1425 The appointment of Dr. Goodhart as examiner for the :Clinic in the Ziegelsirasse in Berlin, published a book entitled " Historical Studies on the...

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1425 The appointment of Dr. Goodhart as examiner for the :Clinic in the Ziegelsirasse in Berlin, published a book entitled " Historical Studies on the Diagnosis and Treat- Murchison Scholarship was confirmed. On the motion of the Registrar certain alterations in the ment of Shot-wounds from the Fifteenth Century down to ’the Present Time."

by-laws, mainly verbal,


enacted for the first time.

The President nominated Dr.

Bridges as Harveian Orator The Influenza Epidemic. for 1892. The average number of deaths from influenza. in the week ’before last was nine daily. To this number must be added 1130 deaths from pneumonia, pulmonary catarrh, &c., caused ’by influenza.The average age of the victims of this epidemic is sixty, It has been observed that the course of the disease has been specially severe in patients suffering from TIlE Duke of Westminster has accepted the office heart disease, and that in scrofulous children it has left of of the National Hospital for the Paralysed and president disease of the brain behind it. The epidemic was the theme of discussion at the meeting of the Society for In- Epileptic (Albany Memorial), Queen-square, Bloomsbury. ternal Medicine on the 7th inst. Special attention was dePRESENTATION.-Mr. T. M. Draper, L.R.C.P., ’voted to the question whether the disease is miasmatic or Lond., M.R.C.S , on resigning the senior resident medical the observations reported, while not excluding officership of the Toxteth Workhouse, hasbeen presented infectious, and seemed to point mainly to local causes. The by the officers and nurses of the workhouse with an address ,either theory, the present epidemic is distinguished by and an electro-plated salver and tea service. observations that complications of special severity, and is peculiarly dangerous BEQUESTS.-Mrs. Ellen Keogh left .650 to !to persons suffering from organic diseases-of the lungs, the Jervis-street Hospital, Dublin.-Mr. J. H. Macnamara beheart, the kidneys, the pleurse, for instance-and to people It seems that those who have queathed £100 to each of the following-viz., St. Vincent’s over fifty, were confirmed. Hospital, Mater Misericordise Hospital, Kingstown Hospital:, once suffered are seldom attacked again, and then only Coombe Lying-in Hospital, and Jervis-street Hospital, of Dr. Guttmann Moabit in the stated that Hospital slightly. Dublin. four wards full of phthisical patients not one case of influenza! At the ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. had occurred, which was not the case in the last epidemic. Berlin, Dec. 15th. monthly meeting of this Society on the 16th inst., Mr. W. Marriott, the assistant secretary, gave the results of the investigations undertaken by the Society into the thunderstorms of 1888 and 1889, which he illustrated by lanternROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. slides. Dr. Theodore Williams has been nominated president for the ensuing year. A COMITIA of the College of Physicians was held on the VOLUNTEER MEDICAL STAFF CORPS, (1st LONDON 17th inst., the President, Sir Andrew Clark, Bart., in the DIVISION).—The annual competition for the challenge shield chair. At the commencement of the proceedings the Pre- of this corps took place at Westminster Hall on Dec. 8th. sident alluded in feeling and graceful terms to the loss sus- Three companies competed-viz , No. 1. (Surgeon Capt. tained by the College in the death of Sir Risdon Bennett, a Valentine Matthews), No. 4. (of which First Class Staff former President, and on the motion of Sir Richard Quain, Sergeant Waterson was in charge owing to the unavoidable seconded by Dr. G. Harley, it was unanimously resolved to absence of Surgeon-Major J. A. Watson), and No. 5 (SurCapt. J. Edward Squire). The newly appointed ad.request the Registrar to send a letter of condolence to Lady geon of the corps, Surgeon-Capt. Julian P. S. Hayes, jutant Bennett on her bereavement, and also to request the College acted as judge. Each company was pub through a rathei, officers to attend the funeral. exhaustive programme, including company drill, stretcher from Office the Communications the Foreign respecting and carrying of patients, waggon drill, banthe drill, lifting Bill now before the French Assembly regulating medical daging,:application of splints, &c. Ultimately the shield practice by foreigners in that country were read. was awarded to No. 1 Company (Sargeon-Capt. Valentine A request of the Milroy Lecturer to deliver his lectures Matthews), the members of which are recruited from the in the theatre of the Embankment Hall was granted. Communications were read from the General Medical medical schools of Charing Cross, King’s College, University College, and Middlesex Hospitals. This is the second time Council, and a report was received from the representa- that this company has been successful in this competition, tive of the College upon that body. The report of the Committee of Management recommend- the shield having been won by it previously in 1889. ESCULAPLUS LODGE, No. 2410,-The second ing the addition of regulations to those at present in force in for the diploma in P with the Health, meeting of this Lodge was held at the Café Royal, Regentconformity suggestion of the General Medical Council, was received street, on Wednesday last, the 9th inst. The following members were present: Bros. J. Brindley James, P.M., and adopted. A report of the Council, comprising a scheme for the five WM.; Lennox Browne, P.M., S.P.M. (acting); F. Ernest years’ curriculum, which had been drawn up by a special Pocock, P.M., S.W.; Belgrave Ninnis, P.M., J.W.; G. committee of the Council, after conference with teachers Danford Thomas, Treasurer; Thomas Dutton, P.M. (Secreand communications with various medical schools, was tary) ; Jacob Pickett, S.D.; G. Crawford Thomson, J.D.; then discussed. Dr. Sturges, chairman of the committee, Frank Oldfield, P.M. D. of C.; Anthony Nutt, S.G.; Henry briefly explained the chief changes that were recommended, Frye, Stewards; also H. W. Kiallmarck, P.M.; N. E. and it was further explained that the instruction in Prac- Yorke-Davies, E. H. Eyard. J. R. Leeson, John R. Whitea tical Medicine comprised the use of the laryngoscope and Lewis Lewis, and George H. Blackmore. Among the other instruments. It was also pointed out that there was visitors were Bros. George Brown, W.M,, and Surgeonno actual curtailment proposed in the time to be devoted to Major Black. Francis Wickstead, P.M., M.R.C.S., and instruction in Physiology, owing to the recommendation to B. Adolphus Alexander, L.D.S., R.C.S , were elected joinintroduce Elementary Biology into the first year of study. A ing members. Montague Cheale, LR.C.P., M.R.C.S., letter from the Physiological Society protesting against any D.P.H.; Frank Reid, L R.C.P., M.R.C.S.; Edward Stoke such curtailment was read and supported by Dr. Pye-Smith. Bell, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., and Clifford Luxmore Drew, Dr. Curnow stated that there was really no change in M.B , C.M., M.R.C.S., barrister-at-law, were all initiated ’the present requirements which do not embrace more than into Freemasonry. After the business was transacted the one course of lectures in Physiology, although, as a fact, brethren sat down to a capital banquet. The usual toasts the examinations necessarily demand elementary instruc- were given and received with acclamation, especially when tion in the subject. The scheme was adopted by the the W.M., in proposing the health of the M.W.G.M. College, and the committee which had drawn it up, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, alluded to the happy engage.together with Drs. Ord and Norman Moore, were appointed ment of his M.W. Bro. H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor. as delegates to confer with delegates of the Royal College W. Bro. George Brown replied for the visitors, and com-. of Surgeons upon the question. plimented the founders upon getting together so many The recommendation of the Council to recognise Mr. T. eminent medical Masons, for he felt sure that the Lodge Cooke’s School of Anatomy as a place of instruction for would make a double bond of brotherhood. The interval candidates who had been rejected at the elementary exami- between the toasts was enlivened by the vocal talents of Bros. Moss Campbell, Leeson, James, and Blackmore. nation in Anatomy and Physiology was adopted.

Medical News.
