Risk of perinatal infection in teen pregnancy

Risk of perinatal infection in teen pregnancy

JOURNALOF ADOLESCENTHEALTH CARE Vol. $1, No. 3 Abstracts of Poster Presentations At the Annual eeting of The Society for Adolescent Medicine March 19...

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Abstracts of Poster Presentations At the Annual eeting of The Society for Adolescent Medicine March 1990

A PATHOGENIN CAVITARY PNEIRLGNIA. HB(OLYTICUM: AKCAHOBACTERI’JN Kethl... 8. Vel1.r. N.D. .nd Jennifer Johnson. M.D. Of P.di.tric.. Childran’s Hosp. of Oklahcxa end Univ. of Oklehome H..lth Sciences C.nr.r, Oklahome City, Oklahoma. Cavitery pn.uwni. is en unto-n f~f.cti?n in children end youc6 .dulte. but c.“..e d.bilit.ting illnese when it occbr.. -=F tub.reu1o.t. I. . frequent ceo.. of cavit.ry pneun~io; the incidence D inf.cti.n 0rB.ni.m h.. increesed in r.cent yeora. Otker vblch comcnly c.... lo.6 .b.c....s include %h. aweo., Sa. l~oe.oe.. This ,298. r.po*t i11.llcr.t.. KW.i.ll., S.ct.r.id... and Pueobecterium. mo ~c.nob.cterion hemolytieum ee en eti&aBie eRaat ic c.vir.ry pn.um.ni.. A prwiouely healthy 15-y..r-old white male presented with P fourwork hiecory of productive cough, fever.. fati&~e. anorexis. and :I. had been ewpoaed W.iSht lo... H. hed no history of core
Risk Taking Were Abused.


with ehia


ni&c SVI~CB.

RRNAL RLEEDING IN RARLY PRBGNANCY:A CASB OF UNDIAGNOSEDHGB SC DISMSR. irtricl. P1.n.B.o. M.D. and Sotanne RiSBa, W.D. Dept. Of Pedlatcies, Beown University, and Rhode Island Noapit.1, Pcwidence, Rhode Island. U. presmt . c... of. caplicatio~ from en undetected hemoBlobiaop.thy to Illuetrate the nc.d for scceeniag adolescents for hemoglobinoP.thi... & 16 yew old bl.ck fwle presented with painless 6ealta-urin.ty tcact blr.dln.9 of 3 d.y. dur.tion. She had soapacted for 8.11.week. .he Y.. end believed she we. misc.rrying. She veo otherwise ~.llvitb no .tSntftc.ut peer aed1c.I hletory. Excutn.tton r.ve.led . clo..d c.rvt~.l os .nd no blood in vagio.. Urtae, bloody. Urta.1y.i. .h.r.d;‘3UU aR/dl and ..dI@ent plckcd with RBC*s. Serum pc.Sn..cy teat we8 positive. HemoSlabta we 11.8 q S/dt. She “.8 treered with enttblottcs for. suspected hemorrb.BIe Cyetltlr and 8e.n in follow-up 3 days later. Painless Sross hem.tucIa p.r.i.t.d. Haaoglobln had dropped to 9.7 mgldl. reticolocyte count “I. 5%. md . sickle cell preperetion we. poeittve. HenoSlobtn SC disease “.e dieSnosed by electcopho~eoia. Gestetlan we8 estimated et 10 weeks. Renel an.tomY we non.1 by ultre.ound. Cystoscopy revealed e norm.1 b1.dd.r end fr..h blood effluxtng fro. the left o~eterel orifice. She Y.. edmltted for hydcrtion ..d Ren.1 bleeding stopped after dey.. H.r [email protected] contin.ed. complicated by several pain crises. She ~8 followed et. htBh risk obstetrical clinic and received transfusions throu6hout her third tr1m.tt.r. She delivered . healthy term infant. I. !hI. ‘XI., Ct. SLree. of pr.Sn.ncy lsd to the first overt stg.. ;f,fS; disc.... Qk SC preeente . substantial risk to both mother and . S=lY .yIT.n..I of h.mBlobtaop.thtes allows the provi.Ion of and diligent family planning education. This =I*. undcracorcs the need to document the sickle cell sretue of all black odoleacmtn es pert of their primcay care.






S. Rigs,. University


and Suicide

M.D.; A. Alerio. and Rhode Islend


in Adol.ec.~t.

M.D.. C. Kc Homey. Ph D. No.pit.1, Providence, RI

“b0 Brown

A. .“o.yno.. heelth need. survey w.. ewp1.t.d by 600 urb.n bi~b school Ve hYpoCh..i;.d thee .dol.ec.nt. with . history of m.,tt..tM.t-student.. phyaicel (PA) ar e.xu.1 (SA) abuse--uo.ld be moor. likely then tk.ir peers to report heelrh-r.1.C.d risk-taking bebwtor. .ucL ae .ub.t.nc. u.., e.Xu.1 ectivity. self-induced vomiting. and would report more suicide analyai. of dota ohowed th.t .oud.nr. reportloB ab... w.r. mar. likely to b. .ub.t.nce ueer., were more likely to become father a preBn.ncy vben s.xu.lly active, were more likely to report self-induced vomitin6, and wt. more likely to report having and. . suicide attempt. This study “e. designed to clarify .od b.tt.r define the relationship between prior physical or a.xu.1 abuse. rink taking. .nd suicide .teeWt.. We utilized multiverlar. st.ti.rical techniques end controlled for . number of relewnt sociod.wRr.phic varieble. such LB .B., Bender. wlfar. .t.tu.r ethnldty. and living srrangement. Students with PA were three time. mm. likely to dr1.k alcahol (95% CI 1.13 to 9.62. P 5 0.01). and smoke ciB.r.ttes (95% CI 1.17 to S.51. P 5 0.01). six likely to self induce vomitinB (95% CI 1.29 to 26.1. P 5 0.01). and five tIm.s more likely to attempt suicide (951 CI 1.76to15.38. P : 0.01) than their non-abused p..rs. Students with SA were 3.5 times more likely to be sexually active (95% Ci 1.09 to 11.09, P IO.011 end ov.r three time. more likely to attampt suicide (95% CI 1.19 to 9.45. P ( 0.01). these da. from a now&&l sdblesceot population emphasize the increased risk of problem beheviors end suicide ettempts in studrnt. uh. erperlence physical or sexoel .bwe.

.tt.mpt.. pregnant or


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