The kwgc
Wayne State IJnl\erslty
F->e Institute,
of Medicine.
4X201. I’ S A
Rctlnal photocoagulation has been u\ed for approximately 20 yr to treat a number of diacaw
sia may be given. Use of such anesthesia
I use it only infrequent&.
dual matter: photouoapulntlot1
was introduced
of the xenon arc photocoagulator
with the use
by Meyer- Schwick-
erath in the 1950’s. hut after the development It became eLident advantages
that rhcse devices might
for ophthalmic
type> of Iascrs ha\r including Watzhe
Q-switched ~hle
laser (Beetham the
1971: Schulenberg
duce extremel) aids
not t;nmd
laser for rctrnal tinuous
of water.
ho that
the pulse. it> diameter.
to an ophthalmic system with
of the retina vary
bq hand the laser
i, now almost procedure.
are applied.
in rn!
patient tolerate
the treatment.
YI-c used. there may be some associated although
the energy
eqc movtments
burn with permanent
has been employed
risks. at least over
a good
the short
and. for
the most
I shall describe them m detail
and radioisotopes
be no such dangers lengths
much as the earl\
longusers of
did not foresee the delayed Theoretically,
in retinal
there should
laser those
trcatmcnt. of
The penetrating
of laser beams as used in ophthalmic
and all of the energy that traverses
the optically
media of the eye is absorbed the retina. sensory
the retina.
or by the blood
is cell death,
those organs a relatively
believe the risk is small. we should placent.
which are also organs with tumors.
never undergo
laser therapy
the cells of the ncuro-
cancers are most commonly
clear struc-
bcssels of
vessels Lirtually
13 small.
by the pigmented
The only
The light.
by nucleic acids and thcrcforr
not cause mutagenesis.
tures just behind
deal term.
high Incidence
not become comundergone
retinal frcqurnt
for many years to come
or when
I place this
may result in a fovea1
visual loss. retrobulbar
this varies
must he made very close to the fovea. so
that Inadvertent
dangers of carcinogenesis.
their blood
an11 duration,
outpatient burns
the patient’s
We of course have no idea of potential
the laser beam can be di-
laser treatment
[IL; ;UI
with a
laser that
i\ used to trigger
of the currently
can view
pulse. and suitable
the slit lamp optical
A foot
laser therapq
these are infrequent
as a con-
which are not absorbed
of retinal
laser. which both
as a pulsed
arc connected
at appropriate
the phy\rcian
aid of a cnntact
is the argon
no water cooling
titne. by far the most popular
by \a~-lous manufacturers.
10 years, we have learned
its possible
as poss1973).
Fortunately. part.
term risks of laser therapy.
wide use in this country.
wave laser whohe tube requires
uhcd for the treatment
disease. At the present
laser (L’Esper-
pulses. such as the
and they arc nowhere
c’f trl.. 1979). Lasers that pro-
Since about
(“I ul.. 1970:
laser. have been investigated
who comes for retinal
now for over
brief. high-energy
of lasers
1971) and the krypton
have many
hccn used to treat retinal
the pulsed ruby
15 an indlvi-
but some oph-
risks. because at present laser therapy. mously
still limited and
hazards. The demonstration 1073
the discussion
the documented far
of of
in scope. are enor-
of these benefit< is one 01
the outstanding success stories m the history of ophthalmology. It was evident from the trme when retinal photocoagulation was introduced that this modality might be well suited for the treatment of retinal and choroidal vascular diseases. One could simply focus the intense light beam on the abnormal vascular formations and. provided’the light energy was of an appropriate wave length to be absorbed by hemoglobin. one should be able to coagulate the vessels. Problems arose if the vessels were located on the optic disc, or were elevated above the surface of the retina. or were located too close to the fovea since (particularly with the xenon photocoagulator. which produces a relatively large burn diameter and relatively low beam energy) the hazards of damage to the optic nerve LX the fovea1 retina in these situations were great. and it appeared difficult to destroy highly elevated vessels in this way. Nevertheless. treatment of several different retinal diseases .by photocoagulation. either with the xenon arc or various lasers. was reported enthusiastically (Zweng t’r ctl.. 1969; Okun t’r nl.. 1971). However, a number of clinicians were more guarded in their optimism (Irvine and Norton. 1971). They pointed out that many retinal and choroidal vascular diseases, including diabetic retinopathy. were not invariably destructive. and that spontaneous remissions did occur. Therefore. in order to determine if the new therapy was beneficial. a carefully constructed, large scale. randomized controlled clinical trial had to be organized. In addition. several investigators questioned if the obvious treatment method, direct photocoagulation of abnormal vascular formations, was actually the most effective. particularly for those vascular lesions located on the optic disc and near the fovea. where even with the more adaptable laser instruments. they remained difficult to treat directly. Based on a series of clinical observations. they suggested a new method of applying photocoagulation treatment. by extensive placement of multiple xenon or laser burns over most of the retina outside of the macular regiona. Results with this method. which has been called “panretinal photocoagulation” (PRP). were first described on a large series of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy by Beetham t’t ul. (1970). A beneficial effect was apparent. Impressively, Beetham and his colleagues used the pulsed ruby laser for their treatments. This instrument produces deep red light (i = 693nm) which is not absorbed by hemoglobin, but only by the melanin pigment of the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid. Thus. direct laser treatment of abnormal retinal vessels was impossible with PRP as Beetham rr d. used it. Encouraged by these preliminary results, and stimulated by the evident need to develop a large controlled clinical trial of retinal photocoagulation for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. the most common and serious of the retinal vascular diseases, a group of ophthalmologists, supported by the National Eye Institute. developed the Diabetic Retinopathy Study
(DRS). a program that eventually involved over 1700 patients and 15 participating centers. Recruitment for the program was limited to patients with bilateral proliferative retinopathy (later modified to unilateral proliferative disease with severe nonproliferative disease in the fellow eye) and visual acuny of 2OJoO (6130. or 0.2) or better in each eye. Other exclusion criteria included age over 70, recent intraocular surgery or photocoagulation, and systemic health sufficiently poor that 5-yr survival (the expected duration of the study) was questionable. Treatment was randomly allocated to argon laser or xenon arc photocoagulation to one eye, which was also chosen at random. The treatment modality was panretinal photocoagulation. together with focal photocoagulation to flat networks of new vessels not located on or near the optic disc, As defined for this protocol. panretinal photocoagulation means the placement of X00- I200 laser lesions of moderate intensity, StNI~rn in diameter and spaced one-half burn diameter apart over the entire retina out to the equator. The lesions are placed outside the superior and inferior temporal vascular arcades, nasal to the optic disc. and outside a vertical line between the temporal vascular arcades and two disc diameters temporal to the fovea (Fig. I). For the new Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study protocol, the number of laser lesions has been increased to 1200-1600 for a complete course of treatment. For argon laser treatment, photocoagulation of elevated new vessels, or those located on the optic disc. were optional in the DRS The endpoint of the DRS study was defined as a reduction m best-corrected vision of an eye to 51200 or less (6’240 or 0.025) recorded at two successive clinic visits ,tt intervals of 4 months. After many patients had been followed for only 3 yr. the DRS had already produced impressive results. demonstrating an unequivocal benefit of panretinal photocoagulation, either with the xenon arc or the argon laser. in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group, 1976, 1978, 1979). After 3 yr of follow-up. progression to the endpoint had occurred in nearly 30”; of untreated eyes. but in only about lo”.,, of treated eyes, a difference that was statistically highly significant (DRS Research Group, 1976, 1978). Eyes with certain abnormalities were considered to be at particularly high risk for visual loss within 3 yr. and hence were considered especially strong candidates for photocoagulation treatment according to the study protocol. These included : (I) Eyes with mild new vessels on the optic disc (NVD) together with vitreous or preretinal hemorrhage or both; (2) Eyes with moderate or severe NVD without vitreous or preretinal hemorrhage; (3) Eyes wrth moderate or severe NVD with vitreous or preretinal hemorrhage or both; and (4) Eyes with moderate or severe new vessels “elsewhere” (NVE), i.e. at least one disc diameter away from the disc, together with vitreous or preretinal hemorrhage or both. “Mild.” “moderate.”
laser photocoagulation:
or “severe” NVD are defined as a neovascular formation equal to or greater than one-half disc area in extent on a single photographic field. The DRS results have been confirmed by a smaller study, the British Multicentre Photocoagulation Trial. conducted in Great Britain and Norway (British Multicentre Photocoagulation Trial, 1977: C’heng. 1976). This latter study. however, used the xenon arc coagulator exclusively. The beneficial effects of panretinal photocoagulation exemplify the fact that empirical observation may sometimes lead to progress in advance of theory and basic investigation. An explanation for the success of this mode of treatment is still lacking. The most widely cited current hypothesis holds that large areas of the diabetic retina become hypoxic as a result of nonperfusion of retinal capillaries due to disease of their component vascular cells. The hypoxic retina liberates an angiogenic stimulus that leads to the development of abnormal new vessels. By destroying large areas of hypoxic retina. panretinal photocoagulation is thought to reduce the formation of the presumptive angiogenic factor. Attempts to verify this hypothesis now occupy several laboratory groups around the United States. Although the DRS results for proliferative diabetic retinopathy remain the most impressive documentation of the therapeutic effectiveness of retinal laser therapy. lasers and other photocoagulators have been used to treat numerous other retinal disorders. Treatment of background diabetic retinopathy by photocoagulation has been widely employed. Here. the strategy is to localize and destroy by coagulation microaneurysms and other vascular formations in the macular region that are “leaky,” as demonstrated either by fluorescein angiography or by the fact that they lie in the center of rings of lipid exudate. Focal treatment of these vascular lesions. it is thought, may prevent transudation or exudation of fluid from the vessels and thereby retard the progression of macular edema with preservation of central vision. Two randomized. controlled clinical trials of photocoagulation for macular edema have been reported (Patz c’t ul.. 1973; British Multicentre Photocoagulation Trial. 1975). Each describe beneficial effects of treatment. but the benefit+ although statistically significant -was slight. Over the follow-up periods reported. which were not longer than 3 yr in either study, treated eyes on the average suffered less visual decline than did untreated eyes. with the mean difference in visual acuity being roughtly one line on a Snellen chart. Since these results are by no means definitive, a much larger study of this problem has been designed and began recruiting patients in early 1980. This is the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS). funded by the National Eye Institute and including 20 clinics in the United States and Puerto Rico. At least 4000 patients are expected to be recruited, either with diabetic macular edema or “preproliferative” retinopathy. Argon laser treatment
and risks
by one of four specified protocols. chosen at random. will be given to one eye. selected at random. with the fellow eye serving as control. Finally, since there is interest in medical therapy to forestall the progression of diabetic retinopathy. patients will be randomly assigned to aspirin treatment or placebo groups. The rationale for this therapy is that abnormally increased platelet aggregation. which is Inhibited by aspirin. is often present in diabetics and is thought hv some to play a causal role in diabetic retinopathy. Still another disorder for which there IS evtdence of benefit from retinal laser photocoagulatton 15 neovascular glaucoma. In this condition, which may develop as a sequel to diabetic retinopathy or to central retinal vein occlusion. abnormal new blood vessels form on the surface of the iris and. accompanied hy a connective tissue membrane. invade the anterior chamber angle. reducing the efflux of aqueous humor. The glaucoma which results produces massive elevations of intraocular pressure. severe pain and irreversible visual loss. Three relatively small-scale randomized. controlled clinical trials have been reported (Little (‘I ul., 1976: May er trl.. 1976: Wand 01 ‘rl.. 1978) that describe either reversal of the glaucomatous process or. in eyes treated shortly after the occurrence of ccntral retinal vsein occlusion. prevention of its development in significantly more of the treated eyes than of the controls. The treatment protocol was panretinal photocoagulation. similar to that used in the Diabetic Retinopathy Study The mechanism bv which this “indirect” application of laser treatment to the rc~irrtr inhibits neovascular growth on the iri\ I\ obscure. Again. hypotheses about a diffusible “angiogcnesi< factor,” produced in ischemic retina. but which can diffuse forward to produce new vessels in the anterior ocular segment. are currently most popular. Several other retinal vascular diseases in which new vessel formation or macular edema produce visual loss have also been treated by the laser. hut definitive evidence of beneticial effects has not appeared These include retinal branch vein occlusions. sickle cell retinopathy. and chronic retinal vascular and uv,eal inflammations. A cooperative chmcal trial Involving six institutions is now underway to test the cllicacy of laser treatment for branch vein occlusions ((‘larkson et al.. 1979). ais is a study involving two instituttonsthe University of Illinois and the University of the West Indies at Kingston. Jamaica- in the treatment of proliferative sickle cell retinopathy. Treatment protocols in these disorders include “scatter” treatment of the involved retinal quadrant for vein occlu\tons (a sort of partial panretinal photocoagulationl. and focal treatment of the peripheral neocascular frcmds in sickle cell retinopathy. A number of disorders that appear to Involve the choroidal circulation initially. and the retma \econdarily. with destruction of macular vision. have also been treated with the laser. In several of these. neovascular networks arising from the choroidal capillaries form beneath the outer retinal layers. In others.
Auid apparently dericed from the choroidal circulation collects underneath the retinal pigment epithehum. and may leak into the potential space between the pigment epithelium and the neurosensory retina. causing visual disturbance. Clnfortunately. often the principal lesions in these disorders lie directly beneath the fovea, so that photocoagulation, even if it successfully ablates the lesion. will also irreversibly destroy central vision. Treatment may be attempted in favnrable cases. in which the inciting lesion is extrafoveal in location. However, at least for the diseases that produce subretinal neovascularization. there is no evidence of a beneficial effect. Yet another randomized. controlled. cooperative clinical trial involving several institutions. the Macular Photocoagulation Study, will shortly begin recruiting patients either with senile macular degeneration or with the presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome to test the efficacy of laser therapy for these conditions. Finally. one small-scale controlled clinical trial has been published regarding laser treatment for central serous retinopathg. a disorder most common in young males. in which fluid collects under the retinal pigment cpithelium and neural retina (Watzke er (II.. lY74). This condition is usually mild and self-limited. However. Watzkc and his collaborators found that ruby laser treatment. in the form of a few light burns to the surface of the ‘.pigment epithelial detachment” shortened the course of the disturbance. but did nnt appear to impro\,c the tinal visual outcome. Presumably the same result would have been obtained had the argon laser or other photocoagulators been used, Since the disease is so mild and self-limited. and since complications of laser treatment may occur, however infrequently. some clinicians advise non-treatment of central serous retinopathy (Klein u (II.. lY74). My own preference is not to treat unless the visual disturbance is unusually severe or the course unusually prolonged. i.e. more than 6 months in duration. Laser treatment has been used for retinal and choroidal tumors. although once again, there have been an insufficient number of cases. and no controlled trials. Small retinal angiomas may be eradicated by photocoagulation, but larger ones cannot usually be treated successfully in this way, The reasons are. tirst. that the blood flow is rapid through these tumors, and serves as a “heat exchange” to decrease the thermal effect of the absorbed light energy. which is the principal means by which photocoagulation exerts its effect. Second, nearly all of the energy. even for very intense laser beams, is absorbed near the surface of’ the tumor, so that the larger part of a bulky lesion remains undamaged This same point applies for tumors not of blood vessel origin. such as melanomas. which some clinicians have also treated by photocoagulation (e.g. Vogel. 1972). For most ophthalmologists. extirpative surgery remains the treatment of choice for uveal melanomas when a decision is made for treatment rather than observation.
?‘i. i=RANh
Considering the extensiveness of panrctmal photocoagulation treatment (Fig. I). one is surprised that its deleterious effects on vision are 60 slight. The t&o most common sequelae are yrtlr0rli:A . i~~ttkriot~ of rhr cisd jield (Frank. 1975). which I5 &en quite minimal (Fig. 2), and &UVLIS~L/nighr W&HZThe latter probably is related to the fact that ~hc panretinai treatment IS heaciest in the region of titc retina where the rod density is highest. and i\ rcilccted bq the observation that the amplitude of t11~ clcctroretinographic b-wave to a blue stimulus des~pned to elicit a maximal response from the rod system is reduced much more following panretinai photocoagulation than is the b-wave to a red. photopic stimulus (Frank. 1075). In some cases. more scverc lic1i.i drrtlctsarc noted. including large focal scotoma:. nerve fiber layer scotomas, and severe constriGt:on of the field. Peripheral visual field testing was cari led out in the Diabetic Retinopathy Study. using on!! a single. large test object (the IV;4e of the Goldmann perimeter;. This showed that. on the average. peripheral field loss was greater when panretinal photi,coagulation wa’r carried out with the xenon photocoagulator than with the argon laser. Perhaps thib is to 1~ expected. smco the xenon instrument producch .i mtu.3~larger INII-n (Diabetic Retinopathy Stud) Rest:ar:!; (ir~up. 1076. lY78) A major danger of photocoaguiat1irr-i. hug one rhat can be avoided with proper cdrL.. is inadvertent photocoagulation of the fovea with cvrrtral visual loss. The greatest risk is present in treatment of macular diseases, particularly when the lesion :O hc coagulated lies close to the fovea. Two precaurions to avoid this hazard are. first. never to treat with the laser closer than about I25 pm (one major vein-?vitlth at the margin of the optic disc) from the fo\caI avascular zone. and, second. to use retrobulbar onesthrsra for macular treatments when photocoagulation nII\ \vith the laser. focal disc treatment has largeI> been abandoned. One reason is that. following very heavy photocoagulation to extensive NVD. there have been occasional reports of severe ischemic optic neuropath! with irreversible visual loss (Goldberg and Herbst, 1973. Zweng tit ni.. i 974). Perhaps one reason why panretinal photocouguiation is often so little damaging to vision is that photocoagulation lesions of the intensities usually used for these treatments produce their damage primarily in the outer layers of the retina. without touching the
Fig. 1. Montage of the posterior fundus immediately following panretinal argon laser photocoagulation in a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. From, R. N. Frank, Archs Ophthal. 93, 591-598 (1975) by permission of the editors, Archives of Oph~hulmolog~. Copyright 1975, The American Medical Association.
Fig. 3. A sequence of frames from a Ruorescein angiogram of a 56-yr old diabetic man 4 months following panretimd argon laser photocoaguIation and heavy focal photocoagulation for an extensive. elevated frond of retinal neovascularization. Initially, the frond appeared to have been totally destroyed, as demonstrated by an angiogram 2 months after treatment. Subsequently, this new frond appeared. From the sequential photographs. one can see that it fills from the choroidal cimulation. 107x
Retinal laser photocoagulatlon:
benefits and risks
Fig. 2. (A) Pretreatment visual field, obtained with the Goldmann perimeter. of the eye shown m FIB. I (B) Visual field of the same eye nine months after treatment, showing only mild. generalued conslrictlon This is the commonest visual field change following such treatment From. R N. Frank. .4rch~ Ophrhtrl. 93.
591 -598
by permission
of the editors. American
cells or nerve fiber layer (Powell 4f rrl.. 1971: Apple et crl.. 1973). However. if focal treatment is applied to preretinal hemorrhages. or to intraretinal vascular lesions. especially within the papillomacular bundle. nerve fiber layer damage may result. This type of treatment. therefore. should usually be avoided. An obvious hazard of photocoagulation treatment. but one which occurs surprisingly infrequently. is the production of hemorrhages either from the retinal or choroidal vessels. Particularly in the course of panretinal treatment it is easy to place a laser burn over a major retinal vessel. Yet. hemorrhage from major
(?/ Ophrhulmoloy,~.
1975. The
vessels resulting from photocoagulation is rare. It most frequently occurs following extremely brief (100 msec or less). intense burns of small (5@ lo0 jtm) diameter. and is usually seen in treatment of retinal new vessel formations, or arising from the choroidal vessels. even when these are normal, but lie alongside abnormal retinal vessels that were being photocoagulated. When such a retinal or choroidal hemorrhage occurs during treatment. the empirical remedy is to increase the laser spot size and power and treat directly over the emerging blood to coagulate it thermally and stop the bleeding. Unless the hemorrhage is
profuse, this treatment is usually successful. However. in the case of choroidal hemorrhage, the undesirable sequel may be choroidovitreal neovascularization. Galinos c’t ~1. (1975, 1976) have reported the development of extensive fronds of new vessels arising from the choroidal circulation and projecting through the retina into the vitreous or anastamosing with the retinal circulation. following heavy photocoagulation to the area. The stimulus to these unusual neovascular formations (Fig. 3) is unknown, but it is felt that, like choroidal hemorrhages, they result from extremely heavy applications of laser treatment using small spot sizes. Hence, for the focal treatment of many types of retinal neovascular formations, particularly those with large caliber feeding vessels as may often be seen in sickle cell retinopathy, it is now recommended that large (5OO~m) spot sizes be used, with heavy laser applications to coagulate the vessel. Choroidal detachments, usually in the periphery, may be seen within a few days following heavy (panretinal) photocoagulation. Often patients are not aware of them, although vision may be reduced more than is usual at this point after treatment. and the eye is soft. These detachments virtually always resolve spontaneously and require no treatment. In my own experience, choroidal detachments following extensive photocoagulation have occurred primarily in eyes with a history of previous intraocular surgery. The last three that 1 have seen occurred in two patients with prior cataract surgery (one 2 months before laser treatment. and one 10 yr previously) and in one patient with a trabeculectomy done 2 months previously. What the causal relationship is. if any. is unclear. Retinal detachments following laser treatment may be of two kinds. Traction detachments may occur in patients with severe proliferative retinopathy. presumably because, as the vessels atrophy, they and their surrounding fibroglial sheaths contract, pulling off the retina. Therefore. photocoagulation to retinas with extensive traction should be done with great caution. If panretinal photocoagulation is to be carried out in such an eye, I prefer to do it in multiple sessions with only 20&3OO laser burns each. spaced several days apart, While 1 have no evidence that this procedure is better than to carry out the entire treatment all at once, it seems at least intuitively more sensible. The second type of retinal detachment is the rhegrnatogenous variety, due to a hole in the retina. This is much less frequently encountered, and is presumably due to a laser burn of excessive energy that radiates from its site of absorption in the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid through the neural retina, causing extensive destruction and hole formation. Although retinal photocoagulation has been advocated as a means of destroying retinal and choroidal neovascularization, it has occasionally been suggested that such treatment, if it is not heavy enough, may actually stimulute new vessel growth (Frank, 1974: Francois ~‘tal.. 1975) particularly in choroidal lesions.
Conversely, some clinicians (T. Schlaegel. unpublished) have recently advocated partial treatment of choroidal neovascularization that extends underneath the fovea, as a palliative measure. In the absence of controlled studies, it is difficult to decide which of these alternatives is correct Heavy laser coagulation to the retinal periphery for proliferative sickle cell retinopathy has been reported to cause choroidal ischemia (Goldbaum or ~1.. 1976). While this lesion may be impressive ophthalmoscopitally and angiographically. at least in its peripheral location, it appears to cause no clinically detectable functional damage. Heavy photocoagulation in the macular region may cause contraction of the internal limiting membrane of the retina in the macula with decrease in central vision- -so called “macular pucker.” Thi$ occurs most frequently following xenon photocoagulation as demonstrated. perhaps. by the greater prevalence of central visual loss of 2--4 lines after xenon photocoagulation in the DRS than after argon laser treatment (Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group, 1976, 1978). For this reason. photocaogulation treatment in or near the macula is preferably carried out with the argon laser instrument. An unusual complication of panretinal photocoagulation is transient ShallOWiIlg d the anterior chamber with compromise of the outllow pathways for aqueous humor and intraocular pressure elevation (Mensher, 1977). These eyes were not felt to be predisposed to angle closure prior to treatment, and following immediate medical treatment. they recovered completely. The patients in whom this complication occurred had all had extensive panretinal photocoagulation with over 1000 laser burns placed at one treatment session. This complication haa not been observed in patients whose panretinal treatment has been divided into two or more sessions. although the causative mechanism remains obscure Finally. although the lens and cornea are normally transparent and do not absorb the photocoagulator beam, certain unusual situations may occur in which a light-absorbing opacity is located adjacent to the lens or cornea with the result thai laser light may cause a thermal burn to these structures. Cornea1 epithelial burns (Ftister er ul., 1971) are usually of little consequence. and will heal rapidly save perhaps in those patients who are susceptible to recurrent corneal erosions. Lens burns may lead to progressive opacities that have the potential to interfere with vision, In summary, photocoagulation therapy with lasers or other instruments may cause a great number of unwanted consequences. However, only a few of these are of serious nature, and these are rare. By contrast, photocoagulation to the retina has a demonstrated, beneficial effect in proliferative diabetic retinopathy, a probable beneficial effect in background diabetic retinopathy and neovascular glaucoma, and there is reason to believe it may be useful in the treatment of
laser photocoagulation:
several other retinal and choroidal vascular diseases, By comparison therapies,
its “risk-benefit
other ratio”
is extremely
surgical small.
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benefits and risks
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