profession is maturing, too, we are blessed with many experienced therapists who would love to be mentors. No one expects you to have all the answers...
profession is maturing, too, we are blessed with many experienced therapists who would love to be mentors. No one expects you to have all the answers. Don't be shy about asking for help. Another part of advanced academic training is the implied obligation to help others who are trying to make a contribution. Here at the JHT we want you to succeed. If you can't find a mentor, maybe we can help. By now
you've heard me say several times that we have an official" author-friendly policy" and an Author Advisory Panel to turn to for that help. To wrap this up, be assured that we need academic rigor to keep our science where it belongs. But we know we need to help one another produce it. I look forward to watching us grow in our science. We have the resources. We have the talent. Let's find the time and do it.
Reviewers for Volume 11 The JOURNAL OF HAND THERAPY sincerely thanks the following persons for generously volunteering their time during 1998 to assist the editorial review board in the peer-review process: Sandy Artzberger Lin Beribak David Bierwagen Sue Blackmore Arlynne Brown Michelle Cameron Shirley Chan Lucy Christman Carla Cleary Carla Crosby
Shricant Chinchalker Lisa Cyr Lynne Feehan Jane Fedorczyk Barbara Galante Karen Garren Pam Grasse Annabel Griffith Joel Henry Greg Hritzo
Jack Hurov Rachel Jaffe Amy Ladd Larry Leonard Fred Liss Larry Maddy Tim McPherson Chris Novak Melissa Picard Deborah Rider
Amy Selinger Jennifer Stephens Mary Stoliker Carol Stoddard Kim Topp Karen Warwrzyn Teresa Wesolowski Tom Wright