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Sur les nuages d’or, il se penche à demi ; Desgenettes du haut du firmament t’appelle Et t’offre, en souriant, une palme immortelle ; Le Val-de-Grace eteve une plaintive voix, Et la terre d’Egypte a tressailli trois fois. Les soldats mutiles dans toutes nos campagnes Ont pleure de douleur aupres de leurs com-
The Spas of Homburg, considered with Reference to their Efficacy in the Treatment of Chronic Disease. By Sir A. M. Downie, M.D. London : Churchill. 1842. Pp. 91. Observations on the Preservation of Health in Infancy, Youth, Manhood, and Age; with a Brief Account of the Principal British and Continental Spas and Watering-Places. By John H. Curtis, Esquire. Fourth Edition. London : Churchill. 1812. Pp. 382.
TO CORRESPONDENTS. Medical Assistants, as we understand the des elus ; ame, Monte, sejour are gentlemen who have commenced Monte au séjour supreme, 01 1’on ne soutfre office, their studies, attendance on lectures, &c., plus ! and are awaiting an opportunity of complet. ANTONI DESCHAMPS. ing their education and becoming licensed Medical assistant, then, is ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS practitioners. a developmental form of medical simply IN LONDON. We cannot comprehend an practitioner. " when such appointments imago" assistant, LIST of gentlemen admitted members on as " clerk in a bank" or in a " merchant’s Friday, August 5, 1842:-S. T. Smyth, office" have a much better salary attached, T. W. J. K. J. pagnes.
monte belle
Slater, Thompson, Cooper, and more ease, liberty, and peace. We are King, R. R. Storks, J. H. Barnett, J. unable, therefore, to see the of Kitsell, E. Meek, S. H. Griffith, W. Jones. our correspondent’s project. practicability Admitted Monday, August 8, J. Brigham, Will some correspondent in Ireland be so W. Wiblin, B. Wood, J. B. Haig, G. F. as to inform us in what papers can be good E. N. W. D. Webb, Hoblyn, Dayle, Naftel, found a full report of the proceedings at that P. T. ManT. Hoblyn, Allen, C. Davis, J. most extraordinary inquest which has been ning, J. D. Strang. held at Rathmines, in the county of Dublin, and if of our friends of the legal profesAPOTHECARIES’ HALL.-On Tuesday last sion anylet will us know under what statute or the court of examiners of the Society of Apostatutes the proceedings of the Coroner’s thecaries made their annual report to the Court are regulated in Ireland, we shall be court of assistants, from which it appeared much obliged. We are extremely anxious that during the past year three hundred and to obtain this information, as we cannot ninety-three candidates had been examined,
understand the verdict which the coroner and that of that number three hundred and consented to record, nor the subsequent prothirty had received certificates of their qua- ceedings which were taken with respect to lification to practise as apothecaries. Mrs. Burnes. In England the coroner could detain To the Editor.-Sir, If 11 Quxstor" is not, on the authority of such a verdict, Burnes in for a single moment. Mrs. custody single in his object, he will have the 11 frankA Cónstant Reader.-Not the house.rent, ness" to give his name to the party whom he such portion of it as is incurred excepting has personally addressed, and who is not for any division of the premises used in aware of the existence of any « Anonymous the profits of the profession-such, Correspondent at Lincoln " in your Journal, making for as the surgery; not the servants’ instance, excepting Dr. Cookson. See my letter in wages, excepting those of any boy or person THE LANCET, February 26, 1842. I am, Sir, and not occupied on similarly employed, your faithful and obedient servant, ROBERT domestic services ; keep of horse and chaise, GARDINER HILL.-Lincoln, August 6, 1842. if required and maintained (say exclusively) -P.S. I find from the recent report of the " DUNDEE Lunatic Asylum, that 11 there is not for fulfilling professional duties ; all surand not the life assurance. one patient restrained personally by mecha- gery expenses ;" Erratum.-In our report of the proceednical means" in that institution. ings of the Medico-Chirurgical Society, LANCET, July 9, 1842, Mr. Stanley, when BOOKS RECEIVED. speaking with reference to Mr. Phillips’s Gas-Meters ; their Unfairness demon- paper on cysts in the neck, quotes the name strated, and the Loss arising to the Con- of Mr. C. Selwyn, of Cheltenham, and refers sumers of Gas by their Use pointed out. By to a paper published in THE LANCET, as given the reHenry Flower. London : Mann, Cornhill, by Mr. Selwyn,-for whose name 1842. Pamphlet. Pp. 16. porter has accidentally written 11 Selman." On Detecting the Presence of Arsenic, The paper was published in THE LANCET for particularly with Reference to the Employ- Dec. 15, 1838. In searching the Index for ment of Marsh’s Test. By H. Watson, the paper, therefore, the reader must look for the former name. Manchester. 1842. Pp. 27.