I hysteria,
himself written a book in which he upheld the theory that neurasthenia, epilepsy, idiocy, or mental aberration. whatever a-breach con-I Silvestri’s observations were made upon the three brothers could justify nothing of. -profea&icnal ficlence. So the play ends the audience face to face referred to, who were respectively 20, 18, and 15 years withsa difficulty which has been presented to them in the of age. Their family history showed a neurotic taint, for a f The second play is a comedy the maternal uncle had died insane, and the father was not only most forcible manner. A girl who has neurasthenic, but presented the phenomenon of rumination scene of which is laid in a little village. been jilted by her lover suddenly-falls into a state of when a young man, whilst the mother had never exhibited lethargy. , The lover to his great regret is forced to support any neurotic symptom and the sister of the young men the girl .while in this condition. Little by little, how- although neurotic did not ruminate. The eldest brother .was ’ ever, the, story of the sleeping,girl gets wind and the hypochondriacal, irritable, and incapable of mental work. village is thronged with curious visitors and committees of Rumination commenced at the age of 15 years without scientific inrluirers.. Thereupon the lover has the brilliant any recognised cause and had continued up to the present idea of making everybody pay a small fee to see the girl, time. His motor and sensory conditions were normal, as were when all of a sudden she wakes up quite well. But the also his organs of special sense with the exception of a slight lover begs her to keep up her slumber so that no one will diminution of the visual field ; his knee-jerks were exaglose the monetary advantages brought both to themselves gerated ; the other reflexes were normal. About 10 minutes and the villagers by the host of visitors. So she sleeps every after taking food he began to experience a sense of weight in weekday and wakes up on Sundays, with the result. that the epigastrium and soon afterwards an imperative need te - the whole village becomes rich and she is enabled to return the food to his mouth, a maneeuvre which was more bring a substantial dowry to her lover, to whom she is easy with solid and semi-solid substances than with liquids. eventually united. The third piece, which has been pro- The different articles of food returned to the mouth in the hibited, is called Les. Avariés and has for subject the order in which they had been taken, so that the man had a ,question of the dangers of the marriage of syphilitics. double experience of all the flavours of a dinner. A powerful It was prohibited as immoral, although syphilis is not men- effort of will was generally capable of preventing the occurtioned. But the play is dedicated to Dr. Fournier, Professor rence. During the first hour there were about 25 separate of Syphilography at the Faculty of Medicine and President acts of rumination ; then their frequency decreased and they of the Association for Promoting Sanitary and Moral Prophy- came. to an end about two hours after the food had been laxis,’ concerning which our Paris Correspondent sent an taken. With the second of the brothers, aged 18 years, .account which appeared in our issue of Dec. 2nd. 1899, rumination had existed for four years without being attributp. 1554. No one could mistake the subject of the piece, able to any known cause. With the third of the brothers. but its prohibition has been the cause of a lively dis- aged 15 years, it had existed for about two years. He said cussion in the press. On the one hand, it is argued that that he remembered distinctly that it commenced after he a dramatic author should be- allowed to present on the stage had fallen from a height of six feet, striking his thorax and whatever subjects he likes, while others affirm that it would epigastrium against a stone. Re-mastication of the food is be harmful to morality to discuss so publicly such delicate an essential of rumination, which is thereby sharply pathological matters. distinguished from simple regurgitation. Dr. Silvestri has seen an instance of regurgitation in a man, ’aged 22 THE MANCHESTER AND SALFORD SEWAGE years, who for about the space of a year felt his food rise’ MANCHESTER and Salford afford so marked an illustration into his mouth some minutes after it was taken, so that of the suffering that arises from the neglect as well as he either had to eject it or if he was in company’ he - the ignorance of old times that it should be noted swallowed it again without chewing it. The first rational’ well by all growing places. The Mersey and Irwell explanation of rumination in the human subject was given Joint Committee consider that Salford has been dilatory by Dumurwho ascribed it to paralysis of the muscular as to the treatment of its sewage and have decided tissue of the lower end of the cesophagus. Dr. Silvestri "that the clerk be instructed to take such proceedings defines it as a motor neurosis of the stomach, the exciting as would be necessary in accordance with the terms cause of which is an abnormally sensitive mucous membrane, -of the order of the court, dated July 9th, and but the primary cause is cerebral or psychic (cortical). He May 23rd, 1898." One of the members spoke feelingly as gives references to .about 27 memoirs on the subject and to the Ship Canal never having been so filthy as during the makes several suggestions as to treatment. past summer and of the immeasurable suffering from the stench at Eccles, where he had not been able to open THE OVERLOADING OF HORSES. his .drawing- and dining-room windows for a week at a time." ANYONE whose occupation calls him into any portion of Manchester was dealt with more leniently, as it was con- London where there is much traffic cannot but be struck by sidered "that the corporation were earnestly endeavouring to the disgraceful manner in which horses drawing coal. meet the wishes of the Joint Committee, and they recomtimber, and other heavy goods are overladen. The principle mended that the consideration of the position of the Manupon which owners go appears to be this : they ascertain - Chester Corporation should, be adjourned for six how much a horse can draw in dry weather upon a smooth It is stated that in a few months more than half the asphalte or wood pavement on the level. Regardless of the of Manchester will be dealt with on the bacterial system. incessant changes of surface, whether due to inequalities caused by road-breakers, the vagaries of the weather, or RUMINATION IN THE HUMAN SUBJECT. charge of level, they send their horses out in all weathers IN a long paper reprinted from Il Policl2nico (Rome: with a load calculated upon the rule which we have Society Editrice Dante Alighieri) Dr. Silvio Silvestri of the indicated above. Over and over again we have seen carters Civil Hospital, Verona, has given an interesting account of a vainly endeavouring to get a perfectly willing horse attached to a heavy load up the steep ascent of Bedford-street. case in which of a family of six persons the father and three ,sonS’ possessed the unusual faculty of rumination, whilst the We wish to give the average carter every credit for the mother and only daughter were normal in this respect. patience and gentleness with which he treats the horse in his Several writers have already observed that the subjects of this charge, but it is not fair either to the man or to the horse peculiarity were most usually males from 10 to 20 years of 1 De la age who suffered also from some neurotic condition such as Paralysie du Cardia ou Mérycisme (Diss. Bern., 1859).
months." sewage