ROUND-UP Publications

ROUND-UP Publications

Round-Up Changing Human Reproduction: Social Science Perspectives The Coletivo: A Feminist Sexuality and Health Collective in Brazil Meg Stacey led...

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Changing Human Reproduction: Social Science Perspectives

The Coletivo: A Feminist Sexuality and Health Collective in Brazil

Meg Stacey led), 1992

Margarita Diaz and Debbie Rogow, 1995

While theological, ethical legal as well as feminist concerns related to new reproductive technologies have been extensively explored, its social and cultural consequences, the subject of this book, have not received the same attention. Papers by six British authors include the history of infertility treatment as private health care in the UK (where health services are ‘free’), the responsibility for and consequences of multiple births, the social management of information about genetic origin (should donors be anonymous or not), and the notion of assisted kinship. This book aims to get beyond the ‘slippery slope’ fears about the consequences of assisted conception techniques and analyse the problems they raise in ways that allow the ‘slippery slope’ to be avoided. LJKE 2 1.95

Doing More With Less: The Marie Stopes Clinics in Sierra Leone

Available from: Sage Publications Ltd 6 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4PU, UK

Available from: Population Council One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York NY 10017, USA

Betsy Hartmann, 1995


An attractively produced multi-coloured booklet for adolescent girls on exploring, discovering and enjoying one’s sexuality. Topics covered include sexuality and sexual orientation; relationships: feelings and emotions; celibacy and masturbation; sexual intercourse, contraception and unplanned pregnancy; and sexual abuse. Likely to be popular with adolescents for its candid discussion of facts and extremely readable style. Available from: National YWCA of Aotearoa-NZ PO Box 9315 Wellington, New Zealand

These publications describe non-profit, nongovernment projects by pioneers in the field, of health services and information for women. They offer two excellent models of integrated reproductive health services, of the kind that many have been looking for since Cairo.

Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control

Sisters National YWCA ofAotearoa-NZ,

Nahid Toubia, 1995

This is a completely updated edition of the wellknown book first published in 1987. The present edition adds information on the Cairo ICPD and the processes leading up to it, the internationalisation of the anti-abortion movement, and methods of contraception and abortion such as quinacrine, contraceptive vaccines and mifepristone (RU486) that are currently the focus of much debate. It expands on the discussion of the population control movement to include the role of mainstream environmental groups and examines the impact of post-Cold War ‘free trade’ on population politics. An analysis of the impact and future directions of the international women’s health movement forms the concluding chapter. A range of country case studies illustrate the arguments being mgde. US$18 Available from: South End Press 116 Saint Botolph Street Boston MA 02115, USA


Hopes and Realities: Closing the Gap Between Women’s Aspirations and Their Reproductive Experiences Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1995 This report examines the overall economic and social context, and the sexual relationships that shape women’s childbearing aspirations. Based on data from 16 countries, the report focuses on factors which influence the age at which women are marrying, the number of children they are having, why this has decreased, their need for contraceptive and abortion services, and the differences between their hopes and reality. The appendix contains tables covering all these topics in 36 developing countries, and including China, the USA, France and Japan. Available from: Alan Guttmacher Institute 120 Wall Street, 21st Floor New York, NY 10005, USA

The Right to Know: Human Rights and Access to Reproductive Health Information Sandra Coliver (ed], 1995 There are two dimensions to this comprehensive report. First, a discussion of the important right to reproductive health information from the perspective of international law, backed up with recommendations for action by NGOs. And second, an analysis of the situation in ten countries, including the USA and Ireland, with respect to women’s access to information on regulating fertility, access to reproductive health services and services for sexually transmitted diseases. The report provides a useful framework that can be used to demand greater accountability from governments in their reproductive health programmes and policies. UKE 18 Available from: Article 19 Lancaster House 33 Islington High Street London N19LH, UK

Health Matters,

No 5, May 1995

Sexual Coercion and Reproductive Health: A Focus on Research Lori Heise, Kirsten Moore and Nahid Toubia This report is based on discussions and presentations at a seminar on sexual coercion and women’s reproductive health. Aimed at programme planners and researchers, it argues that reproductive health practitioners and researchers have a responsibility to do something about sexual coercion. The first chapter documents the connection between coercion and reproductive health, based on research and on women’s experiences. The second chapter reviews what is and is not known about the origins of sexual aggression among men. Research issues and methodology are the focus of the third chapter. The report includes a list of recommendations developed by seminar participants for future work on sexual coercion in the family planning/ reproductive health arena. Available from: Population Council One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York NY 10017, USA

Reproductive Health Care for Women and Babies: Policy and Ethics Benjamin P Sachs, Richard Beard, Emile Papiernik and Cristine Russel (eds), 1995 This volume presents essential information on ethical, economic, and health issues for the formulation of a health care policy for women. It contains 27 papers with state-of-the art information on reproductive health problems of women and their management, contraception, maternal health care and prevention of adverse outcomes in infants, and discusses public policy issues in relation to these. It is intended as a tool to inform women and encourage physicians to play a central role in health policy formulation. UKE 55 Available from: Oxford University Press Walton Street Oxford OX2 6DP, UK


Reproductive 1993

Health Survey, Romania

Institute for Mother and Child Care (Romania) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA), 1995

1993 Czech Republic Reproductive Health Survey: Final Report Czech Statistical Office, WHO Collaborating Center for Perinatal Medicine/institute for the Care of Mother and Child (Prague) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA), 1995 Reports of two national household surveys on reproductive health carried out in Romania and the Czech Republic in 1993. Each contains descriptive narratives and data on a wide range related to reproductive health: of topics pregnancy and contraceptive intentions and history, abortion, sexual experience, and knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention. Available from: Division for Reproductive Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta GA 30333, USA

Turkey: Situation Analysis Study of Selected Reproductive Health Care Services Ministry of Health, Turkey, Gazi University Medical Faculty, Population Council and AVSC International, 1995 This is a condensed version in English of the report of a study carried out in 1994, using the situation analysis methodology developed by the Population Council, to assess quality of family planning services provided in the hospitals, and in MCH/FP and urban health centres in Turkey. Available from: General Directorate of Maternal-Child and Family Planning Ministry of Health Ankara, Turkey


La Maternidad Precoz: La Fecundidad Adolescente en la Argentina Edith Alejandra Pantelides, 1995 This is the second booklet in a series on issues that affect the quality of life of children and adolescents. It looks at pregnancy and motherhood among adolescent girls in Argentina, who they are, who the fathers of their babies are, the sexual relationships that lead to pregnancy, and the consequences of having babies for the young women who become child-mothers. It is based on survey information from 1991 from various sources. Available from: UNICEF Argentina Maipu 942 piso 14 1340 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cutting the Rose. Female Genital Mutilation: The Practice and Its Prevention Efua Dorkenoo,


Starting with a presentation of basic facts, this book gives a comprehensive update on work in Africa for the prevention of female genital mutilation. Drawing on her research in the field and her own work, the author discusses lessons to be learned from past experience of work in this area, and what must be done to eradicate female genital mutilation. UKE 15.95 + p&p Available from: Minority Rights Group 379 Brixton Road London SW9 7DE, UK


Step-by-Step Fistulae

Surgery of Vesicovaginal

Kees Waaldijk, 1994 This manual is aimed at surgeons in developing countries, to help them to develop a systematic surgical approach for the repair of obstetric fistulae. Based on more than ten years of experience in a small hospital in northern Nigeria, which has performed some 5000 procedures over the years, the publication is valuable for its relevance in health service settings with limited resources. Illustrated with many photographs of surgical procedures step-by-step. UKE 35 / f4.50 developing countries from TALC Available from: Campion Press 384 Lanark Road Edinburgh EH13 OLX UK

TALC PO Box 49 St Albans AL1 5TX UK

Ifealth Matters,

No 6, November


Legal and Political Barriers Affecting Sexual and Reproductive Health Services International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region, 1995 This is a synthesised report of a four-country study carried out in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Swaziland, Zambia, to explore issues relating to information and access to family planning services, including abortion. Available from: IPPF Africa Region PO Box 30234 Nairobi, Kenya

Healthy Women, Healthy Mothers: An Information Guide A A Ark&u, 1995

Women of the World: Formal Laws and Policies Affecting Their Reproductive Lives Center for Reproductive

Law and Policy, 1995

This report focuses attention on the way women’s reproductive lives are affected by the laws and policies of their national governments. It reviews the formal laws and policies of Brazil, China, India, Germany, Nigeria and the United States, and show that these frequently compromise women’s health and rights. Available from: Center for Reproductive Law & Policy 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005, USA

Strengthening Communication Skills for Women’s Health: A Training Guide Jill Tab&t, 1995

Getting the Message Out: Designing an Information Campaign on Women’s Health Ann M Starrs and Rahna R Rizzuto, 1995 This set of three complementary resource documents on women’s reproductive health is designed for use by community health workers. The first is a resource book containing essential information on women’s health needs and problems in Africa. The second is a model training curriculum to help health workers to improve their communication and interpersonal skills. The third contains step-by-step guidelines on how to design, implement and evaluate an effective community information campaign. US$l8 the set, free for developing countries Available from: Family Care International 588 Broadway, Suite 503 New York NY 10012, USA


The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service Laura Kaplan, 1995 In 1969, before abortion was decriminalised in the United States, a group of women in Chicago set up an underground abortion referral service with a phone number and a single name: Jane. This book by one of the group’s members documents the extraordinary history of Jane for the first time. With the right to abortion so much under attack in the USA, this book stands as a compelling testament to the power of women helping women. US$25 Available from: Pantheon Books 201 East 50th Street New York NY 10022, USA

Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion Before and After Roe v Wade Carol Joffe, 1995 Access to abortion services is rapidly narrowing in the United States. This book argues that while antiabortion terrorism is partly responsible, the medical community must share the blame. In 45 in-depth interviews with doctors who perform or support abortion, this book documents the ways in which mainstream medicine has marginalised abortion by failing to provide the necessary training and services, and by stigmatising and penalising doctors who perform abortions. US$24 Available from: Beacon Press 25 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02108-2892,


Gender Awareness for Population and Development: An IPPF Bibliography International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1995

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Violence Against Women and Women’s Human Rights The Girl Child and Adolescent Women IPPF, 1995 This annotated bibliography provides an overview of the core concepts, issues and debates about gender as these relate to family planning, population and development. It is aimed at family planning programme managers, field staff and officials. The three discussion papers each contain a number of short articles exploring different aspects of its subject, how the issues and problems affect family planning service providers, and how to address these creatively. Available from: IPPF Regent’s College Inner Circle, Regent’s Park London NW1 4NS, UK

Client-Oriented Provider-Efficient Services AVSCInternational,


This handbook contains techniques and tools to help local health service delivery teams to assess and improve the quality of sei%ices they provide, and to use their resources more efficiently, using four sets of tools: self-assessment guides, client interviews, client flow analysis, and the action plan. Sample schedules, forms and completed records are included throughout the text. Available from: AVSC International 79 Madison Avenue New York NY 10016, USA