Robust Output Feedback Controller Design: LMI Approach

Robust Output Feedback Controller Design: LMI Approach

ELSEVIER Copyright © IFAC Control Applications of Optimisation, Visegnid, Hungary, 2003 IFAC PUBLICATIONS ROBUST OUTPU...

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Copyright © IFAC Control Applications of Optimisation, Visegnid, Hungary, 2003




Dept. of Automatic Control Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak republic. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The paper addresses the problem of robust output feedback controller design with a guaranteed cost and quadratic, and parameter dependent Lyapunov function quadratic stability for linear continuous time affine systems. The proposed design methods lead to a non-iterative LMI based algorithm . Numerical examples are given to illustrate the design procedure. Copyright ©2003 IFAC Keywords: Quadratic Stability, Parameter Dependent Quadratic Stability, Robust Controller, Output Feedback

this paper, the BMI problem of robust controller design with output feedback is reduced to a LMI problem (Boyd and et ai, 1994) . El Ghaoui and Balakrishnan, 1994; The main criticism formulated by control engineers against modern robust analysis and design methods for linear systems concerns the lack of efficient easy to use and systematic numerical tools. This is especially true when analyzing robust stability as affected by highly structured uncertainty with BMI, for which no polynomialtime algorithm has been proposed so far (Henrion , Alzelier and Peaucelle, 2002) . This paper is concerned with the class of uncertain linear systems that can be described as .

1. INTRODUCTION Robustness has been recognized as a key issue in the analysis and design of control systems for the last two decades. During the last decades numerous papers dealing with the design of static robust output feedback control schemes to stabilize uncertain systems have been published (Benton and Smith, 1999;EI Ghaoui and Balakrishnan, 1994; Mehdi, Al Hamid and Perrin, 1996; Pogyeon, Young Soo Moon and Wook Hyun Kwon, 1999; Vesely, 2002). Various approaches have been used to study the two aspects of the robust stabilization problem, namely conditions under which the linear system described in state space can be stabilized via output feedback and the respective procedure to obtain a stabilizing or robustly stabilizing control law. Recently, it has been shown that an extremely wide array of robust controller design problems can be reduced to the problem of finding a feasible point under a Biaffine Matrix Inequality (BMI) constraint. The BMI has been introduced in (Goh, Safonov and Papavassilopoulos, 1995). In

where (J = [(JI •• . (Jp] E RP is a vector of uncertain and possibly time varying real parameters. The system represented by( 1) is a polytope of linear affine systems which can be described by a list of its vertices

1 The work has been partially supported by Slovak Scientific Grant Agency, Grant N 1/7608/20



= AciX(t) ,

i=I , 2, .. . , N


of uncertainties results in a less conservative controller design than other characterizations of uncertainty (Boyd and et ai, 1994) . The system represented by (5) is a polytope of linear systems. The linear matrix inequality approach requires that system (5) be described by a list of its vertices, i.e., in the form

where N = 2 P • The system represented by (2) is quadratically stable if and only if there is a common Lyapunov matrix P > 0 such that A~P

+ P Aci < 0,


= 1,2, ... , N


A weakness of quadratic stability is that it guards against arbitrary fast parameter variations. As a result, this test tends to be conservative for constant or slow-varying parameters 8, for polytopic systems. To reduce conservatism when (1) is affine in 8 and the parameters of system are time invariant, in ( Gahinet, Apkarian and Chilali, 1996) the parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions P(8) has been used in the form

P(8) = Po + 8l P I + ... + BpPp

The system represented by (6) is quadratically stable if and only if there is a Lyapunov matrix P> 0 such that (Boyd and et ai, 1994) A~iP+ PA vi

< 0,

i = 1, 2, ... ,N


Consequently, the system (6) is static output feedback quadratically stabilizable if and only if there is a Lyapunov matrix P > 0 and a feedback matrix F such that


Robust controller design with guaranteed cost and affine quadratic stability has been proposed in ( Vesely, 2002). Other types of parameterdependent Lyapunov functions have been proposed in ( De Oliviera, Bernussou, and Geromel, 1999) for the stability analysis of linear discrete time systems and for the analysis and the design of continuous time systems with affine type uncertainties in ( Shaked, 2001; Henrion, Alzelier and Peaucelle, 2002; Takahashi, Ramos, and Peres, 2002). In this paper, we introduce a new type of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions which allows to reduce some important class of BMI problems to LMI. For guaranteed cost and system (2) this leads to a non iterative LMI based algorithm. The proposed design procedure guarantees with sufficient conditions robust parameter dependant Lyapunov function quadratic stability (PDQS) for closed loop systems.


P(A vi

+ BviFCv;) < 0,


= 1, 2, ... , N

If (8) holds for P > 0 and some F, then the vertices of the polytope (6) are said to be simultaneously quadratically stabilized by F . It is well known (Boyd and et ai, 1994) that if P is a common Lyapunov matrix for the vertices of the polytope (6), it serves as a common Lyapunov function for the uncertain system (5) for all admis>,i = 1,2 , ... ,p. sible uncertainties 8i E< 8i In (6), each vertex is computed for a different permutation of the p variables 8i , alternatively taken at maximum and minimum values. Theorem 1. Consider the system (6) . Then the following statements are equivalent.


• The system (6) is static output feedback simultaneously quadratically stabilizable with a guaranteed cost


J 00

We shall consider the following affine linear time invariant continuous time uncertain systems

±(t) = A(8)x(t)

+ B(8)u(t)

y(t) = C(8)x(t),

(x T Qx

x6 PXo = J* (9)



and P > O. • There exist matrices P > 0, R > 0, Q > o and a matrix F such that the following inequality holds

x(O) = Xo

where x(t) E Rn is the plant state; u(t) E R m is the control input; y(t) E RI is the output vector of system; A(8), B(8), C(8) are matrices of appropriate dimensions and

A(8) = Ao

+ uT Ru)dt ~


+ BviFCvif P+


P(A vi + BviFCv;) + Q + C;;;FT RFCvi ~ 0

+ A l 81 + ... + A p8p

for i = 1,2 , ... ,N. • There exist matrices P > 0, R > 0, Q > 0 and a matrix F that the following inequalities hold

= Bo + A l 81 + .. , + B p8p C(8) = Co + C l 8 1 + ... + Cp8p



Note that , in order to keep the polytope affine property, the matrix B(8) or C(8) must be precisely known. In general, a polytope description

+ PA vi -



PBviR- I B;;;P + Q+(11)

+ RFCv;)R-I(B;;;P + RFCv,)T

~ 0

= 1,2, ... ,N.

for i

described by (5) design a static output feedback controller with the gain matrix F and control algorithm

Proof. Consider the control algorithm with output feedback to have the form u


= Fy = FCvix

= (Av; + BviFCvi)x,


= 1,2, ... , N


For V = x T Px, the time derivative of V along the system (6) is dV dt


= X [(Av;



+ Bv;FCvi )

~ -x




+ BviFCvi)]x

T T + Cv;F RFCv;}x < 0


for i = 1,2, ... , N . Therefore the closed loop system is asymptotically stable. Furthermore, by integrating both sides of the inequality from 0 to T and using the initial condition xo, we obtain V(O) - V(T)


In this paragraph we present a new procedure to design a static output feedback controller for affine continuous time linear systems (5) which ensure the guaranteed cost and PDQS of closed loop system. Let us introduce different Lyapunov matrices Pv ; > 0, i = 1,2, ... , N accompanies each of the vertices of the uncertainty polytope, thus eliminating the need for quadratic stability. In this note the solution of (10) for PDLF and poly topic systems is given. Using the following quadratic form



xT(Q + C'[;;FT RFCv;}xdt

° As the closed loop system is asymptotically stable when T -+ 00, then X(T)T Px(T)




Hence, we get

+ BFC)T(p + BFC) =


= pp + PBFC + (BFCf p + C T FT BT BFC

J 00

xT(Q + C'[;;FT RFCv;}xdt

~ x~ PXo

(12) one can rewrite inequality (10) as follows

° and the control algorithm u cost control law and J*

ATp+PA-PP+Q+(P+BFC)T (17)

= Fy is a guaranteed



+ BFC) + C T FT(R -

BT B)FC < 0

= x~Pxo and LMI solution of (17) with an additional matrix Z and poly topic system is given as follows

is a guaranteed cost value for uncertain closed loop system. The equivalence of the second and the third statement is evident (Vesely, 2001). 0 The following performance index is associated with the system (5) 00

J =

= (A(8) + B(8)FC(8))x(t) = Ac(8)x(t)(15)

is PDQS with guaranteed cost. Definition 2. Consider the system (5). If there exists a control law u* and a positive scalar J* such that closed loop system (15) is stable and the closed loop value cost function (13) satisfies J ~ J*, then J* is said to be the guaranteed cost and u* is said to be the guaranteed cost control 0 law for system (5).

If the inequality (10) holds then there exist matrices P > 0, R > 0, Q > 0 and F such that dV dt


so that the closed loop system

then for the closed loop system results :i;

= Fy(t) = FC(8)x(t)

(x(tf Qx(t)

+ u(tf Ru(t))dt

where (13)

L; = A~;Pvi



where Q = QT ~ 0, R = RT > 0 are matrices of compatible dimensions. The problem studied in this paper can be formulated as follows: For a continuous time system


+ PViAv; + Q + F(Z, Pv;, Dv;)

= C'[;;FT(R -

= (Pv; + BviFCvif

0< Pv ; < eI




= 1,2, .. . , N


with condition R - B?;;Bvi > 0


= 1,2, ... ,N

is the guaranteed cost for the uncertain closed loop system.


For LMI solution the term - PP in (17) has to be replaced. In this note two possibilities are proposed. -PviPvi ~ -PviD vi - DviPvi +



+ ZPvi l Z

- 2Z



In this example we consider the linear model of two cooperating DC motors. The problem is to design two PI controllers for a laboratory MIMO system which will guarantee PDQS of a closed loop uncertain system with guaranteed cost. The system model is given by (5) with a time invariant matrix affine type uncertain structure, where

+ Pvi =

FVi(Z, Pvi , Dv;)

where DVi = D?;; > 0 is the initial value of matrix Pvi and Z = ZT > 0 is any positive definite matrix, a new LMI variable. (2) -PviPvi ~ (rl- ei)l - Z = Fvi (Z)(21) where ell < P vi < el

= 1,2, ... ,N


o -.2148


[~~]>o Ao

(23) Another way how to find out the solution of (10) directly may be as follows. With quadratic form eTe where C = A + BFC + P inequality (10) could be rewritten as follows -pp - [AT A CTC

o - .025 o - .1395 o0 o0 o0 o0 o0

+ AT BFC + (BFCf AJ+(24)

+ C T FT(R -

BT B)FC < 0

With condition of (19), LMI solution of (24) is given as follows.


Lki C~i C?;;FT C vi -I 0 FCvi 0 -(R - B?;;Bvi)-1


00 00 00

where Lki

= FVi(Z, P vi , D vi ) -


o .0125 o .0594 o0 o0 o0 o0 o0 o0


+ (BViFviCvi)T AViJ + Q

0< P vi < el


= 1,2 , ... , N


0 0 00 1 -1.014 0 0 00 o - .2605 0 0 00 1 - .9107 0 0 00 o0 o - .1639 00 o0 1 -.8137 00 00 o0 00 00 00 00 o1 o1 00 o1 00 o0


In the above equations instead of FVi(Z, P vi , Dv;) one can use Fvi(Z) (21). If the solutions (18) or (24) are feasible with respect to Z, Pvi , i = 1, 2, .. . , Nand F, then the uncertain system (5) is parameter-dependant quadratically stable (PDQS) with a guaranteed cost control algorithm

00 00

u=Fy and

Bo J*

= x6Pxo




00 00 00 o0 0 0 0 0 o - .2279 1 -.8251 00 o1

00 00 o0 00 o0 o0 0 0 0 0 00 o0

0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - .0938 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - .2911 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - .0333 0 0 00 00 0-.117300 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 .0116 0 .0308 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.0188 0 - .0156 0 0 0 0 00 00

.3148 0 .0478 0 -.1028 0 -.0091 0 - .0841 0 - .02870 .3676 0 .2448 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0208 0 - .0333 00 00


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00

.0625 - .0798 0 0 .0016 .0072 0 0 0 0

0 0 - .0462 - .0449 0 0 .077 -.005 0 0

-.00940 .0151 0 o .0019 o -.003 -.0121 0 -.03 0 o -.064 o .0189

o o

0 0

after 120 repeated procedures the results of calculation are as follows .

0000 1 000 0000 1000 0000 o 100 0000 o 1 00 001 0 000 1




[f11 0 f13 0 ] o f220 f24


= [

are equal

= [-1.6997 0

0.4422 0.1761 ] q3(t) -7.59222 -5.520 4.490




with parameters bounds -0.6319 ~ ql (t) ~ 1.3681, 1.22 ~ q2(t) ~ 1.420, and 2.7446 ~ q3(t) ~ 4.3446. Find a stabilizing output feedback matrix F . The four vertices are calculated. The nominal model of (A, B) is given by the above matrices when we substitute for the entries A(3, 2) = 0.3681, A(3, 4) = 1.32 and B(2,1) = 3.5446. The affine model uncertainty (5) (A I ,A2 ,BI ,B2 ) are matrices with the following entries Al (3 , 2) = 1, A 2(3,4) = 0.1 and B I (2 , 1) = 0.8,B2 = 0 with Bi E< -1 , 1 >, i = 1,2 . Other entries of the above uncertain matrices are equal to zero. The nominal model is unstable with eigenvalues:

- .11480 ] -1.75190 - .1863

maxeig(CL) = -.0479 and >w(Pvi ) 48.2923. If the number of repeated calculations increase to 120, the results of calculations are changed as follows F = [-1.6997 0 - .11480 ] o -1.75190 -.1863

maxeig(CL) = - .0636 and AM (Pvi) = 47.3849. For the same case, V-K iterative method (El Ghaoui and Balakrishnan, 1994) gives maxeig( CL) = - .0636


-0.036 0.0271 0.0188 -0.4555] 0.0482 -1.010 0.0024 -4.0208 0.1002 ql(t) -0.707 q2(t) [ o 0 1 0

A _ -

maxx6 PviXo ~ max , , I\xol\2 >W(Pvi)


[-.8515 0 -.3548 0 ] o -1.81850 - .301

The second example has been borrowed from (Benton and Smith,1999) to demonstrate the use of the algorithm given by (25) and (20) . It is known that the presented system is static output feedback stabilizable. Let (A, B, C) in (1) be defined as

• Eqs. (18) and (20) . For 8 m = l,q = .00001,r = 1 and P = 50 after 100 repeated calculations, that is ~il = P~i ' i = 1,2, 3,4 and j = 1,2, ... , 100 gain matrix F, maximal closed-loop eigenvalue of all four poly topic systems maxeig(CL) and the value of guaranteed cost >w(Pv;)



- .1424 and AM(Pvi ) = = 1.9 one can obtain the

maxeig(CL) = -.1142 and AM(Pv;) = 49.7532. For V-K iterative procedure for maximal closed-loop eigenvalue of all four poly topic systems we obtain maxeig(CL) = - .00020036. All LMI solutions are feasible. • Eqs. (25) and (21). For the same parameters that are given in the first case and (! = 50, (!I = 50/1.3 we have got stable polytope systems with maxeig(CL) = - .0062 but the cost is not guaranteed. LMI solution is not feasible.

The results of calculation of a static output feedback gain matrix F for PDQS for different Q = qI,R = rI,8 m = \8 1 \ = \82 \, P and PI are summarized as follows.


-.3757 0 ] -3.477760 - .7672


maxeig(CL) = 47.505. For Bm following results

The number of polytope systems is equal to 4 and the polytope vertices are computed for different permutations of the two variables 8 1 ,82 alternatively taken at their maximum 0; and minimum ~ , i = 1,2. The decentralized control structure for the two PI controllers can be obtained by the choice of the static output feedback gain matrix F structure. It is given as follows


= [-2.2247 0

eig{ -2.0516, 0.2529 ± 0.3247i, -0.2078}

[- .8837 0 - .1234 0 ] o - .71060 -.0909

Let the structure of F be defined as


All LMI solutions are feasible. • Eqs. (25 and (20) For the same parameters as given above,

= [F(l , 1)

F(2 , 1)]

• Eqs. (25), (20) . For Q = q * I , q = .00001 , R = r


* I,

r=123 .3

(! = 100 and Om = lone obtain the following results.

FT = [1.5801 maxeig(CL) = -.0707

• For Om


3.6552] )..M(Pvi = 93.5437

= 2, r = 132.2 results are as follows . FT


= [1.6508 = - .0691

3.6051] )..M(Pvi

= 94.4187

• For Om = 1, r = 123.3, (! = 100 and different q the following results are obtained. a. q = .1 FT maxeig(CL) b.



= -.0686

)..M(Pvi )

= 93.683

=1 FT

maxeig(CL) c.

= [1.931

= [2.1851


= -.0663

)..M(Pvi )

= 94.786

q=8 FT maxeig(CL)

= [2.764 =-



)..M(Pv ;)

= 99.011

All LMI solutions are feasible. Note that for the above parameters the V-K iterative method does not give any reasonable solutions. Usually, the repeated procedure generates less conservative results than first one. The convergence of the above special repeated procedure has not been proven yet, however if the reasoning of (El Ghaoui and Balakrishnan, 1994) is taken account we can conclude that the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge but not necessarily to the global optimum of the problem, depending on the starting conditions.

5. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we have proposed a new procedure for robust output feedback controller design for linear systems with affine parameter uncertainty. The feasible solution of the proposed output feedback controller design procedure with sufficient conditions guarantes the parameter dependent Lyapunov function quadratic stability and guaranteed cost. The design procedure is based on necessary and sufficient conditions for output feedback stabilizability of linear systems and a non-iterative LMI based algorithm.


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