G W (~i~)
Rotterdam: A A Balkem~, 1978, 256P The third of 3 volumes covering the Iroceedings of an international symposium on Dynamical Me%hods in Soil ard Rock Mechanics, held in Karlaruhe, Germany, on 5-16 Sept 1977. The ii papers and 2 workshop sessions deal with aspects of dynamic motion and stresses in the earth's crust due to earthquakes and large scale explosions, including numerical simulation and analysis of seismic effects, and field measurements by seismic methods.
A survey which covers earthquake generation, monitoring and prediction, wave transmission amd t h e effects of local features, soil-structure interaction (both kinematic and inertial), changes in soil properties (particularly liquefaction ard compaction), and finally considers the effect of earthquakes on structures such as foundations, dams, retaining walls, and other s~face structures. Design criteria are discussed, and also the problems associated with a probabilistic approach to design. 160 refs.
Hydrogeology Groundwater
791053 NEAR SURFACE IN SITU STRESS PA~'A'~N ADJACENT TO THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT, PALMDALE, CALIFORNIA Engelder, T; Star, M L; Marshak, S Proc 19th US Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Stateline, Nevada, 1-3 May 1978, V1, P95101. Publ Reno: University of Nevada, 1978
Earthquake mechanisms and effects 791054 BEDROCK ACCELERATIONS DEI~RMINED FROM SURFACE k~w~CTS OF THE 1929 ATTICA, NEW YORK, EARTHQUAKE Fox, F L; Lastrico, R Bull Assoc Engng Geol, V14, ~ , 1977, P1872O4 The investigation consisted of exploratory borings, lab tests of samples of unconsolidated materials and field geophysical work to evaluate actual behaviour of surface and subsurface materials under seismic loading. Dyramic subsurface models were also constructed and analysed, and results were used to determine the seismic input at bedrock necessary to cause the reported damage at the ground surface in the general epicentral area of the 1929 shock. 791055 ROCK MECHANICS APPROACH TO SEISMIC RISK EVALUATION Lee, C F Proc 19th US Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Stateline, Nevada, i-3 May 1978, VI, I>7788. Publ Reno: University of Nevada, 1978 Traces the origin of high horizontal stresses in crustal rocks to the viscoelastic compression experienced by them under repeated glacial loading and rigid confinement. Attention is drawn to the general trend of ir~reasing deviator stress with depth, and to the possibility of deep-seated fracturing and shear failure. Attempts to correlate the degree of overstressing, the consequent release of seismic e n ~ g y and the magnitude of the resulting earthquake. 68 refs. 791056 SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS IN EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Rosenblueth, E In: Rock Dynamics and Geophysical Aspects (Papers to Conference on Dynamic Methods in Soll and Rock Mechanics, Ksrlsruhe~ 5-16 Sept 197V), P3-62. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1978
l~,M,lli,s I£~il
791057 HYDROLOGY OF FRACTURED CRYSTALLINE ROCKS, HEND~SON MINE, COLORADO Robinson, C S Min Engng, V30, NS, Aug 1978 , Pl185-119~ Reports a detailed study of grourdwater in the Henderson mine which occurs in Precambrian igneous and metasedlmentary rocks and in a series of Tertiary intrusive rocks. Data obtained are r ~ a t e d to a theory of flow in fractured rocks. Two zones of groundwater ere recognised, one active and discharging into surface water, the uther passive and discharging through the fracture systems into mine workings. It is shown that by measuring the change in flow through the fracture system with timel future amounts of flow can be estimated.
Underground Excavations 791058 NEAR SURFACE UNDERGROUND OPENING DESIGN. SPECIAL ISSUE Judd, w R (editor) Engng Geol, V12, N2, July 1978, 204P Contains papers from Session 5A of the 17th US Symposium on Rock Mechanics, "Site Characterisation", held at Snowbird, Utah, 25-27 Aug, 1976. 791059 UNDERGROUND CAVERNS FOR ENERGY STORAGE USING SUPERCONDUCTIVE MAGNETS Haimsonj B C; Hartwig, K T; Doe, T W Undergroumd Spacej V2, NB, April 1978 , P137142 Discusses the feasibility of constructing an energy storage superconductive magnet, and attaching it to bedrock at a del~h of lO0-500m, and outlines a site evaluation p r o g r A ~ carried out in a granite locality in Wisconsin. This coml~ised lab testing for strength and deformability, evaluation of the granite fracture system, measurement of in sltu stresses by hydxofracturingI and computer modelling of the tunnel openings using the finite element method to determine the deformation under the magnetic loads.