This volume is dedicated to Rhodes Fairbridge, perhaps the most wideranging Quaternary geologist and geomorphologist of his generation. In his case, the term wide-ranging has few limitations -- either geographically or with respect to intellectual range of geologic endeavor. Born in Australia, educated in Canadian and English universities, a Professor in Australian, French, German, and United States universities, Rhodes has visited every continent except Antarctica. He has done research in Iraq, led expeditions to New Guinea, the Nile, and the Sudan, and is affiliated with the geological societies of many countries, including Australia, England, France, Germany and Switzerland. He is a Medalist of the Geological Society of Belgium, recipient of the Alexander yon H u m b o l d t Prize from Bonn, and is of course a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. He has been active in a number of international scientific efforts, especially the International Quaternary Union and the International Union of Geological Sciences. He is truly a world figure. Intellectually, Rhodes has almost always focused on the larger questions in geology. The fields covered by his many scientific publications, numbering over 1000, include economic geology, worldwide shorelines and eustatic changes of sea level, Paleozoic glaciations, tectonics, stratigraphy, sedimentation, geomorphology and paleoclimatology especially cyclic changes in climate. His breadth of interest is also revealed in his enormous editorial undertakings represented by 24 encyclopedias -- including volumes on atmospheric sciences and astrogeology, geochemistry and environmental sciences, geomorphology, oceanography, world regional geology, sedimentology, and soil science -- to many of which he has also contributed significant sections. The Benchmark Series in Geology represents another major editorial effort. Rhodes is an enthusiastic proponent of ideas. He thrives on controversial problems and is sometimes at the center of them -- but I have never seen him take criticism personally. Right or wrong -- and only time will tell which in some cases -- his ideas have profoundly stimulated m a n y students and researchers the world over. Having now reached Columbia's mandatory age limit for teaching, Rhodes' retirement coincides with a trend toward increasing specialization in geology, and his kind may be an endangered species. But Rhodes, himself, is a remarkably persistent and hardy fellow, who now that he is retired can be expected to be more productive than ever -- as if he had not already contributed enough for several lifetimes of dedicated work. :May the present volume in Rhode's h o n o r serve to encourage and stimulate him in his continuing work as he has encouraged and stimulated so many others t h r o u g h o u t his career. -
A L B E R T L. W A S H B U R N
Seattle (Wash.)