aer&.ative older microprocessor) and interfacing soft-e, with a minor emphvis (-10% of ‘&e bock) cn general&es of a particular lhigher language, FORTH_ The audience of the book is thus those experime&ers whose needs are not m zt by commercial computerized inslxuments (mid-priced ir&zments, noaskmdard ones, and most situations involving computer controlled experim:r;c;;. Wi+&in +&is subgrozp, it Mermore ignores inust of the popular personal compl’iers, -hi& are far ether to use (commercial interfaces, iots of available software, all kinds of hig%level languages), provided one’s needs do not stray ttio far off the beaten path. But if one does belong in that unlucky category and must build a system from scratch (or has cheap slave labor = graduate *dents to do it), this book is a godsend despite the built in rapid obsolescence of its information. Summing up, an lxce’rient text for a small audience.
Resonances in Electron-Molecuie Scattering, UQR der Waals Complexes and Beacfive Chemical Dynamics, edited by Dcnald G. To&&q ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 263, Pub. American Chemical Society, Washmgton, DC, U.S.A., 1984, pp_ xi + 522, price S89.95 (U.S. and Canada), $107.95 (elsewhere). Collisionally formed st&es are called metastable or resonances if their life-times are substantially longe_r ‘&an the -sit times of the fragments involved. In -&is volume based on a symposium sponsored by the American Chemical Society (St. Louis, Missouri, April, 1984) the concept of “resonances” is used as an unifying theme for ‘he discussion of the general aspects, electron-molecule scat’tering and photoionization, van der Waals complexes, r:nimolecular dynamics, and bimolecular reactive sy st.emz. This volume will be extreme.Yy useful in providing the general reader with an introduction to ‘he major interests of c-w-rent reseaah in these rapidly growing fields. W. J. 0-T. Pubhcations
pp_ x + 245,
edi-id price f35.00.
by D. W. IL_ Huk’m~.,
Sun;ey of Drug Research in ImmunoIc@ Disease, Vol 5 _Noncondensed Aromatic Derivatives Part IV, ec&eti by V. St. Georgiev, Karger, Basel, 1984, pp. x f 606, price SFr. 490.00. Cell Agefr;g and Gel: Death, Society for Experimental 25, edited. by I. Davies and D. C. Slgee, Cambridge pp. x I 362, crice $22.50.
Biology Seminar Series University Press, 1984,