Ridge and swale topography of the Middle Atlantic Bight, Nnorth America: Secular response to the Holocene hydraulic regime

Ridge and swale topography of the Middle Atlantic Bight, Nnorth America: Secular response to the Holocene hydraulic regime

Marine Geology, 15(1973): 227-247 © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands RIDGE AND SWALE TOPOGRAPHY OF THE ...

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Marine Geology, 15(1973): 227-247 © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands



A tlan tic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Miami, Fla. fU.S.A.) Coastal Engineering Research Center, Washington, D.C. fU. S.A.) Department o f Geology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (U.S.A.) (Accepted for publication July 17, 1973)

ABSTRACT Swift, D. J. P., Duane, D. B. and McKinney, T. F., 1973. Ridge and swale topography of the Middle Atlantic Bight, North America: secular response to the Holocene hydraulic regime. Mar. Geol., 15: 227 247. The ridge and swale topography of the Middle Atlantic Bight was originally interpreted as a relict strand plain whose ridges reflect stillstands of the returning Holocene sea. However, close examination indicates that the ridges appear to be instead longitudinal bed forms, responses to a regime of intermittent, south-trending storm currents. Ridges may be initiated on the shore face and detached as the coast retreats to form fields of isolated ridges, or they may be molded into the shelf-transverse sand massifs that mark the retreat paths of littoral-drift depositional centers at estuary mouths and off cuspate forelands. The ridge and swale topography is thus a stable end configuration toward which a variety of near-shore constructional topographies have converged during the Holocene transgression. Morphologic evidence for readjustment of ridge topography to the deepening shelf flow field during the Holocene transgression is discernable. However, the extent to which the offshore topography continues to respond to hydraulic regime is unclear. The role of helical flow structure in the storm flow field remains to be documented. Resolution of these problems will require more detailed information of hydraulic process and substrate response on storm-dominated shelves.

INTRODUCTION Much o f t h e surface o f t h e Middle A t l a n t i c Bight b e t w e e n Cape Cod a n d Cape H a t t e r a s , N o r t h A m e r i c a n A t l a n t i c Shelf, is a vast sand plain. F i r s t - o r d e r m o r p h o l o g i c e l e m e n t s consist o f transverse s h e l f valleys ( F i g . l ) , o f t e n paired w i t h shelf-transverse massifs o n t h e i r n o r t h flanks (Swift et al., 1972). T h e t e r m massifs is h e r e used t o c o n n o t e a large-scale t o p o g r a p h i c high, w h i c h itself e x h i b i t s a p p r e c i a b l e relief a n d is c o m p o s e d o f s u c h smaller-scale f e a t u r e s as sand ridges. T h o u g h f u n d a m e n t a l l y d r o w n e d river valleys,


D . J . P . SWIFT ET AL.






Fig.1. Crest line of the more prominent ridges of the Middle Atlantic Bight, and the courses of the major shelf-transverse valleys. Boxes indicate locations of other figures. (Modified from Uchupi, 1968.)












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Fig.2.A. Zones of erosion and potential deposition created by the landward translation of the hydraulical] induced inner-shelf profile. B. Generation of a shelf scarp by depositional stillstand and upward profile translation during a period of general transgression and landward profile translation. C. Schematic profile of shelf sector indicating relationship of ridge topography to terraces and scarps. Surficial sand sheet on each terrace is the debris of shore-face erosion, molded into ridge and swale topography after passage of shore face.



shelf-valley topography reflects mainly the estuary environment; the more sharply defined channels may be locally traced into tide-generated flood channels in the modern estuary; hence these are termed flood-channel retreat paths. Massifs on the north flanks of channels may be traced into estuary mouth shoals which are sediment sinks for southtrending littoral drift, hence are estuary shoal-retreat massifs. Cape shoal-retreat massifs are not necessarily associated with transverse shelf valleys, but occur at such cuspate forelands as Cape Hatteras, Cape Lookout and Cape Fear on the Carolina coast, as a result of littoral-drift convergence at the foreland apex. Shoal-retreat massifs and shelf valleys are transverse first-order elements which divide the shelf surface into compartments. The regional morphologic pattern is complicated by two other first-order morphologic elements. Oblique-trending "cuestas" are prominent on the north New Jersey and Long Island shelves (Swift et al., 1972). Here subaerial fluvial processes have exerted a prominent influence relative to later estuarine processes in shaping the intervening lows. The shelf surface is not a simple seaward-inclined surface; instead it consists of a series of nearly horizontal "terraces" separated by more steeply inclined scarps (Veatch and Smith, 1939; McClennen and McMaster, 1971). The terraces reflect periods of transgression when the equilibrium shore-face profile translated shore-ward (Fig.2). During these periods, the landward component of profile translation remanents of lower shore faces. They were formed during periods of near stillstand, when shore-face translation was dominantly upwards. As transgression resumed, shore-face translation returned to the horizontal mode. The barrier superstructure of the stillstand shore-face was shaved off by erosional shore-face retreat as terrace formation resumed, but the lower shore face was locally preserved (Swift et al., 1972). Second-order morphologic elements comprise the ridge and swale topography (Swift et al., 1972; also referred to as linear shoal topography, Duane et al., 1972): fields of sand ridges 2 - 4 km apart and up to 10 m high, which extend for tens of kilometers (Fig. 1). Side slopes are a few degrees or less. Crest lines and trough axes climb obliquely southwest across the shelf (Uchupi, 1968), converging with the shoreline (Duane et al., 1972). All ridges of the study area form a small acute angle with the shoreline; almost all angles open to the north. The mean convergence angle (measured clockwise) is 22 ° with a standard deviation of 16 °. Seismic reflection profiles and cores of the ridges show them to be piano-convex features molded into a discontinuous sheet of well-sorted sand that rests on a nearly horizontal surface. Marked compositional differences exist between the sands of ridges and the more heterogeneous sediment of the underlying substrate (Duane et al., 1972; Swift et al., 1973). On the inner shelf where data are available, the ridges are less than 11,000 years old; the substrate may consist of slightly older Holocene lagoonal deposits, or older Pleistocene strata (Meisburger and Duane, 1971; Duane et al., 1972; Field and Duane, 1973). The discontinuous sand sheet whose upper surface is molded into the ridge and swale topography appears to be the "sawdust" of the process of intermittent landward translation of the shore-face profile that created the terraces (Veatch and Smith, 1939; Swift et al., 1972). The ridge and swale topography is more apparent on most bathymetric maps than is the first-order topography on which it is superimposed.



Since first systematically described by Veatch and Smith (1939), the ridge and swale topography has generally been interpreted as a relict strand plain whose ridges were formed during stillstands of the returning Holocene sea (Shepard, 1963, p.214). A variant hypothesis has interpreted certain clusters of shoreface-connected ridges as beach-ridges relict from Pleistocene regressions (Sanders, 1962; Kraft, 1969). Uchupi (1968) observed the persistent southward convergence of the ridges with the shoreline and sardonically noted that, if the Holocene interpretation is correct, "there has been a drastic reorientation of the shoreline in recent times." He suggested a modern hydraulic origin, although he later (1970) reverted to the strand-plain hypothesis. The Pleistocene strand-plain hypothesis also creates more problems than it solves. The zone of shoaling waves is a high-energy environment in a state of equilibrium with its morphologic counterpart, the shore face. The response time of the shore face is geologically instantaneous: 20 m of beach, stripped off in a single storm, may be returned a few weeks later. It is difficult to imagine this dynamic zone migrating over an unconsolidated Pleistocene beach ridge without annihilating it. Furthermore, shelf-ridge morphology is not barrier morphology. Barriers are dune-capped scarps; they are backed by lagoons a few meters deep, but their seaward faces drop to 15 - 20 m over a few kilometers. Shelf ridges are usually nearly bilaterally symmetrical; the landward trough is rarely a meter shoaler than the seaward trough, while the ridge in between may rise 10 m. The coast-parallel scarps are probably the only true barrier remanents of the Central Atlantic Shelf; the ridge and swale topography is molded into the surficial sand sheet of the intervening terraces (Fig.2). When closely examined, the sheet appears to have formed at the trailing edge of a shore face undergoing erosional retreat (Swift et al., 1972; Stahl et al., 1973), hence its ridge topography postdates passage of the shoreline. We present elsewhere (McKinney and Friedman, 1970; Duane et al., 1972; Swift et al., 1972; McKinney et al., 1973) extensive analyses of Atlantic Shelf morphology. As a byproduct of these analyses, we have concluded that the ridge topography is primarily of dynamic near-shore submarine origin, rather than a relict littoral subaerial feature. The ridges are judged to form as a secular or long-term substrate response to the hydraulic processes associated with the Holocene transgression. The ridges have diverse origins and locally are erosional rather than constructional responses to the hydraulic regime (Duane et al., 1972), but in most cases are initiated in response to storm and south-trending storm currents on the shore face and adjacent shelf. The diverse origins become less apparent as the shoreline recedes, and the ridge topography becomes more homogeneous. In this paper we present a systematic analysis of available evidence relating to the evolution of the ridge topography, so that it may be compared with other shelf surfaces and perhaps may be shown as an example of a more general class of marine topography. We outline the limitations as well as the implications of our data; in particular, our severely restricted knowledge of the Atlantic Shelf's hydraulic climate. We propose a hypothesis of transgressive ridge formation on a stormdominated shelf, and invite our colleagues to join our continuing attempts to test its validity.



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Fig.3. Shoreface-connected ridge field of the Delmarva coast. Dashed lines are crest lines. (See U.S.C.G.S. map 0807N-57 for 1-fathom resolution.)

THE DELMARVA SHELF: RIDGE DETACHMENT ON AN OPEN COAST An extremely regular ridge field occurs on the coast of the peninsula occupied by the states of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia (Fig.3). Ridges are attached to the shore face at depths as shoal as 2 m, or are connected to the shore face by saddles more nearly normal to the shore face than the ridges themselves, or are isolated form the shore face. Close study of a similar shoreface-connected ridge system off the Virginia-North Carolina border (Fig.4; Duane et al., 1972; Swift et al., 1973) has shown that the troughs landward of such ridges are undergoing active scour and headward erosion in response to southtrending wind set-up currents associated with mid-latitude lows (northeasters). Limited current-meter work and related observations suggest that helical flow occurs in troughs landward of shoreface-connected ridges during storms (Swift et al., 1973). Southwestadvancing waves, breaking on shallower portions of the ridge crests, pump water obliquely landward over the main body of wind-driven coast-parallel trough flow (Fig.5). The resulting hydraulic head (wave set-up) induces a southeast-trending return flow near the bottom. Ridge crests experience bottom-current convergence. The return-flow bottom currents of the trough converge obliquely southward with the wave-driven (mass transport)


D . J . P . SWIFT ET AL.

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Fig.4. Transgressed estuary mouth of the ancestral James River. Virginia Beach ridges extend through the seaward margin of the figure as an estuary shoal-retreat massif. Massif was remolded into transverse ridges subsequent to transgression and illustrates the second major mode of ridge formation. Virginia Beach Shelf Valley is here a flood-channel retreat path. False Cape ridges are presently forming by lateral detachment. Contours in feet; box shows location of Fig.7.

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Fig.5. Schematic hydraulic model for maintenance of shoreface-connected ridge. During northeasters, southward wind drift currents flow down landward trough and break out over ridge base. Wave-induced mass transport currents move obliquely up ridge's seaward flank. Trough current experiences helical flow structure, as waves, breaking on shallow base of ridge, pump water over coast-parallel trough flow. Resulting wave set-up induces seaward bottom flow in trough. Convergence of bottom currents aggrades ridge crest (see Swift et al., 1973).



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Fig.6. Schematic model for evolution of shoreface-connected ridge into isolated shelf ridge during transgression. Headward extension and axial deepening of trough intensities rip-like current which sweeps over ridge base, cutting saddle, and eventually isolating ridge. Shoreline retreats and ridges migrate down-coast and offshore. (Compare with Fig.3.) bottom currents on the seaward flank, and ridge crests are consequently aggraded. Large-scale rip currents break out over ridge stems and cut shifting saddles into them (Swift et al., 1973). This model should be considered tentative until further hydraulic documentation is attained. In Fig.6, the stepwise trend of ridge crests is taken to reflect a stepwise process of ridge growth and detachment during the Holocene transgression. As troughs grow by headward erosion and axial scour, wave-amplified trough currents become more intense, and a saddle is eventually cut through the ridge base; the process then repeats further down the shore face.

THE SOUTHERN VIRGINIA SHELF: RIDGE FORMATION BY REMOLDING OF AN ESTUARY SHOAL-RETREAT MASSIF The False Cape Ridge System (Fig.4) is judged to fit the Delmarva pattern in that an apparent evolutionary sequence of ridge formation and detachment may be discerned. However, the detachment mechanism does not serve to explain the origin of the Virginia Beach Ridge System north of the Virginia Beach Shelf Valley (Fig.4), as the valley itself separates the northern ridges from the adjacent beach. The two ridge systems and the intervening valley comprise a transgressed estuary mouth (Swift et al., 1972); and the Virginia Beach ridges extend seaward beyond the figure's margin as an estuarine shoalretreat massif. The transverse ridges and swales of the massif do not, however, constitute a tributary pattern of relict subaerial drainage, for the master valley does not lie in a plane of bilateral symmetry. Crest lines and thalwegs do not descend to the central valley; instead they generally climb to the southwest, both north and south of the valley. Thus, the Virginia Beach Ridge System is not a mirror image of the False Cape System; instead it comprises a northward translation of it.



The Virginia Beach Ridge System is more readily explained as the result of in situ remolding of a pre-existing shoal-retreat massif, particularly as vibracores (Swift et al., 1973) reveal that the ridges consist of fine sand cores, apparently dating from the estuarine phase, mantled by coarser, post-transgression sands. The remolding process appears to have involved scour and down-cutting in the troughs, with simultaneous aggradation of the ridge crests. The operative agent appears to be southward drift currents generated northeast by storm winds and confined by the shoreline; in deeper water a barotropic response to wind set-up may be important (Harrison et al., 1967). Evidence fo:~ such a flow occurs as flow-transverse, southward-asymmetric bed forms with amplitudes up to 2 m. These have been observed in constricted portions of the troughs (Swift et al., 1973) and are responsible for the irregularities in the contours of the Z-shaped ridge (Fig.4). Examination of current-meter records suggests that the threshold of grain movement is regularly exceeded at least on the inner shelf during storms (Fig.7; Lavelle et al., 1973). Such activity should serve to degrade the ridge topography ; however, it exists and continues to be maintained. The initiation and survival of the ridge topography on shoal-retreat massifs may indicate a general helical flow structure in the storm flow field, analogous in some respects to the more specialized pattern associated with shoreface-connected ridges. Flow fields such as those of the inner shelf, which are much wider than deep, may be inherently unable to maintain flow continuity, so that bands of more rapidly moving water descend and diverge; intervening, slower bands would experience bottom convergence and would rise, resulting in a pattern of helical flow in which alternating cells rotate with the opposite sense. Such a helical flow structure may be the consequence of an unequal distribution of turbulent (Reynolds) shear stresses in the flow field (Allen, 1970) and may serve to stabilize the Ekman velocity (Brown, 1970). Common descending limbs of adjacent cells would scour the bottom;common ascending limbs would cause southward-trending sand streams to converge and aggrade the bottom. The resulting ridge topography would initiate and localize helical flow structure during future storm events (Fig.8). The coupling between hydraulic process and substrate response during this evolutionary process is marked. The troughs are tailored by their flow field so that they shoal in the down-current direction and become broader; thus, the high-velocity thread of trough flow, with its greater momentum, must impinge on the rising trough thalweg, and spread laterally. This geometry is ubiquitous in the ridge topography of the Middle Atlantic Bight, although it is by no means clear that helical flow is everywhere occurring at present. (See Wilson, 1972, for a discussion of analogous large-scale aeolian features arising from helical flow.) There exists no direct evidence for helical flow during storms on the Western Atlantic Shelf as has been reported by Houbolt (1968) for the tidal regime of the North Sea ridge fields. However, the grain-size distribution of the ridge and swale topography is compatible with such a pattern of trough scour and crestal aggradation (Fig.7). The north ends of troughs are scoured out to bare Pleistocene or Early Holocene clay (Swift et al., 1973). The clay is intermittently veneered with medium to coarse sand with an admixture of



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1.0- 1.5 1.5- 2.0

3.0 4.2

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Fig.7. Distribution of m e a n diameters of the sand fraction as calculated by Rapid Sediment Analyzer (Sanford and Swift, 1971 ) on a portion of the Virginia Beach Massif. Location is indicated by box in Fig.4. Grain size varies m s y m p a t h y with north-south ridge and swale topography and also in s y m p a t h y with inherited large-scale topography elements; shoal-retreat massif (coarser sand of north) and shelf valley (finer sand of south). T h e coarse-sand patch at the top of the m a p contains clay and chert pebbles; vibracores indicate that Late Pleistocene clays occur a few decimeters beneath sand (Swift et al., 1973). Current-meter record at b o t t o m recorded by geodyne meter, tripod-mounted with rotor center 37 cm off b o t t o m . The record reveals semidiurnal tidal currents and a velocity pulse associated with mild s u m m e r northeaster. Horizontal band is envelope of shield's threshold velocity for grain sizes present. Percent exceedance figures are based on Shield's threshold criterion for grain m o v e m e n t . Net volume transport figures and vectors describe sediment discharge in m 3/m transverse to flow during entire record duration. They are based on Laursen's (1955) total load equation. Assumptions such as a value of 3 X 10 ~ for the drag coefficient limit, the quantitative significance of the figures but suggest that the surface was mobile during the duration of the record. (See Lavelle et al., 1973, for discussion of methods.) Direction-frequency rose is based on half-hour samples of record. Dequency rings are in percent.


D . J . P . SWIFT ET AL.





Fig.8. Schematic diagram of secondary flow m o t i o n s (helical flow structure) and storm wave surge believed to be associated with storm flow field.

chert and clay pebbles. Near-shore troughs may accumulate localized mud lenses during quiet summer months, but these are commonly flushed out during the winter. The troughs shoal towards the south and eventually are bridged over by fine to very fine sands of the ridge flanks. Crestal sands tend to be medium- to fine-grained, and are notably better sorted than trough sands (Swift et al., 1972). Dives to inner-shelf ridge crest indicate that crestal sands are visibly affected by wave surge during fair weather, and they may be secondary lags which lose their finer fraction to ridge flanks through wave winnowing during periods of waning storm activity (Swift et al., 1973). Thus, the ridge field topography controls ridge field grain-size patterns, whereby sands are differentiated into medium to fine crestal sands, fine to very fine flank sands, and (locally) coarse trough sands. Helical flow structure in the storm flow field, and the winnowing activity of storm waves are tentatively inferred to be the causative agents. Regional grain-size gradients are superimposed on this small-scale pattern (see for instance Milliman et al., 1972; Fig.7, this paper). The regional patterns are in part inherited, reflecting coastwide variations in the energy budget of the retreating shore face, and are partly a result of subsequent sand fractionation on a regional scale. In this regional process, sand fine enough to travel in suspension is winnowed out by southward storm currents and is deposited in shelf valleys or other areas of flow expansion and decreasing flow competence (Swift et al., 1973). Coarser sand with a significant portion traveling as bed load remains to be molded into the ridge topography. In fact, a basic requirement for a ridge topography appears to be a sandy substrate whose initial size distribution has a coarse admixture.


76 ° 30'




Fig.9. Cape Lookout Shoal, a cape-associated shoal and shoal-retreat massif. Massif has been molded into arcuate transverse ridges, separated by swales which serve as storm spillways. Ridges have been flexed into an arcuate shape by wave refraction. They represent the third major mode of ridge formation. Littoral drift in cu. yd/yr × 103 from Langfelder et al., (1968). Contours in meters.

THE CAROLINA SHELF: RIDGE FORMATION BY REMOLDING OF CAPE SHOAL-RETREAT MASSIF T h e C a r o l i n a coast is c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y a series o f c u s p a t e forelands, t w o o f w h i c h a p p e a r in Fig. 1. E a c h is associated w i t h a cape s h o a l - r e t r e a t massif; L o o k o u t Shoals are figured in Fig.9. F o r e l a n d a n d m a s s i f c o m p r i s e a well-defined f e e d b a c k s y s t e m . T h e shoal focuses wave energy o n t h e f o r e l a n d , resulting in its d o u b l e a r c u a t e f o r m , a n d g e n e r a t e s a l i t t o r a l - d r i f t c o n v e r g e n c e at t h e f o r e l a n d a p e x . T h e shoal is, in t u r n , c r e a t e d



by the retreat of this littoral-drift depocenter through time and is progressively modified by the regime of storm waves and south-trending storm currents (Swift et al., 1972, 1973). Northeasterly storm winds generate a hydraulic head north of such shelf-transverse massifs, and according to the Coastal Pilot, the resulting currents "set across the shoals with great violence". The massifs are dissected by large, generally southward-shoaling troughs which appear to be spillways cut by the storm surges. Unpublished wave-refraction studies indicate that, during storms, wave trains are refracted into hairpin shapes over the massifs so that their distant wings collide head-on over the massif crests. The arcuate shape of the ridges on the back of the massifs must reflect adjustment of the ridge to the wave-refraction pattern, as the momentum of flow in the channels would otherwise serve to keep the channels and ridges straight. Flow through such arcuate channels must presumably constitute a single helical cell in the manner of river meanders. Fields of southward asymmetrical current-transverse sand waves up to 4 m high develop on the shoaler portions of the shoals (inset, Fig.5); where associated with longitudinal sand ridges, they form southward-convex festoons between ridge crests. This constitutes circumstantial field evidence for helical flow, as it indicates that bottom currents are converging obliquely southward on ridge crests. RIDGE AND SWALE TOPOGRAPHY AS A SECULAR RESPONSE TO THE HOLOCENE HYDRAULIC REGIME

The ridges appear to be the dominant elements in a bed-form hierarchy of the sort described by Allen (1968). Small-scale elements include the transverse sand waves of the North Carolina shelf and the smaller transverse bed forms of the Virginia shelf. These latter features, in 20 m of water, are commonly less than a meter high and are technically current ripples. Their heights are clearly independent of flow depth; they are presumably responses to perturbations of the boundary layer rather than of the whole flow field (Allen, 1968a). However, it is perhaps more useful to classify these bed forms in terms of response times to intermittent storm pulses. For one thing, intermediate and large-scale elements (ridges and sand waves) must represent time-integrated responses to these pulses in which ridge heights and side slopes are less than maximum, reflecting a compromise between storm aggradation and degradation by fair-weather wave surge. Secondly, the large-scale forms extend up into the wave-agitated zone; this fact as well as flow depth limits their height. Finally, the hydraulic regime itself is not stationary, but changes through the lives of the larger bed forms as a consequence of water deepening attendant on the Holocene transgression. Inner-shelf ridges on open coasts are formed as a consequence of the interaction of storm waves and currents with each other and the substrate. With detachment they find themselves in a simpler regime for which 10 m appears to be a wave-limited crestal depth (Duane et al., 1972). Shelf ridge fields with crests accordant at deeper levels may have retained this limit from lower seaqevel stands, even though their troughs are being actively scoured.



The differing geometries of the ridge systems of estuary shoal-retreat massifs, cape shoal-retreat massifs and on the intervening shelf tend to disguise their fundamental genetic relationship. All are large-scale, more or less current-parallel bed forms whose spacing tends to increase with flow depth (Swift et al., 1972). Thus, the ridge and swale topography appears to be a stable end configuration toward which a variety of erosional and depositional topographies converge. The extent to which offshore ridge fields are actively maintained and the extent to which helical flow occurs is difficult to evaluate without far more hydraulic data than is presently available. The coast-oblique orientation of shoreface-connected ridges may locally be traced for tens of kilometers offshore. It is a response to the pattern of wave and wind currents which prevailed in the generating zone on the shore face. On the shelf floor it is a relict pattern, as coast-parallel storm currents on the shelf would presumably have an offshore rather than onshore secondary compartment, if any, in the reverse Ekman spiral of the bottom friction layer. Thus, if helical flow cells are induced in coast-converging offshore troughs, their axes would be skewed relative to the main flow

% Fig.10. Chincoteague Shoals, Maryland Coast, with 1881-isobaths (dashed) and 1934-isobaths (solid), and 1934-coast. Shoals are transitional between a shoreface-connected ridge field and a cape-associated shoal. Note southeastward movement of ridges (from Duane et al., 1972; from U.S.C.G.S. Surveys.)



field. On the inner shelf, ridges at least locally respond to such a flow structure by migrating to the southeast, seaward and down-coast (Duane et al., 1972; Fig.lO, this paper), behaving more nearly like current-transverse bed forms than current-parallel ones; hence a coast-converging orientation of a ridge does not necessarily imply no sediment or bed-form movement. Note that in Fig.lO, ridges further offshore have moved into parallelism with the shoreline, but are still migrating in a direction more southeasterly than their axes. Elsewhere there is more direct morphologic evidence for reorientation of near-shore topography under the impetus of the shelf hydraulic regime. On the shoal-retreat massif associated with the Delaware Shelf Valley (Swift et al., 1972), ridges near the bay mouth are oblique to the regional trend o f the shoreline and their crest lines are seaward-convex, presumably following tidal flow-lines sweeping from the shelf into the mouth o f Delaware Bay (Fig.11). But as the crest of the shoal-retreat massif is traced seaward, the ridge crest lines become straight and essentially coast-parallel. If the Delaware shoal-retreat massif comprises a record of the retreat of the Delaware estuary-mouth shoal under steady state conditions, then the apparent rotation of transverse crest lines with distance from shore may be inferred to reflect the diminishing significance of the tidal component of flow and the increasing significance of the storm-driven flow component as the shoreline receded through Holocene time. Remolding of the ridge topography as response to the inner-shelf hydraulic regime may have been discontinuous rather than continuous on the Great Egg Shoal-Retreat Massif(Swift et al., 1972). At a distance of 40 km from the shoreline and in 4 0 - 5 0 m of water, two ridge patterns are apparent on the back of the massif (first-order feature).


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Fig. 11. Delaware Bay mouth shoal and shoal-retreat massif. Note curved pattern of ridge crest lines near bay mouth. As axis of massif (dashed line) is traced seaward, ridge crestlines become coast-parallel. Contours in fathoms. (See U.S.C.G.S. map O807N-57 for 1-fathom resolution.)


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Fig.12. Great Egg Shelf valley and shoal-retreat massif. The more seaward large-scale ridges have had superimposed on them a more southerly trending, finer-scale ridge system. Inset contours in fathoms; depths shoaler than 20 fathoms stippled. Based on U.S.C.G.S. map 0807N-55. (Adopted from McKinney et al., 1973.)

A large-scale pattern consists of "J"-shaped ridges which curve southward and westward toward the Great Egg Shelf valley (Fig.12). This pattern has been partly obliterated by a finer-scale pattern which trends more southerly than the first pattern. Small troughs have been incised into large ridges, which are still recognizable as en-echelon patterns of small ridges (inset, Fig. 12). Apparently the initial cross ridges of the Great Egg Shoal-Retreat Massif were so large and so deeply incised during an initial stage of the transgression that they were unable to rotate in response to the more southerly flow of later stages and were instead cut into en-echelon segments.



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Fig.13. Line drawing from seismic records indicating internal stratification of ridges on New Jersey. (From McClennen, in press) A final important piece o f evidence concerning progressive modification o f the ridges comes from seismic profiles collected by McClennen (in press) on the New Jersey Shelf (Fig.13). These records show that ridges may have one or more cores of strata dipping away from a common crest. These core strata tend to be more steeply inclined than




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Fig.14. Bathymetry of the Platt Shoals sector, North Carolina Shelf. Contour interval 10 ft. Isolated highs are stippled. Oregon Shoal is still connected to shore face; other ridges south of Albermarle Shelf valley are largely or wholly detached. Lower ridges are double-crested. Shallow troughs between double crests contain southward-convex sand waves suggestive of divergent trough currents. (From Swift et al., 1973). existing slopes (profiles a and b). In one case, the crest of a ridge seems to have shifted so that some strata are inclined away from a former crest sited in what now is the adjacent trough (right-hand side of profile c). A comparison of ridge spacing with flow depth on the Atlantic Shelf suggests that, as noted by Allen (1968a), ridges become further apart with increasing depth (Swift et al., 1972, fig.232). The internal stratification of Fig.13 suggests that ridge spacing increases partly by the merging of several ridges and partly by lateral migration. The irregular tendency toward progressive decrease in size slope suggests that ridge-maintaining processes are not able to increase height at the same rate as spacing. A particularly vexing problem is the role of helical flow in inducing ridge topography. Direct observations of the fine structure of the storm flow field are almost nonexistent, although instrumentation potentially capable of such observations is presently being developed. Morphologic evidence for helical flow such as oblique or herringbone patterns of sand waves on ridge flanks which are present in the North Sea (Caston, 1972) have not yet been identified with certainty on the Atlantic Shelf, although some suggestive patterns appear in recent precision surveys of the National Ocean Survey (Swift et al., 1973; Fig.14, this paper).



There is, however, a consoling aspect to the general scarcity of sand-wave fields on the Atlantic Continental Shelf, in that this lack is consonant with the general hypothesis of storm-driven sedimentation. Sandwave fields are localized in areas where the storm flowdirection is stabilized by the proximity of the shoreline (Fig.14), or by the friction of a regionally shoaling bottom, as on the crests of cape shoal-retreat massifs (Fig.9). Elsewhere, the variance in direction of successive storm-current directions may be assumed to be high (Sternberg and McManus, 1972), and currents may in fact rotate during a single storm as the wind direction rotates. As noted by McCave (1971), a variable current attack inhibits transverse bed forms, and Smith (1969) favors longitudinal ones. The dominant meso-scale bed form of the Atlantic Shelf may in fact be the sand ribbons and elongate sand patches detected by McKinney et al. (1973) on side-scan sonar records from the central New Jersey Shelf (McKinney et al., 1973; Fig.15, this paper). If largescale helical flow structure prevails during storms, sand ribbons (from small-scale helical flow) also might be expected to form herringbone patterns. Such patterns are not apparent in Fig.15. However, bottom-current convergence angles are very small in helical flow structure (Allen, 1968b), and resulting convergent ribbon patterns would be difficult to resolve without precision navigation and close control of the lateral exaggeration (Bel-


73o56'W /' /





Fig. 15. Detail of central New Jersey Shelf. See Fig.12 for location. Dashes indicate orientations of representative sand ribbon-like features observed by side-scan sonar. (From McKinney et al., 1973.)



derson et al., 1972) inherent in side-scan sonar records. Patterns of very slight ribbon convergence may or may not be concealed in Fig.15. In any case, the ribbons and any convergences that they might define, trend obliquely across the ridges in an independent fashion The problem is further complicated by the variability of storm current directions mentioned above. The sand ribbon-like features mapped in Fig. 15 have spacings up to 100 m, but commonly do not exhibit detectable relief. They may represent the mean current direction of the last significant storm, skewed slightly to ridge axes. Some fishhook-shaped features (skewed barchans; Allen, 1968a) may be transverse sand waves formed during the flow maximum of a single storm and partially remade into longitudinal forms as the waning current rotated (McKinney et al., 1973). Thus, the main sand ridges, if capable of responding, may reflect a mean storm flow direction. When flow directions coincide with ridge axis, helical flow may or may not still be induced; as currents rotate and become increasingly oblique to ridge axis, helical cells skewed to the regional flow direction may persist; or flow may become uniform. Smith (1969) has argued that rotating tidal currents maintain ridges orientated parallel to mid-tide flow vectors simply by sweeping first up one side then up the other. Variable storm currents may similarly help to preserve offshore ridge fields of the Atlantic Shelf even without the helical flow mechanism. The selected portions of the Mid-Atlantic Shelf discussed in this paper show that relict topography patterns may be discerned in offshore ridge fields. But in some cases, there is evidence for progressive morphologic change on the inner shelf during transgression. Thus, the shelf surface has at least locally fulfilled the criterion of an equilibrium system one which, when stressed, responds in such a way as to relieve the stress. Whether the outer shelf ridge fields are capable of so responding is a moot point. As the shoreline recedes and the water depth increases, fewer storm events are sufficiently prolonged and intense for wind drift currents to propagate to the sea floor. As water depth increases, the geostrophic component of flow becomes more important. The geostrophic component, unlike the wind drift component, is driven by horizontal pressure gradients which are constant with depth. Its frequency of occurrence, however, is a function of distance from shore, since the required landward pile-up of water may require several days of onshore winds to propagate as far seaward as the outer shelf. Consequently it may not be particularly meaningful to inquire whether or not outer shelf ridge fields on storm-dominated shelves such as the North American Atlantic Shelf are purely equilibrium or relict surfaces. We should perhaps instead be concerned with the time constants associated with substrate response.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Portions of data presented in this study stem from the general research program of the corps of U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. Permission was granted by the Corps of Engineers to publish this information. Work on the Virginia coast was carried



out under c o n t r a c t DACW79-69-C-0016 b e t w e e n C E R C and Old D o m i n i o n University, N o r f o l k , Va. A d d i t i o n a l funding o f the Virginia coast w o r k was provided by N S F Grants GA-13831 and G A - 2 7 3 0 5 and by the office o f Marine Geology, United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Mass. Portions o f the field w o r k were c o n d u c t e d aboard the Duke University R / V " E a s t w a r d " , s u p p o r t e d by N S F Grant GB-17545. C o n t r i b u t i o n s by Swift and M c K i n n e y to this paper are part o f the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories' c o n t r i b u t i o n to N O A A ' s M E S A project. The side-scan sonar data from the central N e w Jersey S h e l f were gathered in the course o f a submersible investigation sponsored by the Manned Undersea Science and T e c h n o l o g y Office o f N O A A .

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