422 Candidates shall be examined in—(1) Anatomy ; (2) Histology ; (3) Surgery; (4) Chemistry ; and (5) Materia Medica,. The Membership. —Members of th...

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422 Candidates shall be examined in—(1) Anatomy ; (2) Histology ; (3) Surgery; (4) Chemistry ; and (5) Materia Medica,. The Membership. —Members of the College alone are Third Professional Examination. —Candidatesmust proeligible to the Fellowship. Every candidate for the member- duce evidence of having passed the Second Examination, ship is required to produce satisfactory evidence-1. Of also certificates of having subsequently attended-Medicohaving attained the age of twenty-five years. 2. Of being a Chirurgical Hospital ; nine months as an extern pupil, or six licentiate of this College for three years at least ; or a months as a resident pupil. Winter courses : Demonstralicentiate of one year’s standing, who shall be a graduate of tions and Dissections, Practical Anatomy (unless attended Arts of a university in the United Kingdom at the time of in the first year), Surgery and Medicine. Summer course, his obtaining the licence ; or a licentiate of one year’s three months : Medical Jurisprudence. Tnefee for this examination shall be £5 5s. Candidatesshall standing, who shall be a registered practitioner of seven years’ standing at the time of his obtaining the licence. 3. Of be examined in-(1) Anatomy ; (2) Physiology ; (3) Surgery. professional conduct and moral character, as testified by a Fourtlb, and Final, Professional Examination.—Shall be fellow or member of the College, or by a fellow of the Royal held in July and October, and in the following April. College of Physicians of London or of Edinburgh. 4. Of Candidates must produce evidence of having passed the not being engaged in trade; of not dispensing medicine, or Third Professional Examination, also certificates of having making any engagement with a chemist, or any other person, subsequently attended—Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, nine for the supply of medicines ; and of not practising medicine month as extern pupil. Winter courses : Dissections, or surgery in partnership, by deed or otherwise. 5. Of Demonstrations, and Midwifery. Certificates will also be having held, during at least six months, the office of resident required of having attended a midwifery hospital, or physician, or resident medical pupil, in a hospital recognised maternity, for six months, and of having been present at Clinical Ophthalmology, three months, by the College ; or of having acted for the same period as thirty labours. clinical clerk in the medical wards of such hospital; or of Operative Surgery. Practical Instruction in Vaccination. The fee for this examination shall be E5 5s. Candidates having been in medical charge, for at least twelve months, of any public institution for the treatment of the sick. 6. Of shall be examined in-1. Surgery: Clinical, Ophthalmic, and having lodged the admission fee of twenty guineas in the Operative, with Surgical Anatomy. 2. Medicine. 3. MidRoval Bank of Ireland to the credit of the College. wifery and Diseases of Women. 4. Medical Jurisprudence. Every candidate shall be required to pass an examination Fellowship Examination for Candidates possessing no in (1) Principles of Medicine, including Pathology. Medical Qualification. The examiuation shall consist oE two Anatomy, and Medical Chemistry. (2) Practice of Medicine, divisions, and extend over, at least, three days ; the first including Principles of Public Health. (3) Cinical Medicine. two of which shall be devoted to the Examination for the The examination for the membership is held quarterly- Letters Testimonial of the College. The third day shall be in January, April, July, and October, and is conducted devoted to additional subjects required for the Fellowship. Candidates who do not pass the first two days’ examination (1) by printed papers, (2) clinically, and (3) orally. The Fellowship.—The election for fellowship takes place shall not be allowed to proceed to the third, but those who twice a year, on the first Friday III April, and on St. Luke’s , do pass shall be entitled to receive the Letters Testimonial day (October 18th). Candidatei must be proposed and nomi- of the College, although they may not have passed the third nated three months previously. Fee, E60. day’s examination. No credit will be given, on a subsequent The Certificate in Sanitary Science.—Every candidate for occasion, for passing a part only of either examination. the Certificate in Sanitary Science must be a licentiate in medicine of the College, and must return his name to the THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES, LONDON. Registrar of the College a week before the examination, and lodge with him a testimonial of character from a Fellow Every candidate for a Certificate of Qualification to or Member of the College, or from a Fellow of the Royal practise as an Apothecary will be required to produce Colleges of Physicians or Surgeons of London, Edinburgh, testimonials-Of having passed a Preliminary Examination or Dublin. Stated examinations for the Certificates in in Arts as a test of general education. (This examination Sanitary Science are held quarterly on the Thursday and must be passed before the commencement of medical studies. Friday following the first Friday of the months of January, Medical studies commenced before the candidates shall have April, July, and October. The examination comprises the passed an examination on the subject of general education following subjects- (1) Etiology and Prevention of Dis- will not be recognised.) Of having attained the full age of ease ; (2) Engineering; (3) Law; (4) Chemistry; (5) Meteoro- twenty-one years. Of good moral conduct. A certificate of logy, Climatology, and Vital Statistics. The fee for the ex- three months’ Practical Pharmacy from some recognised amination is £5 5s., which shall be lodged in the Royal hospital or dispensary, or from a qualified medical practiBank of Ireland to the credit of the College before the tioner. And of having pursued a course of medical study in candidate is admitted to examination. conformity with the regulations of the Court. Examinations in Arts will be held on January l0th, llth, 12th ; April 3rd, 4th, 5th; and on Sept. lltb, 12th, 13tb, 1884, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND. The course of medical study required for a licence must Every candidate for the Letters Testimonial shall be re- occupy at least four years, of which not less than three quired to pass a Preliminary Examination and four Profes- winter and two summer sessions must be passed at a recosional Examinations, unless he possess a diploma or degree gnised school or hospital. The following will be recognised in either medicine or surgery recognised by this College, or and considered equivalent to eighteen months’ study, in addition to the two ears and a half above -mentioned: who have passed an equivalent examination. Professional Examinations.—The first, second, and third (a) Attendance on the practice of a hospital or other public Professional Examinations shall be held in the July and institution recognised by this Hall for that purpose; (b) inOctober of each year; should the student fail to pass in struction as the pupil or assistant of a registered practiJuly, he may present himself at the Examination held in tioner, physician or surgeon to a hospital, general dispensary, October. The Examination of each year must be passed or union workhouse, or where such opportunities of practical instruct on are afforded as may be deemed satisfactory. before a new session can be entered on. Coarrse of Study. - Every candidate must attend the First Professional Examination.—Candidates must have been engaged in study for at least nine months subsequent following lectures and medical practice: each winter session to to registration. The examination shall include the following ; consist of not less than six months, to commence on the lst of (1) Physics, if not passed at the Preliminary Examination ; October; each summer session to commence on the 1st of May. First Year.—Winter Session: Chemistry, Anatomy, and (2) the Elements of Chemistry ; (3) Elementarv Botany ; (4) Human Osteology ; (5) Elementary Practical Pharmacy. Physiology (including Dissections and Demonstrations). Summer Session : Botany, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics, The fee for this examination shall be £5 5s. Second Professional Examination. —Candidates are re- Practical Chemistry. Second Year.—Winter Session: Anatomy and Physiology quired to produce evidence of having passed the first professional examination, also certificates of having subsequently (including Dissections and Demonstrations), Principles and attended Medico - Chirurgical Hospital, nine months. Practice of Medicine, Clinical Medical Practice. Summer Winter courses : Practical Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Session: Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, Chemistry (unless attended in first year). Summer courses, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Clinical Medical Practice. three months: Practical Chemistry, Practical Physiology, Third Year.-Winter Session: Principles and Practice of Materia Medica. The fee for this examination shall be £5M. Surgery, Clinical Medical Lectures, Morbid Anatomy, to the examiners, is returned to any candidate at any of the College examinations.



