366$94 Adv.SpaceRw. Vol. 17,No. 415, pp.(ar5)35944/5
sd &.*tiho~~~$? t&-cd. 0213-l177t$ $9.50+ 0.00
RUSSLAN FUTURE PROJECTS V. N. Oraevsky and V. V. Fomichev
ABSTRACT A preliminary results of the CORONAS-I which is the fist spacecraft of the CORONAS mission are presented in figures. The project of a system of spacecrafts for the continuous rno~t~~~ of the solar phenomena at the whole snrface of the Sun and obtaiuing three-dimention images (tomo~aphy) of solar fo~ati~ are proposed.
CORONAS MISSION The CORONAS missions began in March 2 1994, when the first of three orbiters, CORONAS-I, was launched. The second satellite, CORONAS-F, and the third one are scheduled in 1996 and 1998, respectively. The mission is intended for the study energy transfer from solar euterior, solar flare processes and its influence to Earth’s magnetosphere including: energy transfer from the solar interior to surface and subsequent release in the solar flare events; explosive flare processes on the Sun; characteristics of solar cosmic rays, exit conditions, their propagaitons in the IMF and effects of the Earth’s magnetoshere; developing the theory of flares and te~ques
of forecasting their geophysical effects;
The satellite was set into a polar orbit with altitude of about 500 km and the inclination of about 83” . It is quasisynchronous to asssure recurrence of the 20d periods when orbit is outside the Earth shadow. The base for the future satellites of CORONAS missions is orbiter CORONAS-I.
The Study Team V. Oraevsky, V. Fomichev, V. Klepikov, A. Stepanov, S. Pulinets, I. Prutensky, R. Gorgutsa, Yu. Zhugzhda, N. Lebedev, I. Kopaev, R. Gorgutsa (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (I2~AN}). I. Sobelman, I. Zhitnik (P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences). E. Mazets, G. Kocharov (A. F. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences). P. Svidsky, A. Nusinov, T. Kazachevskaya {Institute of Applied Geophysics, Moscow). M. Panasyuk, S. Kuznetsov, C. Rumin, A. Podorol’sky (Institute of Nuclear Physics Moscow State University). R. Kostyk (Main Astronomical Observatory, Kiev). 2. Klos, A. Kiraga (Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences).
V. N. Oraevsky and V. V. Fomichev
Ja. Silvestr (Central Astronomical Iustitute of Polish Academy of Sciences). K. Kudela (Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovakian Academy of Sciences). C. Fisher (Astronomical Institute of Czechian Academy of Sciences). “SYSTEM”
Solar and solar-terrestrial studies carried out for many years suffer essential limitations imposed by the fact that all systematic observations have been made from a single point (from the Earth or its neighborhood). The principal shortcomings are: The lack of full survey - we are absolutely unaware of what is coming about on the back side of the Sun; observations at an acute angle near the limb are inefficient; the structure of the polar regions is practically unknown. Flat pattern -
we cannot obtain a three-dimensional pattern of any feature in the Sun.
Blind zone - some fundamental events of solar activity, such as large-scale mass ejections (transients), that strongly affect the entire system of Sun-Earth relations, are invisible against the bright solar disk while moving straight to the Earth. These limitations on the study and monitoring of the sole space object that profoundly affects the Earth and the human life are the more deplorable that technical facilities to overcome them have been available for some time now.
Scientific Tasks Establishing of a system of continuous full survey of the Sun and its environment would promote solution of many vital problems such as prediction and monitoring of geophysical effects of solar activity in the Sun-Earth system (A), as well as the problems of solar and heliospheric physics as a whole (B). Some of the principal problems are as follows. (A) Prediction and Monitoring of GeoefFective Phenomena. Monitoring and prompt diagnostics of short-term effects (O-3 days) of all geoeffective solar events, including those that occur on the back side of the Sun, e.g. flares behind the western limb that strongly affect conditions on the Earth and in its environment. Working out of an algorithm for solar activity prediction with a lead of 3 to 20 days. This problem remains unsolved because no feature on the Sun can be now observed for more than 14 days running. Forecasting of recurrent events. Full survey of transients (including those moving straight to the Earth) forecasting purposes.
for geomagnetic
The problem of convergence of the field lines in coronal holes with approach to prediction of the solar wind velocity. (B) Solar and Heliospheric Physics l
Constructing of a full evolution pattern (evolutionary tracks) of active regions from birth to death (l-27 days or more). AR present-day models of active features on the Sun with lifetimes exceeding 100 days have been obtained by matching the data for different regions, because continuous observations for more than 14 days are impossible.
Russian Future Pmjeds 0
to discriminate l
The problem
of the full sphere of the Sun. (The full sphere pattern
between some oscillation
is necessary
of solar wind from polar regions.
(This task would require observations
above the ecliptic). A coronal streamer Estimation
- is it a flat or a three-dimensional
of the longitudinal
their mass and structure a three-dimensional l
of coronal
and to find out whether
This will allow us to specify
a coronal transient
is an expanding
This list is far from complete.
of the source surface field taking into account However it shows that the problems
for the progress in the principal
a global international
A joint effort of all interested
such a system,
and analyze the enormous
ensure the use of world experience
above are critical
sciences will, sooner or later, face the necessity survey of the Sun.
both inside the country,
and operate
polar corrections.
system of full three-dimensional
be required to design, establish, to process
areas of solar and solar-terrestrial
It is obvious that developing solar and terrestrial
feature or a bubble.
More precise determination
of creating
and at international
to ensure ground-based
bulk of the obtained
in designing and operating
level will support
and onboard
of will
for solar observations. The System of Spacecrafts IZMIRAN located
a space system for regular
at different position
full survey of the Sun and that the former case, the spacecraft overlap.
from O,f120”
and l-3
the spacecraft
to 0, f90”
are not altogether
for three-dimensional
would have large overlapping
the problem
they must
angles should vary, e.g. analysis (in this case,
zones). by at least one out-of-ecliptic
at a height no less than 40 - 45’ above the ecliptic.
The system should be designed for long operation. around the solar maximum; Instruments
At worst, it should operate
for several years
at best, it should be permanent.
and Data Processing
The efficiency of the system will rather rely on new disposition of the instruments. tested
in the latter
This system located in the plane of ecliptic should be supplemented spacecraft
of 3 satellites
It should be noted that
fields of view must be complementary,
for the fuIl survey program l-2
of three-dimensional
on the particular
the pairs of satellites
full survey of the Sun, consisting
angles in the Earth
This means that instruments
in space experiments
increase the reliability
can be used to promote
the program,
to reduce
and abroad and the cost and to
of the system.
The whole set of scientific equipment ray and UV wavelength
will allow us to obtain the images of the Sun in optical,
ranges, integral measurements
(from radio to r-rays), Detailed specification
in space, than on technical
already existing in the country
in situ measurements
of emission in a wide range of wavelengths
of plasma parameters.
of the payload is under development
and is open to discussion.
Stages of Mounting An important of spacecraft
of the proposed program
is put into orbit.
system can provide interesting
is that the work may start before the whole set
At the very first stage (as soon as the first vehicle is launched) information
to the following stages, this information
of both scientific and applied value. When proceeding
should be taken into account
to change the composition,
V. N.Omevsky and V.
V. Fomichev
characteristics and working regimes of instruments, as well as to correct the experimental program. Thus, we shall be able to combine a gradual development of global monitoring of the Sun and part of the heliosphere with speedy acquisition of preliminary data. The Study Team Scientific investigators: V. Oraevsky, V. Fomichev, V. Obridko, R. Gorgutsa. (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN)).
of the Russian
SummarY We propose a space system for regular full three-dimentional survey of the Sun, consisting of 3 satellites located at different position angles in the Earth orbit, supplemented by at least one out- of-ecliptic spacecraft. The scientific equipment will allow us to obtain the images of the Sun in optical, X-ray and UV wavelength ranges, integral measurements of emission in a wide range of wavelengths, in situ measurements of plasma parameters. The system may be mounted step-by-step and at the very first stage (as soon as the first vehicle is launched) the system can provide interesting information of both scientific and applied value.