1. That it is expedient to form an Association of legallyNORTH LANCASHIRE MEDICAL REGISTRATION medical men residing in Folkestone, Sandgate, Hythe, qu...

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1. That it is expedient to form an Association of legallyNORTH LANCASHIRE MEDICAL REGISTRATION medical men residing in Folkestone, Sandgate, Hythe, qualified ASSOCIATION. and their neighbourhood, to assist the carrying ON the 30th ultimo a meeting of the members of the medical out the provisions of the new Medical Act; and that this Society be called " The Folkestone, Sandgate, and Hythe profession in Preston and neighbourhood was held in the Town Medical Registration Association." Hall, the meeting having been convened with a view to con2. That a subscription of 2s. 6d. be paid by each member, to sider the provisions of the new Medical Act. The following , members of the profession were present :--Drs. Walling, Stavert, defray the working expenses of the Association. 3. That Mr. Fitzgerald be Secretary to the Association. Altham, and Hammond ; Messrs. Spencer, Corless, Noble, 4. That the whole of the members form a committee, and Allan, Rigby, Haldan, Hall, Hunt, Howitt, and Gilbertson three shall form a quorum. (Preston), Mr. Ashton (Walton), Dr. Briggs (Burnley), Mr. CHAS. E. FITZGERALD, Hon. Sec. Lang (Accrington), Mr. Houghton (Lytham), Dr. Bell (GarMessrs. and Shaw Gradwell Leek Dr. stang), (Kirkham), (Blackburn), Mr. Beardsley (Ulverston), Messrs. Berry and Barnes (Leyland), Mr. Hilton (Croston). Mr. Spencer, of ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. Preston, was called upon to preside over the meeting. LEGAL CONFLICT BETWEEN THE MEMBERS AND The CHAIRMAN remarked that the object of the meeting that THE COUNCIL. day was to propose the formation of an Association, which he believed was to be called " The North Lancashire Medical ReA PRELIMINARY meeting of Members and Fellows of the gistration Association," for assisting the Registrar in excluding from the Register all persons not duly and legally qualified to Royal College of Surgeons took place, as announced in our practise, and to prosecute any person who falsely assumed the impression of last week, at the Freemasons’ Tavern, on Friday, title of practitioner of medicine. December 3rd, at eight P.M., JohnPursell, M.D., F.R.C.S., Mr. HOWITT moved the first resolution, which was as follows: in the chair. " That with a view to secure the efficient working of the new Dr. PuRSELL briefly explained that the object of the meeting Medical Act, and to afford practical help to the general Regis- was to organize measures for contesting the recent private trar, it is expedient that a Medical Registration Association be election of Mr. Green by the Council of the College of Surgeons now formed for North Lancashire, and that the gentlemen as the State Representative of that body in the General Medipresent constitute the same, with power to add to their num- cal Council. The question was not personal, but involved a Medical Registration great principle of independence. Certain high legal opinions ber ; the Association to be called ’The Association for North Lancashire.’’’" He was much amused concur in maintaining that the act of the Council of the Colthe other day, in passing a place in Water-street, where there lege, in excluding the Members and Fellows from voting for was a gentleman who on his brass-plate had styled himself their Representative, and from being acknowledged in the " Dr. Morton, Consulting Surgeon," but who had now changed General Medical Council, is at direct variance with the pro. the inscription to "Mr. Morton’s Botanical Establishment." visions of the new Medical Act, which requires the College in (Laughter.) He thought they wanted no further proof of the its corporate capacity to return its Representative. The selfexcellent working of the Act already. It appeared by the Act constituted Council of the College had contrived surreptithat if any person wilfully and falsely pretended to be or to take tiouslyto usurp the corporate rights of the Members and Fellows; or use the name or title of persons on the Registry, or procured and with the view of asserting their independent privileges, it the entry of his name on the Register, it was not necessary to was now proposed shortly to hold a conference of the General communicate with the general Registrar, nor with the Secretary Practitioners or Surgeons of the kingdom. of State, in order to the prosecution of such individual for an inThe following Resolutions were then moved and carried fringement of the Act. All that was necessary was to bring the unanimously :offending parties before the justice of the peace to get him conResolved,-" That this meeting, considering that the elecvicted ; for the words of the Act were as follow: "Any person tion of a member of the General Council of Medical Education who shall wilfully and falsely pretend to be or take or use the by the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England is name or title of physician, doctor of medicine, licentiate in contrary to the provisions of the new Medical Act, hereby medicine and surgery, bachelor of medicine, surgeon, general resolve, it is expedient that a conference of the Members and practitioner, or apothecary, or any name, title, addition, or Fellows of the College be convened on the 20th inst., at the description, implying that he is registered under this Act, or Freemasons’ Tavern, at seven P.M., to consider what measures that he is shall be taken to vindicate their rights." by law as a physician, or surgeon, &c., shall, upon a summary conviction for such offence, pay a sum Resolved,-" That in acknowledgment of the services of not exceeding twenty pounds nor less than five pounds." Mr. Brady, M.P., and the warm sympathy he has ever evinced Dr. WALLING seconded the resolution. in respect to the rights and privileges of the general body of the Mr. CORLESS thought the present Act defective. He said it profession, this meeting do request Mr. Brady to represent the would not reach such persons as the one alluded to by Mr. interest of the Members and Fellows of the Royal College of Howitt. That person would pursue his practice just as he did Surgeons of England, in connexion with the return of their before the passing of the Act. Representative, to the General Council of Medical Education A voice : But he will be obliged to drop the Dr." and Registration." The motion was put and carried unanimously. Resolved,-" That this meeting resolves itself into a ComMr. HOUGHTON moved the following resolution :-" That a mittee, and adjourns until Friday, the 10th inst." committee be appointed to carry out the objects of the AssoResolved,-" That Mr. Gant be requested to act as Secreciation, to consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, and all tary." the members present, five of whom shall constitute a quorum." A vote of thanks to the Chairman was then passed unaniDr. ALTHAM seconded the proposition, which was carried mously, and duly acknowledged. nem. con. The adjourned meeting of the Committee was fixed for Friday Moved by Mr. HALL, seconded by Mr. NoBLE,-" That Mr. the 10th, at eight P.M., at the Freemasons’ Tavern, at which Spencer be the President for the ensuing year, and that Dr. the Members and Fellows of the College are invited to attend. Stavert and Mr. Howitt be the Vice-Presidents, assisted by the

Registrar in



gentlemen present."-Agreed to. Moved by Dr. ALTHAM, seconded by Mr. ’ALLEN,—"That, in furtherance of the above object, each member pay to the

funds of the Association the annual sum of 2s. 6d. "-Carried. Moved by Dr. Bpi&GS, seconded by Dr. HAMMOND,-" That



MEETING of the members of the Medical Insti.

Mr. Gilbertson be appointed the Secretary and Treasurer. tution assembled on Monday evening, November 29th, in the Carried unanimously. theatre of the Institution, to discuss the propriety of adding Thanks having been voted to the chairman, the meeting the following words to the existing Laws: -"But anyone terminated. practising homoeopathy shall be ineligible for election, either THE FOLKESTONE MEDICAL REGISTRATION ASSOCIATION. THE following resolutions were passed at a meeting of dulyqualified medical practitioners held at the Folkestone Dispen-

sary :-

member of the Institution or as a subscriber to its library; and any regularly-elected member or subscriber subsequently

as a

of homoeopathy shall, ipso facto, cease member of, or subscriber to, the Institution." The ordinary mode of election has been for two members to pro-

becoming a practitioner to be
