Reproduction and survival

Reproduction and survival

Volume Number 57 3 BOOK Since REVIEWS 1935 Vignes has published a series of monographs The present brochure entitled Eclampsie et It is a fully ...

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Volume Number

57 3





Vignes has published a series of monographs The present brochure entitled Eclampsie et It is a fully documented and exhaustive exposition covering a minute scrutiny of the world’s literature.



ou The


Eclampsismel’J every





is the seventh. and containing

R. T. FHANII. Reproduction and Survival by R. Christie Brownaa postulates that “ reproduction aims at the survival and variation of the race but that the individuals participating are mere Some parents escape lightly, like some of the fishes, others run a pawns in the game. ” hazard but “nature always takes more care of Life than she does of lives.” Evolution, selection, survival of the fittest, asexual and sexual reproduction are discussed briefly but clearly. The evolution from the sea, to fresh water, then to the land is marked by the change from careless and simple breeding (oyster, fishes) to complicated reproduction and parenthood. More advanced breeding reduces the number of Primitive reproduction is wasteful. eggs, increases their size and affords better protection (carried in mouth, in pouch, platentation and uterus). The hormones of reproduction, estrogen and progestin are described. Along these same lines, evolution, reaction of the embryo to its environment, labor as an instrument of natural selection and allied topics are dealt with. This little book is well worth while and pleasurable reading. R. T. FUNK. Volume XXX11 of Contributions to Embryology21 coutains six articles. Corner (No. 207) discusses alkaline phosphatase in the ovarian follicle and corpus luteum, using six species including the human being. Speert (No. 208) describes the normal and experimental development of the mammary gland of the rhesus monkey. Development, cyclical changes, ablation experiments, pregnancy effects, lactation, etc., were studied. Estrogens, progesterone, androgen and desoxycorticosterone acetate all produced mammary development. Witschi (No. 209) studied the migration of the germ cells of the human embryo from the yolk sac, through the hind gut, mesentery into the mesonephric fold, into the gonadal fold by means of their own active movement. Gillman (No. 310) deals with the development of the gonads in man, the role of the fetal endocrines and the histogenesis of ovarian tumors. Streeter (No. 211) gives a third survey of the “Developmental Horizons in Human Embryos,” covering four age groups and their organ development, with amazingly fine detail drawings by Didusch. The final article by Dorcas Padget describes the development of the cranial arteries in the human embryo. R. T. FRANK.

Endocrinology Turner’s General Endocrinology,*2 written by a zoologist, is designed less for t,he medical student, who, however, can obtain much useful information from it, than for the student of biology, the approach being experimental rather than clinical. The author emphasizes that endocrinology should be viewed “as a branch of physiology which deals with the chemical integration of the organism and embraces much more than the conventional ductless glands. ” Whether, for example, the kidneys should be regarded as an endocrine gland (because of the renin-hypertensinogen-tension mechanism) is a matte1 of opinion. The “ milieu interieur ’ ’ aud the importance of tissue fluids are emphasized. ‘~Eclempsie








Obstetric :;z8Vomen Institution


et Cie.

Surgeon, City ; Gynaecologlst,

of Washington *zGeneral Endocrinology. Northwestern University, phia and London. 1948.

Par Henri Vignes. 217 pages Maladies Des Femmes EnFrance. 1948. By R. Christie Brown. M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S.. F.R.C.0 G.. London I@ternity Hospital; Hon. Surgeon Samaritan Free Ho&tal Metropohtan Hospital. 108 pages. Edward Arnold & Co., London.

Paris. pf




Publication By Chicago.

Volume XxX11. 575, Washintgon. C. Donnell Turner, Illustrated.

NOS. 207 to 212. 261 pages. 1). C. 1948. Ph.D., Associate Professor of fiO4 pages. W. B. Saunders Company.

Carnegie Zoology Philadel-
