286 ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S HOSPITAL. only say, I was convinced myself that Sir Astley Cooper judged rightly in advising its being performed before matters had proTo the Editor of THE LANCET. ceeded to extremity, as in his own case. The same feelings which actuated him, led Sm, -1’lie reform which has taken place me not to abandon a 1’ellov- creature to what in the hospitals of this metropolis since the I believe was an inevitable death, without publication of TiiE LANCET, has induced me to lay before you some abuses which at pre. an attempt to save him. sent exist at St. Bartholomew’s. I have the honour to be, Sir, Mr. Earle has on every occasion evinced Your most obedient Servant, a great desire to be of service to the pupils, J. H. JAMES. and in no instance more so than by the Exeter, Nov. 11, 1850. valuable lectures which he delivers weekly. He has, however, chosen an hour to lecture, during which Mr. Vincent is going round THE PROSECETOR’ COSTS, IN THE LATE the hospital, and thus those who accompany TRIAL OF JOHN LONG. Mr. Vincent are deprived of Mr. Earle’s reo marks. I feel assured that it is not intenTUE the Editor LANCET. Tg of tional, and that it needs only to be mentioned Sm,—1find it stated in one of your recent to be remedied. I may also take this opportunity of ex. numbers, that Mr. Wakley has, Iiittierto, borne the whole expense of conducting the posing the conduct of certain pqippies who prosecution of the great metropolitan arch- make a practice of smoking cigars in the quack, John St. John Long, who was found anatomical theatre, previous to Mr. Law. guilty, by a respectable jury of his country- -reuce’s entering to give his surgical lecture. the Their exploits, however, are not confined to men, of having razaraslaughtered (0 goodly fitness of law terms!) a young the anatomical theatres, but extend to the lady, while in the prime of life and health, wards of the hospital, infecting their already and whose punishment has been the subject not too salubrious atmosphere. Some of of no inconsiderable surprise to the higher, them may have learned it abroad, but the and of indignation to the lower, classes of others have not travelled beyond the pre. society. Respecting the manner in which cincts of the London pot-houses. Mr. Wakley conducted the original inquiry, Mr. Lawrence has already given the pupwhich led to that prosecution, there never pies a hint to discontinue the practice, but If this notice should be also was but one unanimous feeling of commen- without effect. dation among the numerous members of the disregarded, I shall take an early opportunity profession with whom I have the pleasure of forwarding their names for insertion in of associating. But now that we are in- THE LANCET, if you think they will not formed, that in order to complete his praise- sully its pages; but if so, perhaps an appliworthy enterprise of exposing unblushing cation to Mr. Helps the treasurer, stating and criminal ignorance, Mr. Wakley has not names and particulars, may prove equally hesitated to buckle on himself the whole of beneficial. By the insertion of this letter the pecuniary responsibility,-often very in an early number of your excellent Journal, heavy, and always inevitable, which attaches you will add to the many obligations already to those who, ill this country, claim the conferred on the pupils and patients of this protection of the laws, it becomes our duty, hospital. as it must be the duty of the public at large, A PUPIL. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, who will reap ultimately the benefit of Mr. November loth, 1H30. BVaklev’.s endeavours, to come forward and reiieve him, as the fl:Iedical Gazette very justly observes, from a burden which it would be disgraceful to suffer him to bear. REVIEWS OF NEW WORKS. It is in accordance with such a feeling that I beg you to offer to the proper quarter To the Editor of THE LANCET. the inclosed mite towards defraying the law expenses incuned by Mr.Wakley in proSiR,—I cannot too greatly admire the curing the conviction of John St. John Long boldness and impartiality with which you of his first legalized murder. review all new medical works; the advantage I remain, Sir, your of your just criticisms is of infinite importHumble Servant, ance, not only to the profession in general, A. B. GRANVILLE. but to the student in particular. A few weeks since, " Professor Pattison 16, Grafton-street, Berkeleyof the London University," introduced square, Nov, 13, 1830. 11 Fyfe’s Anatomy" to the notice of his *Received the cheque for 21. gg. class, "observingthat it was usual torecan
I ,
commend some work to the student, and he phate of quinine. Seeing that there was a had much pleasure in offering to their notice regular intermission of twenty-four hours, I Mr. Fyfe’s, work therefore ordered her the following mixa new edition of his which he considered a very cheap and useful ture:— 15. Sulphatis qzcirzinre, gr. xvj book, and bestowed some flattering lucubrations on the style and quality of the plates." Infus. vulerianæ, vj Misturæ camphorre, iv ; Now, Mr. Editor, Professor Pattison must Tincturæ valerianæ, M. ft. be grossly ignorant of the subject he promistur. cujus segra sumat. cochfesses to teach, or wilfully blind to the intelear. quatuor magu.3tia vel 4ta rest of his pupils, many of whom, but for the timely review of this work in your able quaque hora. 3ourral, might have been induced to purOZ. ricini, vj ; chase it upon the "ipse dixit" of an intV. 0.
professor of anatomy. I am, Sir, yours respectfully,
M. ft. sumend. On this day had no return of the fit. 16. Bowels well open ; stools dark and fetid; abdomen less swelled ; had no return her mixture to be conof the fit.withDirected the addition of tinct. sabinæ, tinued,
Aquæ cinnamomi, :3iss. haust.
London, November 7th,
eras mane
iij. 17. No return of the fit ; bowels costive of THE LANCET. Repet. haust. ;repet. mistur. SIR,-The following is a case of epilepsy, Bowels well open; stools more 18. the in I intermittent form, which assuming have successfully employed the sulphate of healthy ; and bad no return of the fit. 19, 20, 21. -Pursued the same mode of quinine. Should you think it worthy of insertion in your valuable periodical, its pub- treatment ; much better, and had no return of the fits. lication would oblige, 22. Side painful ; ordered her ten grains Yours sincerely, of the blue pill at night, and the above P. W. BARRETT. draught on the following morning. 42, Great Marylebone Street. 23. Better, still no return of the fit. The patient (Ellen Sullivan) gave me the Repet. pil. hyd., gr. v, omni nocte ; following account of her symptoms :-She stated that she was in the habit of carrying Repet. mistura quinin. 24 and 25. Still better. heavy loads on her head, that about twelvemonths since, she was attacked with fever, 26. Menses appeared; abdomen not and on her recovery became deranged ; that swelled ; no pain in the side, nor any enshe was admitted into the Marylebone In- largement of the liver. Having pursued this firmary, whence she was discharged cured ; mode of treatment for some time, I had the that she was afterward hired as a servant, pleasure of seeing the girl enabled to pur. and that while at prayers one evening sue her ordinary avocations in life, leaving was first attacked with these fits; that by perfectly well. What has been very rethe direction of the medical gentleman who markable in connexion with thiscase was, attended her, she again applied at the In- that most of her family have died from the firmary, whence, after a short time, she sequences of the same complaint. was discharged as incurable. She was then recommended by Mr. Mayo to the Middlesex Hospital, where she was treated LONDON HOSPITAL.—THE PUPILS AND as an out-patient. After a short attendance MR. WALFORD. that if the medicines there, she was told, To the Editor
of no service, she need got not apply again." Under these circumstances, she was recommended to me ; her ’, she then
To the Editor of TfiE LANCET.’
averse to
every-thing like
symptoms were as follows :ňSevere pain in paper war, yet I cannot refrain from offerthe head, which had existed for the last year; ing a few comments on the last letter of great tliirst ; severe pain in the right side, Mr. Walford, in reply to that from the pu-
augmented by pressure ; liver slightly en- pils of the London Hospital. Our sturdy larged ; abdomen swelled ; bowels costive. opponent was advised not to acknowledge Menses had not appeared for the last year ; what he calls our manifesto, on the ground had a fit regularly at four o’clock every day : of our insignificance. Here I would ask this was on the 15th of August last. When Mr. Walford, wlo, and what lie is? Pershe first applied to me, I immediately de-. haps ouly a member of the College, and a termined ou trying the effects of the sulof the Hall. If then we are in-