Neuro-ophthalmic diagnosis relies heavily on an understanding of anatomy for a localization and understanding of signs and symptoms, This is emphasized and clarified in the manual’s use of schematic illustration which demonstrates topical diagnosis. The chapters called, “The Six Syndromes of the Sixth Nerve,” “The Eight Syndromes of the Third Nerve,” and “The Four Causes of Fourth Nerve Palsy” are excellent and can be recommended as the resident’s first introduction to the topics, as well as a review for the Board candidate. Also, particularly strong are the chapters on visual fields and supranuclear and intranuclear gaze pathways. Doctor Bajandas frequently uses the “pearl”oriented approach. The “fat scan,” or family album tomography, refers to checking old photographs of patients with ptosis, anisocoria, exophthalmos, and cranial nerve palsy. This helps the clinician to distinguish between recently acquired signs and old congenital defects, as well as to document the course and the progression of problems. By no means is this a comprehensive textbook of neuro-ophthalmology, nor is that its claimed purpose. The book’s value, though, is supplemented by excellent references to the current literature for the serious student. The merit of this book is in its ability to convey neuroophthalmology in a way that the reader will remember and be able to use. It is recommended to residents in ophthalmology and neurology particularly.
Retinal Detachment Surgery, by Anthony H. Chignell. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1980. 166 pp., illus. Price: $35.80. Retinal Detachment Surgery is a relatively concise exposition on our current concepts of the pathogenesis and repair of retinal detachments. The text begins with a brief overview of the factors and pathogenetic mechanisms that are responsible for the formation of rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. The examination techniques including indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral depression and contact lens biomicroscopy are also covered. The middle portion of this monograph is concerned with the selection of the appropriate surgical approach as well as the basic techniques of scleral buckling surgery. The major emphasis is on cryopexy treatment and external buckling (sponges, silicone) methods. Drainage procedures, buried implants and diathermy are not well covered. The last portion of the text deals with operative complications that are divided into early and late periods. The reasons for surgical failures and reoperations are briefly mentioned. The art work in this book is good, but several fundus plates notably lack any detail of the ora serrata and pars plana regions. Overall, this text would well serve the beginning ophthalmology resident with an introduction to retinal detachment surgery and provide a core of basic information that should serve as a scaffold upon which to build a deeper understanding of peripheral retinal diseases and their surgical management. KEITH M. ZINN
A Handbook for Patients, by H.-W. Roth and M. Roth-Wittig. Hagerstown, Md., Harper and Row, 1980. 75 pp., illus. Price: $7.95 Contact Lenses -
Board Review Manual, by
This book serves as an introduction to contact lenses - their indication, care and complications - not only for patients who are considering contact lenses, but also for those presently using them. It is written with the lay public in mind. It is well organized and has several tables, describing the various chemical preparations used with hard and soft contact lenses. However, there are certain sec-
New Jersey, Charles B. Slack, inc., 1980. 143 pp., illtis. Price: $9.00 Frank
J. Bajandas.
Doctor Bajandas has written his manual in a clear and concise outline form. Importantly, the style is very readable, and with the generous use of illustrations, the points come across and alive. 339