Road tunnels

Road tunnels

theoretical study dealing with the interaction between an untensioned grouted rock bolt, the grouting material and the rock mass has been carried out ...

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theoretical study dealing with the interaction between an untensioned grouted rock bolt, the grouting material and the rock mass has been carried out at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm~ The objective of the study was to describe, with the aid of analytical solutions, the response of the bolt when it is subjected to deformation via movements of rock joints. The objective of this theoretical description also has been to create a basis for future dimensioning and design of rock reinforcement. This report snmmnrizes the theoretical study and shows from a general point of view, how the theories can be applied in rock reinforcement work in practice under different rock conditions. For the calculations with the theory illustrated herein, a simple computer calculation progrsmme is the most appropriate. The complete derivation from the theoretical solutions may be found in Mats Holmberg's doctoral thesis, "The Mechanical Behaviour of Untensioned Grouted Rock Bolts" (1991). The report may be ordered, as Report No. 235:2/92, from Stiitelsen Bergteknlsk Forskning, BeFo, Box 5501, S-114 85 Stockholm, Sweden. R e i n f o r c i n g Effects o f G r o u t e d R o c k B o l t s - - L a b o r a t o r y Investigation. Mats Holmberg. Swedish Rock Engineering Research Foundation. 1992. SEK300. In this research programme, physical models were performed and the reinforcing effects of grouted belts in a systematic pattern were studied. The aim was to compare the experimental results with the theory concerning grouted rock bolts, earlier presented by Stille, Holmberg and Nord in the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences in 1989. This theory is based on the ground reaction curve concept, which has been further developed to consider the influence from grouted rock bolts on the ground response. A good correspondence was established between theoretical and measured ground reaction curves for the unreinforced cases. Concerning the reinforced cases, the calculated deformation was smaller than the measured deformation. However, the general appearance of the theoretical ground response and the measured responses was the same. The measured bolt loads were lower than the theoretical ones, indicating that the belts were subjected to lower deformations than what was assumed theoretically.

In practice, the mechanical influence from the bolts on the rock mass are likely to only reduce the deformation locally, and not so much influence the total deformation. The theoretical bolt model that has the best correspondence with the practical behaviour takes a local deformation of the rock mass under the end plate into account, as well as the fact that the grouting material has a limited capacity to transfer shear stresses between the bolt and the rock mass. The report may be ordered, as Report 235:1/92, from Stiftelsen Bergteknisk Forsknlng, BeFo, Box 5501, S-114 85 Stockholm, Sweden. R o a d 2hmnels. Public Roads Administration. 1992. In English. Norway is one of the few countries that has an independent and complete road t~mnel design guide dealing with all phases relevant to a road tnnnel, regardless of the type of tunnel. Planning, constructing, operation, and maintenance are covered in the manual. Topics include: Quality assurance; Preliminary investigations regarding rock t , nnels; Wlmnel design; Safety measures concerning operation; and lhmnel construction (including support measures and drainage; Installation of lighting ventilation and pumping; Environmental considerations; Special considerations for subsea tnnnels; and operation and maintenance. The design guide may be ordered as Handbook no. 021 from Norwegian Read Research Laboratory, Postboks 8142 Dep., N-0033 Oslo. Tel. 47-22/639900. Fax 47-22/ 467421.

T r e n c h l e s s E x c a v a t i o n Cons t r u c t i o n E q u i p m e n t a n d Methods Manual. Tom Iseley and Rajesh Tanwani, eds. 1992. National Utility Contractors Association. 65 pp. This manual, prepared under the direction of the Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech University, is a compilation and explanation of methods and equipment successfully used by contractors in the U.S. to install underground utilities. Prepared for the National Utility Contractors Association, the manual is intended to provide engineers, designers, and contractors with a better understanding of the various trenchless technology methods currently available. Chapters of the manual are devoted to the following techniques (in addition to an introduction and conclusions, and references):


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Auger horizontal earth boring; Compaction methods; Pipe rsmmiug method; Slurry methods; Directional methods; Microtlmnehng methods; • Pipe jacking and utility tunneling. The manual may be ordered from: Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech University, College of Engineering, P.O. Box 10348, Rusten, LA 712722-0046, U.S.A. T - n n e l s in t h e N e t h e r l a n d s : U n d e r g r o u n d T r a n s p o r t Connections. Kees Stiksma, ed. 1993. Dutch Ministry for Transport, Public Works and Water Management. 166 pp. (In English) Produced under the auspices of the Civil Engineering Division of Rijkswaterstaat 'lhmnel Department, this book is the second edition of a volume published in 1987 to commemorate fifty years oftlmnel building in The Netherlands. The book traces the historical background of tunnelling and mining, through modern developments such as shield boring and immersed tnnnel techniques. Sixteen road tunnels are described in Part I, in addition to equipment used in road tnnnel work and studies for new tlmnel projects. Rail tunnel equipment and eight rail t-nnels are described in Part U. Part HI deals with pipeline t, mnels in general, and three Dutch tlmnel systems in detail. The book contains numerous color photographs and illustrations of the various tlmnel projects. The book may be ordered from Holland Book Sales, P.O. Box 23, NL 5700 AA, Helmond, The Netherlands. U n d e r g r o u n d S p a c e Design: A G u i d e to S u b s u r f a c e U t i l i z a t i o n a n d D e s i g n for P e o p l e in Under° g r o u n d Spaces. John Carmody and Raymond Sterling. 1993. Van Nostrand Reinhold. $US59.95, +$5.00 for shipping and handling (in the U.S.A.); Minnesota residents, add $4.20 tax. This book is the result of a fiveyear joint research study by the Underground Space Center at the University of Minnesota and the Shimizu Institute of Technology in Japan. A comprehensive look at subsurface space use throughout the world, the book supplies a complete overview of the entire range of underground uses by reflecting on the past, present and future of underground development. In using underground space to contend with urban predicaments

Volume 8, Number 3, 1993