Roster of American obstetrical and gynecological societies

Roster of American obstetrical and gynecological societies

Roster of American obstetrical and gynecological societies* (Appears annually in the January 1 issue) The American College of Obstetricians and Gy...

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Roster of American obstetrical and gynecological societies* (Appears


in the January

1 issue)

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (1951) President, J. Robert Willson. Secretary, Harold A. Kaminetzky, 53 Mohican Dr., Westfield, N. J. 07092. Annual clinical meeting, May 3-6, 1971, San Francisco, Calif. American dent, ham, Ave., April

McCain. Secretary, James A. Crowell, 1350 S. Kings Dr., Charlotte, N. C. 28207. Meeting, Feb. 7-10, 1971. Section on Obstetrics and Gynecology, American Medical Association. (1859) President, Lawrence L. Hester, Jr. Secretay, William E. Copeland, Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Meeting, June 20-24, 1971.

Gynecological Society. (1876) PresiCurtis J. Lund. Secretary, Ben M. PeckUniversity Hospitals, 1300 University Madison, Wis. 53706. Annual meeting, 14-17, Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Ariz.

Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. (1945) President, K. M. Grant. Secretary, J. L. M. Bean, 367 Lytton Blvd., Toronto 12, Ontario. Meeting, June 15-17, 1971, The Nova Scotian, Halifax, N. S.

The American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecobgkts. (1888) President, E. Stewart Taylor. Secretary, Charles A. Hunter, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, Ind. 46202.

American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inc. (1930) President, Gordon W. Douglas. Secretary, Clyde L. Randall, 100 Meadow Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. 14216. Meetings, June 23-25 and Nov. 612, 1971.

The Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (1929) President, Thomas W. McElin. Secretary, David G. Decker, 200 First St., S.W., Rochester, Minn. 55901. Meeting, Sept. 23-25, 1971. of Obstetricians and President, John R.

Pacific Coast Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. ( 193 1) President, Ralph C. Benson. Secretary, Melvin W. Breese, 1133 S. W. Market St., Portland, Ore. 97201.

Akron Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1934) President, Michael MacInnis. Secretary, John J. Dettling, 2280 Stockbridge Rd., Akron, Ohio. Meetings, third Friday, Jan., April, and June.

Alameda County Gynecological Society. ( 195 1) Robert MacRobert. Secretary, President, Joseph Murphy, 1515 Ygnacio Valley Rd., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598. Meetingz, fourth Wednesday, monthly for academic year.

Alabama Association of Gynecologists. (194-o)

Arkansas Obs&trical (1953)

South Atlantic Association Gynecologists. (1938)


*Chaneea, otiiow, the Dublisher two

and months


corrections in advance


must be received (by November 11

merit, The C. V. Mosby Company,-11630 W&.llne Drive, St. La&, Missouri 63141. Tbe number Society’s name is tbe year of founding. For further tion, addrem the respective secretaries.

and Gynecological


Atlanta Obstetrical and Gynecologiil Society. (1953) President, John D. Thompson. Secretary, Joseph L. Girardeau, 3312 Piedmont Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. 30305. Meetings, Jan. 19, March 2, and May 25, 1971.

Indukal after tbe informa-



Jm Amer. J. ht.


Birmingham Okstetrieal ciety. ( 1949)

and Gyneeok&al


Boston Obstetrical Society. President, Herbert T. Leighton. Secretary, Thomas H. Green, Jr., 8 Hawthorne PI., Charles River Park, Boston, Mass. 02114. Meetings, third Monday, Jan., Feb., March, and May. Bronx Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. (1924) President, George J. Kleiner. Secretary, Louis A. Gentile, 4350 Van Cortlandt Park East, Bronx, N. Y. Meetings, last Thursday, monthly. Brooklyn Gynecological Society, Inc. (1890) President, John M. Tortora. Secretary, Aldo C. Scorza, 417 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11226. Meetings, third Wednesday, Jan. through May, Oct., and Nov. Buffalo Gynecologic and Obstetric Society. (1945) President, Harry E. Petzing. Secretary, Morris Unher, 666 Colvin Blvd., Buffalo, N. Y. 14223. Meetings, second Tuesday, Jan., Feb., March, and May. Central New York Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. (1945) President, Douglas H. Barns. Secretary, Richard H. Aubry, State University Hospital, 750 E. Adams St:, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210. Meetings, Jan. 19, March 16, and May 18, 1971. Chicago John The land

Gynecological Society. ( 1878) President, H. Isaacs. Secretary, Albert B. Lorincz, Chicago Lying-In Hospital, 5841 MaryAve., Chicago, Ill. 60637.

The Cincinnati Obstetrical Society. (1876)

and Gynecological

Clark County Gynecological society, Inc. Secretary, Harrison H. Sheld, 2300 Ranch0 Dr., Las Vegas, Nev. 89102. Meetings, third Friday, Sept. through May. Cleveland Society of Okstetriciaus SK Gynecologists. (1947) President, James Krieger. Secretary, George P. Leicht, 25300 Lorain, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070. Meetings, bimonthly, Sept. through May. The Colorado Gyuecological aud Okstetrical Society. President, Lawrence W. Roessing. Secretary, Robert 0. Linder, 1804 High St., Denver, Colo. 80218. Meetings, second Monday, Sept. through May.

&I971 Gynec.

C&m&us Okstetric-Gynecologic Soeiity. ( 1944) President, Ed. Zartman. Secretary, F. D. Bressler, 3245 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Meetings, third Wednesday, monthly. Connecticut !%xiety of Board Certified Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (1952) President, Lawrence Austin. Secretary, Peter Ames Goodhue, 70 Mill River St., Stamford, COM. Meeting, May. Dallas-Fort Worth Obstetric and Gynecologic Society. ( 1953) President, Charles Braselton, Jr. Secretary, Robert B. Bnmken, 3707 Gaston Ave., Dallas, Texas 75246. Meetings, spring and fall. Dayton Obstetrical and Gynecobgieal Society. (1932) President, P. K. Champion. Secretary, R. D. Skipton, 211 S. Main St., Dayton, Ohio 45402. Meetings, third Wednesday, Sept. through May, King Cole Restaurant. Delaware ciety.





Georgia State Okstetrical and Gyuecelogieal Society. ( 1951) President, David Vamer. Secretary, Luella Klein, 80 Butler St., S.E., Atlanta, Ga. 30303. Meetings, biannually. Harris, John Wartou,


Society. (1953)

Honolulu Obstetrical and Gyueeelegical Society. (1947) President, Francis M. Terada. Secretary, Francis Soon, 1481 S. King St., Suite 321, Honolulu, Hawaii. Meetings, third Monday, monthly. Houston Gynecological and Obsteteieal satiety. (1955) President, Alfred E. Lauden. Secretary, Jack Moore, 1009 Medical Towers, Houston, Texas 77025. Meetings, five meetings, Sept. through May. Idaho Obstetrical and Gyuecebgical Society. (1955) President, D. L. Wight. SecretaT, James Chapman, Boise, Idaho. Meeting, May, 1971. Illiuois Obstetrical (1946)

and Gynecolugieal


Indiaua Okstctrical and GyuecebgicaI Society. (1947) President, James Carter. Secretary, H. Edwin Campbell, 3500 Lafayette Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46260. Meetings, Jan., April, and Oct.

vohlme Number


109 1

Iowa Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. ( 1946) President, Joseph Straub. Secretary, Charles A. White, University Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa. Meetings, June and Dec. Jackson Gynecic


Kansas City Gynecological Society. (1932) President, Robert A. Slickman. Secretary, Harry S. Jonas, 2116 S. Sterling, Independence, MO. 64052. Meetings, third Thursday, Jan., March, and May. The Kentucky Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. President, John W. Greene, Jr. Secretary, Mervel V. Hanes, 262 Medical Towers South, Louisville, Ky. 40202. and Gynecologic


Los Angeles Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Inc. (1914) President, Charles F. Langmade. Secretary, William F. Kroener, Jr., 5410 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90036. Meetings, second Tuesday, Jan., March, May, Sept., and Nov. Louisville (1923)


Madison Obstetrical (1954)


Minnesota Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1936) President, Donald Freeman. Mississippi Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1947) President, William R. Raulston. Secretary, George Ball, 1820 Hospital Dr., Jackson, Miss. 39204. Meetings, May and Sept. Montana Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1948) President, C. W. Lawson. Secretary, Gordon Phillips, 1220 Central Ave., Great Falls, Mont. Meeting, June, 1971. Nassau Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1944) President, Edward N. Cartnick. Secretary, Lee Vosbergh. Meetings, Feb. 15 and May 17, 1971. Nebraska State ciety. (1955) tary, W. H. Omaha, Neb. and first week

Obstetric and Gynecologic SoPresident, J. E. Nickel. SecreTaylor, Jr., 3610 Dodge St., 68131. Meetings, early spring in Dec.

New England Society.


New and Gynecological


Maryland Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. ( 1929) President, Theodore Kardash. Secretary, Herbert Nasdor, 825 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21201. Meetings, Jan. 21, March 24, and May 20, 1971. Memphis Obstetrical ciety. ( 1930)

Milwaukee Gynecological Society. ( 195 1) President, Richard F. Mattingly. Secretary, Robert H. Herzog, 2825 N. Mayfair Rd., Milwaukee, Wis. 53222. Meetings, second Monday, Feb., March, and April.

( 1952)

Jacksonville Obstetrical and Gynecologic Society. (1960) President, Frank Long. Secretary, Jim Hayes, Marshall Taylor Doctors Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Meetings, quarterly.

Long Beach Obstetric (1954)





Miami Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. ( 1946) President, James Gallagher. Secretary, Howard Novell, 909 N. Miami Beach Blvd., Miami, Fla. Meetings, second Thursday, Jan., March, and May. Michigan Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (1924) President, Ralph E. StefIe. Secretary, Joseph J. Woods, 18255 W. McNichols, Detroit, Mich. 48219. Meetings, Jan. 29-30, March 2 and 31, and May 4, 1971.



and Society.

Gynecological (1946)

New Jersey Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1947) President, F. Leland Rose. Secretary, Michael R. De Vita, 645 Cambridge Rd., Paramus, N. J. General meetings, spring and fall; council meetings, summer and winter. New Mexico Obstetrical and Gyneudogical Society. (1946) President, Dewitt Erk. Secretary, Ray C. Bitterlich, 142 Truman, N.E., Albuquerque, N. M. The New Orleans Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. (1947) President, Milton J. Hoffman. Secretary, William L. Geary, 1700 Josephine St., New Orleans, La. 70113. Meetings, Jan. 19, March, and May, 1971. The New York Gynecological Society, Inc. (1960) President, Bernard A. G. Weisl. Secretary, Dean J. Grandin, 114 E. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. 10021.


Januup 1,197l Amer. J. Obstet. Gymc.


The New York Obste&ical Society. ( 1863) President, David B. Moore. Secretary, Thomas F. Dillon, 530 E. 70th St., New York, N. Y. 10021. Norman F. Miller Gynecologic Society. President, Warren H. Pearse. Secretary, Crosby J. Eaton, Women’s Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104. Meeting, Jan. Jl-Feb. 6, 1971, Palm Springs, Calif. North Dakota Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ( 1938) President, Donald Carlsen. Secretary, George R. Thompson, 737 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. 58102. Meeting, Sept. 1718, 1971. The Northern California Obstetrics and Gynecologic Society. (1953) President, James Cross. Secretary, John N. Miller, 5301 F St., Sacramento, Calif. 95819. Meetings, quarterly by announcement. Obstetrical and Gynecological Assembly of Southem California. (1945) President, George A. Mater. Secretary, James M. Maharry, 5410 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90036. Meeting, Feb. 8-12, 1971. The Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia. (1868) President, Harry Fields. Secretary, John J. Mikuta, 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Pa. 19104. Meetings, first Thursday, Oct. through May. Oklahoma Society.

City Obstetrical ( 1940)

and Gynecological

Omaha Obstetrical-Gyuecological Society. ( 1946) President, John George. Secretary, Richer-t J. Taylor, 2705 S. 87th St., Omaha, Neb. Meetings, third Wednesday, Jan., March, May, Sept., and Nov. Orange County Obstetrical Society. ( 1958) President, Thomas O’Sullivan. Secretary, Royal Tucker, 307 Placentia, Newport Beach, Calif. Meetings, third Thursday, Jan., March, and May. Oregon Society of Obtetricians and Gynec~logists. (1947) President, E. M. de Castro. Secretary, H. A. Lee, 4475 S. W. Schulls Ferry Rd., Suite 260, Portland, Ore. 97225. Meetings, third Friday, Jan. through May, Oct., and Nov.

Pa&c Northwest Obstetrical Aiwxiation. (1948)

and Gynecological

Pen&da Gynecologic Society. ( 1954) President, Robert W. Danielson. Secretary, Clifford H. Curtis, 155 Birch St., Redwood City, Calif. 94062. Meetings, Feb., May., Sept., and Nov. Phoenix Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. President, William D. Lawrence. Secretary, William A. Susong, 926 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz. 85006. Meetings, Jan., March, May, Sept., and Nov. Pittsburgh Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1935) President, John J. McCarthy. Secretary, John Schneider, 1501 Locust St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. Meetings, first Monday, Feb. through May. Portland Society of Obstetricians cologists. (1928)



Queens Gynecological Society. ( 1948) President, Aloysius T. Kelly. Secretary, Lewis Shenker, 56-45 Main St., Flushing, N. Y. 11355. Meetings, second Wednesday, Feb., May., Oct., and Dec. Riverside-San Berm&&o Obstetrical and G~IW cological Society. (1957) President, Donovan Byer. Secretary, Ronald M. Nelson, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Cahf. 92354. Meetings, second Wednesday, Sept., Nov., Jan., March, and May. Rochester Academy of Medicine, Ob&tric.s and Gynecology Section. (1939) President, Maurice Gormican. Secretary, Anthony J. Piasarelli. Meetings, four times per year. St. Louis Gynecological Society. (1922) President, Lee A. Hall. Secretary, Seth Wissner, 16 Hampton Village, St. Louis, MO. 63109. Meetings, second Thursday, Feb. and April. San Antonio Obstetrical and Gpaecologieal Society. (1963) President, Elmer Coats. Secretary, Donald Krause, 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78229. Meetings, quarterly. San Diego Gynecological San Frarteiseo



Seattle Gy~~~logical


( 1937)

&e&y. (1941)

( 192 1)

Vollmle 109 Number 1


Shufelt Society of Santa Clara County. (1947) President, Jack D. Herring. Secretary, Edward Prince, 303 N. 15th St., San Jose, Calif. 95 112. Meetings, third Thursday, odd months. The Society (1959)


the Scientific

The South Carolina logical Society.



of Sex.

and Gyneco-

South Dakota Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (1952) President, R. R. Thornton. Secretary, James Hovland, 420 5th Ave., S.E., Aberdeen, S. D.


Tucson, monthly.


Damon S. Raphael, Tucson Clinic, Ariz. Meetings, last Monday, bi-

Tulsa Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1945) President, Harold C. Wood. Secretary, Gregory A. Green, 6465 S. Yale, Tulsa, Okla. 74135.

Utah Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1948) President, Howard C. Sharp. Secretary, Howard G. McQuarrie, 508 S. Temple E. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 84102. Meetings, second Thursday, Jan., March, May, Sept., and Nov.

Suffolk County Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. President, Mitchell B. Goldman. Secretary, Francis O’Brien, 116 Broadway, Amityville, N. Y. Meetings, Feb. and May.


Tampa Bay Obstetric (1957)

Washington Gynecological Society. ( 1933) President, Albert I. Robins. Secretary, Charles E. Townsend, 2141 K St., N.W.,. Washington, D. C. 20037. Meetings, Jan. 27, March 10, and May 12, 1971.

and Gynecologic


Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ( 193 1) President, Charles Braselton, Jr. Secretary, J. L. Jinkms, Jr., Suite 921, 200 University Blvd., Galveston, Texas 77550. Meeting, March 5-6, 1971. Toledo Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. President, W. L. Woodward. Secretary, L. R. Kavanagh, Academy of Medicine, 3101 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Meetings, Feb. and May. Tri-Counties Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (1959) President, Robert B. Seifert. Secretary, Charles Montague. Meetings, Jan. 15, March 19, Sept. 17, and Nov. 19.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Society. Christopher J. Murphy, Jr. SecreT. Given, Jr,, Suite 412, De Paul Medical Bldg., Norfolk, Va. 23505.

President, tary, Fred

Washington (1937)

West Texas Obstetrical ciety. (1952)

and Gynecological Society. Harold G. Carstansen.



and Gynecological


Westchester Obstetrical Society. ( 1937) President, Stanley Mendelowitz. Secretary, John Baker, 102 Park Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Meetings, second Wednesday, Oct. through May. Wisconsin

Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Elizabeth Steffen. Secretary, Herbert Sandmire, 1821 S. Webster, Green Bay, Wis. President,

Tucson Obstetrical (1954) President,
