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that will be corrected in the final report . The lack of references is particularly annoying . The first three sections deal primarily with local and national legal problems, Section 4 "General Impact of Landfill on the Environment" is excellent and would make a worthwhile separate publication if supplemented with bibliography . Section 5 "Protection of Water Quality" discusses leachate from its origin in putrifaction to its exit from the landfill . Treatment of leachate is barely mentioned . Section 6 "Site Investigation" is little more than a check list because each site requires independent engineering studies to allow for local situations . An appendix on "Microbial Decomposition" has useful notes on the effects of water and refuse density on rates of decomposition . "Site Restoration and Aftercare", No . 65, has a bibliography of 10 references, three of which are from the Landfill Completion Symposium of 1983 at Harwell . The emphasis is on cover soils which will permit the final surface to be used as pasture or for recreation . Gradients steeper than I in 10 are not recommended . The committee did not appear to recognize the recreational value of artificial hills, especially in flat regions . Mt. Trashmore in the U .S .A . and the park hills in Berlin and Munich some of which are composed of rubble from the war, are among the better known examples of "above grade landfills" . The section on settlement or compaction of landfills contains good rules of thumb for conditions in England and other countries with similar climates . Settlement is a very complicated process and its prediction is accompanied by a large degree of uncertainty . The report recommends therefore that estimates of settlement should be maximized so that a mound rather than a trough is the final surface form . The factors controlling settlement will vary in other climates and cultures, and it would be a mistake to take the average values quoted as standards for other areas . The need for fertilizer is briefly discussed . Buildings are not advised, particularly on new landfills . Twenty years ago landfills received more mineral solids (coal ash) and less porous packing and putresable material and have had time to settle down. Final restoration is a continuing process that needs special attention for at least 5 years after a site has been planted, preferably with grass which is grazed by sheep . An appendix recommends varities of grasses, trees and shrubs which are suitable on different soils types . It also recommends against perennial ryegrasses in areas where wildflowers are desired . The committee would appreciate comments on these preliminary reports so that errors and omissions may be corrected in the final version . BOOK REVIEW : RECYCLING-HANDBUCH (RESOURCE RECOVERY HANDBOOK) . Umweltbundesamt ed. (Enivronmental Agency of the Federal republic of Germany) Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin . 541 pp ., DM 49,- (1982) . Reviewed by H : J. Ehrig. This handbook is a catalogue of different liquid and solid wastes and resource recovery technologies . The book is subdivided into two main parts and four registers . The first main part is a catalogue of resource recovery technologies with a description of the technology, the phase of development, the kind of waste used, the products including emissions and the producer . This part is subdivided depending on the waste used : (1) wastes of vegetable or animal sources and from refining processes (with exception of municipal solid waste, hospital waste, textiles and rubber) (2) wastes from mineral sources and their refining processes (3) wastes from chemical processes (and textiles) (4) municipal solid waste and similar industrial wastes .
Reports and reviews
The second main part is a description of many different wastes with industrial source, physical and chemical properties and possible treatment technologies . The wastes are listed by their waste code. The handbook is completed by four registers : (1) producer index of resource recovery technologies in alphabetical order (2) index of resource recovery technologies in alphabetical order (3) waste index in alphabetical order (4) waste index-listed by the numeric German waste code.
BOOK REVIEW : BEHANDLUNG UND BESEITIGUNG VON SONDERABFALLEN (TREATMENT AND REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS SOLID WASTES) 6 . MULLTECHNISCHES SEMINAR (6TH SOLID WASTE SYMPOSIUM) BERICHTE AUS WASSERGUTEWIRTSCHAFT UND GESUNDHEITSINGENIEURWESEN, NO . 43. Ed . Prof. Dr.-Ing. W . Bischofsberge Geselischaft zur Forderung des Lehrstubts fur Wassergutewirtschaft and Gesundheitsingenieurwesen der Technischen Universitut Munchen 234 pp. DM 40,(1983) . Reviewed by H .-J. Ehrig . This review concentrates the results of 12 papers on the legal and technical problems of collecting, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes . Legal and ecological aspects of hazardous waste treatment are given by Vogl . The organization and development of treatment in Bavaria are reviewed by Fiirmaier . Zimpel discusses treatment technologies for industrial liquid wastes and the effluent standard for discharging into municipal sewer systems : he criticizes this standard for not observing modern treatment developments with higher efficiency . The separate collecting of hazardous waste from municipal solid waste is presented by Ri ckel . Herbell and Luxenberg describe treatment technologies for hazardous liquid waste at Ebenhausen (Bavaria), such as neutralization, oxydation of cyanide and nitrite, reduction of chromate, precipitation of heavy metals and filtration . Gerschler gives an overview on hazardous waste solidification technologies . The main part being the description of 15 different solidification techniques for mineral oil wastes . He also discussed test parameters and methods for quality measurements of solidification . Additional short descriptions of solidification techniques for other organic and inorganic sludge are given . The paper from Leonhard deals with distillation of leachate from a hazardous waste landfill on laboratory, and on half technical, scale . He describes the conditions of distillation and results . Best results being observed with a two step distillation, one under acid and the other under alkaline conditions . Planning and results from a test phase, with problems, of a hazarouds waste incinerator at Biebesheim (West Germany) are presented by Erbach . Schmidt gives some results from a pilot plant for hazardous waste pyrolysis with a rotary furnace and a summary of hazardous wastes for which treatments are possible . The last three papers deal with disposal of hazardous or industrial wastes . The organization of disposal and the quality and quantity of leachate at the hazardous waste landfill Gallenbach (Bavaria) are described by Beckerath . Bauer gives some information about landfilling of industrial wastes on a landfill from a chemical factory in Bavaria, with legal and administrative aspects and a list of wastes for which disposal is permitted . Additional data of leachate quality and quantity are given . Johson presents the technique of disposal of hazardous wastes at the potassium mine in Herfa-Neurode (West Germany) . He also describes