Genetic Toxicology
Mutation Research 368 (1996) 59-101
Revalidation of the in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay for DNA damage: improved criteria for assessmentof cytotoxicity and genotoxicity and results for 81 compounds Richard D. Storer * , Troy W. McKelvey, Andrew R. Kraynak, Michael C. Elia ‘, John E. Barnum, Lori S. Harmon, Warren W. Nichols, John G. DeLuca of Genetic
I February
1995; revised
5 September
1995: accepted
Wart Point,
5 September
PA 19486,
Abstract The in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay is a sensitive assay for genotoxicity, measured as DNA strand breaks induced in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes after 3-h treatments with test compounds. Since DNA degradation can be rapid and extensive in dead and/or dying cells, the original criteria for a positive result in the assay were that a compound induce a 3.0-fold or greater increase in the elution slope (for the terminal phase of alkaline elution from 3 to 9 h) in the absence of significant cytotoxicity (defined as relative cell viability of less than 70% by trypan blue dye exclusion; TBDE). Recently we have shown that false-positive results can still be obtained due to cytotoxicity when loss of membrane integrity is a late event in toxic cell death relative to the induction of endonucleolytic DNA degradation. To improve the ability of the assay to discriminate between genotoxic vs. cytotoxic effects of chemicals. we have evaluated additional assays of cytotoxicity including cell adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and potassium (Kf) content, tetrazolium dye reduction (MIT), TBDE after a further 3-h recovery incubation without test chemicals (delayed toxicity), cell blebbing and endonucleolytic DNA degradation (double-strand breaks: DSBs) assessed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). We have also
or 2-AAF,
anisole; BLEO, bleomycin: BPA, bisphenol A: CA, chromosome aberrations: ovary:
ATP. adenosine triphosphate; BHA. butylated hydroxCAS. chemical abstracts service: CHO, Chinese hamster dimethyl sulfate: DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; 2,4-DNP,
DSB, double-strand breaks: EE, equivocal evidence: EMS, ethyl methanesulfonate; GA, geranyl acetate; GalN, Gy, gray: IA, iodoacetate: kb, kilobase( LIND, lindane: M, DNA molecular weight markers: ML, mouse lymphoma
Bgalactosamine; L5178Y mammalian cell mutagenicity assay: MTT. thiazolyl blue (3-(4,S-dimethylthizol-2-yl]2.5-diphenyl~e~razolium tive: NaF. sodium fluoride; ND, not done/no data: NE. no evidence: N-OH-AAF, ,v-hydroxy-2.acetylaminofluorene; Toxicology Program: PACE, programmed autonomously controlled electrode: PB. phenobarbital: PFGE, pulsed-field
bromide); N, negaNTP, US National gel electrophoresis;
PHEN. phenanthrene; ROTE, rotenone: SA, Salmonella microbial mutagenicity assay; SCE. sister chromatid exchange; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; STZ. streptozotocin; TBDE. trypan blue dye exclusion viability synthesis; WY, Wyeth 14,643 I Corresponding author. Tel.: (215) 652.5872; Fax: (215) 652.7758. ’ Present address: Dr. Michael C. Elia. Astra-Merck, 725 Chesrerbrook Blvd.. 01651218/96/Sl5.00 SD1 0 165-12 18(95
0 1996 Elsevier )00070-5
All rights
; TET.
PA 19087.5677.
evaluated 2 parameters derived from the elution data which can indicate extensive. cytotoxicity-induced DNA degradation: the fraction of the DNA recovered in the neutral lysix/rinse fraction and the l-intercept of the extrapolation of the 3-9-h segment of the elution curve. Twenty-eight rodent non-carcinogens that are negative (or inconclusive) in the Amesassay with no, or limited, other evidence of genotoxicity. and 33 genotoxins, most of which are also carcinogens. were evaluated. The results showed that DNA degradation as measured by a I-h PACE (ProgrammedAutonomously Controlled Electrodes)/PFGEassaywasa sensitiveindicatorof cytotoxicity whichcorrelated well with results of the other cytotoxicity indicators.The delayedTBDE (after a 3-h recovery), intracellular potassium and ATP assaysas well as the ?-intercept parameterwerealsoshownto be sensitiveand in some cases complementarymeasures of cytotoxicity. Usingnew criteria
basedon thesedataof an inducedslope(treatmentslope-negative controlslope)of 0.020for the 3- to 9-h elutionperiodand cytotoxicity limits of 70% relative viability for the delayedTBDE assayandSO7rfor intracellularATP content,the assay scoresthe genotoxicity of these61 referencecompoundswith an overall accuracyof 92%. Test results using these new criteriaare providedfor an additional20 compounds (5 non-genotoxiccarcinogens and I5 compounds whosegenotoxicand carcinogenicpotentialare unknownor equivocal). Kr~~rords: Alkaline elunon: Genotoxicity: Cytotoxicity: Rebalidation
1. introduction Short-term in vitro tests for genotoxicity play an important role in the initial screening of new pharmaceutical candidates for their potential to induce mutagenic and/or carcinogenic effects. In our laboratory, an in vitro alkaline elution assay in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes is run routinely as part of the in vitro genotoxicity test battery. This assay sensitively detects DNA single- and double-strand breaks caused by physical, chemical and/or enzymatic attack. DNA strand breaks may be induced directly, by DNA excision repair enzymes, through alkali-labile lesions that result from chemical adduction of nucleotide bases or of the phosphodiester backbone by test chemicals. their metabolites or oxygen radicals, or through inhibition of enzymes such as topoisomerases.Since cytotoxicity can also result in the production of DNA strand breaks due to activation of degradative nucleasesin dead and/or dying cells (Bradley et al., 1987; Kohn. 1991; Elia et al., 1991, 1993, 19941,a careful assessmentof cytotoxicity and utilization of well-validated cytotoxicity limits are important determinants of the assay’s specificity in discriminating between genotoxic and non-genotoxic (but cytotoxic) chemicals. Initial validation studies with the in vitro alkaline elution rat/hepatocyte assay showed that the assay was highly accurate as a predictor of the mutagenic and carcinogenic activity of a diverse set of 91 compounds(64 carcinogensand 27 non-carcinogens) from different chemical classes(Sina et al., 1983).
The criteria that were developed for scoring the assay basedon this data set were that a compound would be classified as genotoxic if it produced a 3.0-fold or greater increasein the elution slope (rate> at dose level(s) with greater than 70% cell viability relative to control as measuredby a trypan blue dye exclusion assay at the end of the 3-h treatment period (TBDE-0). The elution slope was defined as the elution rate for the terminal phase(from 3 to 9 h) of the alkaline elution step. Increasesin the initial rate of elution (from O-3 h) that are associatedwith rapid elution of degraded DNA from dead and/or dying cells are not therefore included in the elution slope value (Sina et al., 1983; Kohn. 1991). During the 12 years that this assay has been in routine use in our laboratory. two problems with these criteria have become apparent that led us to undertake a seriesof revalidation experiments. First. we have found, asrecently reported by Kohn (1991). that criteria based on a fold-increase in the elution slope are very sensitive to variations in the concurrent control slope, especially when the concurrent control slope is very low. Secondly, we have found. as recently reported by Elia et al. (1993, 1994), that in a few casesthe TBDE-0 assay is not an adequate measureof cytotoxicity. Significant endonucleolytic degradation of DNA in dead and/or dying cells leading to increasesin the elution slope can occur at doselevels of somecytotoxic compoundsthat do not affect trypan blue exclusion until sometimeafter it is usually measured(at the end of the 3-h treatment). Thus, cytotoxicity that is not adequately measuredby
the dye exclusion assay can confound interpretation of the data and lead to false-positive results. We have undertaken the revalidation study reported here with the objectives of (1) determining the appropriate means of assessing the cytotoxic effects of chemical treatments in primary rat hepatocyte cultures and (2) developing criteria which utilize an ‘induced’ slope parameter (treatment slope minus the concurrent negative control slope) instead of a fold-increase parameter. To accomplish these objectives, we chose an empirical approach of testing a large number of compounds which have been well characterized as to their genotoxic and/or carcinogenic potential. The test plan included running a conventional alkaline elution assay (with measurement of the fraction of DNA recovered from the neutral lysis/rinse steps) and performing the following assays for cytotoxicity on samples of the same treated cells as used for alkaline elution: the conventional trypan blue dye exclusion assay performed after the 3-h treatment (TBDE-0). trypan blue dye exclusion performed after replating treated cells in normal, compound-free medium and incubating them for an additional 3 h to allow for recovery from cytotoxic injury (TBDE-3), cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels and potassium (K+) content, tetrazolium dye (MTT) reduction, light microscopic evaluation of cell blebbing and DNA degradation (double-strand breaks) measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The test plan also included evaluation of 2 parameters derived from the elution data which can indicate extensive, cytotoxicity-induced DNA degradation: the percent of the DNA recovered in the neutral lysis/rinse fraction and the y-intercept of the extrapolation of the 3-9-h segment of the elution curve. Data from these studies allowed us to establish new guidelines for cytotoxicity assessment in the assay and to improve the criteria for evaluating the genotoxic activity of test compounds in the assay.
2. Materials
and methods
2. I. Chemicals All test agents were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO
and Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI) except for bleomycin (BLEO; Fluka Chemika-Biochemika, N-hydroxy-2Buchs, Switzerland) and acetylaminofluorene (N-OH-AAF; Chemsyn Science Laboratories, Lenexa, KS). All test compounds and reagents were of the highest purity commercially available. 2.2. Isolation, culture and treutment of primary hepatocytes
Primary rat hepatocytes from anesthetized (sodium pentobarbital, 1 ml/kg of a 1 grain/ml solution given i.p.) male Sprague-Dawley rats (150-300 g, Charles River Laboratories, Raleigh, NC) were prepared by a two-step EGTA/collagenase perfusion of the liver as previously described (Bradley et al., 1982; Bradley and Sina. 1984). The isolated cells were resuspended in 15-30 ml of Hank’s balanced salt solution buffered with 10 mM Hepes (pH 7.4). To remove dead cells, 5 ml of the cell suspension was gently layered onto 10 ml of cold 40% Percoll (Pharmacia. Piscataway, NJ) in Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline with 10 mM Hepes (pH 7.4) in 30 ml polycarbonate tubes and centrifuged at 20000 X R for 10 min at 4°C. The bottom layers of cells from the Percoll gradients were removed, pooled, and resuspended in Leibovitz’s L- 15 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 2 mM glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 pg/ml streptomycin, 20 mM Hepes and 0.2% sodium bicarbonate. After a hemacytometer cell count and viability check by trypan blue dye exclusion, cells were diluted to 5.2 X IO’ cells/ml. The initial viability of the hepatocyte preparations used ranged from 8 l-97% (mean i S.D. = 88.7 + 4.6% for 29 assays) with the minimum initial viability taken as 80%. To initiate the exposure, 1 ml of cell suspension was added to each 100 mm microbiological dish containing 12 ml of culture medium after addition of test compounds for a final cell density of 4 X IO5 cells/ml. All exposures were for 3 h at 37°C under 5% CO,. Test compounds were initially dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, water or acetone at 100 times (for compounds in DMSO and acetone) or 20-100 times (for compounds in water) the final concentration used in the culture medium. Cells harvested from untreated control plates at the end of the 3-h incubation and
irradiated on ice with 40 Gy of gamma radiation served as a positive control for double-strand breaks in the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assays. Cells treated with 0.2 PM aflatoxin B, for 3 h or irradiated with 3 Gy of gamma radiation on ice served as positive controls for the alkaline elution assays. All chemical treatments were carried out in duplicate plates and solvent negative controls were run in quadruplicate plates. The highest concentration tested was 10 mM, as previously recommended for testing of soluble materials in mammalian assays (Kirkland. 1994). The solubility of test compounds in the culture medium was checked by dark-field microscopic examination of culture media treated with the highest concentrations of the test compounds at the end of a 3-h incubation. When compound precipitation is detected, alkaline elution results are not considered reliable since (1) precipitate can clog the pores of the elution filters creating problems at the stage of elution column loading, (2) phagocytosis of precipitate may lead to intracellular concentrations of drug which are exceedingly high ( > 10 mM) and unknown in magnitude, and (3) precipitate may induce cytotoxicity and/or DNA fragmentation as a consequence of the physical properties of the precipitate. Artifactual results might also be obtained if precipitate is trapped by and remains on the elution filter with the lysed DNA and DNA strand breaks are subsequently induced only during the 9-h elution step by DNA-reactive degradates of the test compound formed only at the very alkaline pH ( 12.1) of the eluting solution. 2.3. Alkaline elution assays Alkaline elution assays were performed as previously described (Elia et al., 1993) with several modifications. Briefly, 1.O X 10” cells on ice were loaded in chilled elution filter support columns containing 2.0 pm polycarbonate filters and lysed for 30 min with 2.0 ml of lysis solution (2% SDS, 50 mM Tris, 50 mM glycine, 25 mM Na,EDTA, pH 9.6 plus 0.5 mg/ml proteinase K). After 30 min, the lysis solution was allowed to drip out into a collection vial and 1.5 ml of a rinse solution (5 mM Tris, 5 mM glycine, 25 mM Na,EDTA, 50 mM NaCl, pH 9.6) was added, allowed to drip through and collected in the same vial. The pH 9.6 lysis and rinse solutions
from each elution column were analysed as the first fraction in order to measure the extent of DNA double-strand breaks associated with DNA degradation in dead and/or dying cells. Following addition of 30 ml of alkaline elution buffer (2% tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide, 0.2% SDS. 20 mM H,-EDTA, pH 12.1) to the column, 3 fractions of 3 h each were collected at a flow rate of 0.035 ml/min. The fifth fraction consisted of the approx. 2.3 ml of solution remaining in the lines at the end of the 9 h elution period plus 4.0 ml of 0.4 N NAOH pumped through the column filter support and elution lines to remove any DNA remaining after removal of the elution tilter and reassembly of the columns. The sixth ‘fraction’ consisted of the DNA remaining on the elution filter at the end of the 9 h of alkaline elution. The DNA in fractions l-5 was then precipitated for 2-3 h at - 20°C after addition of 2 vols of 95% ethanol/O.25 M potassium acetate acidified with 6 ml/liter (for fractions l-4) or 14 ml/liter (fraction 5) of glacial acetic acid. The DNA remaining on the elution filter (‘fraction’ 6) and precipitated DNA from fractions 1-5 were quantitated fluorimetrically as previously described (Bradley and Sina, 1984) using the diaminobenzoic acid dihydrochloride (DABA) reaction (Kissane and Robbins, 1958). Fluorimetric readings were obtained using a Perkin Elmer Model 650-40 spectrofluorimeter at an excitation wavelength of 415 nm and an emission wavelength of 510 nm. Solutions of calf thymus DNA spotted and dried on prewashed (by trap filtering an ethanol-acetate/elution buffer solution) filters served as DNA standards for the fluorimetry. The elution slope values were calculated from semi-logarithmic plots of the fraction of the total DNA retained on the elution filter (log axis) versus elution time (linear axis) and are expressed as the absolute value of the average rate of elution per 3-h fraction for the terminal phase (3 to 9 h) of alkaline elution, as previously described (Sina et al., 1983). As suggested by Kohn ( 199 1). data are presented as ‘induced’ slope values, i.e., the arithmetic difference between the elution slope value for a treatment dose level (the mean slope value for duplicate plates) and the elution slope for the appropriate solvent control (the mean slope value for quadruplicate plates). The v-intercepts of the 3- to 9-h elution curves were determined by linear regression from the least-squares
line of best fit for the log of the fraction remaining after 3, 6 and 9 h of elution.
Irreversible cytotoxic effects resulting in either an immediate or delayed loss of membrane integrity were determined by trypan blue dye exclusion (Sina et al., 1983) on cells harvested at the end of the 3-h incubation of hepatocytes with tests chemicals (‘immediate’ toxicity; TBDE-0) or on aliquots (0.8 X 106) of the treated cells which were centrifuged and replated in fresh medium without test compounds in 60 mm microbiologic dishes for an additional 3-h recovery incubation (‘delayed’ toxicity; TBDE-3). Absolute cell counts were performed as part of the TBDE-3 assay and monitored for selected cytotoxic compounds to insure that the total number of live and dead cells per plate was not reduced due to disintegration and/or lysis of dead cells. Cell blebbing was assessed by qualitative observations under light microscopy during the TBDE-0 viability determination. A (+) in the tables indicates a marked increase in the frequency of trypan blue negative cells with membrane blebs. Cellular ATP content per culture, as a percent of control, was measured by bioluminescence using a luciferin/luciferase assay, as previously described (Armstrong et al.. 1992: Elia et al., 1993). Intracellular potassium (K ‘) was measured by flame photometry using a Bachrach model 5 1 flame photometer (Bachrach Instruments, Pittsburgh, PA). Samples (1 X lOh cells) were washed twice with 5 ml of cold. potassium-free. Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) and the dried cell pellet extracted with 0.5 ml of 107~ perchloric acid. Supematants were then introduced into the flame photometer which was calibrated using standard solutions of potassium chloride. Tetrazolium dye reduction (MTT assay) was measured in triplicate for each hepatocyte culture in a microtiter plate assay using I X IO’ cells/well incubated for an additional 2 h in 200 ~1 of medium at 37°C under 5% CO, in the presence of 500 pg/ml of MTT (thiazolyl blue: 3-[4,5-dimethylthizol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide). After spinning down cells, cell pellets were lysed in 200 ~1 of DMSO and the absorbance read at 570 nm in a model 7520 microplate reader (Cambridge Technology. Watertown. MA).
DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) were measured by I-h and 48-h programmed, autonomously-controlled electrode (PACE) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) assays. as previously described (Elia et al., 1993. 1994; Elia and Nichols, 1993). Scoring of the extent of DNA double-strand breaks produced was performed, as previously described (Elia et al.. 1994), by densitometric analysis and/or visual inspection of the amount of ethidium bromide-stained, high molecular weight (i.e., > 50 kbl DNA which accumulates in a narrow compression zone directly below the origin in the l-h PACE/PFGE assay. The 48-h PACE/PFGE assay was used primarily to assess the size distribution of the fragmented DNA. 2.6. Stmtistical u~u~!\ The correlation calculations for the cytotoxicity parameters were performed using the correlation tool in Microsoft Excel Version 4.0 (Microsoft Corporation. Redmond, WA) and represent the covariance of the two data sets being compared divided by the product of their standard deviations.
3. Results and discussion 3. I. Compound selection and clu.s.s$kzTion In order to identify improved criteria for scoring the in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay, we sought to select for testing a large number of reference compounds for which there is sufficient data with which to classify the compounds into two groups: (I) rodent non-carcinogens which are negative in the Ames microbial mutagenicity assay with no or limited other evidence of genotoxic potential and (2) recognized genotoxins which. if tested for carcinogenicity, have also been found to be carcinogenic in rodents. Both of these groups of compounds include agents which also produce cytotoxicity after 3-h exposures in the dose range tested. The results from testing of compounds in these 2 categories were, therefore, judged to provide the most appropri-
I% DMSO 0.006
Geranyl acetate [ IOS-x7-31 (ML+, SCF.+W)
1% Water 0.010
0.20 0.25 0.30
0.05 0.10 0.15
7 I0
I .o 2.5 5.0
103 103 104 96 YX 96
0.000 0.000 -n.not - 0.002
97 02 99
100 91 95
94 92
83 89 x2 86
100 66 17
104 96 X4
- 0.002 -0.001
- 0.002 ~ 0.003 - 0.007
-0.001 0.004 0.004(P)
- 0.003
I% DMSO 0.007
[536-33-41 (ML+)
~ 0.002
- 0.006 - 0.003
0.005 0.005 n.nos 0.0 IO
S.1 6.4 X.0 IO.0 3 7
I% Water 0.010
4. I
Ephedrine sulfate [ 134-72-51 (SC%+ W)
I % DMSO 0.002
0. I73
Ditiocarh [20624-25-31
0.005 0.04 I 0.101
1% DMSO 0.01
2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.2 0.4 0.6
o.ow - 0.004
I 3 IO
I% DMSO 0.007
[ 120.83.21 (ML+, SCEf)
[94-20-21 (SCE + )
I03 YS 9x 9s
100 100
99 Y4 101
98 101 95
93 89
94 85 90 87 94
103 I03 XI
I OS 96
++ ++ ++ ++
-/(+) ++ ++
--/c+j + + +t ++
I05 107 102 IO1 loo YX
I20 Ill 122 II7 I20
106 I08 104 100 10s
I08 I I6
63 7x 64
I05 II6
99 108 97 IO9 YY
72 3’)
95 49
94 I02
92 I03
IO1 IO4 78
100 86
104 100 IO2
9Y I0 I 76
104 95
x4 102
85 81 78 70
31 32 I2
YY 97
97 Y4 86 77
84 72 42
++ (Yt ) ++
Yl x.3
I I7 III 126 124 I21
I I3
95 92
I ox I IS 96
I IO 91
I05 106 II5 II0 II3
96 96 Y3
Y3 X6 35
84 79
35 24
66 65 I IO
53 45 41
22 I4 14
97 04
95 91 83
3 3 2
95 x0
~ ~ +
~ -
~ -
+ +
+ + +
~ ~
~ ~
5% Water 0.004
[834-28-61 (ML?) 10
s 7
I 3
0.3 0.7 1.5
I% DMSO 0.012
p-Nitrophenol [ I Oo-02-71 (Cabs + )
0.07 0.10 0.15 0.21 0.30
I c/r DMSO 0.002
Methoxychlor [72-43-S]
0.3 0.7 I .o I .3
0. I
0.075 0.1 IO 0.145 0. I x0
0. IS
0.05 0.10
I % DMSO 0.002
I% DMSO 0.004
Vehicle/ Elution slope h
Menthol [ 15.756.70.4]
No.] results)
[434- 13.91 (MI.-+ +)
I.indane [58-89-91
I (continued)
Compound[CAS (NTP (ienetox.
0.019 0.056 0.098 0.157
89 71
97 96
96 96 Y8
97 107
9.5 97 04 91 93 84
-0.008 0.008 0.006 0.022
65 60
61 54
0.001(P) 0.004(P)
98 92 x2
88 58
YX 94 90
101 I03 91
97 92
94 95
% of control
Fraction DNA remaining after lysih rind rinse ’
98 91 81
67 40
0.008 0.01 I
0.00 I 0.00 I O.ooI(P)
96 89 87
0.005 0.005 0.008
104 102 62
~ 0.007 0.000
73 I05 97
93 93
~-intercept c/r of control
0.002 0.003
Induced clution slope ’
(+) (+I (+) (+) (+ +)
(-) (+) (+I (+)
+ ++ ++
+/c-j ++ ++ ++
(G) (+) (+) (+) (+)
DNA wand t
107 99 96 57 I3
94 85
81 64 31
85 86 60 60
61 30
99 95 73
63 43
IO1 94 x9
100 80
53 53
88 69 68
53 53 24
82 93
I I6 I IO 96
76 63
98 84 73
57 44 51
98 93
71 89 55
(% of control) TBDE-3
YX 99 87
77 68
90 78
107 98 10s
79 42
91 93 80
94 90 92 62
91 93
+ + +
94 Y3 84
3x 30
4 3
84 78 86 89 90
16 7 6 5
+ +
~ -
+ ~
+ + + 22
61 36
3 2 g 3
2 z
9 ST kc 5 2 : s
00 79 65
+ + +
96 83 66
2 z
$ 3 2 ;: r: 7
88 ~
C’el blebbing
100 85 51
26 4
98 88 90 71
104 104 105 77
26 13
IO.5 74 42
97 68
Sulfisoxarole [ 127-69-S]
Sodium [ISI-21-31
I% DMSO 0.007
I% DMSO 0.012
I% Water 0.00s
I7r DMSO 0.002
+ )
Phthalic [X5-44-91
- 0.00 I 0.000 - 0.002 - 0.002
0.000 0.000 0.003
99 97 8.5
Yl Y2
4Y Y
0.0 I x 0.216
I0 I 103 92
YY 100
00 87 77
Yl Y.-i 91
90 90
86 X6
0.003 0.000 0.0 IO
0.005 0.002 -0.001
0.000 - 0.002 0,000(P)
- 0.00
0.00 I 0.003 0.003
-0.001 0.000
~ 0.004 0.004
~ 0.007
I 3 I0
3 7 IO
0. I39 0.191 0.233 0.2YS
I 3 I0
23 5.0
0.5 I .o
5.1 6.4 8.0 IO.0
I’% DMSO 0.007
4. I
3 7
I% Water 0.0 IO
Phenylthiocarhamidc [103-x5-51
Phenylephrine-HCI [6 I-76-71
no 60 64
97 96 86
90 Y4
( -) (-) (4 (-)
++ ++
101 103 93
YY 97
98 99
94 96 97
91 02
87 85
YS 91
X5 Y3
92 I 09 106
98 06
96 94 88
I07 Y7
Yh 83 6X 36
Y4 81 77 44
96 YI
IO0 102
87 74 76
86 00
94 04
102 IO2
100 100 x7
90 91
100 I 00
IO6 I02 98 99 89 77 77
I21 I32 10s 91 II3 106 I06
x4 77 20 7
XY 61 77 39
89 84
10s 101
95 92 80 X6
79 71
I OS 93 66 106 87 I IO
82 x4 xx
I I4 I I4 II3
99 I20 III
12’) 144 I44
100 IO0
96 102
88 84
~ ~
~ ~
II2 10s
~ ~
+ + +
~ +
98 88 YX
74 73 69
89 x4
YO x5
‘, s ?
‘k oc
5 z f
I (continued)
in vitro
exchange. its final concentration (vehicle) control
I 2 4
0.2.50 0.313 0.39 I
Dose(mM) L
100 I 00 YS
92 88
9s Y4
~~intcrcept ” % of control
in the media, and the elution (P). precipitate/insoluble
0.003 -0.001 ~ 0,00?(P)
0.002 0.000 0.001
Induced clution
DNA after
densitometrlc g Cytotoxicity (TBDE-3):
hrcaks (DSBs) : l-h PACE (Programmed produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. or (for scores in parenthe\e~) by visual
scores are listed for a particular dose Icvcl. assays: TBDE, trypan blue dye exclusion measured MTT. thiaroyl hluc dye reduction: ATP. intracellular
’ DNA double-strand DSBs lew than that dcnsitometric analysis immediately adenosine
Autonomously + +. DNA examination
Y8 91 90
XI 54
95 102
vc. time)
89 85 85
X0 so
97 91
I06 96 YX
127 II0 120
or after a 3-h recovery potassium content.
to 9-h
to O.c)IS.
in medium
fragmentation. +. DNA Scores determined hy where both visual and
~ -
Ccl I
96 Y3
85 62
Y9 99
of the
87 81 67
10s 94 78
(% of control) TBDE-9
Electrodes) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay for DNA to or greater then that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. bromide stained gels. Data are considered marginal or equivocal
of the
are listed.
after the 3-h treatment (TBDE-0) triphosphate content: K +. intracellular
Controlled DSBs cqual of ethidium
+ + +
DNA strand
slope for the negativr dose level.
101 IOU 94
96 9s 92
lysis and rinse ‘/r of control
Fraction trcmaining
’ The y-intercept ia the intercept (on the v-axis of a wmi-log plot of fraction DNA remaining on the least-quare, line of best fit. Control values ranged from 0.702 to 0.905. ’ Fraction of total DNA remaining after the neutral lysia and rime steps, a measure of DNA degradation
aberrations; SCF.. \ister chromatld ’ The negative (vehicle) control, ’ Treatment slope minus negative
If/r DMSO 0.007
Tolazamide [I 156.19-01 (SA’.‘)
Vehicle/ Elution
[64-75-S] (ML+)
No.] rccults)
Compound[CAS (NTP C;cnetox.
k 53 2
$ z : a 2 2 z s
5 e.
Lr. 5 2
R.D. Storer et nl. /Mutatim
ate data set for an empirical selection of criteria for (I ) induced slope increases and (2) cytotoxicity limits for the assay which minimize false-positive and false-negative results and thereby maximize the accuracy of the assay in correctly identifying compounds with genotoxic potential.
368 (19961 59-101
3.2. Results,for non-curcinogenic compounds with no or limited ecidence qf genotoxicity The results for 28 compounds in the category of non-carcinogens with no or limited evidence of genotoxicity are presented in Table 1. All of these
Fig. I. Assay for DNA fragmentation (DNA DSB) by I h PACE/PFGE of several non-carcinogenic compounds with no or limited evidence of genotoxicity. Primary rat hepatocytea were treated with the indicated compounds for 3 h or with 40 Gy gamma irradiation on ice immediately prior to assay. Dose levels for each compound (see Table I) increase from left to right for (A) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and tetracycline-HCI (TET). (B) geranyl acetate (GA) and chlorpheniramine maleate (CM) and for (C) 2.4.dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) and lindane (LIND). Dose levels for aflatoxin B, (AFB, ) and 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) controls were 0.2 PM and 5 PM. DNA molecular weight markers (MI are from 48.5 to 8.3 kb.
compounds were reported by the US National Toxicology program (NTP) as negative or, in several cases, inconclusive in the Salmonella microbial mutagenicity assay(s). With the exception of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). they are also listed in the NTP data base as being negative (Nl for, or having no evidence (NE). of carcinogenicity in both sexes of rats and/or mice. We excluded from this group compounds which are reported as having equivocal evidence (EE) of carcinogenicity in either sex of rats or mice. For sodium dodecyl sulfate. results of the NTP genetic toxicology test battery were uniformly negative but the bioassay testing was discontinued. For approximately half of the 28 compounds in Table I, NTP results for one or more of the following in vitro genetic toxicology tests were reported as positive: the mouse lymphoma L5178Y mammalian cell mutagenicity assay (ML), sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in CHO cells and chromosome aberrations (CA) in CHO cells. Where this is the case. most commonly for the mouse lymphoma assay. the abbreviation for the positive in vitro test(s) is included in the Table I beneath the compound name and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number. These data raise a question as to whether these compounds may properly be categorized as “nongenotoxic” compounds for the purpose of these validation studies. However. in our view, the absence of any carcinogenic effects of the compounds and the negative (or inconclusive) Salmonella microbial mutagenicity data suggest that the positive in vitro data for some, if not most, of these compounds may reflect indirect, cytotoxicity-mediated mechanisms of effects on genomic integrity rather than the direct and specific interaction of the compound or a metabolite with DNA or a DNA strand-breaking protein (e.g., topoisomerases). The data in Table 1 show that 7 of the 28 compounds (butadiene sulfone, butyl chloride, caprolactam, ethylene glycol, phthalamide, succinic anhydride and tolazamide) were essentially non-toxic at all concentrations tested up to IO mM or the limit of solubility. An additional 4 compounds (geranyl acetate. phenylephrine-HCl, phthalic anhydride and sulfisoxazole) produced only very weak evidence of dose-related cytotoxicity as judged by the more sensitive parameters of toxicity such as cell blebbing or
an increase in DNA degradation (double-strand breaks). None of these I I non-toxic or marginally cytotoxic compounds produced any consistent, dose-related increases in the induced elution slope. For the remaining 17 compounds which did show clear evidence of a dose-related cytotoxic effect by one or more of the parameters measured, 9 of the compounds also produced evidence of dose-related increases in the induced elution slope (chlorpheniramine maleate. 2.4-dichlorophenol, ditiocarb sodium, lindane, lithocholic acid. menthol. phenformin-HCll sodium dodecyl sulfate and pnitrophenol). While the effects on the induced elution slope were weak or marginal for ditiocarb sodium. D-menthol, and lindane, for the remaining 6 compounds there were moderate to large, dose-related increases in the induced elution slope (0.0220.216) which paralleled the dose-related increases in cytotoxicity and DNA degradation (double-strand breaks) seen by the I-h PACE/PFGE and/or by decreases in the fraction DNA remaining on the elution filter after the neutral (pH 9.6) lysis/rinse step. Representative examples of the l-h PACE/PFGE gels for several of these compounds are presented in Fig. I. Thus. the DNA strand breaks detected in hepatocytes treated with these compounds at cytotoxic dose levels include double-strand breaks and indicate extensive DNA fragmentation due to the activation of degradative endonucleases in dead and/or dying cells. For 4 of 6 compounds in Table I which produced moderate to large increases in the induced elution slope at cytotoxic dose levels (2.4-dichlorophenol. lithocholic acid. phenformin-HCI and I?-nitrophenoll. the sharp increases in the induced elution slope above background coincided with precipitous drops in cellular ATP levels and. with the exception of p-nitrophenol. with significant delayed toxicity as measured by the TBDE-3 recovery assay. The data for these compounds confirm our previously reported finding (Elia et al.. 1993) that cytotoxicity that is not adequately measured by the trypan blue dye exclusion assay performed immediately after harvest (TBDE-0) can be a significant confounding variable in the assay leading to false-positive results. For 2.4-dichlorophenol and phenformin-HCl for example. the increases in the elution slope are of sufficient magnitude that these compounds would have been
elution plot, but with minimal effects on the induced elution slope from 3 to 9 h. This phenomenon has previously been referred to by Kohn ( 199 1) as an ‘initial dip’ in the elution curve caused by rapid elution of degraded DNA from damaged cells or cells undergoing autolysis. The v-intercept parameter, however, also accounts for DNA eluted under ‘neutral’ (non-denaturing; pH 9.6) conditions from dead and/or damaged cells that is recovered in the lysis/rinse fraction prior to the alkaline elution step. Recovery of DNA in this lysis/rinse fraction may indicate near complete degradation to oligonucleoso-
considered positive in the assay by the original criteria (Sina et al., 1983) which used a 3.0-fold elution slope increase and 70% or greater relative cell viability by the TBDE-0 assay. Another potentially useful indicator of cytotoxicity is the v-intercept of the 3 to 9 h elution plots (illustrated in Fig. 2a). As shown in Fig. 2 for methoxychlor, D-menthol and chlorpheniramine maleate, most non-genotoxic compounds that are cytotoxic produce a change in the elution profile, a ‘parallel drop’, that is characterized by dose-dependent decreases in the v-intercept of the 3- to 9-h
5 ir s P .cj 5 a
2 6 .-s 5 F L 01
Maleate n
0 0 A n
DMSO 1% 137~cs 4.4 G) 0.10 mM
0.25 mM 0 0.50 mM V 0.75 mM
Elution Fig.
2. Alkaline
evidence extrapolation
for DNA
(Hours) strand
Elution break
of genotoxicity (see Table I for elution slope and cytotoxicity of the 3 to 9 h elution plot back to the y axis) is illustrated
by several
data). in (A).
L.-I D
A l.OOmM
6 (Hours)
non-carcinogenic derivation
of the
compounds x-intercept
with parameter
no or limited (a linear
R.D. Storer
et al. /Mutation
ma1 size fragments, as occurs in certain cell types undergoing apoptosis (Zwelling et al., 1991) but also reflects rapid elution from the filter of higher molecular weight (100 kb to 1 megabase), double-stranded DNA fragments produced by endonucleolytic DNA degradation in necrotic cells (Elia et al., 1993, 1994). Interestingly, for some compounds such as phenformin-HCl which is a mitochondrial toxin (Byczkowski et al., 1982), a parallel drop is not a characteristic feature of the cytotoxic response (See Fig. 2c and Table 1). We have seen similar results for potassium cyanide (see Table 9 and Fig. 10) which is cytotoxic due to its inhibitory effect on mitochondrial electron transport. For most of the compounds in Table 1 which produced some evidence of cytotoxicity, the viability measurements by trypan blue (TBDE-0 and TBDE-3) and the cytotoxicity assays (MTT dye reduction and cellular ATP and Kf content) were reasonably well correlated. For chlorpheniramine maleate, lindane, menthol, methoxychlor, phenylthiocarbamide, sodium dodecyl sulfate and tetracycline, for example, the viability measurements and results of the cytotoxicity assays showed very similar dose-related effects. For several compounds, most notably DLamphetamine sulfate, caprolactam and ethionamide, the MTT assay appeared to be a more sensitive indicator or the only indicator (for caprolactam) of dose-relatedcytotoxic effects but in no casewas this cytotoxicity accompanied by any significant increasesin the induced elution slope. In the case of ditiocarb sodium, methoxyclor and phenylthiocarbamide, however, the MTT assay was notably less sensitive than the other assays as a measure of cytotoxicity. Finally, it appears,as discussedabove, that for several of the compoundsin Table 1 which have the potential to produce increases in the induced elution slope (and false-positive results), cytotoxicity limits basedon the delayed toxicity (TBDE3) and ATP assaysare especially important. Observations of cell blebbing in trypan blue negative cells were also a sensitive indicator of cytotoxicity for somecompounds. The results of a pairwise correlation analysis of all of the data for the 28 compoundsin Table 1 for the 5 cytotoxicity assays, the y-intercept and lysis/drip fraction parametersfrom the alkaline elution data and DNA double-strandbreaks asmeasured
368 (19961 59-101
by the 1 h PACE/PFGE assayare shown in Table 2. The results show that the TPDE-3 assayhad the best overall correlation with the other 7 indicators of cytotoxicity followed closely by the TPDE-0 assay and the y-intercept parameter. The potassium, DNA DSB and ATP assaysalso showed a high degree of correlation with the other parameters. The MTT assayand lysis/drip fraction parameterhad the lowest degrees of correlation overall with the other measuresof cytotoxicity. Interestingly, the highest correlation (0.833) between any two assays/parameters was between the TBDE-3 and y-intercept values; the TBDE-0 and TBDE-3 assay values were also highly correlated (0.797). Thus, the y-intercept parameter, as suggested by Kohn (1991) for the initial ‘dip’ in filter elution curves, appearsto be a useful and reliable indicator of cytotoxicity which correlates well with cell viability assessed by trypan blue dye exclusion and measuresthe percentage of dead and/or dying cells in the treated population with extensively degraded DNA which elutes very rapidly either in the neutral lysis/rinse fraction or the 0- to 3-h fraction. 3.3. Resultsfbr genotoxins and genotoxic carcinogens The results for 33 compoundsin the secondcategory of genotoxins/genotoxic carcinogensare shown in Table 3. These include a diverse group of recognized genotoxic carcinogens and procarcinogens as well as compounds which specifically induce DNA strand breaks by mechanismsthat do not involve covalent binding of the test compound itself to DNA, such as inhibition of DNA topoisomeraseI or II, and which should therefore be detected as positive in the assay. Dose levels were chosen basedon published results or in a few cases, based on preliminary solubility and range-finding assays.In the latter case, the top dose level was chosen as a doseexpected to produce significant cytotoxicity or, in the absenceof any cytotoxicity, as the limit of solubility of the compounds in the culture medium or 10 mM, a recommended upper limit for the top dose when testing soluble materials (Kirkland, 1994). Assays were repeated as necessary when the initial dose range selection was too low or two high, when technical problems occurred or to clarify equivocal results at or near the limit of solubility.
0.61 I 0.724 0.772 0.833 0.605 0.707 5.049 0.72 I
4.910 0.701
assays of 28 non-genotoxic
0.797 0.622 0.637 0.773 0.749 0.616 0.716
for cytotoxicity
3.745 0.535
0.687 0.548 0.502 0.292 0.483
0.622 0.61 I -
4.241 0.606
0.637 0.724 0.686 0.68 I 0.596 0.299 0.618
4.599 0.657
0.686 0.507 0.632
0.773 0.772 0.548 0.68 I
4.869 0.696
0.749 0.833 0.502 0.596 0.686 0.8 I4 0.689
3.620 0.517
0.616 0.605 0.292 0.299 0.507 0.814
” Correlation coefficients listed arc for the 24/28 compounds in Table I for which quantitative densitometric scores were available. ’ Sum is the sum of the correlation coefficienta for the cytotoxicity assay listed in the column heading with the other 7 assays or parameters. ’ Mean is the mean of the correlation coefficients for the cytotnxicity assay listed in the column heading with the other 7 assays or parameters.
Sum h Mean ’
TBDE-0 TBDE-3 MTT ATP K+ y-intercept I.ysis/Drip DNA DSB/PFGE
Table 2 Correlation
4.331 0.619
0.716 0.707 0.483 0.617 0.632 0.689 0.487
results ”
Adriamycin-HCI [25316-40-91
Actinomycin [50-76-O]
2-Acetvlaminofluorene 53-96-31 :SA+,ML+,Cabs+,SCE+)
Compound [CAS No.] NTP genetox.
Table 3
0.008 0.018 0.083 0.288 0.573 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.00 I - 0.002 0.008 0.012 0.010 ND ND
1% Water 0.005
I % Water 0.005
I % Water 0.007
0.013 0.039(P)
1% DMSO 0.004
0.010 0.005 0.003 0.003
Induced elution slope ’
0.010 0.010 0.011 0.020
Dose (mM)
I% DMSO 0.005
1% DMSO 0.00.5
Vehicle/ elution slope ‘I
87 93 96 ND ND
9.5 97 95 97 101
99 9s 109 91 96
102 99
102 IO5 95 93
98 96 94 96
?‘lnlcrccpt ” % of control
93 108 II5 ND ND
97 99 99 107 I I2
95 102 100 93 98
+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +
99 I03 94 99 I06
96 102
96 94 I04 99
92 97 96 100
Cytotoxicity TBDE-0
IO0 100 103 95 95
99 97 IO1 93 98
C-1 C-J c--j (-)
DNA Double-strand breaks ’
96 96
102 103
98 97 9s 9.5
Fraction DNA remaining after lysis and rinse ’ % of control
95 101 IO1 100 99
96 92 89 95 100
loo 89 99 97 95
100 107
97 104 IO1 96
89 93 96 IO1
86 88 87 92 II2
III 91 94 III 98
83 101 98 82 95
99 73
86 95 86 82
I08 115 105 10s
99 98 87 8.5 91
92 IO6 93 99 91
100 85 I01 93 100
I28 120
94 140 99 95
IO7 118 105 I I2
(% of control) p TBDE-3 MTT .4TP
86 84 81 76 88
96 104 86 89 72
98 87 93 86 87
120 13.5
113 87 124 I16
II4 114 108 122
K ’
~ -
Cell blebbing
3 (continued)
Bleomycin sulfate [904 I-93-41
I % Water 0.009
0.0020 0.0066 0.0 I98 0.0463 0.066 I
0.0 I 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.15
I % Acetone 0.006
0.01 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.15
1% Acetone 0.009
Benzo[ alpyrene [50-32-g] (SA+, ML+.Cahs+.
I 3 6 IO
l%DMSO 0.003
0.17 0.2 I 0.26 0 32 0.40
O.OooO2 o.oooo5 o.ooo1o 0.00020
Benzene [7 I-43-21 (SCE + )
l%DMSO 0.002
Azohenzene [103-33-31 @.A + , Cabs?/-SCE
+ /-)
1% DMSO 0.005
results ’
Vehicle/ elution slope h
Aflatoxin B I [I 162-65-81 (SA+)
Compound [CAS No.] NTP genetox.
0.068 0.147 0.123 0.097 0.1 IS
0.001 0.010 0.017(P) 0.030(P) 0.0 I S(P)
0.001 0.006 0.014(P) 0.015(P) 0.026(P)
O.OOQ 0.000 0.001 0.002
0.009 0.013 0.020 0.149 ND(P)
0.004 0.019 0.034 0.096
Induced elution slope c
43 35 15 13 IO
100 99 100 102 98
101 107 IO1 99 98
102 101 99 98
58 49 49 10 ND
88 79 64 70
?‘lntcrccpt ’ % of control
78 78 67 62 53
100 99 99 100 98
102 107 IO1 99 97
101 IO1 99 98
76 70 81 66 ND
88 82 70 72
Fraction DNA remaining after lysis and rinse ’ % of control
+/c-j +/c-j ++ tt t+ ++ ++
ND ND + +
86 79 78 22 I7
+ +t ++ ++ ++
108 lo6 IO0 107 10s
101 99 98 102 IO1
102 I04 99 94 89
99 101 100 98
92 IO1 92 95
Cytotoxicity TBDE-0
(-) (-) (-) (6)
DNA Douhlc-strand breaks ’
I06 I06 loo 97 97
103 91 9.5 103 98
100 92 97 89 89
103 99 IO1 103
82 81 69 I6 3
93 I IO 86 I IO
I I3 88 87 75 84
93 I03 94 90 95
I I6 138 III I I8 124
96 86 I09 99
80 87 82 53 44
I08 93 IO1 I06
(% of control) E TBDE-3 MTT
88 III 87 87 89
96 96 74 100 80
98 II6 I IO 88 90
102 109 II3 I10
104 81 52 3 I
86 95 97 88
104 83 78 96 9s
I03 103 9s 102 I06
I04 II5 II9 96 90
98 88 89 97
85 85 69 I6 7
97 11s I08 102
~ -
+ + +
Cell hlehhing
R.D. Storer
=0 8:
et al. /Mutution
368 (19%)
F 5 I
results ~’
Ethyl methanesulfonate [62-50-O] (SA+,Cabs+, SCE+)
Epichlorohydrin [ 106-89-81 (SA+,Cabs+. 1% DMSO 0.004
I% DMSO 0.005
I% DMSO 0.004
Dimethyl [77-78-I]
0.30 1.00 3.00 10.00
0. IO 0.25 0.50 I .txl
0.03 0.10 0.30 1.00
0.01 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.15
0.03 0.10 0.30 1.00 3.00
1% Water 0.00.5
I% Acetone 0.006
0. I 0.3 1.0
0. I 0.3 0.7 I.0 3.0
1% Water 0.014
1% Water 0.003
0.03 0.10 0.30
Dose (mM)
1% Water 0.003
Vehicle/ elution slope h
7.12 - Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene [57 - 97-61 (SA+. ML+)
Dimethylnitrosamine [62-75-91 (SA + , CA?/-/ + , SCE+
Diethylnitrosamine [SS-18-S] (SA+)
Comnound [CAS No.] NTP genetox.
Table 3 (continued)
0.015 0.065 0.475 0.433
0.00 I 0.015 0.234 0.324
0.01 I 0.101 0.663 0.173
O.COO 0.105 0.123 0.174 0.168(P)
0.04 I 0.06 I 0.100 0.129 0.173
0.048 0.047 0.08 1
0.06 I 0.088 0.133 0.155 0.328
0.018 0.019 0.03 I
induced elution slope c
98 109 250 41
96 93 109 II
95 100 155 7
97 103 77 84 75
I05 III I I6 123 120
I04 102 103
94 107 99 91 88
97 99 103
YIntercept “ % of control
98 99 96 93 93
97 97 99 99
(-) (-) (-) (+)
97 92 79 79
IO1 97
95 87 85
IO1 102 100
98 102 96 96 101 95 96 93
DNA Double-strand breaks ’
97 98 100
Fraction DNA remaining after lysis and rinse’ % of control
95 102 102 IO1
90 103 97 96
98 97 92 90
94 98 96 98 101
97 I01 I06 IO1 IOil
96 101 99
100 IO0 96 94 98
97 92 98
Cytotoxicity TBDE-0
100 96 I03 96
97 93 95 81
IO1 94 96 7s
9s 98 91 91 92
101 I04 100 IO1 IO1
97 93 I05
97 94 84 80 85
97 IO.7 89
70 78 83 68
91 98 98 82
82 91 95 61
77 I08 103 111 120
133 140 I08 I09 81
97 88 97
88 92 97 95 87
93 97 94
(8 of control) ?’ TBDE-3 MTT
97 77 108 II4
I is I06 99 96
103 I05 107 83
I IO 89 95 84 77
102 I06 96 IO1 107
10s loo I IO
83 97 108 I04 107
96 103 I09
78 79 84 84
107 II2 109 II0
92 85 76 5.5
127 103 10s 103 103
100 96 100 95 103
I06 109 102
IO1 II0 99 95 107
90 93 89
~ -
~ ~
+ + +
~ -
~ -
Cell blebbing
I 7 +
++ I
I y +
et 01. /Mutation
I +++
,‘1 ++ yy++ I I++
h I y it++++
+++ I
- _- I
+ i
I I I .-.vv \ 1. -1 ri’l,
+ 7 /
0.01 0.03 0.10 0.30 1.00 0.000 I o.oocl3 0.0010 o.tMno 0.0 IO0
1% Water 0014
.i’/T Water 0 003
I ‘7c DMSO 0.014
0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 I .oo
I ‘% Water 0 007
0.03 0.0s 0.07 0.10
0. I 0,s 0.5 0.7
0.003 0.010 0.030 0.100 0.300
I ‘7c Wnta 0.0 I7
Tetranitromethane [SOS- I J-81 (SA+,Cabs+,SCE+)
0.00 I 0.003 0.010 0.030
I’S I)MSO 0.OO.i
I ‘% 20 mM c1tratc 0 007
d~chromatr 12-O]
Streptorocir1 [18883-66-41
Sodium [77X9-
P-Propiolactone [s7ms7m8] (SA+.Cub\+.SCE+)
-I-Nmwquinolinc [s6ms7ms3 (SA+,ML+,Cahst.S(‘E
99 95 86 79
28 20
020~ 0. I7 I 0.002 0.008 0.018 0.007
104 36 70
104 10s IO2 IO1 I02
I19 91 42 IO I6
Y9 98 I I3 160 194
IO0 I03 IO1 I0 I ND
103 99 88 9
0. I96 0.165 0.141
0.00 I o.oocl 0.002 0.018 0.075
0.213 0.424 0.41 I 0.274 0.258
0.011 0.037 0.098 0.267 0.423
- 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.00x ND
0.000 0.002 0.014 0294
101 IO1 Y9 98
95 IO0 I01 100 I02
IO3 IO4 IO1 IO? 99
100 91 97 IO I I04
99 94 97 9s 96
100 ND
99 IO? IO I
IO4 100 91 6’)
m/(t) -A+)
++ t+ I I ++
t/c-j -
-/(+) +
( ) (-) (I)
9s Y7 93 97
08 ‘)I
93 93 IO2
I OS IO3 I04 94 97
loo loo 99 99 9s
Y7 98 93 9s 101
I oi YI YI 91
88 84 78 80
96 YO
IO1 96 IO0
88 xx
101 10s IO3
YO 92 100 IO0 83
IO3 103 96 10s 99
95 97 YS 91 98
OS I08 YY 108
I02 I I9 I0 I I02
70 66 97 OS YS
72 92 99 65 62
93 74 60 52 43
107 II3 II4 106 IO1
102 I IS III
II9 YX 81 IO7
I02 IO1 IO2 106
96 96 100 YS 93
Y7 I03 97 65 47
51 38 I’) 9 6
109 Y6 106 104 96
96 IOU 84 86 99
91 90 xx
93 99 96 96
x5 84 96 83 91
91 98 97 91 84
I02 10s 76 68 64
lr33 107 100 106 91
105 IO1 96 98 9s
II2 I02 107 IO8
~ ~ ~
~~ ~ ~
~ -
~ ~ + t
~ ~ -
~ -
~ -
3 (continuctl)
1% DMSO 0.018
I % DMSO 0.004
elution slope
0.002 0.012 0.030
I .oo 3 7 IO
0.003 0.005 0.003
Induced elution slope ‘
0.03 0.10 0.30
Dose (mM)
99 100 IO1
101 102 I02 101
yIntercept ” ‘7r of control
99 99 97
IO2 102 102 IO1
Fraction DNA remaining after lysis and rinse ’ % of control
DNA Double-strand breaks ’
97 IO2 100
102 102 IO3 101
Cytotoxicity TBDE-0
1OS IO? 102
I04 97 103 97
88 82 78
99 II5 98 I 00
(9 of control) Y TBDE-3 MTT
IO7 106 II2
107 I37 93 I03
95 106 98
92 92 93 9s
~ -
~ -
Cdl hlehhing
’ NTP in vitro genetic toxicology tests with positive ( + ). weak positive ( + W). or inconclusive (‘?) results: SA. SalmonellaML. mouse lymphoma, Cabs, chromosome aberrationsSCE. sister chromatid exchange. h The negative (vehicle) control, its final concentration in the media, and the elution slope for the negative control are listed. ‘ Treatment slope minus negative (vehicle) control slope. (P). precipitate/insoluble dose level. ND, not done/no data. ‘t The y-intercept is the intercept (on the v-axis of a semi-log plot of fraction DNA remaining on the filter vs. time) of the linear extrapolation of the 3. to 9-h elutton Ieat-squares line of best fit. Control values ranged from 0.708 to 0.878. ’ Fraction of total DNA remaining after the neutral lysis and rinse steps. a measure of DNA degradation (double-strand breaks). Control values ranged from 0.739 to 0.889. ’ DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs): I-h PACE (Programmed Autonomously Controled Electrodes) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay for DNA fragmentation. + , DNA DSBs less than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. t +, DNA DSBs equal to or greater than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. Scores determined by densitometric analysis or (for scores in parentheses) by visual examination of ethidium bromide stained gels. Data are considered marginal or equivocal where both visual and densitometric scores ure listed for a particular dose level. B Cytotoxicity assays: TBDE. ttypan blue dye exclusion measured immediately after the 3-h treatment (TBDE-0) or after a 3-h recovery incubation in medium without compound (TBDE-3); MTT. thiazoyl blue dye reduction; ATP, mtracellulur adenosine triphosphate contentK+. intracellular potassium content TBD. to be determined.
Trtmethyl [Sl2-56-11 (SA+,Cabs+,
Compound [CAS No.] NTP genetox.
The the the
in Table
compounds induced
excessive presence
slope of’ drug
effects creases
the two cadmium
metal salts tested. sulfate. did show
of-‘ these confounded
dose elution
J c)t’
by the
increase with
effects threshold induced
for compounds 3. Thus. detection
is generally at the in the
was and/or
a dose-related
of the elution data are included in Fig. the
3 show
which give The result\
(Sina alkaline
et al.. rlution
did but
001 0
Cadmium Sulfate
LIZ10 find
not were
positive not
has positive
did assay
;I weak
at -3 PM
which in the
as mea-
tested response
compounds poaitivc
on cell
wdium dichromate and some rvidencc ot’ loxicity
the TBDE-O
hrpatocytcs infor
and/or effect
a clear
adriamycin. and
to be little 5 of
thi\ category in the assay ot by
levels slope.
cells adri-
slopes decreased with dose as concentrations were increased from 3 to 30 FM. In the studies reported here with mt hepatocytes, there were small increases (O.OOS-0.010) in the induced elution slope in one assay that were not dose-related and were not seen in a repeat assay in the same dose range. The DNA fragmentation assay for DNA double-strand breaks was. however, clearly positive over the dose range from 0.3 to 100 PM but curiously showed an inverse, dose-related effect (decreasing densitometric signal for the amount of DNA entering the gel with increasing dose) in the dose range from 3 to 300 FM. The fraction of DNA recovered in the lysis rinse fraction also decreased with dose from 3 to 30 PM and slow column loading was noted at 30 PM. with complete column clogging at 100 and 300 PM. These observations suggest two explanations for the lack of activity of adriamycin in the assay; (I) that a drug precipitate is interfering with cell lysis and
DNA mobility and/or (2) that DNA interstrand cross-linking is occurring. Since adriamycin is not known to cross-link DNA. the former explanation seems rnore likely. Azobenzene produced dose-related increases in the induced elution slope but the response was accompanied by extensive DNA fragmentation even at the lowest dose levels tested as judged by the PFGE results and the data for the x-intercepts and fraction DNA eluted in the lysis/rinse fraction. Since the TBDE viability assays, the observation of cell blebbing, and the ATP and K- measurements also indicated dose-related increases in cytotoxicity which were extreme at the highest 2 dose levels tested, the increases in the induced elution slope appear to be associated with a cytotoxic effect rather than a genotoxic effect of azobenzene. Similarly, the increase in the induced elution slope produced by the top dose levjel of 4.4’-methylenedianiline was clearly associ-
A % N-OH-AAF ~r----l5-----l~-si5
B Fig. 1. Assay for hepatocyte\ wzre
DNA fragmentation (DNA treated with the indicated
level\ for each compound N-hydrox~-Z-acet~latnlnotluorene
DSB) by I h PACE/PFGE compounds for 3 h or with
Table 3) mcrcwz from (N-OH-AAF). dimethyl
of \everal genotoxina 40 Gy gamma irradiation
left to right for (A) bleomycin (BLEO) sult’ate (DMS) and ethylmethanewlt’unate
and/or genotoxic carcinogen\. on ice immediately prior and atrcptozottrin (EMS).
Primary rat to ashay. Dose and
ated with cytotoxicity as judged by the precipitous drops in cellular ATP and K- levels, the decline in viability seen in the TBDE assays. cell blebbing and the DNA fragmentation seen by PFGE. Benzene was clearly negative and did not produce any evidence of either genotoxicity or cytotoxicity (which may be due to the volatility of the compound). Benzo[ m]pyrene produced only weak increases in the induced elution slope (0.001-0.010) at soluble dose levels with little evidence of a cytotoxic effect other than a weak response in the 1-h PACE assay for DNA double-strand breaks and cell blebbing at dose levels where compound precipitate was observed. This compound is detected as positive in in vitro unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assays in male Spraque-Dawley rat hepatocytes at dose levels as low as 10 PM after 18-20 h exposures (Selden et al.. 1994). We have found (data not shown) that benzo[a]pyrene is clearly positive in the in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay when using either (I ) hepatocytes from rats induced with phenobarbital and P-naphthotlavone or (2) supplemental inclusion of a liver post-mitochondrial supematant (S-9 mix) from phenobarbital/P-naphthoflavone induced rats. Thus. the negative results in the studies presented here appear to be due to low constitutive levels of metabolic activation in uninduced Sprague Dawley rat hepatocytes which are not sufficient to produce enough reactive metabolites and DNA adducts to produce a positive response in the assay after a 3-h exposure. Benzo[N]pyrene may be somewhat unique in this regard since metabolism to its ultimate electrophile, the dihydrodiol epoxide, requires a 3-step bioactivation sequence involving cytochrome ~450s and epoxide hydrolase (Cooper et al.. 1983). Furthermore, the constitutive levels of the main cytochrome ~450 responsible for benzo[ alpyrene oxidation, CypIA 1, and its associated ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity appear to
Fig. 5. Three-dimensional
of concurrent
be very low in uninduced rat liver as compared to levels in induced rats (Hall et al., 1989: Todorovic et al.. 1991: Van Birgelen et al.. 1995). The pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assays showed that 18/33 of the genotoxic compounds tested produced DNA double-strand breaks in the assay at at least one dose level. Representative photographs of the I-h PACE/PFGE gels are included in Fig. 4. For adriamycin. bleomycin and etoposide. the finding of double-strand break induction is an expected result consistent with the known genotoxic effects of these agents (for a review. see Elia et al., 1991). For several other compounds, most notably dimethylsulN-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofate. epichlorohydrin. fluorene. N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. 4nitroquinoline N-oxide and streptozocin. a positive signal in the l-h PACE assay was seen only at one or more of the highest dose levels which produced evidence of extensive DNA strand breaks. These effects may reflect double-strand breaks induced by DNA repair processes. such as overlapping sites of DNA excision repair. or they may reflect the early stages of activation of endonucleases in an apoptotic (or necrotic) pathway to cell death. DNA damage. and specifically DNA strand breaks, have been shown (Lowe et al., 1993) to activate genes such as pS3 which modulate the activity of the apoptosis regulatory gene BCL-2 (Miyashita et al.. 1994) and the cell cycle regulatory gene WAF- I /Cip- I /p2 I (El-Deiry et al.. 1994). The size of the DNA fragments detected in the l-h PACE assay ( - SO- 1000 kb) is also not inconsistent with apoptosis induction, since the early stages of endonuclease activation in apoptosis have been shown to involve an initial degradation of the nuclear DNA to - 300 kb and then - 50 kb fragments prior to further degradation, in some cell types, to oligonucleosomal ‘ladder’ sized fragments (Walker et al., 1993). Finally. while cytotoxicity leading to cell necrosis may explain the DNA dou-
of induced
and cytotoxtctty
in scoring
01‘ positive results. Data points t’or all soluble dose level5 of all compound\ tested are plotted. A compound is judged positibc in the in vitro alkalme elution/rat hepatocyte asay if effects at any soluble dose le\cl tested hhow an induced elution slope 2 0.020 with > 70% relative cell viability by the TBDE-3 ‘delayed‘ toxicity assay and ATP content/culture of 2 50% of control values; i.e.. if at least one data point None of the fall5 within the framed box. (A) Rswlth for 18 non-carcinogenic compound\ with no or limited evidence of genotoxicity. compound5 carcinogenh.
For 2X/33
I) met these
criteria (see Table
;I po\itiw 3). thehe
result critt-ria
for a positive
0 % ). (B) met (false
Rewlts negatives:
I’or 33 genotoxins/genotoxic .5/M
Induced Elution
0.1 .o:2Oc; I
)E-3(%) ATP (%)
Genotoxic Carcinogens 0.7
Induced Eiution
0.0~204-4 -0.1
E-3 (%) ATP
blc-strand breaks seen with cadmium. sodium dichromate and hydrazine. other mechanism< such as localized production of oxygen radicals (Ward et al.. 198.5) or cytotoxic effects due the physical properties of drug precipitate in the case of benzo[ Ll]pyrene and 2.4diaminoanisole sulfate. may be contributing to the positive responses seen in the l-h PACE assay.
The alkaline elution. pulsed-field gel electrophoreais and cytotoxicity data in Tables I and 3 for 61 compounds provide a comprehensive set of validation data which allow for an empirical determination of the appropriate criteria for scoring the in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay. Since cytotoxicity can clearly result in substantialincreases in elution rates due to DNA degradation in dead and/or dying cells. criteria for scoring the assay must by necessity, as previously shown by Sina et al. ( 1983). include cytotoxicity limits which establish the extent of cytotoxicity which can be tolerated in the assay without confounding interpretation of the clution slope increasesand producing false-positive results. The criteria for scoring the assay must also have a minimum induced slope criterion which alows for the small increasesin the 3- to 9-h elution slope which often occur when a small (+ 10-30’5) but significant fraction of the cells in the treated cell population are dead or dying due to compound-in-
duced cytoxicity. For this reason. a criterion based on statistical tests of differences between elution rates for negative control and treatment groups is not appropriate for an assayof this type. With theseprinciples in mind, analysis of the data sets in Tables 1 and 3 indicate that the following criteria result in excellent overall accuracy/predictivity of the assayin correctly classifying compounds as to their genotoxic potential: a minimum induced slope of 0.020. with relative cell viability by the TBDE-3 assay 2 70% and relative ATP content 2 50%. As shown graphically in Fig. 5b. a set of induced elution slope, TBDE-3. and ATP data at any single dose level of a test compound which fulflls these criteria will result in the compound being scoredas positive. Conversely. for a compound to be scoredasnegative, all setsof induced slope. TBDE-3, and ATP data for all dose levels tested must fall outside of these criteria (Fig. Sa). The decision to base these criteria on only 2 of the cytotoxicity assaysevaluated reflects the sensitivity of these assays and their apparent complementarity in detecting degreesof cytotoxic cell damage which are associated with significant increasesin the elution slope. For example, the cytotoxicity of p-nitrophenol and phenformin-HCI is not detected by the TBDE-3 assay at dose levels producing severe ATP depletion and clear increases in the induced elution slope whereasfor chlorpheniramine maleatethe ATP assay is insensitive relative to the TBDE-3 assay at dose3 where DNA double-strand breakageis significant.
Tahlc 4 F,d\e-paitivc
of fenotoxicity.
3.4. Srlrctinll of c,riteriu ,fiw determir~uticm of pwoto.ric qffrcts of test cwnpow~ds in the assa!
results (fold-mcreaae)
non-carcinogen\ v\. new
with slope)
no or hmited
Old criteria ” 2 3.0.fold increase in clution \lope 2 70% relative viability by TBDE-0
Sodium Ditiocarh rate:
‘I Sma et al..
of current
New criteria Induced elution 2 70 ‘4 relative and
2 HI”1
\et for 28 compounds
dodecyl sodium
Menthol 7/x+ (75q
hlope 2 0.020 viability by TBDE-3
of control
2.4.Dichlorophenol Phenformin Chlorpheniraminc Benryl alcohol
R.D. Storer Table 5 False-negative new (induced
results with genotoxins/genotoxic slope) criteria
368 (19961 59- 101
of current
Old criteria a 2 3.0.fold increase in elution slope 2 70% relative viability by TBDE-0
Elution slope criteria for positive: Cytotoxicity assays and limits:
rt 01. /Mutation
Adriamycin Benzene 4.1’-Methylenedianiline Trimethylphosphate
data set for 33 compounds
using old (fold-increase)
New criteria Induced elution slope z 0.020 2 70% relative viability by TBDE-3 and 2 50% of control ATP content
Adriamycin Benzene 4.4’.Methylenedianiline Azobenzene Benzo[ a]pyrene 5/33 (IS%)
Benzo[ alpyrene 5/33 (l57cc)
’ Sina et al., 1983.
An evaluation of the accuracy and predictivity of the assay when applying these criteria to the data set in Tables 1 and 3 and a breakdown of the compounds for which these criteria give false-positive or false-negative results are presented in Tables 4-6. For comparison purposes, we have also evaluated this data set using the original criteria established for the assay by Sina et al. (1983) which utilizes a 3.0-fold increase in the elution slope The results show that the induced slope criteria of 0.020 with cytotoxicity limits based on the TBDE-3 and ATP assays as proposed above gives the highest overall accuracy and predictivity for this set of 61 compounds with 92% of the compounds scored correctly. As shown in Tables 4-6, a reduction in the percentage of compounds giving false-positive results (to OS), by adoption of improved criteria for cytotoxicity. accounts for almost all of the improvement in the
Table 6 Overall accuracy/predictivity of the in vitro alkaline old (fold-increase) vs. new (induced slope) criteria
overall accuracy/predictivity of the assay, with little improvement in the false-negative rate. Reduction in the false-negative rate might be accomplished by utilizing a lower minimum induced slope in the range of 0.010 to 0.012. However, interpolative analysis (between dose levels) of the data for compounds such as phenformin and sodium dodecyl sulfate as well as our experience with the assay in testing proprietary compounds (data not shown) indicate that induced slopes in this range do not provide reliable or convincing evidence of a genotoxic effect of the test compound especially when there is some ancillary evidence of cytotoxicity (for example, the DNA fragmentation, v-intercept drops, and increased amounts of DNA in the lysis/rinse fraction for azobenzene). Furthermore, induced slope increases in this range often do not appear to be dose-related (adriamycin), are not always reproducible
Elution slope criteria for positive: Cytotoxicity assays and limits:
Past a 2 3.0.fold increase in elution slope 1 70% relative viability by TBDE-0
Compounds with false-positive Compounds with false-negative Overall accuracy/Predictivity
7,‘28 5/33 19/61
a Sina et al., 1983
(25%) (15%) (80%)
assay: evalua!ion
of current
data set for 61 compounds
Proposed Induced elution slope 2 0.020 z 70 % relative viability by TBDE-3 and 2 50 % of control ATP content O/28 5/33 56/61
(0%) (15%;) (92%)
(benzo[ alpyrene, adriamycin). and often are associated with dose levels at or near the limit of solubility (benzo[ alpyrene) where precipitate on the elution filters can be problematic. As previously discussed, the v-intercept parameter appears to be, in addition to the TBDE-3 and ATP assays, a useful and reliable indicator of cytotoxicity. Incorporation of a cytotoxicity limit value for this parameter in the criteria for positivity does not appear to be necessary since the percentage of compounds giving false-positive results is reduced to 0% with the TBDE-3 and ATP limits alone. Nevertheless, since the v-intercept can be routinely calculated from the data, we suggest that when borderline positive or negative results are obtained in the assay, reductions in the y-intercept to less than 70% of control values at dose levels where increases in the induced slope are not significant (< 0.020) provide additional supporting evidence that the effects of the test compound are due to cytotoxicity rather than genotoxicity. Where this is the case. our data indicate that the I-h PACE/PFGE assay will also confirm that DNA fragmentation (double-strand breakage) is extensive. The I-h PACE/PFGE assay for DNA fragmentation is clearly a sensitive measure of cytotoxic effects in primary rat hepatocyte cultures which can serve to confirm y-intercept effects. The utility of this endpoint in terms of establishing cytotoxicity limits for scoring the assay is somewhat limited. however, by the fact that DNA DSB produced by genotoxic mechanisms will also produce a positive response in this assay and this endpoint is not therefore solely a measure of cytotoxicity. For example. genotoxic compounds such as etoposide. adriamycin and bleomycin are known to produce DNA DSB (see Elia et al., 1991) and did produce a significant response in the l-h PACE assay. Positive results for etoposide and bleomycin were obtained at dose levels that were also positive in alkaline elution indicating that increases in the 3- to 9-h alkaline elution slope values may provide as sensitive or more sensitive detection of DNA DSB than the l-h PACE assay when they are induced randomly in the genome in all of the treated cells by a genotoxic mechanism (DNA DSB are detected in alkaline elution as two single-stand breaks). Nevertheless, PFGE assays such as the 40-h asymmetric field-inversion gel elec-
trophoresis (AFIGE) are more sensitive in detecting very large molecular weight DNA DSB fragments than the l-h PACE assay (Elia et al., 1993). More problematic is the situation presented by compounds such as hydrazine (and adriamycin) which produced positive results in the l-h PACE/PFGE assay at dose levels that were not accompanied by any significant increases in the elution slope (the negative elution results and the unusual inverse-dose response relationships with adriamyin in the elution and l-h PACE/PFGE assays were discussed previously and may represent an uncommon artifact). The data for hydrazine do, however, show slight dose-related increases in the fraction of DNA recovered in the lysis/rinse fraction as well as slight-dose related increases in cytotoxicity as judged by all of the assays/parameters measured with the exception of the TBDE-0 assay. Thus, the I-h PACE/PFGE assay results for this compound may reflect sensitive detection of a cytotoxic effect leading to endonucleolytic DNA degradation in a small fraction of dead and/or dying cells. If this is the case, then an additional problem in utilizing these data as an indicator or criteria for cytotoxicity is the assays’s exceptional sensitivity and the concern that real genotoxic effects would be discounted if a positive result for DNA DSB in the 1 h-PACE assay were included as an additional limit for cytotoxicity. With more precise quantitation of effects in ethidium bromide stained gels (as is achievable with newer scanning instruments which measure fluorescence from ethidium bromide stained gels directly), a numerical limit value indicative of excessive cytotoxicity could also be derived empirically from validation experiments. Nevertheless, we suggest that the utilization of the l-h PACE/PFGE data (as an indicator of cytotoxicity) in scoring the assay be limited to situations where marginal or equivocal results are obtained using the established criteria based on the induced slope and the TBDE-3 and ATP cytotoxicity assays. In this case, a strong signal in the l-h PACE/PFGE assay which is accompanied by clear evidence based on the y-intercept data of extensive DNA degradation in a significant fraction of the treated cells provides further weight to the evidence for a cytotoxic rather than genotoxic action of the test compound. To evaluate further the performance of the assay
graphs shown in Fig. 6. These compounds were selected based on data from the NTP or on published results for acetominophen (Flaks and Flaks, 1983). benzo[ e]pyrene (Roszinsky-Kocher et al., 1979; WHO, 1983: Lubet et al., 1983) and phenanthrene (Scribner, 1973; Buening et al., 1979; Oesch et al., 198 I). As in Table 1, an abbreviation for the NTP genetic toxicology tests reported to be positive is included beneath the compound name and CAS number. Two of the IO compounds tested, roxarsone and sodium fluoride, gave a positive response in the assay with the new criteria, namely an induced slope of 0.020 with 2 70% relative cell viability in the
utilizing our new criteria, we tested an additional 20 compounds which we have classified as follows: (1) 10 compounds with limited or equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity and genotoxicity, (2) five compounds generally recognized as non-genotoxic carcinogens and (3) five cytotoxic compounds whose genotoxic and carcinogenic potential are unknown. 3.5. Testing qf compounds Mtith limited or equilwcal elsidence of genotosici& and carcinogenici~ Results for the 10 compounds with limited or equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity and genotoxicity are listed in Table 7 with representative elution Roxarsone
0 DMSO 0 137.Cs A4mM n 6mM OBmM VlOmM 0
1% 3 Gy
hrpatocyte (Fee Table
Elut~on Time Fig. 6. Alkaline elution/rat and/or carcinogenic activity
I 3
Sodium Fluoride
assay for DNA htrand break induction 7 for elution slope and cytotoxicit),
Elution hy reveral data).
of genotoxic
I% DMSO 0.004
0.228 0.159
1.7 2.5
5% Water 0.004
Diphenhydramine~HCI [147-24-O] (Cabs + )
0.003 0.004 0.008 0.012
0.014 0.035
0.04 0.05 0. I 0.3 0.7 I .o
0.000 0.00 I 0.002
0.0 I 0.02 0.03
I % DMSO 0.003
2 - Chloroacetophenone [532-27-41 (Cabs + W)
0.038 0.236
0.002 0.002
0.1s 0.20 0.30
0.002 0.001(P) 0.003(P)
8 4
73 73
9.5 76 70
97 Y4
101 YY 97
99 86
99 100
103 I OS I 06 10s
93 Y5
90 92
% of control
95 98
7s 59
equivocal doublebreaks
(+) (+I (+ +I (+ +) (+ +) (++)
+/c-j ++ ++ ++
+ + ++
of genotoxicity
+/C-J +/c-j
DNA strand
Fraction DNA remaining after IyGa and rinse ’
74 43
102 IOU 97
7x I8
98 94
103 I05 IO.5
93 8’)
~ 0.003 0.004 - 0.003
92 93
x-intercept ’ % of control
for compounds
- 0.005 - 0.004
Induced elution
0.03 0.07 0. IO
0.0 I
3 7 I0
0.40 0.50
gel electrophoresis
Bicphcnol [X0-05-7]
I % Acetone 0.009
[ I92 - 97-21 (.?A+, ML+)
I’/ 0.007
Vehicle/ Elution
[ 103.90-21 (Cabs + , SCE + )
No.] result5 Cl
Compound[CAS NTP genetox.
Table 7 Alkaline elution.
81 63 I6 0
87 59 7 0
92 86
100 97 88
IO0 93
100 IO3 102 84
74 24
94 97
94 Y7 xx
9.5 IO1
I04 07 IOY 99
7 3
86 53
III 99 107 102
67 57 3 I
93 103
109 I I9 98 83
I I7
133 33
134 102
Y4 94
98 I IS
IS0 13Y
I25 I37
I OS 102
IOX 108
99 97
88 05
of control)
91 6.5
99 98
95 96 YS Y2
103 IO4 IO1 IO0
83 65 X-
91 92
99 105 79 58
76 89
I08 Y7
109 II7
x7 89
93 YS
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
2 2 s E
: 2 2 : s
2 c 2
3 ?-
3 27
9 P
I% DMSO 0.01 I
0.038 0.0x2 0. I47 0.187 0.000 0.005 0.013 0.05 I 0.07 I
I 3 5 7 IO
0.004 0.002 0.00 I -0.001(P)
0.002 0.00 I 0.001 0.002
~ 0.00 I - 0.003 0.004 0.013 0.028 0. IO9
4 6 8 I0
0.01s 0.030 0.04s O.OhO
0.02 0.04 0.M 0.0x
0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50 I .OO 2.00
4x 87 86 84 83
16 65 47 60
84 80 81 79
94 92 43 93
93 88 72 49 33 S
88 IO0 90 94 96 86 IO0 44 9s 40 77 79 76 79 90 82 II 74 101 93 96 95 100
-/(+) ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
-/c+j -/C-t) --/c+j -/(+I fi ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)
96 9s 9s 94 9x 97 96 94
97 84 42 89 95
IO? 4s 97 99
95 91 RX 86 77 51
103 93 44 IO1 9h
73 67 38 40
x4 70 56 s2
90 94 81 92
103 97 78 70 63 I7
52 51 39 34
89 80 70 66
80 46 x0 7.5
102 10s 99 73 75 63
91 78 85 XI 94
66 58 36 23
36 30 2x 26
X3 93 I IO 104
92 46 103 I06 69 3
10.5 92 40 80 98
41 40 98 90
so 46 47 56
93 96 99 9s
99 95 87 81 65 IS
~ ~ + -
+ +
~ -
+ + + +
a NTP in vitro genetic toxicology tests with positive ( + ), weak positive (+ W). or inconclusive (‘?) results: SA. Salmonella; ML, mouse lymphoma: Caba, chromosome aherrationa: SCE, sister chromatid exchange. ’ The negative (vehicle) control, its final concentmtion in the media. and the elution slope for the negative control are listed. ’ Treatment slope minus negative (vehicle) control slope. (P). precipitate/insoluble dose level. ” The y-intercept is the intercept (on the y-axis of a semi-log plot of fraction DNA remaining on the filter vs. time) of the linear extrapolation of the 3- to 9-h elution least-squares line of best fit. Control values ranged from 0.702 to 0.905. ’ Fraction of total DNA remaining after the neutral lysis and rinse steps, a measure of DNA degradation (double-strand breaks). Control values ranged from 0.735 to 0.915. ’ DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs): 1 h PACE (Programmed Autonomously Controlled Electrodes) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay for DNA fragmentation. +, DNA DSBs less than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. + t, DNA DSBs equal to or greater than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. Scores determined by densitometric analysis or (for scores in parentheses) by visual examination of ethidium bromide stained gels. Data are considered marginal or equivocal where both visual and densitometric scores are listed for a particular dose level. g Cytotoxicity assays: TBDE, trypan blue dye exclusion measured immediately after the 3-h treatment (TBDE-0) or after a 3 h recovery incubation in medium without compound (TBDE-3); MTT, thiazoyl blue dye reduction: ATP, intracellular adenosine triphosphate content; K +, intracellular potassium content.
Sodium fluoride [76X I-49-41 (Cabs-/ + , SCE + /-, ML + 1
K”Xill3”llt: [121-19-71 (ML+)
I% DMSO 0.004
Rotenone [83-79-41 (SCE+W.
I %’ DMSO 0.004
I % DMSO 0.004
Phenanthrcnc [8.5-01-x] (SA+W)
Eugerl”l [97-53-O] (Cah~f,
TBDE-3 assay and 2 50% of control or greater ATP content. Results for roxarsone (an organic arsenical; 4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenezenearsonic acid) showed that the compound produced a positive response at the 4 mM concentration. This dose level showed evidence of significant cytotoxicity in the MTT assay, reductions in ATP content to 66% of control and extensive DNA fragmentation as judged by the I-h PACE/PFGE data. Whereas there was evidence of delayed toxicity based on a comparison of the TBDE-0 and TBDE-3 assay results, it is possible that these positive alkaline elution results at a relatively high concentration may indicate a cytotoxic rather than a genotoxic effect of the compound. Roxarsone is positive in the mouse lymphoma L5 l78Y mutation assay and an equivocal carcinogen in male rats in NTP studies. Sodium fluoride (NaF) produced a positive result at 7 and IO mM. While there was little evidence of cytotoxicity at these dose levels by the TBDE, ATP, MTT and potassium assays, cell blebbing was noted at 5 and 7 mM and a slight increase in DNA fragmentation was observed over the entire dose-range tested. NaF is clastogenic in vitro and possibly also in vivo (for discussion, see Zeiger et al., 1993) and is considered an equivocal carcinogen based on slight increasesin osteosarcomasin male rats (NTP, 1990). For the 8 of IO compoundstested in this category which gave negative results in our alkaline elution assay,3 compounds(acetominophen, benzo[ elpyrene and phenanthrene) showed little, if any, evidence of genotoxic or cytotoxic effects (Table 7). Four of the
remaining 5 compounds, bisphenol A, 2-chloroacetophenone, diphenhydramine-HCl and eugenol, produced dose-related increasesin the induced elution slope but were scored negative becauseof the extent of cytotoxicity. Interestingly, the increasesin the induced elution slope for these 4 compounds were of sufficient magnitude to have resulted in a positive score by the original criteria for scoring the assay(see Tables 4-6) which utilized 70% or greater relative cell viability by the TBDE-0 assay as the cytotoxicity limit. The 5th cytotoxic compound, rotenone, showed no significant increases in the induced elution slope but did produce evidence of significant cytotoxicity by the ATP, potassium and TBDE-3 assays.Finally, all 5 of these compounds which were scored negative in the assaywhile having produced clear evidence of cytotoxicity also produced a significant increase in DNA fragmentation as judged by the I-h PACE/PFGE assay. Representative photographs of the l-h PACE/PFGE gels for several of these compoundsare included in Fig. 7. 3.6. Testing of ‘non-genotoxic’ carcinogens Five recognized rodent carcinogens for which there is little, if any. evidence of a primary genotoxic effect of the parent compound or a metabolite, were also tested in the assay. Results for these compounds. butylated hydroxyanisole, phenobarbital, piperonyl butoxide, sodium saccharin, and Wyeth 14,643. show that none of the 5 compounds pro-
n M
% zl ‘2
6 g
Fig. 7. Assay for DNA fragmentation (DNA DSB) by 1 h PACE/PFGE of several compounds with equivocal evidence of genotoxic and/or carcinogenic activity. Primary rat hepatocytes were treated with the indicated compounds for 3 h or with 40 Gy gamma irradiation on ice immediately prior to assay. Dose levels for each compound (see Table 7) increare from left to right for bisphenol A (BPA), rotenone (ROTE). and phenanthrene (PHEN). Dose level for 2-acetylaminofluorene (2.AAF) control was 5 FM. DNA molecular weight markers (M) are from 48.5 to 8.3 kb.
duced a positive result as judged by our proposed criteria for scoring the assay (Table 8 and Fig. 8). One of the 5 compounds, phenobarbital did, however, produce a very weak positive at the 10.0 mM concentration as judged by the old criteria of a 3.0-fold increase with 2 707~ relative cell viability by the TBDE-0 assay. Of these 5 compounds, only BHA produced significant increases in the induced elution slope but it did so only at extremely cytotoxic dose levels. A ‘parallel drop’ was a prominent feature of the response to BHA at the lowest two dose levels tested. Phenobarbital produced significant toxicity by the ATP assay and cell blebbing at the highest dose level tested, a dose-related decrease
in intracellular potassium content and significant increases in DNA fragmentation by the l-h PACE/PFGE assay (see Fig. 9). A similar result was obtained for the peroxisome proliferator WY 14,643 although intracellular potassium content did not appear to be markedly affected. A slight dose-related ‘parallel drop’ response, as discussed above, was also evident for WY 14,643 and phenobarbital (Fig. 8). Piperonyl butoxide produced some evidence of cytotoxicity evident as cell blebbing and dose-related effects on MTT dye reduction and viability by TBDE. This compound is a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 activity (Kamienski and Murphy, 1971) which, although originally found to be non-
Sodium Saccharin
Fig. 8. Alkaline elution/rat elution slope and cytotoxicity
hepatocyte data).
ashay for DNA
(Hours) strand break
by several
(see Table
8 for
1% DMSO 0.01 I
I % DMSO 0.003
Wyeth 14,643 [50X92-23-4]
I %x DMSO 0.006
2% Water 0.007
Sodium saccharin [ 128-44-91
Piperonyl [5 I-03-61 (ML+)
+ )
Vehicle/ Elution
[50-06-61 (SA + W, Cabs?,
” ’
gel electrophoresis,
No.] Results
Compound[CAS NTP Genetox.
Table 8 Alkaline clution,
-0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.001
0.75 I.00
82 82
104 I03 94 90
I03 97
0.009 0.012
103 97 88 94
99 94
70 19
y-intercept ’ % of control
for non-genotoxic
96 97 I00
0.003 0.008 0.0 I3
0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50
I.0 3.0 6.0 IO.0
-0.001 -0.002 0.001 o.wn 0.004(P)
0.050 0.075 0.100 0. I so
0.000 0.002
0.55 I
0.003 0.126
0.35 0.45
elution slope
3 7
and DNA after
++ ++ ++
91 84 85
93 89 84 87 7x
8.5 84 93
90 99
86 84
92 93
IO0 91 93 84
82 88 87
(6) (-) (-) p/C+) p/C+) -/(+)
95 93
(G) C-J
I03 I03 9s
100 97
99 100 100
99 94
59 0
94 97
II6 108 103 107
62 h3 46
69 73
56 4x
107 I I6
II8 72
(% of control) TBDE-3
98 86
99 88
++ ++
++ ++
101 98
DNA strand
98 Ion
101 108
14 56
lysis and rinse Q of control
Fraction remaining
carcinogens e
100 96 68 61
75 77 74
78 79
II9 98
loo 75
90 90
98 92 97 IO1
77 Xh 79
76 X6
86 57
78 61
+ +
~ ~ +
~ ~
+ +
+ +
Cell blebhing
? s
‘2 a 2 s c
2 5 Y “s
? ii. s
ic, 9 2 2 e
Fig. 9. Assay for DNA fragmentation (DNA DSB) treated with the indicated compounds for 3 h or compound (see Table 8) increase from left to right (BHA). DNA molecular weight markers (M) are
et al. / Mutution
(I 9961
by 1 h PACE/PFGE of several non-genotoxic carcinogens. Primary rat hepatocytes were with 40 Gy gamma irradiation on ice immediately prior to assay. Dose levels for each for (A) phenobarbital (PB) and Wyeth 13.643 (WY) and for (B) butylated hydroxyanisole from 48.5 to 8.3 kb.
carcinogenic by the NTP. has more recently been reported to be a rat liver carcinogen when tested at higher dose levels (Takahashi et al., 1994). Finally, the negative results for sodium saccharin were characterized by slight but not significant increases in the induced elution slope and in cytotoxicity which were not markedly dose-related and which were not accompanied by any indication of cell blebbing or DNA fragmentation. The MTT results did, however, show some evidence of significant cytotoxicity at the highest dose-level tested. Saccharin had previously been reported to be positive in the alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay by Sina et al. (1983) but our present results do not indicate any genotoxic effects of this compound in the assay using our current test protocol.
3.7. Testing of cytotoxic compounds genotoxicity and carcinogenici~
of unknown
To investigate further the potential for cytotoxicity to confound interpretation of increases in the induced elution slope, we have tested an additional five cytotoxic compounds for which there is little if any information on genotoxicity or carcinogenicity but some knowledge of the mechanism of cytotoxicity. Since some of the compounds we have tested which deplete cellular ATP levels show delayed, as opposed to immediate. effects on cell viability, three of the 5 compounds were selected based on their known abilities to deplete cellular ATP levels by different mechanisms. 2,4-Dinitrophenol, like many halogenated phenol and nitrophenol pesticides, is an
Notes to Table 8: * NTP in vitro genetic toxicology tests with positive (+ ). weak positive f + WI. or inconclusive (?) results: SA, Salmonella: ML. mouse lymphoma; Cabs, chromosome aberrations; SCE, sister chromatid exchange. ’ The negative (vehicle) control, its final concentration in the media. and the elution slope for the negative control are listed. ’ Treatment slope minus negative (vehicle) control slope. (P), precipitate/insoluble dose level. ’ The x-intercept is the intercept (on the y-axis of a semi-log plot of fraction DNA remaining on the filter vs. time) of the linear extrapolation of the 3 to 9 hour elution least squares line of best fit. Control values ranged from 0.702 to 0.905. ’ Fraction of total DNA remaining after the neutral lysis and rinse steps. a measure of DNA degradation (double-strand breaks). Control values ranged from 0.790 to 0.879. ’ DNA double-strand breaks (DSBS): I-h PACE (Programmed Autonomously Controlled Electrodes) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay for DNA fragmentation. +, DNA DSBs less than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. + + DNA DSBs equal to or greater than that produced by 30 Gy of gamma radiation. Scores determined by densitometric analysis or (for scores in parentheses) by visual examination of ethidium bromide stained gels. Data are considered marginal or equivocal where both visual and densitometric scores are listed for a particular dose level. ’ Cytotoxicity assays: TBDE. trypan blue dye exclusion measured immediately after the 3-h treatment (TBDE-0) or after a 3 h recovery incubation in medium without compound (TBDE-3): MTT. thiazoyl blue dye reduction: ATP. intracellular adenosine triphosphate content: K+, intracellular potassium content,
et d./Mutcrtim
Sodium N-Lauroyl
0.01 3
Eii s 0 i! .-m
IO. Alkaline potential
elution/rat (see
hepatocyte Table
Elution carcinogenic
Sodium lodoacetate
PCltassium Cyanide
9 for elution
assay slope
Time for
DNA and
strand cytotoxicity
(Hours) break data).
(Hours) compounds
r- 2 c. PI ----- Tc. “,
++++++ ++++++
\c c
+++ I
uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation (Moreland, 1980) which does not produce DNA single-strand or double-strand breaks or DNA protein-cross links in V79 Chinese hamster cells after 30 minute exposures at 5 mM (Shibuya et al., 1991). Potassium cyanide inhibits oxidative phosphorylation by inhibiting electron transport at the cytochrome a-cytochrome a, step (Smith, 1980). Sodium iodoacetate, by contrast, depletes cytoplasmic ATP levels more proximately to the inner surface of the plasma membrane by reacting with a protein sulfhydryl group at the active site of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and thus blocking glycolytic ATP production (Cannon et al., 1991). D-galactosamine, is a potent in vitro and in vivo hepatotoxin by virtue of its effects on aminosugar metabolism leads to accumulation of uridine-5’-diphosphate (UDP) derivatives. impairment of RNA and glycoconjugate synthesis and lethal cell injury (Tran-Thi et al., 1985). The fifth compound in this group is the detergent sodium N-lauroyl sarcosine. None of these 5 compounds produced a positive result by our proposed criteria (Table 9 and Fig. 10). The 3 compounds tested which deplete cellular ATP levels all produced significant increases in both cytotoxicity and in the induced elution slope. The increases in the induced elution slope for the 2 compounds which act by inhibiting mitochondrial oxidative phophorylation were not accompanied by effects on cell viability as measured by either the TBDE-0 and the TBDE-3 assays at the minimum concentra-
tion which gave an induced elution slope of 0.020 or greater. These results further emphasize the importance of including a measure of cellular ATP content as a cytotoxicity limit in the in vitro alkaline/rat hepatocyte assay. As was seen for phenformin, 2,4dichlorophenol and p-nitrophenol (see data in Table I), the sharpest increases in the induced elution slopes occurred when ATP levels were severely depleted (to less than 20-30s of control levels) and DNA fragmentation appeared, especially for sodium iodoacetate (Fig. I I), to be closely correlated with the sharp decreases in cellular ATP content. Finally, a dose-dependent increase in cytotoxicity was seen in the TBDE and potassium assays for sodium iodoacetate and 2.4-dinitrophenol but not for potassium cyanide. The negative results for the detergent sodium lauroyl sarcosine showed a toxicity profile similar to that reported earlier (see Table 1) for sodium docecyl sulfate. D-Galactosamine (GalN) produced little if any evidence of cytotoxicity after a 3-h incubation, in agreement with the results of Tran-Thi et al. (1985) who found significant lactate dehydrogenase leakage was not detectable in GalNtreated hepatocytes in monolayer culture until 26 h after addition of the compound.
4. Concluding
There are a number of different assays which measure DNA strand breakage in alkali including
Notes to Table 9: a NTP in vitro genetic toxicology tests with positive( + ). weak positive (+ W), or inconclusive (‘?I results: SA. Salmonella; ML, mouse lymphoma; Cabs, chromosome aberrations: SCE, sister chromatid exchange. h The negative (vehicle) control, its final concentration in the media, and the elution slope for the negative control are listed. ’ Treatment slope minus negative (vehicle) control slope. (P). precipitate/insoluble dose level. ’ The ?-intercept is the intercept (on the x-axis of a semi-log plot of fraction DNA remainin, D on the filter vs. time) of the linear extrapolation of the 3- to 9-h elution least-squares line of best tit. Control values ranged from 0.702 to 0.905. ’ Fraction of total DNA remaining after the neutral lysis and rinse steps, a measure of DNA degradation (double-strand breaks). Control values ranged from 0.790 to 0.879. ’ DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs): I-h PACE (Programmed Autonomously Controlled Electrodes) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay for DNA fragmentation. + . DNA DSBs less than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. + + , DNA DSBs equal to or greater than that produced by 40 Gy of gamma radiation. Scores determined by densltometric analysis or (for scores in parentheses) by visual examination of ethidium bromide stained gels. Data are considered marginal or equivocal where both visual and densitometric scores are listed for a particular dose level. ’ Cytotoxicity assays: TBDE. trypan blue dye exclusion measured immediately after the 3-h treatment (TBDE-0) or after a 3-h recovery incubation in medium without compound (TBDE-3): MTT, thiazoyl blue dye reduction; ATP, intracellular adenoqine triphosphate content; K+. intracellular potassium content.
alkaline elution (Kahn and Ewig. 1973). alkaline DNA unwinding (Ahnstrom and Erixon, 1973). alkaline sucrose gradients (McGrath and Williams, 1966), viscoelastometry (Parodi et al., 1981) and the single-cell, alkaline gel electrophoresis (‘comet’) assay (Ostling and Johanson, 1984). Although these methodologies all provide sensitive means of detecting DNA damage induced by genotoxic agents from a variety of chemical classes, alkaline strand break assays have not been widely utilized in in vitro genetic toxicology test batteries. One reason for this may be that in vitro genetic toxicology testing guidelines require testing at high concentrations of test compounds up to and including cytotoxic concentrations. Since extensive endonucleolytic degradation of nuclear DNA can occur very rapidly in dead and dying cells, strand break assays have the potential to be easily confounded by cytotoxic effects of the test compounds. We have found that the problems which cytotoxicity presents for in vitro strand break assays are surmountable if sufficient effort is devoted to developing more sophisticated means of assessing cytotoxic/cytolethal effects and their contribution, if any, to the DNA strand break endpoint being used as an indicator of genotoxicity. The alkaline elution assay has the advantage that the elution data can supply important clues as to the mechanism by which strand breaks are induced, through careful assessment of the kinetics of DNA elution from the filter. Thus, important information can be gained from measuring the amount of DNA eluted in the neutral lysis/rinse fraction (Zwelling et al., 1991; Kaeck et al., 1993: Elia et al., 1993) and our data show the excellent correlation of the v-intercept parameter with toxicity for many cytotoxic compounds. In addition. supplemental use of pulsed-field and conventional agarose gel electrophoresis assays for DNA fragmentation, as shown here and by others (Elia et al., 1993. 1994: Zwelling et al., 199 1; Walker et al., 1993) allows for a more complete characterization of the size range of degraded DNA and can further help to identify and differentiate between apoptotic and necrotic mechanisms of cytotoxicity. The high overall accuracy and predictivity of the assay using the scoring criteria proposed here shows that an in vitro alkaline elution assay using primary rat hepatocyte cultures is a sensitive and reliable
genetic toxicology screening test. The test system is also very rapid. We can routinely test 3 compounds in duplicate at 4-5 dose levels in one 3-day assay, obtaining results that are highly reproducible from assay to assay. Like the unscheduled DNA synthesis assay, the alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay has the advantage of measuring primary DNA damage in a metabolically competent target cell. In addition, the test uses primary (normal) rat cells and not an immortalized or fully transformed cell line. Our aim was to improve methods and criteria for the assessment of cytotoxicity in the assay to reduce the percentage of compounds giving false-positive results. We achieved this but with little accompanying improvement in the false-negative rate. To a certain extent, the false-negative rate probably reflects the intrinsic inability of the assay to sensitively detect the genotoxic potential of a few classes of genotoxic compounds due to problems associated with insolubility (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). volatility (benzene), the nature of the damage produced and/or a low rate of metabolic activation in uninduced rat hepatocytes. These same properties make a number of these compounds difficult to detect in other genetic toxicology assays as well. In attempt to reduce the false-negative rate for the assay, we are currently investigating whether the overall accuracy and predictivity of the in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay can be further improved by using both uninduced and induced rats. As recently shown by others (Shaddock et al.. 1989; Shaddock et al., 19901, utilization of induced rats in a DNA damage and repair assay (unscheduled DNA synthesis, UDS) in rat hepatocytes can improve the ability of the assay to detect the genotoxicity of certain compounds. The criteria we have chosen to use may not be appropriate for other laboratories that use different alkaline elution solutions at different pH values, different elution flow rates, different target cells. and/or other cytotoxicity endpoints. In addition, yintercept effects and DNA double-strand break induction due to endonuclease activation in dead or dying cells may be more or less sensitive as a measure of cytotoxicity depending on the target cell and culture conditions. However, the general principles of and approach to validation that we have taken here are more broadly applicable, e.g.. the concept of
Storer et al. / Mutatim
empirically deriving a ‘minimum induced slope or rate’ criterion which does not rely on statistical measures of significance and which utilizes only the elution rate for the terminal phase of alkaline elution should be generally applicable. In addition, the adoption of appropriate cytotoxicity limits determined for multiple, complementary cytotoxicity assays (such as a TBDE delayed toxicity assay together with an assay for cellular ATP content) may have value for in vitro alkaline elution assays using other cell types as well as for other assays which measure DNA strand breaks either directly (alkaline DNA unwinding and the ‘Comet’ assay) or indirectly (SCEs, chromosome aberrations and mouse lymphoma L.5 178Y assays). In vitro DNA strand break assays should therefore, in our view. be considered as highly susceptible to the confounding effects of cytotoxicity unless adequate validation studies have been performed which document the effectiveness of the criteria set forth for the assay in discriminating between genotoxins and non-genotoxic (but cytotoxic) compounds.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Sheila M. Galloway for her critical review of the manuscript and Ken Bamhardt for technical assistance.
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