Incorporates functions normally only available on floor-standlng units. A new drive spindle enables the Btofuge stratos to accelerate to a maximum RCF of 45,000 x g in 25 seconds. The spindle accepts rotors, including swing-out
Rotary mechanical stage
an extensive
range of
fixed angle, micro&e
plus a special
rotor for mlcrotltre
plates, covenng a wide range of temperature critical separation tasks. An imbalance system Immediately
any inbalance
during a run. e.g. due to tube breakage. Circle number 10 on a reader resoonse card.
New fluorescence Ensuring
fluorescence E600/E400 handling
clarity and contrast,
the new
attachment for the Eclipse by Nikon Europe excels at
the most demanding
tasks. Up to four filter cubes can be accommodated in any combinatton for example one multi-bank filter plus three correspondmg
slider mechanism
filters. This quick
also enables
the selection
of as few as two filter blocks by pulling the filter lever out one clock stop. Circle number 17 on a reader response card.
Screen saver To celebrate the launch of their new thermal cycler, PCR Express, Hybaid have produced a screen
for Mac and
Windows formats. The screen saver features Eddle Coli (E. co//) in a mmi cartoon with PCR Express,
and can be downloaded
of charge from the Hybald (
Circle number 12 on a reader response card.
Eukaryote cell transfection New Tfx”-10 TfxT’“-20 teamed with Promega’s reagent to provide a trio reagents. The TfxT” that
reagents have been popular TfxT”-SO of transfection performs best with
your cell line can be chosen. The reagents offer high-efficiency transfection of several types of eukaryotic cells; transfechon of DNA both in the presence or absence of serum in many cell lines; a simple, single-tube protocol; and short transfection trme. Circle number 13 on a reader response card.