Rock fragmentation by high energy impact. Report. In advances in rock mechanics, VI, part B

Rock fragmentation by high energy impact. Report. In advances in rock mechanics, VI, part B

qSA and a reduction of at least 50 per cent was observed whoa drains were used. The technique also is very economical. Influence of dynamic loads du...

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and a reduction of at least 50 per cent was observed whoa drains were used. The technique also is very economical.

Influence of dynamic loads due to explosions or earthquakes 159 • BOLT,BA CIDUD,WK Recorded stron~ motion on the Hslnfengklang Dam, China. Letter to the editor. 5F, IT,3R. BULL.SEISM. SOC .AM.V6h,NS, AUG. 1974, P1337-1342 • A brief history and descriptio~ of the Hslnfengklsng Dam, a large concrete dam-Wnlch was begun in 1958, and its reservoir is given. The accelerometer used to check the dynamic behaviour of the dam after it was strengthened as a result of earthquake damage in 1962, is described and the r e c o r ~ are interpreted.

154. BRANDENB~G~, AJ Deformation measurements of power dams. 7F,2R. PHOTO GRAM °EI~G.V40,N9 •SEPT. 1974, PI05 l-1058. The International Association of Dam Constructions recommend that 0.7 percent of the overall cost of dams should be spent on period control surveys. In recent years photogrammetry has been increasingly used for control surveys. The paper deals with the development of appropriate systems and the application of a specific system to control surveys of the power dam of a i00 million dollar power plant in the province of Quebec.

Cornrninution of Rocks See also abstract: 114.

Experimental and numerical techniques. 150. zOLOTAREV, GS SE~RII, A& Measuring stresses in clayey rocks on slopes by the partial unloading technlque.-In Russian. IBR. VOPR0SY INZHE~.G~0L. I GRUNTOVED.V3,1973,P351-356 • 151. MENCL, V T E E .UNIV .BRNO,CS Supplement to general report "Surface -~rkings in rock" by E. Hock and P. ionde. In Advances in Rock Mechanics VI, Part A. In English~ French and German. 2F,SR. PROC.3RD CONGRESS INT.SOC .ROCK MECH.SEPT.1974, DENVER, USA, NAT. ACAD. SC I.V1,PART A, 1974, P865-878. This short report r~ises three points additional to the general report2 "Surface Workings in Rock" by E. Roek and P. Londe. These are concerned with the analysis of the geological evolution of the ground, admissible loading conditions of the rock in the foundations of large structures, and methods of statical analysis. 152". ~EK, E I M P ~ .COLL.SCI .TECqKNOL.LONDON,GB IDNDE, P BUR. ING~IEUR$- CONSEILS. PAR IS,F Surface workings in rock..General report. In Advances in Pock Mechanics V1,Psrt A. In ~igllsh, French and German. 35F,78R. FROC .3RD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.SEPT.1974, Dk~V~q, USA, NAT. ACAD. SCI .VI,PART A, 1974,P613-752 • A critical review of the present "State of the Art" of the design of surface workings in rock is presented in this report which is divided into four sections: i. Appraisal of rock masses; 2. Design methods; 3. Rock siopes; 4. Pock foundations. Site investigation techniques, laboratory tests, mathematical and physical models are all examined in the light of their relevance to engineering design. The use of the factor of safety as a design index is discussed and an assessment is given of the most practical approach to desi~qlng rock slopes and foundations. The influence of groundwater on the stability of surface workings is considered and the use of drainage and grouting for groundwater control is discussed. Other methods for improvln~ stability; including the use of controlled blasting techniques and the reinforcement of the rock mass, are considered. Auth. 153 • LI,TM Fotary drilling with automated controls . New force in open-plt blast hole production.-A general review of the applications of solld-state electronic techn. ology for rotsry drills used in open-plt mining.Figs. COAL A3E,VY9, N8, AUG. 1974, P82- 89.

155. FOGELSON, DE MIN.RES.C~ITRE, ~WIN C ITIE8, MINN.USA Advanced fragmentation techniques. Rel~rt. In Advances in Rock Mechanics, VI,Part B. In ~iglish, French and German. IIF,4T,102R. PROC .3RD CONGRESS ]I~T.SOC.BDCK MECK.SEPT .1975, D~, USA, NAT.ACAD. SCI.Vl, P~RT B, 1974,P1645-1706. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the thermal, hydraulic, and chemical techniques of fragmentation. A description of an exper~me/%tal tunnel excavated by projectile i~gact is given. 156. ANONYMDUS Chemical co,matnution shows promise for coal. CRI~ .AND ~GNG.NEWS,V52, N35, SEPT. 197~, P16-17 • A process for chemical comminution has been developed by Syracuse University Research Corporation. low m01eeular weight compounds migrate through the natural fissures in the co~l, inducing breakage and leaving the coal freed from pyrites and ash. It is suggested that a remote mining tecb_nlque, analo~Dus to the Frasch process for sulphur, could be based on this work and the idea has been patented. 157. JkNELID, I ROYAL TEt~.RIGH SCH.STOCKHOLM, S Advances in hard rock mining - achievements and expectations. 5F,2T. WgRLD MINING,V27, NI0, sEPT .1974,P60-63. The paper gives brief reviews of advances in drilling, drifting and raising, rock drills, blastir~, loading end transport, and the use of rock mechanics as an applied science.

Rock fracture under dynamic stresses 158. V0 I~S~(~0VSKI I,BV Rock fragmentation by high energy impact. Report. In Advances in Pock Mechsmlcs, VI, Part B. In English, French and German. 3F, IT,IR. PROC.3RD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECK.SEPT.1974, DENVER, US~, NAT. ACAD. SC I .VI,P ~ T B, 1974, P1746-1752. This article is concerned with fragmentation of hard rock, wltbout the use of blasting, when driving horizontal workings, sinking vertical mines or drilling wells of different diameters. Auth. 159. SUT~N, GD ROBERTS, LD Paraffin precipitation during fracture stimulation. 1IF, 2T, 12R. J .PETROLEUM TECH .V24,SEPT. 1974, P997- i004. The paper deals with the theoretical considerations of