I d id n ’t actually like the graphics in the articles. I thought it w asn’t scientific enough, but I noticed th at the graphics kept drawing me into the articles. I did notice th at there was a list of references at the end of each article so I realized that there was at least some science there. I continued on—reading titles, looking at pictures, and then unavoidably becam e drawn into the article. There I was, an hour later and an hour sm arter, at the end of The Journal. It was essentially 55 m inutes longer than I usually spend with The Journal. Not only did I have a sense of having done my academic duty (which I had also gotten by looking for five m inutes at the old form at) b u t I also learned something. I won’t say that I love the new format, but I m ust adm it th at it was the first time I have read m ost of the articles in The Journal. I sort of look forward to the next issue, so I can check to see w hat outrageous things have been done to a perfectly good publication that I seldom read, because it frequently p u t me to sleep as I reviewed the table of contents. Good luck and thanks for taking a chance by trying new ideas. P eter L. J acob sen , Ph.D., D.D.S. San Francisco
E ditor’s note: Comball
editorial? THE C U R R EN T FORM AT
I have ju st exam ined the two most recent editions of the revised journal (January and February) and am thoroughly appalled. While the old form at was far from perfect, it at least m aintained some 14
JADA, Vol. 122, April 1991
degree of professionalism! Medical journals utilize a universal language that, while perhaps cumbersome, forms a standard by which individual publications may be com pared and their m erits judged. What is the purpose of the current format? I can only hope th at future issues of The Journal rem ain well hidden from the eyes of our medical colleagues lest our profession become the laughingstock of those whose respect we have strived so hard to earn. Leave the fluff to the folks at People magazine! W illiam J. Starck, D.D.S. Pittsburgh R E Q U IE M FO R T H E LANG UO R O US
I was, at first, surprised to see my January 1991JADA. The cover with the mini index was unique, and w hen I looked inside I wondered if the publication was indeed the JADA or was instead some cruel hoax perpetrated by scoundrels in ten t on purging the dental profession’s most prestigious publication of the som nolent treatises and technical trivialities intended to m aintain research positions in dental schools bu t in reality serving as a sometime cure for insom nia or exacerbate of false positives for a diagnosis of narcolepsy. After reading the prologue or “Views” section I was reassured that I was indeed holding a legitimate copy of JADA. After reading virtually the entire issue I m ust com pliment the editorial
staff for going out on a limb to “change the Bible.” The new form at is m uch m ore readable and even the articles are easier to follow and comprehend. In the past it was sometimes difficult to motivate myself to sift through a seemingly unending parade of technical articles of sometimes limited value to a wet gloved dentist. However, at least in this January issue, all of the articles seemed to be more in tune with the needs of the majority of practicing dentists, and I am actually looking forward to the next issue. I congratulate the entire editorial staff on perceiving the need to make changes and will look forward to reading the result of a continuing evolution of change for the better. Richard C. Engar, D.D.S. Salt Lake City S C IE N T IF IC S T Y L E
Please, I w ant my journal back. As my professional journal, JADA m ust be clean, concise, scientific and credible. I need the scientific articles in a scientific style, not with cute graphics that don’t add m eaning or insight. W hen I w ant “light” news I look at the ADA News for stories, interviews and opinions. Please retu rn to a scientific style and content for JADA. Ivan G eorge Sm ith, D.D.S. H ouston A BO LD STER BEYO ND
My com pliments on the new design of our journal. While it may take some getting used to for some readers, I’m sure th at m ost others, like myself, feel more invited to