Right ventricular pressure in arterial hypertension

Right ventricular pressure in arterial hypertension

SELECTED 833 ABSTRACTS Taquini, A. C., and Fasciolo, J. C.: Dosage of Circulating tension. Rev. argent. de cardiol. I4:l (March-April), 1947. Reni...

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Taquini, A. C., and Fasciolo, J. C.: Dosage of Circulating tension. Rev. argent. de cardiol. I4:l (March-April), 1947.


A new method cubic centimeter of with experimental tension of various Small amounts bloo:J pressure, and increase of renin is

(as lit&as 5 x 10.’ units per blood of normal dogs, in dogs patients with arterial hyper-

capable of detecting small quanitities of renin plasma) was used for renin determination in the renal hypertension, in normal subjects, and in etiologies. of renin were detecred in all dogs and human no difference in the serum level was found. The not responsible for vasoconstriction.




subjects, irrespective conclusion is drawn

of their that an LUISADA.

Lenegre, Arch.

J., and Maurice, d. mal. du coeur

P.: 40:173

Right (May),

Ventricular 1947.





In twenty-two patients suffering from essential hypertension, intraventricular pressures recorded from the right ventricular cavity by venous catheterization. Pressures were (20 cm. H-0) in nine, elevated (32 cm. H,O) in thirteen of the subjects. HJ-pertension was in eight of the nine patients with normal pressure values. Malignant hypertension was in ten of thirteen examples that demonstrated elevated pressures. It is assumed that remaining three patients the elevated ventricular pressure may have constituted an early left ventricular failure.

were normal benign present in the sign of HECHT.


C., Welti, H., and Perk, Moderate Congestive Failure tion. Arch. d. mal. du coeur

R.: Subtotal in Valvular 40:212 (May),

Thyroidectomy: Heart Disease 1947.


Treatment Normal

of Thyroid

Mild or Func-

In four patients demonstrating signs of early or moderate congestive failure, subtotal thyroidectomy was well tolerated. The patients were observed for a period of from one to three years. A decrease in dyspnea with improvement in their work performance was noticeable in all. Two of the patients developed signs of hypothyroidism (details are lacking). HECHT.

Tourniaire, A., Guyot, in a Four-Year-Old

R., and Child.

Rochas, J.: Arch. d. mal.

Paroxysmal du coeur

Tachycardia 40:230 (May),

of Long 1947.


The author presents another instance of an auricular paroxysmal tachycardia, apparently arising from the upper portion of the A-V node in a 4-year-old child which had apparently persisted for five months before it was veritied. After the diagnosis had been established, frequent paroxysms were observed for a period of ten months. They could not be completely abolished by vagal stimulation but were less frequent on digitalis and quinidine. It is assumed that an increase in the excitability of the A-V node was the underlying cause for the disorder. The child had suffered from measles and chicken pox just before the onset of the parox).sms. HKCHT.

Zabludovich, 34:999

S.: Pulmonary (May


.i telcctasis








\‘ariolls pulmonary condition.< whirh occ’atr (lurillp hcarr f;lilurr c~llr-l-rntl~~ iire ;titrilti~ttrd trt mechanical disorders resulting from the failtIre itself. Howrvcr. many other factors should be considered because enlargement of the heart, dilatation of the vascular pedicle, and exudation of fluid act mechanically on the lungs. The enlarged heart acts directly on the medial aspects of the lungs and their structures. It acts directly or indirectly on any and all components of the lungs ipleurae, alveoli, bronchi, and vessels). Enlargement of the heart favors pultnonary collapse, atelectasis. and emphysema. These manifestations occur chiefly in the inner aspect of the left lung and around the right auricle. They cause paracardiac x-ray shadows which may simulate mediastinal pleuritis, pleural synechia, or bronchiectasis. LVhenever pararardiac atelectasis occurs, it is of parenchymal and not of bronchial