overall bchaviour of the calcarenite in various types of triaxial compression test. (from Authors)
illustrated by simulating several cyclic stress-strainresponses for clays and sands. (from Author)
965086 Engineering properties of diatomaceous fill R. W. Day, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering - ASCE, 121(12), 1995, pp 908-910. For the tested diatomaceous fill, the range in dry density varied from about 1.0 to 1.2 Mg/m ° with a moisture content of 38-53%. The low dry density and high moisture content are due to the diatoms, which are essentially outer shells of silica that can contain water. Even though diatomaceous fill has a low dry density and high moisture content, it behaves as a dense granular material below an effective stress of 50 kPa. This is due to the diatoms, which can resist shear and compression because of their interlocking and rough surface features. At a higher effective stress the diatoms can be crushed, which significantly increases the compressibility of the fill. (from Authors)
965091 Scaled memory model for undrained behavior of anisotropic clays J. P. Bardet, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering - ASCE, 121(11), 1995, pp 755-765. A constitutive model, based on the concept of scaled memory (SM), is presented to describe the undrained behavior of anisotropic clays subjected to generalized loadings. The SM capabilities that were previously established for one-dimensional cyclic responses are extended to six-dimensional monotonic Ioadings. (Author)
965087 Undrained shear strength for liquefaction flow failure analysis J.-M. Konrad & B. D. Watts, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 32(5), 1995, pp 783-794. This paper proposes an empirical relationship between three factors: the undrained strength back-calculated from fills that failed by flow sliding, equivalent clean sand normalized below-count values, and soil-specific parameters from steadystate laboratory testing. It is shown that $~o, which is a reference value of steady-state strength at maximum void ratio, is an important soil parameter. (from Authors) 965088 Boundary element technique for geotechnical problems of incompressible soils S. Bu & T. G. Davies, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 11(11), 1995, pp 927-935. Novel fundamental solutions for elastodynamics of fully incompressible media are derived, by reason of their many applications to engineering and physical problems. It is demonstrated that, when Poisson's ratio equals 1/2, the frequency domain fundamental solutions (Stokes's solutions) are independent of the dilational wave velocity, which tends to infinity. Consequently, dynamic problems involving incompressible materials can be rigorously analysed by the boundary element method without special difficulty. (from Authors) 965089 Development of T-Z curves for cemented f'me-gralned soil deposits K. D. Walsh, S. L. Houston & W. N. Houston, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering - ASCE, 121(12), 1995, pp 886-895. The results of several load tests in calcareous cemented finegrained soils in the arid southwestern US are reviewed. It is demonstrated that significantly higher deflections are required to develop the peak skin friction in these soils than in the soils for which most of the available curves were developed. Deflections at peak skin friction are typically 25 mm (I in.) or more. This results in an increase in the deflection required to attain a given fraction of ultimate load. Although cemented soil deposits have high shear-strength parameters, deflections may exceed expectations for working loads. (from Authors) 965O90 Scaled memory model for cyclic behavior of soils J. P. Bardet, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering - ASCE, 121(11), 1995, pp 766-775. A constitutive model, based on the concept of scaled memory (SM), is presented to describe the hysteretic stress-strain response curves of soils during one-dimensional loadings. The SM theory, although applicable to six-dimensional stresses, is unfolded only in one dimension in the paper. Its usefulness is
965092 A conceptual model for clay soils subjected to negative pore-water pressures E. J. Murray & J. D. Geddes, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 32(5), 1995, pp 905-912. A conceptual model for clay soils is presented which employs the principles of critical state soil mechanics. In developing the model, consideration is given to negative pore-water pressures arising as a result of the independent response to reductions in water content and reductions in confining stresses. (from Authors) 965093 Behaviouf of a cemented clay J. Feda, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 32(5), 1995, pp 899904. A series of 18 triaxiai CIUP (undrained isotropically consolidated with pore pressure measurement) tests of fissured cemented Neogene lacustrine clay from northern Bohemia is analyzed, with special reference to the shear strength. The effects of sample disturbance, swelling, and cementation are shown to be the principal factors affecting the shear envelope. During the prepeak stage of testing, destruction of the cementation of some specimens occurs, which is reflected in the wavy form of the stress-strain diagrams. The linear strength envelopes were found to be arranged according to the amount of disturbance. (from Author) 965094 Kinematic hardening of soft clay in simple shear A. Puzrin, S. Frydman & M. Talesnick, International Journal for Numerical & Analytical Methods in Geomechahies, 19(11), 1995, pp 769-791.
A normalized, non-degrading form of the shear stress-shear strain relationship for undrained, cyclic simple shear of soft clay is described in this paper, and it is seen to include a single fatigue parameter - the mean effective stress. Application of the relationship therefore requires knowledge of the history of the mean effective stress during any loading history. The present paper proposes an effective stress path model which may be used for prediction of this history. (from Authors)
965095 Normalized nondegrading behavior of soft clay under cyclic simple shear loading A. Puzrin, S. Frydman & M. Talesnick, Journal o f Geotechnical Engineering - ASCE, 121(12), 1995, pp 836-843. The Masing rules, often used in modeling the behavior of soils under cyclic loading, are unreliable when there is significant cyclic degradation of the soil stress-strain curves. In this paper it is shown that degradation under simple shear loading conditions may be attributed, mainly, to decrease in the mean effective stress. (from Authors) 965096 Evolution of structural and physical parameters of clays during experimental compaction G. Vasseur, I. Djeran-Maigre, D. Grunberger, G. Rousset, D. Tessier & B. Velde, Marine & Petroleum Geology, 12(8), 1995, pp 941-954.