selected single-level interrupt vector for small systems requiring only one basic vector. No additional interrupt port or other components would be needed to use the single interrupt vector in such systems. The DP 8228 and DP8238 also generate interrupt acknowledge control signals for each byte of a multibyte CALL instruction when an interrupt is acknowledged by the INS8080A. This feature permits the use of a multilevel priority interrupt structure in large interruptdrive systems. The DP8238 version provides additional advanced inputoutput write and memory write control signals for the timing control of larger systems. Both the DP8228 and DP8238 are available from stock; two input-output buffer drivers will soon be available for both 8080A and general microprocessor applications.
SC/MP development aid A low-cost development system (LCDS) in the form of a self-contained microcomputer is now available from National Semiconductor for hardware and software design involving the 8-bit SC/MP microprocessor. The LDCS is a simple controller configured with a SC/MP CPU card plugged into one of four sockets in a card bus on a 10 x 12 in mother board. With the CPU card, the mother board also contains a 16-key, dual-function hexadecimal keyboard, four keys that control function, three control switches and a 6-digit hexadecimal LED display. With the basic LCDS configuration alone, control logic, scratchpad memory and ROM-based firmware on the mother board allow the user to alter the SC/MP registers and memory Iocators, run SC/MP programs in continuous or single instruction mode, and operate with an optional Teletype using SC/MP DEBUG. The development aid features easy interfacing and expansion: four prewired 72-pin edge connector sockets provide a plug-in interface for SC/MP family cards, and also allow interconnection of additional SC/MP applications hardware. A fifth
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Universaldevelopment system A Universal Development System (UDS) which allows software development for any microprocessor regardless of word length has been produced by National Semiconductor. With this system, National Semiconductor's PACE, Super PACE, 8080, 2650 and SC/MP, as well as microprocessors from other manufacturers, can be programmed. Based on the PACE microprocessor, National Semiconductors UDS furnishes the user with a complete, self-contained microprocessor development facility, which may also be used for data processing. The total system consists of the microcomputer and a dual floppy disc unit with either a VDU or Teletype as operator interface. The maximum system configuration is high-speed papertape reader and printer, card reader, PROM programmer, 32k 16-bit memory. A complete range of system programs is supplied with the UDS. The controlling program or Monitor is ROM-resident, and provides
control over system configuration, and linkage to the paper-tape loader, card-reader, floppy disc, and debug subsystem. The file manager is resident on disc, and gives the user control over file maintenance and execution, space allocation and deallocation, file protection etc. Files are identified by name, with sector assignment handled automatically. An example is FIOSYS, which is a file I/0 subsystem resident in ROM. It is a collection of subroutines that provides the means of peripheral communication required by the remainder of the system. The UDS also has a set of utility programs, including an assembler, editor, linkage editor, disc diagnostic package, and utility programs including PROM programmer software. (National Semiconductor GmBH, Industriestrasse 10, 8080 Furstenfeldbruck, W. Germany. Telephone: (087 41) 737/, Telex: 05 27649)
National" s Universal Development System can handle any word length and many microprocessors
connector, or a flat cable connector, for coupling the LCDS to an external card cage, may also be added. The built-in control and monitor functions in the interface logic of the LCDS permit transfer of control between resident firmware and application programs generated by the user. The firmware subroutines allow entry of software debug commands via the control and display panel or the optional Teletype. The
Teletype will alow the system to save application programs by punching to paper tape and then loading the tape into the memory, or punching the complemented binary tape of the program contained in RAM to program a PROM on a commercially available PROM programmer. (National Semiconductor UK Ltd., 79 Goldington Road, Bedford, MK40 3LF, UK. Telephone: Bedford 271262, Telex: 826209)