Ribozyme mediated trans insertion-splicing of modified oligonucleotides into RNA

Ribozyme mediated trans insertion-splicing of modified oligonucleotides into RNA

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Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 478 (2008) 81–84

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Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y a b b i

Ribozyme mediated trans insertion-splicing of modified oligonucleotides into RNA Insertion-Splicing

P. Patrick Dotson II, Kristen N. Frommeyer, Stephen M. Testa * Depart­ment of Chem­is­try, Uni­ver­sity of Ken­tucky, Lex­ing­ton, KY 40506, USA Ke n­ t u ck y, 4 0 5 0 6

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history: Received 21 May 2008 and in revised form 10 July 2008 Available online 17 July 2008 

The trans inser­tion-splic­ing reac­tion, cat­a­lyzed by a group I intron-derived from Pneu­mo­cys­tis cari­nii, was recently devel­oped for the site-spe­cific inser­tion of a seg­ment of RNA into a sep­a­rate RNA sub­strate. The molec­u­lar deter­mi­nants of this reac­tion for bind­ing and catal­y­sis are rea­son­ably well under­stood, mak­ing them eas­ily and highly mod­i­fi­able for alter­ing sub­strate spec­i­fic­ity. To dem­on­strate proof-of-con­ cept, we now report that the P. cari­nii ribo­zyme can except mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides as sub­strates for cat­a­lyz­ing the trans inser­tion-splic­ing reac­tion. Oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides that con­tain one or more sugar mod­i­fi­ ca­tions (deoxy or methoxy sub­sti­tu­tion), a back­bone mod­i­fi­ca­tion (phosp­horo­thio­ate sub­sti­tu­tion), or a base mod­i­fi­ca­tion (2-ami­no­pu­rine or 4-thio­uri­dine) are effec­tive sub­strates in this reac­tion. Appar­ently, trans inser­tion-splic­ing is a unique and via­ble reac­tion for the site-spe­cific incor­po­ra­tion of mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides into RNAs. This is the first report of a group I intron-derived ribo­zyme being capa­ble of cat­a­lyz­ing the inser­tion of a mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cleo­tide into RNA. © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. P n e u­ m o­ c ys­t i s

Key­words: Ribo­zyme RNA mod­i­fi­ca­tions Trans inser­tion-splic­ing

The trans inser­tion-splic­ing (TIS)1 reac­tion (Fig. 1) was recently devel­oped to site-spe­cif­i­cally insert a seg­ment of RNA into a cen­ tral seg­ment of a dif­fer­ent RNA [1]. The TIS reac­tion, cat­a­lyzed by a group I intron-derived ribo­zyme from the fun­gal path­o­gen Pneu­mo­ cys­tis cari­nii (P. cari­nii), uti­lizes two RNA sub­strates and has been pro­posed [1] to pro­ceed through three con­certed chem­i­cal steps (Fig. 2). These include two con­sec­u­tive cleav­age steps fol­lowed by a sin­gle liga­tion step. Fur­ther­more, the P. cari­nii ribo­zyme appears to uti­lize the same molec­u­lar rec­og­ni­tion com­po­nents for ori­ent­ ing their sub­strates and inter­me­di­ates as seen for other ribo­zymemed­i­ated reac­tions [2,3]. The molec­u­lar deter­mi­nants of the TIS reac­tion for bind­ing and catal­y­sis are rea­son­ably well under­stood, mak­ing them eas­ily and highly mod­i­fi­able for alter­ing sub­strate spec­i­fic­ity. More­over, the reac­tion mech­a­nism appears to be such that cer­tain posi­tions within the inser­tion sub­strate could be chem­ i­cally altered with­out undo con­se­quence to the fidel­ity and effec­ tive­ness of the over­all inser­tion reac­tion. If true, this would indi­cate that the TIS reac­tion could be exploited for the sequence-spe­cific inser­tion of small, chem­i­cally mod­i­fied syn­thetic sub­strates into RNAs. To dem­on­strate proof-of-con­cept, we now report that oli­go­nu­ cle­o­tides that con­tain one or more sugar mod­i­fi­ca­tions (deoxy (TIS)

* Cor­re­spond­ing author. Fax: +1 859 323 1069. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.M. Testa).   1 Abbre­vi­a­tions used: TIS, trans inser­tion-splic­ing; TES, trans exci­sion-splic­ing; RE1, rec­og­ni­tion ele­ment 1; RE2, rec­og­ni­tion ele­ment 2; RE3, rec­og­ni­tion ele­ment 3; GBS, gua­no­sine-bind­ing site; HEPES, N-(2-hy­drox­yl­eth­yl) piper­a­zine-N9-2-eth­ ane­sul­fo­nic acid. 0003-9861/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.abb.2008.07.010

or methoxy sub­sti­tu­tion), a back­bone mod­i­fi­ca­tion (phosp­horo­ thio­ate sub­sti­tu­tion), or a base mod­i­fi­ca­tion (2-ami­no­pu­rine or 4-thio­uri­dine) are effec­tive sub­strates in the TIS reac­tion. All five mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides in this report were shown to be inserted sequence-spe­cif­i­cally and effec­tively into their intended tar­get RNAs. Fur­ther­more, it appears that cer­tain posi­tions within the inser­tion sub­strate can be chem­i­cally altered with­out undo con­se­ quence to the fidel­ity and effec­tive­ness of the over­all TIS reac­tion. Lastly, this is the first report of a group I intron-derived ribo­zyme being capa­ble of cat­a­lyz­ing the inser­tion of mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­o­ tides into RNA. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods M et h­ o d s

Oli­go­nu­cleo­tide syn­the­sis and prep­a­ra­tion RNA oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides (Table 1) were pur­chased from Dharm­a­ con Research, Inc. (Lafay­ette, CO) and were depro­tec­ted using the man­u­fac­turer’s rec­om­mended pro­to­col. Nucleic acid con­cen­tra­ tions were cal­cu­lated from UV absorp­tion mea­sure­ments using a Beck­man DU 650 spec­tro­pho­tom­e­ter (Beck­man Coul­ter, Inc.; Ful­ler­ ton, CA). Oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides were 59-end radi­o­la­beled with [c-32P] ATP (Amersham Pharmacia Bio­tech; Pis­cat­a­way, NJ) as pre­vi­ously described [4]. 5’-end

Ribo­zyme syn­the­sis Tem­plate plas­mid [4] was lin­e­ar­ized in a 50 lL reac­tion con­sist­ ing of 16 lg of PC plas­mid, 50 units XbaXbaI (Invit­ro­gen; Grand I


P.P. Dotson II et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 478 (2008) 81–84

mize the bind­ing and subsequent reac­tiv­ity of the tri-com­po­nent sys­tem dur­ing the original proof-of-con­cept report [1]. There­fore, the same ribo­zyme and sub­strate sequences were used in this report, except for the nucle­o­tide ana­log sub­sti­tu­tions at posi­tions 6–8 (see Fig­ure S1 in Sup­ple­men­tary mate­rial ) within the donor sub­strate (see Table 1). These posi­tions were cho­sen because they are expected to have little, if any, struc­tural or func­tional role in the TIS reac­tion, and so their sub­sti­tu­tion is least likely to have a del­e­te­ri­ous effect on the reac­tion (Fig. 2). To deter­mine the gen­ er­al­ity of the method, nucle­o­tides that con­tain sugar, phos­phate, and nucle­o­base mod­i­fi­ca­tions were ana­lyzed. These include deoxy­ ri­bose (de­oxy­cy­to­sine, dC or deox­y­gua­no­sine, dG), meth­oxy­ri­bose (mU), phosp­horo­thio­ate (SH), 2-ami­no­pu­rine (2AP), and 4-thio­uri­ dine (4SU) sub­sti­tu­tions (Table 1). Note that for each of the donor sub­strates, the same sized TIS prod­uct is expected to form, which is the same size as that with the pre­vi­ously sequenced unmod­i­fied sub­strate [1].

Trans Insertion-Splicing TIS Acceptor Substrate

TIS Donor Substrate


M a te­ r i a l

5’ Exon

3’ Exon

5’ Exon



TIS Product 5’ Exon

3’ Exon


+ 5’ Exon Fig. 1. The trans inser­tion-splic­ing reac­tion. The ribo­zyme (not shown) cat­a­lyzes the inser­tion of a portion of the donor sub­strate into a cen­tral region of the accep­ tor sub­strate.

Island, NY), and REACT 2 buffer at 37 °C for 2 h. The ­ result­ing ­plas­mid was puri­fied using the QIA­quick PCR puri­fi­ca­tion kit (Qiagen; Valen­cia, CA) using the man­u­fac­tur­ers rec­om­mended pro­ to­col. Run-off tran­scrip­tion was per­formed for 2 h in a 50 lL reac­ tion con­sist­ing of 1 lg lin­e­ar­ized DNA tem­plate, 50 units of T7 RNA poly­mer­ase (New England Bio­labs; Bev­erly, MA), 40 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5), 10 mM MgCl2, 5 mM DTT, 5 mM sper­mi­dine, and 1 mM rNTPs. The P. cari­nii (rPC) ribo­zyme was sub­se­quently puri­fied using a Qiagen Plas­mid Midi Kit (Qiagen), as pre­vi­ously described [5]. Ribo­zyme con­cen­tra­tions were cal­cu­lated from UV absorp­tion mea­sure­ments using a Beck­man DU 650 spec­tro­pho­tom­e­ter (Beck­ man Coul­ter, Inc). Tr i s - H C l

P n e u­ m o­ c ys­t i s

TIS inser­tion of mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides I n s e r­ t i o n

M o d­i­ f i e d O l i­ g o­ n u­ c l e­o­t i d e s

TIS reac­tions were con­ducted as pre­vi­ously described [1], under pre­vi­ously opti­mized reac­tion con­di­tions (see Fig. 3 leg­end). Sub­ strates, inter­me­di­ates, and prod­ucts of each of the indi­vid­ual TIS reac­tions were sep­a­rated and visu­al­ized via poly­acryl­amide gel elec­tro­pho­re­sis. The ini­tial reac­tions focused on mod­i­fi­ca­tions only at position 7, as this was expected to be least dis­rup­tive to the reac­tion. As shown in Fig. 3, each of the four sub­strates mod­i­fied at position 7 resulted in the expected 18-mer prod­uct band (lanes F–J). Note that the rel­a­tively small size dif­fer­ences between the TIS prod­ucts are due to dif­fer­ent mod­i­fi­ca­tions within the sub­strates. Appar­ently, position 7 of the donor sub­strate is read­ily mod­i­fi­able; result­ing in the effec­tive inser­tion of mod­i­fied RNAs into other RNAs (see reac­tion yields in Table 2). At position 7, the deoxy (Fig. 3, lane G) and phos­pho­thio­ate ( Fig. 3, lane H) sub­sti­tu­tions were essen­tially as effec­tive as the non-mod­i­fied sub­strate ( Fig. 3, lane F). Lower, although com­pa­ra­ble, yields (Table 2) were obtained for the two nucle­o­base mod­i­fi­ca­tions (Fig. 3, lanes I and J). This result sug­gests that base mod­i­fi­ca­tions do hinder TIS prod­uct for­ma­tion, most prob­a­bly through inter­rupt­ing struc­tural ele­ments within the rPC ribo­zyme uti­lized dur­ing the course of the reac­tion. It was then tested whether more than one mod­i­fi­ca­tion could be added to the donor sub­strate. We simul­ta­neously tested whether posi­tions 6 and 8 could be mod­i­fied (in addi­tion to position 7). In addi­tion dif­fer­ent mod­i­fi­ca­tions were cho­sen to broaden the potential appli­ca­bil­ity of the method (Table 1). As shown in Fig. 3 (lane K), the dou­bly-mod­i­fied donor sub­strate is as effec­tive a TIS sub­strate as its non-mod­i­fied coun­ter­part. Appar­ently, the 29 position of the ribose at posi­tions 6 and 8 (in addi­tion to position 7) of the donor sub­strate are sites that can be read­ily mod­i­fied. This result shows that the TIS reac­tion is an effec­tive strat­egy for the inser­tion of multiple mod­i­fi­ca­tions within an RNA. Taken together, these results dem­on­strate that the TIS reac­tion can be exploited for insert­ing non-native, chem­i­cally mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­ o­tides into RNAs in trans. (Lanes F-J).

[ Fi g­ u re 4 ,





TIS reac­tions TIS reac­tions were con­ducted using the rPC ribo­zyme under pre­vi­ously opti­mized reac­tion con­di­tions [1]. Briefly, 240 nM rPC in H10Mg buffer (50 mM HEPES (25 mM Na+). About 135 mM KCl, and 10 mM MgCl2 at pH 7.5) was pre-incu­bated at 60 °C for 5 min in a reac­tion vol­ume of 5.0 lL. The reac­tion was then slow cooled to 44 °C. Sep­a­rately, 6 nM 59-end radi­o­la­beled accep­tor sub­strate and 30 lM donor sub­strate was pre-incu­bated in H10Mg at 44 °C. The reac­tion was ini­ti­ated by the addi­tion of 1.0 lL of the sub­strate solu­tion to the 5.0 lL ribo­zyme solu­tion. Final nucleic acid con­ cen­tra­tions were 200 nM rPC ribo­zyme, 1.0 lM donor sub­strate, and 1.0 nM accep­tor sub­strate. Reac­tions were incu­bated for 2 h at 44 °C, at which time the reac­tion was ter­mi­nated by addi­tion of an equal vol­ume (6 lL) of a 2£ stop buffer (10 M urea, 3 mM EDTA, and 0.1£ TBE). The reac­tion mix­ture was dena­tured for 1 min at 90 °C and sep­a­rated on a 12% poly­acryl­amide/8 M urea gel. The gel was trans­ferred to chro­ma­tog­ra­phy paper and dried under vac­uum. The bands were visu­al­ized and quan­ti­fied on a Molec­u­lar Dynam­ics Storm 860 Phos­phor­im­ag­er. 5’-end


0 .1 X



d o u­ b ly m o d­i­ f i e d


Future direc­tions D i re c­ t i o n s

Results and dis­cus­sion D is­ c u s­ s i o n

Design of TIS model test sys­tem M o d e l Te s t S ys­ te m

We have pre­vi­ously shown that a trun­cated group I intron from P. cari­nii could cat­a­lyze the inser­tion reac­tion shown in Fig. 2 [1]. For these pre­vi­ous stud­ies, the sequence of the intron was kept intact, albeit trun­cated, and the donor and accep­tor sub­strates closely mim­icked the intron’s native 59 and 39 exon sequences. Main­tain­ing these sequences were impor­tant in order to max­i­ 5’

wa s


Mod­i­fied RNAs are rou­tinely uti­lized in a num­ber of exper­i­men­ tal appli­ca­tions, includ­ing those that uti­lize fluo­res­cent probes, cross­ link­ing agents, affin­ity tags, and a myr­iad of func­tional group sub­sti­ tu­tions [6–8]. It is envi­sioned that the TIS reac­tion could be exploited for the syn­the­sis of large, site-spe­cif­i­cally mod­i­fied RNAs. This could be accom­plished using TIS to insert a small, chem­i­cally syn­the­sized RNA (act­ing as the donor mol­e­cule, mod­i­fied at a position cor­re­spond­ ing to posi­tions 6, 7, or 8 in Fig. 2) into a full length RNA tran­script (act­ing as the accep­tor sub­strate). Note that in terms of ribo­zyme

P.P. Dotson II et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 478 (2008) 81–84


g1 c2 u3 c4 u5 c6 g7 u8 g9

G (RE3) A G G G U (RE1) C A U

TIS Donor Substrate (9-mer) Binding


G P10 A (RE3) G G P1i G (RE1) U C A U

g9 u8 g7 c6 u5 c4 u3 c2 g1


G336 U (RE2) A


G (RE3) A G G G P1 U (RE1) C A U

Nucleophilic attack by 3’ terminal guanosine

c G u c g U P9.0 u A (RE2) g 3’

u 3’ a c a a a u c a g u a

g1 c2 u3

Nucleophilic attack by 3’ terminal guanosine

Second Step (5’ Cleavage Reaction) u 3’ a c a a a g u g c u c



c G u c U P9.0 g u A (RE2) g 3’




G (RE3) A G G G U (RE1) C A U







u c g

5’ augacuaaacau3’ TIS Acceptor Substrate (12-mer)


First Step (5’ Cleavage Reaction)

G (RE3) A G G P1i G (RE1) U C A U

c G u c g U P9.0 u A (RE2) g 3’



G P10 A (RE3) G G G P1 U (RE1) C A U


c G u c g U P9.0 u A (RE2) g 3’


u c a g u a

U (RE2) A



Third Step (Exon Ligation)

Nucleophilic attack by terminal uridine


a u g a c u c4 u5 c6 g7 u8 g9 a a a c a u


TIS product (18-mer) Fig. 2. The rec­og­ni­tion ele­ments of the rPC ribo­zyme (RE1, RE2, and RE3 which form the P1, P9.0, and P10 heli­ces, respec­tively) are des­ig­nated with black uppercase let­ter­ing, and the rest of the ribo­zyme is shown as a sim­ple black line. The 9-mer TIS donor sub­strate is shown in lowercase let­ter­ing with a gray back­ground, except for the 39 ter­mi­nal gua­no­sine (called xGi), which has white let­ter­ing with a black back­ground. The 12-mer TIS accep­tor sub­strate is shown in black lowercase let­ter­ing. The TIS donor sub­strate forms the P1i and P10 heli­ces by base pair­ing with RE1 and RE3 of the ribo­zyme. Note that for sim­plic­ity, the TIS donor and sub­strate sequences are shown in uppercase let­ter­ing through­out the text. In the pro­posed TIS mech­a­nism, the 39 ter­mi­nal gua­no­sine (G336) of the ribo­zyme (in bold) per­forms a nucle­o­philic attack upon the 59 splice site of the TIS donor sub­strate, result­ing in the cova­lent attach­ment of the insert region of the donor sub­strate to the 39-end of the ribo­zyme. The 59-half of the TIS donor sub­ strate then dis­so­ci­ates from the ribo­zyme and the TIS accep­tor sub­strate binds through a sec­ond P1 helix inter­ac­tion. The xGi (aligned via P9.0 helix for­ma­tion) then takes part in a nucle­o­philic attack upon the 59 splice site of the accep­tor sub­strate, result­ing in the cova­lent attach­ment of the 39-half of the accep­tor sub­strate to the 39-end of the ribo­zyme. Exon liga­tion then pro­ceeds via nucle­o­philic attack of the uri­dine at the 59-half of the TIS sub­strate performing a nucle­o­philic attack upon G336 of the ribo­zyme, result­ing in the final TIS prod­uct.

design, all of the ribo­zyme and sub­strate sequences that make up the molec­u­lar rec­og­ni­tion ele­ments can be altered as desired to cre­ate

appro­pri­ate tar­get-sub­strate com­bi­na­tions, as long as the sub­strateribo­zyme base pairs shown in Fig. 2 are main­tained.


P.P. Dotson II et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 478 (2008) 81–84 Table 2 Percent TIS prod­uct for­ma­tion for indi­vid­ual mod­i­fied oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides






( 5’AUGACU3’)





(Size Controls)






(-) (N) (dG) (SH) (2AP) (4SU) (DM)

Fig. 3. Poly­acryl­amide gel show­ing sub­strates, inter­me­di­ates, and prod­ucts of the trans inser­tion-splic­ing reac­tion. Reac­tions were con­ducted with 200 nM ribo­zyme, 1 nM accep­tor sub­strate, and 1 lM donor sub­strate in H10Mg at 44 °C for 2 h. Lanes A, B, and C con­tain 59-end radi­o­la­beled 18-mer, 12-mer, and 6-mer size con­trols, respec­tively. Neg­a­tive con­trol lanes (-) con­sist of reac­tions run in H0Mg buffer (lane D) or with­out rPC ribo­zyme (lane E). Lane F con­tains the TIS reac­tion with the unmod­i­fied donor sub­strate (N), and serves as a positive con­trol. Lanes G, H, I, J, and K con­tain the TIS reac­tion with deoxy (dG), phos­pho­thio­ate (SH), 2-ami­ no­pu­rine (2AP), 4-thio­uri­dine (4SU), and dou­bly-mod­i­fied (DM) substi­tuted donor sub­strates, respec­tively.

Table 1 TIS start­ing mate­rial and insert sub­strate sequences


Pre­dicted TIS prod­uct (18-mer) for TIS reac­tions con­ducted with the TIS accep­tor sub­strate (12-mer) and either unmod­i­fied or mod­i­fied TIS donor sub­strates. The sequences high­lighted in gray rep­re­sent the insert region of the TIS donor mol­e­ cule. TIS reac­tions were con­ducted under pre­vi­ously opti­mized reac­tion con­di­tions (200 nM ribo­zyme, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 lM insert at 44 °C for 2 h). The results are the aver­age of two inde­pen­dent exper­i­ments.

TIS reac­tion. In con­trast, nucle­o­base mod­i­fi­ca­tions at position 7 do reduce TIS yields, although not by pro­hib­i­tive amounts (approx­i­mately 15% reduc­tion). This reduc­tion is likely due to a dis­rup­tion of the P9.0 inter­ac­tion between this nucle­o­base and the ribo­zyme dur­ing the sec­ond TIS reac­tion step (see Fig. 2). Nev­er­the­less, the TIS reac­tion is rel­a­tively effec­tive for syn­the­ siz­ing RNAs that con­tain sugar-phos­phate back­bone and nucle­ o­base mod­i­fi­ca­tions. Like that at position 7, ribose mod­i­fi­ca­tions at donor sub­strate posi­tions 6 and 8 also do not reduce TIS yields. Appar­ently, the 29 OH groups at posi­tions 6, 7, and 8 are expend­able for the TIS reac­ tion, which enhances the flex­i­bil­ity of using TIS as a syn­thetic tool. In addi­tion, that the TIS reac­tion con­ducted with the dou­bly-mod­i­ fied donor sub­strate was suc­cess­ful dem­on­strates that the TIS reac­ tion is effec­tive for the inser­tion of multiple mod­i­fied nucle­o­tides within a given RNA sequence. 2’

Acknowl­edg­ments The sequences for the TIS accep­tor sub­strate (12-mer), nor­mal (unmod­i­fied) TIS donor sub­strate (9-mer), and mod­i­fied TIS donor sub­strates (9-mer) are shown for the stan­dard TES reac­tion. For both the unmod­i­fied and mod­i­fied TIS donor sub­ strates the sequence to be inserted is high­lighted in gray. For each mod­i­fied TIS donor sub­strate the mod­i­fied nucle­o­tide (located at either position C6, G7, or U8) is shown in paren­the­ses. For the dou­bly-mod­i­fied TIS donor sub­strate, the sub­strate con­tains a de­oxy­cy­to­sine (dC) and meth­oxy­uri­dine (mU) mod­i­fi­ca­tion.

This research was sup­ported by grants from the Ken­tucky Lung Can­cer Research Pro­gram and The Lex­ing­ton Foun­da­tion. Appen­dix A. Sup­ple­men­tary data Sup­ple­men­tary data asso­ci­ated with this arti­cle can be found, in the online ver­sion, at doi:10.1016/j.abb.2008.07.010.

Con­clu­sion In this report, we dem­on­strate that the trans inser­tionsplic­ing ribo­zyme from P. cari­nii can uti­lize sub­strates that con­tain func­tional group mod­i­fi­ca­tions, and that this activ­ity can be exploited to gen­er­ate RNAs with one or more inter­nal mod­i­fi­ca­tions. This is the first report of a group I intron-derived ribo­zyme being capa­ble of cat­a­lyz­ing the inser­tion of a mod­ i­fied oli­go­nu­cleo­tide into RNA. We also show that func­tional group mod­i­fi­ca­tions within the sugar-phos­phate back­bone at position 7 of the donor sub­strate (see Fig. 2) do not hinder the



sugar phos­phate

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