RULES. Society's name and objects. The Society shall be called "The British Mycological Society," and its object shall be the study of Mycology in all its branches. I.
Members of Society. 2. The Society shall consist of Honorary Members, Foundation Members and Ordinary Members; the number of Honorary Members shall be limited to 20, and that of Foundation Members to roo, but the number of Ordinary Members shall be unlimited. Honorary Members. 3. Honorary Members shall be persons of pre-eminence in Mycology, or who have rendered special service to the Society. Foundation Members. 4. Foundation Members shall be those Members or Societies who joined the Society previous to the limit of 100 Members having been attained*. Officers. 5. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretaries, and Editor or Editors. They shall be elected annually, at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Government of Society. 6. The government of the Society shall be vested in a Council, which shall consist of the President and other Officers for the time being, together with two or more other Members who shall be elected annually at the General Meeting, and one-half of whom shall retire each year and not be eligible for immediate re-election. The Members to retire shall be those who have been longest in office or, in case of equality, shall be determined by ballot. Ex-Presidents are ex-officio Members of the Council. Every Meeting of the Council shall be duly summoned by the Hon. Secretary by at least seven days' notice in writing to each Member of the Council. '" The limit of M.S.
Foundation Members was reached 22nd Oct"
British Mycological Society
Period of Office. 7, The Officers and Council shall hold office as from the rst of January following their election. Election of Members. 8. Honorary Members shall only be elected at a Meeting of the Society by a majority of the Members then present. All Ordinary Members shall be proposed and seconded respectively by existing Members, who shall sign a certificate (see Appendix) of recommendation, one at least of the proposers so certifying from personal knowledge. Every candidate for election shall sign an undertaking to abide by the Rules if elected (see Appendix). They shall be elected by a majority of the Members present at any meeting of the Society or by the President and Officers of the Society. Subscription. g. All Ordinary Members and Societies shall pay an annual subscription of one pound, and Foundation Members five shillings, due on the rst of January in each year. Honorary Members shall be exempt from any annual subscription. Any Member wishing to retire from the Society shall give notice to the Hon. Secretary or Treasurer in writing before the rst of December of the previous year. Meetings. 10. The Society shall hold one or more meetings annually, at a place and time determined by the Members at the preceeding Annual General Meeting, or by the Council. The Annual General Meeting for the election of officers and the transaction of other business shall coincide with the Autumn Foray. Accounts. II. At the Annual General Meeting of the Society in each year the Hon. Treasurer shall present duly audited accounts. Alteration of Rules. 12. The Rules shall not be altered except by a two-thirds majority of the Members present at an Annual General Meeting. A printed copy shall be sent to every Member of the Society on election, and in the event of alterations to all Members.
Form of p roposal f or Ordinary M embership of the British Mycological S ociety .
being desirous of becoming an Ordinary Memb er of the British Mycological Society, we, the undersigned Members of the Society, to be a desirable Member of the certify that we consider h Society, and beg to recommend h for elect ion.
Dated this
day of
................................ .... ................(From personal kno wledge).
Certificate to be signed by the Candidate. I hereby certify that I desire to become an Ordinary Member of the British Mycological Society and that I will abide by the Rules if elect ed.