of Reviews and Abstracts CONDUCTED
Selected Abstracts Labor Nakadima, 24:
Study of Elderly
& Gynec.
33, 1941.
The author analyzed the records of 109 primiparas over thirty years of age. In this group he noted the difference between late marriage and lapse of a number of years after marriage before pregnancy took place. Toxemias, long duration of labor, premature rupture of the membranes, weak uterine pains and perineal lacerations were more common than usually. Because of these facts, the author favors cesarean section in cases of breech presentation in an elderly primipara. J. P. GREENHILL.
Hemmingway, Chungking,
Ruth V., and Chung-Teh, Chinese
N. J. 59:
Report of 729 Obstetrical
Cases in
90, 1941.
Pelvic measurements on women from 16 provinces of China, 710 measurements in tend to confirm the observation that the average for China is lower than that some other countries. The average blood pressure for the group was systolic 120 and diastolic 80. A table of the first menstrual periods of 434 women shows that on an average it first appears at the age of 15.2 years (Chinese count). A study of the complications encountered in this group shows 1 per cent for eclampsia and 1 per cent for placenta previa. Rupture of the uterus occurred in 0.2 per cent, and abruptio placentae in 0.4 per cent. Cf 729 deliveries, 82 per cent were spontaneous, 8.6 per cent were forceps deliveries, and 2.4 per cent were podalic extractions. Three per cent had cesarean sections. Craniotomy was required in 1 per cent and version in 3 per cent. Head measurements, made on a small number, suggest that heads of Chinese babies do not differ in measurement from those reported in the United States, in spite of the difference in the measurements of their mothers’ pelves. C. 0. NALAND.
all, for
Cantone, cology
Premature Delivery in the Department of Obstetrics of Dr. Vercelli, Folia demograph-gynec. 37: 117, 1940.
The author reviews the of premature labor. He himself and those offered and constitutional factors classes, especially the farm
and Gyue-
literature and considers the many angles of the problem stresses certain differences in the statistics obtained by by other writers. He confirms the importance of regional in premature labor. He finally suggests that the working women, should desist from their arduous duties during 911