512 for the degree of Bachelor in Surgery. Fee for the Liceat ad (b) Surgery, Theoretical, Clinical, Operative; Surgical Anatomy, with Ophthalmolog...

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512 for the

degree of Bachelor in Surgery.

Fee for the Liceat ad

(b) Surgery, Theoretical, Clinical, Operative; Surgical Anatomy, with Ophthalmology and Otology. (c) Mid. Diploma in Obstetric Medicine.-The Course and wifery and Gynaecology, with Diseases of Children. Each nation for the diploma in Obstetric Science are the same as of thisexamination must be passed as a whole. that for the Bachelor in Obstetric Science. Fee for the Upon completing satisfactorily his examination in all three divisions, the candidate will, in addition to the parchment diploma in Obstetric Science, £1. N.B.-Each candidate having completed the prescribed diplomas recording his admission to the Medical Degrees of M. B., B.Ch., and B.A.O., receive a certificate of having courses of study, passed the requisite qualifying examinations in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, and had con- passed a qualifying examination in the subjects of Medicine, ferred on him the corresponding degrees, will obtain from Surgery, and Midwifery. The fee for this certificate is 910, the Sfnior Proctor a diploma entitling him to be entered on which must be paid prior to the candidate’s admission to the Register of Medical Practitioners under the Medical the Medical Degrees. M.D. Degree.-Candidates may be admitted to this Act, 1886. degree after the lapse of three academical years from the time of obtaining the degree of M.B. Every candidate ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. will be examined at the bedside, and required to diagnose All Degrees, Honours, Exhibitions, Prizes, and Scholar- at least three medical cases, and prescribe treatment, and to write detailed reports on at least two cases to be selected ships in this University are open to students of either sex. Candidates for any degree in this University must have by the examiners, and to discuss all the questions arising passed the Matriculation Examination. Students from thereon. The M. Ch. Degree.-This degree will be conferred only on other Universities and Colleges are included in this rule. The following degrees &c. are conferred by the Unigraduates in Medicine of the University. The examination versity in this Faculty:-Bachelor of Medicine, Doctor of for this degree will comprise Surgical Diseases and Surgery, Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Master of Surgery, Bachelor both theoretical and operative; Surgical Anatomy; Ophthal. of Obstetrics, Master of Obstetrics ; in Sanitary Science, a mology and Otology ; and will include—(a) a written ex. amination ; (b) a clinical examination ; (c) an examination special diploma; in Mental Disease, a special diploma. The Medical Examinations, except that for the diploma on Surgical Instruments and Appliances; (d) an examination in Sanitary Science, will be held twice yearly-viz , in April in Operative Surgery. The Mastership in Obstetrics. -This degree will be conand in October. The examination for the diploma in ferred only on graduates in Medicine of the University. Sanitary Science will be held in July. The course for degrees in Medicine &c. is of at least four The examination will comprise the Theory and Practice of years’ duration. Students who have commenced their Midwifery and of Diseases of Women and Children, and the medical studies since January lst, 1884, must furnish Use of Instruments and Appliances ; and will includeevidence of having been registered by the Medical Council (a) a written examination ; (6) a clinical examination as far as practicable ; (c) an oral examination, with practical as students in Medicine for at least forty-five months before being admitted to the final examination for M. B. No one can illustrations ; (d) an examination on Instruments and be admitted to a degree in Medicine who is not fully twenty- Appliances. The Diploma in Sanitary Science.-This diploma will be one years of age. All candidates for these degrees are, in addition to attending the lectures and complying with the conferred only on graduates in Medicine of the Uniother conditions to be from time to time prescribed, required versity. The examination will include the following sub. to pass the following examinations: -The Matriculation jects :-Physics, Climatology, Chemistry, Geology, Sanitary Examination, the First University Examination, the First Engineering, Hygiene, Sanitary Law, and Vital Statistics. Examination in Medicine, the Second Examination in Proficiency in practical work and an adequate acquaintance Medicine, the Third Examination in Medicine, and the with the instruments and methods of research which may be Examination for the Medical Degrees. employed for Hygienic investigations are indispensable conThe First Exaimination in Medicine. -Students may noti ditions of passing the examination. be admitted to this examination until the lapse of two

Examinandum,£5. Fee for the diploma in Surgery, £5.



academical years from the time of their matriculation.

They must also have previously passed the First University Examination. The subjects of this examination are: Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany. The examination in each subject will comprise two parts: (1) A written examination; (2) practical work and oral examination. For Chemistry the practical examination takes place Particular weight will be at the close of the second year. given to the practical part of the examination. Candidates

at the First Examination in Medicine who at the First University Examination in Arts did not obtain 30 per cent. of the marks assigned to French or German will be required to present themselves for a qualifying examination in French or German. Failure to obtain 30 per cent. of the marks assigned to either of those languages will involve the loss oi

the examination. The Second Examination in Medicine.-Students will be admitted to this examination after the lapse of onE academical year from the time of passing the First Exami. nation in Medicine, provided they have completed the firs1 period of the course of medical studies. The subjects to] this examination are Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medics (Phn,rmacology), and Practical Chemistry. The Third Examination in Medicine.-Students will bE admitted to this examination after the lapse of onE academical year from the time of passing the Seconc Examination in Medicine, provided they have completeé the third year of medical studies. The subjects for thil examination will be Anatomy and Physiology. The Examination for the Medical Degrees.-Students wil be admitted to this examination after the lapse of one academical year from the time of passing the Thirf Examination in Medicine, provided they have complete( the course of medical studies prescribed for the fourth year The examination consists of three parts or divisions(a) Medicine, including Therapeutics and Pathology Mental Diseases; Medical Jurisprudence; and Hygiene

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. The diploma of Member of this College is not now granted the licence of the Royal College of Physicians, apart from except to students who commenced their professional studies prior to Oct. 1st, 1884. It does not seem necessary, there. fore, to reproduce the Regulations of the College at the present date. Students of such standing as to be subject to them may obtain copies on application to the Secretary of the Examining Board in England, or they may refer to our second volume for 1888, where they will be found fully set out on pages 474 and 475. Students of a later date will be subject to the regulations issued by the Joint Examining Board of the two Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON. The licence of this College is no longer granted by itself, except to students who commenced professional study prior to the lst October, 1884, and consequently it is no longer necessary to publish the Regulations. Any student who registered before the date in question can obtain a copy of the Regulations on application to the Secretary of the Examining Board in England, or may refer to them in our Students’ Number for 1889. EXAMINING BOARD IN ENGLAND BY THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON AND THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. Regulations relating to the several Examinations applicable to Candidates who eoarameneed their Professional Education

on or

after the Ist of October, 1884.

Any candidate who desires to obtain both the licence of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the diploma of Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England is re-
