lnlcnsiuc Cart .Nmmg (1989) 5, 142-143 0 Longman Group UK Ltd 1989
Science For The Health Team Barry G Hinwood Methuen Australia pty Ltd: Australia Ltd: England, 1987,287 pages. Price A??.??
As a part time undergraduate (Nursing Education) who is rapidly approaching commencement of a physiology module, I launched myself enthusiastically at this text in the hope that it would resurrect my poor knowledge of biology, physics and chemistry applied to human physiology, gained in my dim and distant past, and I was not disappointed! The author emphasises from the onset of the book the concept of homoeostasis as a theme to integrate aspects of science and apply them to health care and to bodily function. The text contains themes ranging from the properties of matter, cellular structure and function, to the function of the endocrine systems and medical microbiology. The author provides frequent, clear examples of how discussed points relate to the application of health care. Clever analogies are also used to help clarify points. The book is divided into units with a common theme, biology, chemistry or physics, and each unit can be studied independently of the others, which I found a great advantage to someone with a busy study schedule. I also found the inclusion of clear learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter very helpful. The chapters contain clear and relevant diagrams/ illustrations which serve well to clarify the text. SI units are used throughout, but for those who are not used to them the imperial equivalent is also given. A full glossary of terms is also included which again was very helpful. I found the chapter relating to fluid homoeostasis particularly helpful. Like many nurses, I believed that I had a basic if sketchy understanding of the mysteries of fluid balance, but this unit helped to correct that misapprehension and to give me a sound knowledge base in this area. In conclusion, I found this a very helpful text and I feel that it would be of benefit to any nurse wishing to deepen his/her knowledge of the principles underpining physiology. As a tool to build on existing knowledge this book is excellent, and for those, like myself, with a more sparse knowledge of science, it proves to be an excellent basic text. ANTHONYJ. HARRISON,RGN, RSCN Bachelor of Nursing degree student 142
Baillibre’s Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Nursing and Health Care Barbara F. Weller (Editor-in-Chief) Baillitre Tindall, 1989, 1042 pages. Price El 1.95 As the Editor-in-chief of this Nursing Dictionary, Barbara Weller has succeeded in producing an excellent and useful book. The main section is a comprehensive collection of terms, not only from the Nursing and Health-Care professions, but from many disciplines allied to them. The book covers every subject from ‘abdomen’ to ‘zymogen’ with some 32 000 other entries in between. The definitions and explanations offered are both concise and clear. If there is one criticism that can be levelled at the book, it is that there is a distinct lack of explanatory diagrams. However, this omission is often compensated for by the clarity of the text and depth of explanation. The book defies categorisation as either a dictionary, or an encyclopaedia, but rather fits into the middle-ground between the two. This should not be seen as a criticism for due to its writers, it manages to fit in excellently. As long as the validity of producing a book of this nature concerning a profession which changes as quickly as nursing is not questioned, this book should be considered a worthwhile addition to any and indeed every nurse’s collection, both as a study-aid and work of reference. JONATHANHALDANE Bachelor of Nursing degree student
Respiratory Care Handbook D’Angelo H H, Gyetvan M C, Schilling McCann (eds) Springhouse Co Pennsylvania, 1989,416 pages. Price Ll4.50
This is an American book which attempts to provide reference material on all aspects of respiratory care. It seems to be aimed mainly at nurses but also towards paramedical personnel. Care and therapy are combined to provide comprehensive information on all subjects. The areas covered are: anatomy and physiology, assessment of the respiratory system, diagnostic tests, respiratory disorders, respiratory therapy procedures, thoracic surgery and respiratory drugs. The book is well laid out with a good contents page and fairly good index. The information is not refer-
enced being a summary of current thinking in respiratory care but references for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter. Desired information is easy to find making this a useful reference book. Each subject is well explained starting at a fairly basic level and I feel that any nurse would be able to gain a great deal from this book as it assumes virtually no prior knowledge but goes into fairly advanced concfpts. Some areas are not very useful in a British
setting because they assume American methods and procedures but most of it is adaptable. I would think that nurses new to intensive care would find this book helpful to revise respiratory anatomy and function and understand the mechanism of respiratory therapies and drugs. Those doing the ICU course will probably also find it useful and for this reason I think it would be a good addition to a library used by these students. ANN INGHAM, Sister ICU, CCU