assessing disparity of dye concentration can be extremely subjective. Nevertheless, the value of intravenous urography as a moderately satisfactory screening procedure was borne out by the Cooperative Study of Renovascular Hypertension [37]. In this study, the intravenous urogram was falsely abnormal in 11 per cent of the essential hypertensive population and falsely normal in 17 per cent of renovascular hypertensives. However, if the study is normal, then the likelihood of the patient having renovascular hypertension is less than 2 per cent. If the urogram is abnormal, the likelihood of renovascular hypertension is over 40 per cent [37]. The radioactive 1 1s1 sodium-0-iodohippurate (Hippuran) renogram has been suggested also as simple and safe screening procedure. This test has been reported to yield a high incidence (85 per cent) of positive results in patients with renovascular hypertension [41,42] ; however, a high incidence of false positive results has decreased the specificity of the test [43, 441. In addition to various technical problems, valid interpretation of the inscribed curve is by no means clear. The actual ‘vascular’ (renal artery) component of the curve probably represents less than 10 per cent of the initial upstroke while the remaining initial portion of the curve represents effective (total) renal blood flow, tubular uptake, concentration and secretion; the final portion of the curve represents pyelocalyceal and ureteral drainage. Since the resultant effect of significantly compromised renal blood flow must alter tubular function, changes in the second portion of the renogram curve will still be reflected; it only remains for the interpreter to realize that any one of a number of renal parenchymal diseases can similarly affect the renogram. There have been various modifications and specialization of the renogram, particularly the development of quantitative radiorenography, a technique relating fractional renal blood flow to total blood flow utilizing radioisotopic methods [45]. Another diagnostic radioisotope kidney test has been the renal scintiscan, utilizing chlormerodrin-HgzO’ and radioisotopic renal clearance tests. Nevertheless, the required technical skills and specialized equipment and the question of specificity have contributed to the lack of widespread use of radioisotopic testings. (d) Special studies 1. Arteriography. There is little doubt that the development of percutaneous arteriography utilizing the Seldinger technique has been the single most valuable study in the delineation of renal artery stenosis. With the present technique, morbidity from this procedure should be less than 1 per cent [46]. The limitations of this test are primarily those of patient sensitivity to iodides and the inability to distinguish functionally significant from functionally insignificant lesions. 2. Renal biopsy. Advocates of this test [47, 481 feel that functionally significant lesions of the renal vasculature will lead to a quantitative loss of tubular mass, i.e. ‘ischemic tubular atrophy’. Another application of this procedure has been the assessment of activity of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. This has been described in terms of
Incidence, Diagnosis, Mechanism and Treatment
either total cell counts [49] or juxtaglomerular granularity [50]. The major drawback to both these histologic and histochemical techniques has been the inadequacy of tissue sampling. Ischemic tubular atrophy can be spotty in distribution; furthermore, quantitation of renal blood flow from subjective, histologic changes is not realistic. The same problem exists with histochemical techniques, since available methods are too crude to allow clinical application in a truly quantitative sense. In addition, sampling is even more difficult, since an adequate number of poilkissen must be present in the biopsy specimen. 3. Angiotensin infusion test. The infusion of angiotensin as a diagnostic test was described by Kaplan and Silah in 1964 [51 a, 61. This test is based upon the assumption that endogenous levels of angiotensin (and/or renin) are elevated in patients with true renovascular hypertension, thereby rendering them resistant to the pressor effects of infused angiotensin. Consequently, the higher the level of endogenous angiotensin, the more exogenous angiotensin will be needed to produce a given pressor effect. As the test was originally described, patients with renovascular hypertension require more than 6.5 ng/Kg/min; patients with nonmalignant forms of hypertension require a lesser dose, under 5 ng/Kg/min. However, several subsequent studies failed to confirm the original findings [52-541. The overall results revealed an overlap between renovascular and non-renovascular forms of hypertension, specifically when applied to individual cases. Further, the diminished hyporeactivity was shown to represent a nonspecific loss of reactivity since agents such as phenyllysine vasopressin produced similar results [54]. In addition, the dependence of pressor responsiveness is in part due to the state of salt and water balance, a parameter largely uncontrolled in reported studies. The lack of specificity, the ineffectiveness in surgical prognosis, the inherent risks in the test, and the availability of more specific procedures, have now caused this test to fall into disregard. 4. Plasma renin-angiotensin levels. Peripheral plasma renin assays in renal artery stenosis are generally of little value [55-571 unless accelerated hypertension exists [57]. Plasma renin levels are elevated in only lo-15 per cent of instances, so that emphasis has now been laid upon determinations of renin activity in the renal vein. The major limitation to this test has been the methodologic complexity of the assay technique. Until recently, the test was only available at research laboratories; however, it can now be obtained through many hospital and commercial laboratories. Secondly, techniques for catheterization of the renal vein may not be generally available and renal vein renin concentrations can lead to spurious conclusions. With the introduction of the radioimmunoassay, a more specific and reliable method of measurement for angiotensin activity became available. Although there are only a few scattered reports on the levels of plasma angiotensin in renovascular hypertension, the most extensive report, by Kotchen et al [58] failed to demonstrate elevated angiotensin II levels in any of the (49) patients studied. The renin-angiotensin system will be analyzed in greater depth in another part of this review. 5. Differential renal studies. Despite the inherit hazards of bilateral ureteral catheterization, the work of Howard [59] and Stamey [60], has left little doubt as to the value of this particular test in the assessment of functionally significant renal artery
stenosis. This test assays the derangement in solute and water transport, based upon sound physiologic data [16], in a kidney whose renal blood flow and/or perfusion pressure is significantly compromised. The major limitations to this test are, first, that it is tedious and requires the expertise of a patient urologist; secondly, that instrumentation of the urinary tract carries a hazard, particularly in the diabetic; lastly, that interpretationof the results requires experience as well as physiologic understanding of the test. (e) Treatment Although emphasis has been on the surgical treatment of renovascular hypertension, in hopes for a cure with freedom from indefinite drug dependence, most patients can be successfully managed with available antihypertensive drug therapy [61-641. As with any form of hypertension, drug therapy must be tailored to each individual patient so that maximum benefit can be achieved with a minimum of side effects. One concern about drug treatment was the possibility that, even with good blood pressure control, the renal arterial disease would progress with eventual complete loss of renal function. Although there have been few studies in this area, Dustan, Meaney and Page [64] reported on 23 patients, 18 with atherosclerotic lesions and 5 with dysplasias of the renal artery, treated medically for l-6 yr. In 11 patients with atherosclerotic lesions, there was some progression of the lesions, but the effect upon renal function was judged to be minimal. Only 1 patient from the dysplastic group showed detectable progression, and this was slight. The control of the blood pressure in both groups was considered good. The surgical approach to treatment has been the most actively pursued once a stenotic lesion of the renal artery was demonstrated. Many surgical procedures are available, including nephrectomy, endarterectomy with or without patch graft, arterioplasty, aortorenal by-pass graft (saphenous vein or prosthesis) and splenorenal by-pass. Because of the multiple surgical approaches, the several types of lesions, the lack of uniform standards for assessing blood pressure response and the lack of follow-up reporting on the reasons for failure to respond, attempts to establish the value of surgery have had little success. In a number of postoperative follow-up studies for l-10 yr, the cure rate averages approximately 48 per cent, with an additional 40 per cent ‘improved’ [61,65-671. Operative mortality has averaged 4 per cent in one large series [66]. The patients in the improved groups are those whose blood pressure continues to require some form of drug therapy, albeit it is more easily controlled. Of the largest series of 627 treated patients [66], 32 per cent of the original group were normotensive and 69 per cent were improved at the end of 10 yr. This trend to lower cure rates in the longer follow-up periods was also seen in the earlier combined experiences of the Massachusetts General and Peter Bent Brigham Hospitals [68], but cannot as yet be clearly ascribed to the longer time interval. Fibrosing dysplastic lesions seem to have a better response to surgery than do the atherosclerotic lesions. In those series wherein the nature of the lesion is described, the overall improvement plus cure rate was 92 per cent in the dysplasias and 76 per cent in the atherosclerotic group [69-731. Thus, current evidence indicates that the initial response to surgery (i.e. cured and/or improved) should be in the range of 70-80 per cent with properly selected patients, but that within 2 yr or more, one can expect recurrence of hypertension in approximately 45 per cent of the ‘cured’ group (Table 1).
24 30 76 64 27 138 394 187 15 73 100 61
Wylie et al (1962) Stewart et al (1962) Dustan et al (1963) Kaufman et al (1964) Thompson er al (1964)
Sheps Morris etetalal(1965, (1966)1966) Before 5/l After 5/l/64/64
Fenton ef al (1966) Gifford et al (1967) Hunt et al (1969) Kjellbo et al (1969) 38 46
53 E
49 41 57
54 50 58 39 30
14 47 29 36 35
31 40 29
33 30 20 47 63
Blood pressure control -
*Results include all forms of surgical procedures for all types of renal arterial lesions.
Group mean
Patients treated and followed-ue (1220) .
33 27 16 26 19
20 19 14
13 20 22 14 7
0 8 0 7
0 47
0 6 10 5 4
Operative mortalitv % -
Perloff ef al (1961)
Reuortina Group -
67 154 24 155
63 a, b 66
71 70 61 65 72
3 8 z e. 3 S z.
E 6 L? P u
E. 0 .. E!
6 E f:
The fibrosing lesions have a much smaller operative risk as well as a better prognosis. The hypertension with both forms of stenosis can be managed satisfactorily with drug therapy in most instances in which surgery may not be considered the recommended treatment. THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION
Since the classical studies of Page and Braun-Menendez, investigators have tried to implicate the renin-angiotensin system in hypertensive states. After 20 yr, this effort remains largely unsuccessful. Gross et al [74] were unable to correlate the level of blood pressure with activity of a renin mechanism in renal artery stenosed rats. Placing a clamp on one renal artery induced an increase in renal renin content in the ischemic kidney and concomitant decrease in renin in the contralateral kidney whether or not systemic hypertension developed. With the development of systemic hypertension, removal of the nonconstricted kidney leads to a reduction of renal renin content to normal in the ischemic kidney despite persistence of hypertension. Sodium loading will also lower renin content of the ischemic kidney despite persistence of hypertension. Sodium restriction and/or adrenalectomy leads to high renal renin levels with normal to low blood pressure, while salt loading and DOCA leads to hypertension in the virtual absence of intrarenal or circulating renin. Such contradictions preclude ascribing to the renin system a preeminent role in the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension. Koletsky et al, however, presented evidence for participation of a humoral mechanism in the early stages of the Goldblatt hypertensive rat [75, 761. During the first 2-3 weeks following suprarenal aortic constriction, blood from the renal vein of the ischemic left kidney contained high activity of a vasopressor substance with properties similar to angiotensin. Peripheral blood also contained this activity. After 3 weeks pressor activity disappeared, correlating with restoration of renal arterial pressure to the ischemic renal artery, despite persistence of the hypertension. These experiments suggested that during the early, ‘induction’ phases of renovascular hypertension, a humoral mechanism was active which was supplanted by another, unexplained, mechanism in the later, chronic stages of the hypertension. Renin and its effector substance, angiotensin, undoubtedly can lead to chronic hypertension under a variety of experimental situations. Application of unilateral renal artery clamps [773, repetitive subcutaneous injection of renin [78-803, chronic infusion of angiotensin [81-831, or the induction of intrarenal ischemia by cellophane perinephritis [6, 841, can all result in systemic hypertension. Increased levels of pressor activity appear to be the major factor during the early phases of the hypertension, while in the later stages either a reduced but still significant pressor activity is demonstrable or else normally subpressor amounts of material are sufficient to sustain the hypertension. Despite the fact that persistent elevations of renin-angiotensin activity are almost uniformly lacking in the chronic experimental renovascular hypertensive preparation unless the animal develops the malignant hypertensive syndrome, studies with the antirenin antibody suggest a continued role of this system despite ‘normal’ plasma levels [85, 861. Blood pressure elevations of dogs, hypertensive for years because of constriction of the main renal arteries, became normotensive when repeated injections of acetylated renin produced significant titers of antirenin antibody [86]. Unfortunately,
Hypertension : Incidence, Diagnosis,
Mechanism and Treatment
the significance of these renin antibody studies is marred by the impurity of the renin protein, since nonspecific depressor responses from foreign protein or peptide fragments could also account for the observed changes. Turning to studies in human renovascular hypertension, there is evidence both for and against a pathogenetic role of the renin-angiotensin system. In the following discussion, ‘renin’ will refer to ‘renin activity,’ the measurement which has been made in most studies. ‘Renin’ is measured by angiotensin generated by semipurified renin extracted from plasma or tissue. ‘Renin activity’ is measured by angiotensin generated within the plasma sample itself under partially controlled conditions including inhibitionofangiotensinase. When the difference between the assays is significant, they will be termed ‘true renin’ and ‘renin activity’, respectively. In uncomplicated essential hypertension, renin and angiotensin II values are uniformly normal or low [87-901. Although initial reports suggested that elevation of plasma renin activity might differentiate renovascular from essential hypertension [91], it is now clear that considerable overlap of plasma renin values exists among all forms of hypertension (except the malignant hypertensive syndrome) [88]. Del Greco et al [92] estimated that 42 per cent of patients with renovascular hypertension have normal peripheral renin activity levels. Confusing evaluation of published reports is that little or no mention is made of the state of sodium balance at the time of the renin determination. Early studies measuring blood angiotensin levels also failed to demonstrate consistent elevations in established renovascular hypertension [93, 943. Recent studies, however, utilizing the radioimmunoassay technique, have reported more frequent elevations of angiotensin II in renal artery stenosis [95-971, although, again, considerable overlap with essential hypertension is present [90]. Further studies are clearly needed with control of sodium balance, differential function studies, renin secretory rates and response to surgery. In recent years, investigators have reported on the inequality of renin concentrations between the 2 renal veins of patients with functionally significant lesions who responded to surgical correction [25,98,99]. Although the evidence seems clear that an elevated renal vein renin ratio (ischemic renal vein renimcontralateral renal vein renin > 1.7) is an indicator of a functionally significant lesion [99], the physiological role of renin under these circumstances still remains to be defined for several reasons. First, infusions of angiotensin acutely into both animals and man at rates sufficient to elevate blood pressure produce hemodynamic changes not seen in the hypertensive man. Systemic arterial and venous pressures rise, heart rate and cardiac output fall, moderate vasoconstriction occurs in the skin and lungs [lOO-1021, renal blood flow and excretion of water and electrolytes fall sharply [lOO]. Aside from the raised arterial blood pressure, a few of these features are seen in the hypertensive patient, although hemodynamic information is lacking in man during long-term angiotensin infusions. The changes in systemic hemodynamics are of particular interest since the patient with renovascular hypertension may behave differently from the patient with essential hypertension. Characteristically, the patient with established essential hypertension has a normal cardiac rate and cardiac output with an elevation in peripheral resistance [103, 1041. In a well-controlled study by Frohlich and coworkers [105], cardiac output was higher in all renovascular hypertensives than in their matched essential hypertensive counterparts. Ledingham and coworkers [lo&1081 have shown, experimentally, that cardiac output is depressed early in the development of renovascular hypertension,
but exceeds normal values by approximately 10 per cent at the end of the first week. This increase was attributable to equal increases in heart rate and stroke volume. Reversal of this hemodynamic state following correction of the ischemic lesion is seen to occur in about 12 hr. The initial fall in blood pressure results from a sharp drop in cardiac output, as peripheral resistance is actually increased. Within 6 hr, the peripheral resistance declines towards normal with a concomitant rise in cardiac output. Similar controlled longitudinal studies in humans with and without surgically corrected renovascular hypertension would .be valuable. Nearly all measurements of renin whether in renal tissue, renal venous blood, or peripheral plasma are referred in terms of concentration. This usually takes the form of nanograms of angiotensin I (converted to angiotensin II in a bioassay rat) produced by renin from an excess of substrate per unit volume of blood (ml, 100 ml) per unit time (min, hr). This concentration term must be distinguished from rates of synthesis, release, or removal of the enzyme, renin, since there is a tendency to ascribe changes in renin activity (angiotensin production) to changes in synthesis. An important example is a significant, unilateral renal artery stenosis associated with hypertension. The blood flow to the stenosed kidney is commonly about half that to the normal, contralateral kidney. At the same time, renal venous renin activity from the stenosed kidney is usually approximately double that from the uninvolved kidney, indicating that renin liberation into the peripheral plasma from the involved kidney may not be significantly elevated.* Because of the increased analytical needs and sometimes the technical problems, renin secretory measurements have seldom been measured. Hosie et al [109], in a careful study utilizing anesthetized dogs with simultaneous measurements of renal blood flow, renal arteriovenous differences of true renin concentration, and renal lymphatic renin, failed to demonstrate a consistent correlation of renin secretion with renal artery stenosis unless the renal vein true renin concentrations were high and the arterial concentrations were low. Negative venous-arterial differences were observed in several instances, i.e. more renin entered the kidney than emerged in the renal vein. These observations confirmed earlier studies [l 10, 1111, although the latter employed the measurement of renin activity. Changes of renin activity do not necessarily parallel changes of renin concentration [112]. In the largest single group of patients, Hollenberg and associates [113] measured renin secretory rates in essential and accelerated hypertensives utilizing the ‘33xenon wash-out technique to estimate renal blood flow.
*In a hypothetical example, let Vs, Vn and A be renin activity in units/ml from vein from stenosed kidney, vein from normal kidney and artery values of 50, 30 and 10, respectively. Let Fs and Fn be corresponding renal blood flows from stenosed and normal kidney with measured values of 500 and 250 ml/min, respectively. The amount of new renin (Q) introduced into renal venous blood equals the amount, FV, leaving in the vein after subtracting the amount, FA, entering through the artery: Q=FV-FA. The ratio of renin release by the stenosed kidney to that from the normal kidney, Qs Fs(Vs-A) _ ??.!__~. Qn Fn(Vn-A)
250(50-lo)=, .=_ 500(30-10)
’ ’
In the same example, the ratio of the two renal venous concentrations
Incidence, Diagnosis, Mechanism and Treatment
In the uncomplicated essential hypertensives, renin secretory rates were low; with progressive severity of intrarenal vascular disease and/or accelerated hypertension, plasma renin activity correlated with levels of renin secretion. In another study by Hollenberg and associates [114], renin secretory rates were measured in 4 patients with renovascular hypertension; all four patients had elevated total secretory rates (that is, combining the values for stenosed and normal kidney) when compared to uncomplicated essential hypertension. The data are difficult to interpret since all 4 patients had normal arterial renin levels, while the group of accelerated hypertensives (5 patients) with similar secretory rates, had elevated peripheral renin levels. In our studies, a patient with renal artery stenosis and who responded well to surgery had equal secretory rates from stenosed and normal kidney, although renal vein ratios indicated an increased renin activity from the ischemic kidney [30]. Bourgoignie ef al [115], reporting on renal venous renin in hypertensives with varying degrees of renal artery stenosis, measured a reduced renin secretion in the stenosed kidney as compared to the intact kidney in 3 cases and an increased secretion in 1 case. In the latter instance, the renin values were unusually highforthedegree of renal blood flow, and the state of sodium balances was not reported during the study. They note that increased renal venous renin activity may be due to decreased renal blood flow rather than to increased secretion of renin. Consequently, few if any human studies support the contention that a kidney with impaired renal blood flow is releasing more renin. The impression that neither renin nor angiotensin play a major role in established renovascular hypertension derives further support from a recent study by MacDonald and coworkers [116]. They found that animals immunized against angiotensin maintained their Goldblatt hypertension despite obliteration of pressor responses to exogenous angiotensin. Nevertheless, the lack of definitive evidence implicating the reninangiotensin system in the pathogenesis of established renovascular hypertension does not render measurements valueless; renal vein renin determinations appear capable of predicting a good response to surgery in over 90 per cent of instances [25, 98, 99, 114, 115, 117-1211 and for this reason have clinical value (Table 2). A more meaningful aspect of the role of renin in renovascular hypertension requires consideration of the vascular neuromuscular system stimulated by angiotensin. Evidence which is not yet conclusive suggests that changes in both vascular smooth muscle and the autonomic nervous system can increase their response to angiotensin so that hypertension could ensue despite normal levels of angiotensin. Sensitivity of vascular muscle to pressor agents appears to be correlated directly with its sodium, water and possibly calcium content [122-l 261. Correspondingly, increased sodium and water concentrations have been reported in experimental renovascular hypertension in rat [127], rabbit [128] and dog [129]. Not clear from these studies is the extent to which the electrolyte changes are caused by the hypertension rather than predisposed to it. Observations that angiotensin can induce sodium entry into vascular smooth muscle [122, 1301 could support either view. Although similar measurements have not been made in man, sensitivity of human forearm blood vessels to angiotensin appears to be a direct function of plasma sodium concentration [131]. Thus, irz vitro observations on vascular reactivity have been confirmed in animal studies, as well as implicated in various human observations. Imbs et al [I321 have demonstrated increasing vascular responsiveness as measured by maintenance of a set level of hypertension to continuous infusions of renin in rabbit preparations. In
16 6 8 18 9 6 8
Patient number
100 100 100 94 100 100 100
0 0 0 6 0 0 0
B.P. unchanged
B.P. improved
Abnormal ratio* -
15 2 7 3 3 11 4
Patient number
0 0 14 33 0 36 25
100 100 86 67 3 64 75
B.P. unchanged (post-operatively)
B.P. improved
Normal ratio -
*Renal vein renin ratios are explained in the text. Normal vs abnormal is defined on the basis of each individual investigator’s
Judson et al (1965) Kirkendall et al (1967) Fitz (1967) Michelakis et al (1967) Winer el al (1967) Amsterdam ef al (1969) Bourgoignie et al (1970)
Reporting group
117 99 98 120 121 119 115
Incidence, Diagnosis, Mechanism and Treatment
rabbits, the progressive pressor response to smaller doses of angiotensin could be blocked by adrenergic blockade [133], suggesting that enhancement of responsiveness was mediated reflexly through the autonomic nervous system. The authors postulated a resetting of the baroreceptors possibly in response to vasoconstriction of vessels supplying medullary vasomotor centers. Dietary sodium profoundly affects response to exogenous angiotensin. Pressor doses of angiotensin failed to sustain hypertension in subjects on low salt diets, whereas steadily decreasing quantities of angiotensin were required to sustain a constant level of hypertension in subjects on a high salt diet [83]. A positive sodium balance due perhaps in part to aldosterone stimulation appeared parallel with and possibly contributes to, the increasing sensitivity to angiotensin. Efforts to explain chronic renovascular hypertension through the renin-angiotensin system alone, with or without angiotensin-dependent ionic shifts in vascular smooth muscle, are frustrated by the observation of prompt systemic blood pressure response when the hypertension is corrected by surgery. This is not meant to exclude the system since renin may indeed play an initiating or integrating role in this condition. Rather, the conclusion emphasizes that other areas of renal humoral and metabolic functions, and systematic neural hemodynamic changes need to be considered and studied before the mechanism of renovascular hypertension is understood.
The effects of renal artery constriction upon glomerular filtration rate and sodium and water excretion in dogs were described in 1950 and 1951 by Blake, Wegria and Ward [134], White [13] and Mueller et al [141. The most conspicuous disturbances observed by these investigators were reductions in Na and water excretions with proportionally lesser degrees of GFR depression following partial occlusion of one main renal artery. Following removal of the contralateral kidney, Na and water excretion increased in the chronically ischemic kidney to equal the amount originally excreted by both kidneys. Howard et al [19] applied the physiological findings to a patient with severe hypertension in whom the arteriogram disclosed a main renal artery stenosis and the hypertension was relieved by nephrectomy. Hulet et al [135] provided additional data on separated renal function in man. Birchall, Batson and Moore [136] then added the observation that non-reabsorbed solutes such as inulin and creatinine would be increased in concentration on the affected side. Stamey utilized these principles, namely, enhancement of the negative free water clearance together with hyperconcentration of the non-reabsorbable solutes by the ischemic kidney, to modify the technique of Howard on the premise that maneuvers enhancing renal concentrating capacity will tend to accentuate disparity of function between an ischemic and non-ischemic kidney [ 1371. He further introduced the concept of adequacy of total renal blood flow in the noninvolved kidney, i.e. freedom of small vessel disease, as a prerequisite for surgery and considered this latter factor of importance equal to changes found in the involved kidney. Howard [59] later modified his criteria to provide for the value of solute, i.e. creatinine and urine osmolality, in detecting functionally significant stenosis. Rapoport proposed a formula which would utilize concentration measurements alone, thus eliminating a major source of error in urine flow measurements [138]. Comparative excretion rates of intramuscularly E
injected p-ammohippurate has proven useful in our studies [30]. This yields the ratio between the effective renal plasma flow of the two kidneys as recommended by Stamey, but it cannot give their absolute values. The sacrifice for simplicity has not proven serious since the presence of significant flow impairment of the contralateral kidney can usually be inferred from other measurements. Renal arterial narrowing modifies excretion by two mechanisms: reduction in perfusion pressure; and a decrease in total renal blood flow and/or a modification of its intrarenal distribution. When filtration rate is reduced in both kidneys simultaneously, the immediate effect is a reduced excretion of salt and water. The resulting fluid retention leads to volume expansion with reductions in renal tubular reabsorptive capacity, restoring salt and water balance to normal. When GFR is reduced in only 1 kidney, salt and water excretion from it are persistently depressed, because compensatory responses preventing indefinite volume expansion occur primarily in the contralateral, uninvolved kidney. Apparently because of intrarenal autoregulation, depressions in GFR and RPF are not seen (experimentally) until the pressure distal to the stenosis is reduced by at least 40 mmHg. Similarly, salt and water excretion do not change until GFR and RPF decrease. However, small changes in GFR, when initiated, can induce significant alterations in salt and water transport by the nephron [139]. The amount of filtered sodium is less, the fractional sodium reabsorption is increased and quantitatively less sodium is excreted. Thus, a striking feature of unilateral decreases in GFR is depression of sodiumexcretion out ofproportion to the glomerular change. As a result of enhancement of salt and water reabsorption in the proximal tubule, a reduced solute and water delivery to the distal diluting and concentrating segments of the nephrons blunt generation of solute-free water, thus leading to the characteristic negative free-water clearance and increased concentration observed in the kidneys. When salt and water reabsorption are increased then urea reabsorption will be similarly enhanced as a result of the increased urea concentration gradient throughout the nephron. Larger decreases in GFR and distal sodium delivery can lead to sufficiently extensive proximal segment reabsorption of urea that amounts of urea reaching the medulla to sustain medullary concentrating capacity are inadequate and urine osmolality is impaired, possibly to below that of the uninvolved kidney. Thus, the basis of one of Stamey’s procedures is to facilitate hyperconcentration by infusing urea during the procedure. Not only should a previously lost medullary concentration gradient in the stenosed kidney be reestablished but the urine osmotic concentration difference between the two kidneys should be widened. To analyze the predictive value of differential renal function studies several factors must be considered, foremost among which is the skill of the urologist. After this, the type of lesion as shown by arteriography must be considered, i.e. stenosis of the main renal artery, bilateral stenoses, segmental stenosis with or without main renal artery stenosis, chronic pyelonephritis, or hypertensive renal parenchymal disease. From the foregoing physiologic considerations, it is clear that unless one is dealing with occlusive disease of the main renal artery unaccompanied by parenchymal renal disease, variations of intrarenal hemodynamics in the other types of lesions are of such magnitude as to preclude reasonable predictability for successful surgery. Lastly, the methodology should be carefully identified in comparing results of one investigator with those of another. Unfortunately, a good deal of technical variation exists from one group to another, despite utilization of supposedly similar techniques of study.
Improved Negative test
: 0 0 0(55)* O(82)
6 1 6
33 0 33
50 100 78 80 100 lOO(45) 82
using a “Stamey
17 100 33
Bilateral main renal arterial lesions
8 3 9 5 4 11 11
*Value in parenthesis reflects results when split function studies were calculated UV~~/IJPHA ratio divided by value for normal kidney Uv,,t/l_Jp~~ ratio.
Perloff et al (I 961) Maxwell (1962) Dustan et al (1963)
Perloff et al (1961) Maxwell (1962) Dustan et al (1963) Stewart et al (1965) Richardson et al (1965) Fair et al (1971) Palmer (1971)
Segmental renal arterial lesions
Positive test
140 61 59 141 142 143 145 10 10 17 0 0 0
value for the affected kidney
69 140 61
145 146 18 0 :(18)
33 0 17
51. 3 % a L3 ?J c 3 E! rc
20 0 0 0
17 0 17
22 0 0
Et a “G’
ae. !? a ‘p
5 ? B u) El ij* ..
E ;rl
0 0 22
:‘z 17 0 22 7
Negative test
Positive test
% Unchanged
Blood pressure response -
Perloff et nl(l961) Maxwell (1962) Dustan et al (1963) Howard et al (1964) Stewart et al (1965) Richardson et af (1965) Starney (1966) Palmer (1971)
Unilateral main renal arterial lesions 8 15 12 10 50 30 65 10 20 61 20 61 5 23 75 25 4 78 0 23 93 0 45
Patients studied
Reporting group
The predictive value of differential renal function may be estimated from some representative studies (Table 3). Sixty-five per cent of 85 patients with unilateral main renal artery stenosis and subjected to the Howard test had a good response to surgery as judged by blood pressure return to normal or to previously mild hypertensive levels from 6 to 12 months after renal surgery [59,61,69,140-1421. However, 14 per cent of these cases had unequivocally negative tests, yet a good response to surgery resulted. According to results reported by Stamey [143] a good response occurred in 18 of 23 patients, or 78 per cent operated upon for unilateral main renal artery disease. In the 5 patients whose blood pressure remained unchanged post-operatively, the effective plasma flow in the contralateral kidney was considerably reduced and less than 210 ml/min/1.73 m3. However, all of 8 patients in this group with normalcontralateral renal plasma flows were cured of their hypertension. The remaining 15 patients had arteriosclerotic vascular disease and of these, 5 were considered cured while another 5 were improved. The predictive value of good contralateral renal blood flow (greater than 250 ml/min) in patients considered for renovascular surgery appears to be confirmed now by several lines of evidence. Vertes et al correlated PAH clearances with renal histology in 84 hypertensive patients [144]. They found excellent correlation between the presence of significant small-vessel disease and PAH clearances under 200 ml/min. In a more recent study, Palmer (145) measured renal plasma flows in 55 surgically treated patients with proven unilateral lesions. Of this group, 41 were cured or improved by surgery with all but 3 of these having contralateral renal blood flow greater than 260 ml/min. All of 14 patients unimproved by surgery had contralateral renal blood flows under 240 ml/min. The predictive value of differential renal function studies for surgical response to treatment of segmental arterial lesions or bilateral main renal artery lesions falls far short of that seen for main renal arterial stenosis, although Stamey has suggested criteria for segmental lesions [137]. These included at least a 2:l difference in urine flow rate and a 16 per cent or greater increase in PAH concentration from the affected kidney. Branch lesions produce proportional reductions in glomerular filtration and urine flow. However, because the area adjacent to the ischemic area may actually be hyperemic, variations in Na excretions may range from much lower to much higher in the affected kidney than in the contralateral kidney [59, 1461. The frequently minimal degree of difference between the intact kidney and the kidney with segmental stenosis has recently prompted Stamey to suggest abandonment of previously established criteria [ 1461. In those instances of bilateral main renal artery stenosis, onesideis usually more severely affected, so that urine volumes and solute excretion are disparate [59]. Nevertheless, there is too much variation to establish any predictive value of results of surgery from split function studies in these cases [59, 61, 69, 140-142, 1461. Improvement with surgery has been reported in approximately 25 per cent of cases with bilateral stenosis having a positive test, while an equal number responded despite a negative test. In branch stenosis, only 10 per cent of cases responded as predicted while 75 per cent of cases with negative tests responded to surgical correction. The problem of unilateral pyelonephritis and hypertension deserves a separate review. From the functional standpoint, the pyelonephritic kidney is entirely different from the hemodynamically impaired kidney. The major defect in the pyelonephritic kidney is tubular damage with loss of concentrating capacity and ability to retain sodium, the functional antithesis of the ischemic kidney. These characteristics set it
Incidence, Diagnosis, Mechanism and Treatment
apart from the ischemic kidney where the primary defect is with largely intact nephron function and loss of blood flow and perfusion pressure. Only in lower urine volume does the pyelonephritic kidney usually differ from the normal contralateral organ. Comparative rates of sodium excretion tend to be variable, although creatinine concentrations are generally normal to low [59]. Among 22 hypertensive patients with unilateral pyelonephritis studied by Capelli et al [30], all were negative by the Howard, Stamey and Rapoport Criteria, but 9 had significant relative depression of PAH excretion. Reduction in volume flow was the major factor correlating with abnormally low excretion rates since PAH concentrations were approximately equal for each kidney despite unilateral disease. More pyelonephritic kidneys have apparently been removed without relief of the hypertension or benefit to the patient than has been the case with any other lesion [9, lo]. Two important conclusions emerge from the data on differential function measurements. First, the hemodynamically induced functional changes which exist in the kidney with compromised renal perfusion due to a single main renal artery lesion fail to explain the mechanism by which the kidney initiates the hypertensive state. Second, surgery should be reserved for those patients with renal artery stenosis whose differential function studies meet the criteria established by Howard or Stamey and further provided that the RPF in the contralateral kidney is adequate or greater than 250 ml/min. The cure or improvement rate under these conditions should approach 90 per cent. When dealing with bilateral stenosis, segmental lesions, chronic pyelonephritis and any lesions associated with impaired renal function, split function studies offer little predictability of surgical cure. CLINICAL
Once a stenotic lesion of the major renal vasculature has been demonstrated by arteriography, the decision facing the clinician is whether surgery is indicated. Many factors influence this decision and they have been clarified with increasing experience. The initial factors to consider are the severity of the hypertension, its response to conventional medical management and the ability of the patient to tolerate and adhere to the drug regimen. The majority of patients with renovascular hypertension secondary to atherosclerotic lesions in the over 55 age group appear to respond well to medical management and do not show progressions of their lesions [64]. The second factor to be considered is the general condition of the patient and the extent of complicating illness such as diabetes, heart disease, cerebral vascular disease and so forth. In other words, just what is the surgical risk to the patient whose hypertension can be controlled by drug therapy. When this risk is minimal, the third factor to be considered is the available surgical skills. A nephrectomy is a rather simple procedure and within the realm of any competent urologist or general surgeon, while reconstructive vascular surgery is a procedure demanding special surgical skills. It should be evident that preservation of renal function should be always the prime objective. Nephrectomy should be limited to cases of non-functioning kidneys, extensive aneurysms of the renal artery and secondary graft failures. If the clinical situation meets these criteria, then the decision rests upon whether surgery is primarily to relieve the hypertension or to revascularize the kidney. For relief of hypertension, two specific tests are available to the clinician to aid in predicting whether surgery will relieve the hypertension, i.e. differential renal function studies and/or renal vein renin concentration ratios. This
8 3 2 3
Pt. no.
+(8)* f(3) +(l) +(3)
R:R ratio abn.
Group I
:i:; +(l) +(3)
Split function pos.
10* 19*
Pt. no.
test did not correlate with surgical response.
Split function neg. 6 0 3 4
Pt. no.
-(3) -(2) t(2)
R:R ratio normal
+(3) -t(2) -(2)
Split function pos.
Pt. no.
Group III
*Specific correlation undetermined in text, but results suggested strong correlation with tests and surgical response as indicated.
Number in parenthesis refers to actual number of patients studied in that particular test group.
R:R ratio abn.
Group II
*$-Indicates test showed a positive correlation with surgical response.
Kirkendallav FitzDS
Judson”’ WinerIe Kaneko15B Bourgoigniells
R:R ratio normal
Group IV
Split function normal
Incidence, Diagnosis,
Mechanism and Treatment
statement holds, true, however, only for lesions of the main renal artery. Despite recent claims of high predictability for renal vein renin concentrations, the data reveal that the predictability for these two tests is approximately equal when one is dealing with stenosis of the main renal artery (Table 4). For segmental lesions, bilateral stenoses and unilateral pyelonephritis, the split function study by any criteria does not emerge as a reliable and predictable test. Whether renal vein renin ratios will be useful in these circumstances remains to be seen since adequate data in these groups are not yet available. If the decision for surgery rests with the primary need for revascularization, then the clinician need not be concerned with predictability of response but rather with the nature and the extent of the lesion and the remaining renal function present. The renal artery dysplasias are now subdivided according to histologic types, the nature of which appears to differ one from the other [147-1491. Intimal, fibromuscular, and subadvential hyperplasia are considered progressive in their clinical behavior [149]. Consequently, thrombotic occlusion and renal infarction are to be averted by aggressive surgical revascularization. The medial fibroplasia type does not seem to show this progressive feature [149]. Correction of atherosclerotic lesions to improve blood flow should be indicated by the degree of occlusion demonstrable by arteriography, i.e. greater than 50 per cent occlusion [73]. This has proven reliable also in our experience. Thus, split function studies or renal vein renin ratios will not affect the indication for surgery in these instances where preservation of functioning renal tissue is the prime objective with improvement of hypertension, if present, a beneficial ‘sideeffect’ of the surgery. However, separated renal function studies can be useful if one is dealing with very severe renal artery stenosis and a small kidney (under 11 cm). Depressed renal function may be discovered, e.g. creatinine clearance under 5 ml/min, indicating that revascularization will offer no real hope for improving renal function or relieving hypertension. Despite a great deal of literature on this subject, very little of a definitive nature can be said on the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension and particularly that implicating a specific renal factor. Based on information collected to date and summarized above, the pathogenetic mechanism involved in this hypertensive state, once established, may not be very different from other forms of hypertension. The major difference exists in its beginning. As inferred, from experimental and clinical investigation, the mechanism may be a series of derangements beginning with compromise of renal perfusion, leading to elaboration of a renal endocrine factor, perhaps renin-angiotensin II or another yet unidentified renal factor, which directly or indirectly induces changes in vascular smooth muscle electrolyte content, in baroreceptor sensitivity, and in cardiac functions. Endocrine induced vascular hypersensitivity to vasoactive agents could then permit hypertension to be sustained by plasma concentrations of pressor agents (i.e. catecholamines) which are normal relative to nonsensitized muscle, but are high relative to the sensitized state. The role of the neurosympathetic system in the genesis of renovascular hypertension has gained support from the recent studies of Buhler, Laragh et al [150, 1511 with the blood pressure responses observed from propranolol in this group. Actual renal pressor activity, i.e. angiotensin II production, may then fall due to overall changes in total body sodium balance, although some evidence suggests that angiotensin content of renal lymph may remain elevated [152, 1531. Other renal factors, such as ‘medullary antihypertensive principles’ (prota-
glandins E, A and ‘medullin’) may play a role, but the evidence is too fragmentary to permit meaningful speculation. Concepts of the nature of renovascular hypertension rest on some 43 yr of investigative effort. It is quite likely that over an equal number of years, one can anticipatetheir replacement by new and totally unrecognized concepts, but, hopefully closer to the basic understanding of this fascinating entity.
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