The Society: Notices and Proceedings NOTICES. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE. The President (Surgeon-Rear-Admiral Sheldon F. Dudley) and members of the section of Epidemiology and State Medicine of the Royal Society of Medicine, extend a cordial invitation to members of the Society to attend as guests at the meeting of the section to be held at the Royal Society's house, 1, Wimpole Street, London, W.1, on Friday, April 9th, at 8.15 p.m., when Prof. Claus Jensen, of Copenhagen, will read his paper on " Active immunisation against dfphtheria by the combined subcutaneous and intranasal method." MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE GROUP. The full details are now available of the two meetings which are being organised for the Group this Summer. The first will be in London from May 30th to June 3rd in connection with the English-speaking Maternity and Child Welfare conference to be held at B.M.A. House. The second is to be held in Cardiff and the Rhondda from Thursday, July 1st to Saturday, July 3rd. Full details of these meetings will be sent on application to the Executive Secretary. MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE GROUP AND TUBERCULOSIS GROUP. A Joint Meeting of the above two Groups will be held at the house of the Society on Friday, April t6th, at 5.80 p.m., when there will be a discussion on " Problems Common to the Tuberculosis Dispensary and the Maternity and Child Welfare Centre." Speakers : Dr. Isobel Wright M.D., D.P.H. (A.M.O., Middlesex C.C.), Dr. Norman Tattersall, M.D. (T.O., Leeds C.B.), and Dr. Charles Toussaint, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Deputy M.O.H. and T.O., Bermondsey Met. B.). MURIEL RADFORD, Hon. Secretary, M. & C.W. Group. 1, Manor Way, Potters Bar, Middlesex. ERNEST WARD, Hon. Secretary, Tuberculosis Group. 123, Torquay Road, Paignton, Devon. JOINT TUBERCULOSIS COUNCIL. POsT-GRADUATE COURSES. The Joint Tuberculosis Council announce the following courses : - 1. Dr. R. R. Trail and Dr. Peter Kerley will hold a combined Clinical and Radiological Course on Diseases of the Chest at the Royal Chest Hospital, City Road, E.C.1, commencing on Wednesday, March 81st, and ending on Saturday morning, April 3rd. Fee, £2 12s. 6d. 2. Dr. Peter W. Edwards, Medical Superintendent, Cheshire Joint Sanatorium, is continuing his series of short, intensive Post-Graduate Courses of a practical nature on Modern Methods of Therapy in Tuberculosis of the Respiratory System, with special reference to Collapse Therapy.
In the Cheshire Joint Sanatorium there is abundant material for the Demonstration of Artificial Pneumothorax and allied procedures. Methods of Sanatorium administration will also be demonstrated. Courses are proposed for the following dates : May 25th to 27th, inclusive. September 28th to 30th, inclusive. November 23rd to 25th, inclusive. Fee for Course, £2 7s., which includes lunch and tea at the Sanatorium. Suitable arrangements for board and residence can be made at the Corbet Arms, Market Drayton--bed and breakfast, 8s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. Dinner can be obtained at the Sanatorium at 2s. per head per day. A bus leaves Market Drayton about 9 a.m., arriving at the Sanatorium fifteen minutes later, and there are buses back during the evening. All enquiries regarding the above Courses should be addressed to Dr. William Brand (Hon. Secretary for Post-Graduate Courses, Joint Tuberculosis Council), 8, Christ Church Place, Epsom, Surrey (Tel. : Epsom 9896). DENTAL OFFICERS' GROUP. A meeting of the Group will be held at the house of the Society on Saturday, April 10th, at 3 p.m., when there will be a discussion on " Surgery of the Mouth," to be opened by G. G. Exner, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. (BERLIN), L.D.S. (ENG.). J. F. PILBEAM,
tfon. Secretary. Dental Clinic, Lodge Road, Croydon, Surrey. REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING. An Ordinary Meeting was held at the house of the Society on Friday, March 19th, 1937, at 5 p.m. The President (Dr. Ernest Ward) was in the chair, and there was a fair attendance of members. The Minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed and signed, the meeting proceeded to the election of the following candidates as members of the Society : - Fellows:--Gapper, William Frederick, B.SC., M.B., CtI.B., D.P.H. ; Stewart, William Aiken McEwan, M.B., CH.B. (GLAS.), L.R.C.P. (EDIN.), D.P.H. ; Wilkins, Edgar Henry, M.B. (DUB.), D.P.H. Associates :--Ardouin, J. F., L.D.S., R.C.S. ; Hattan, Marcus, L.D.S. One or two nominations were received for the May meeting. The discussion on " Physical Education P' was opened by Dr. Henry Herd, School Medical Officer, Manchester ; and Dr. J. Alison Glover, Senior Medical Officer of the Board of Education, took the place of Capt. S. J. Parker, the Staff Inspector Of Physical Training for the Board, who was absent through illness.