Scattering of electromagnetic waves by drift modes

Scattering of electromagnetic waves by drift modes


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Volume 106A, number 4


3 December 1984


P.K. SHUKLA, M.Y. YU and Adel EL-NADI 1 Institut ffir Theoretische Physik, Ruhr-Universitiit Bochum. 4630 Bochum 1, Fed Rep. Germany Received 10 September 1984

It is shown that high-frequency electromagnetic waves can parametrically excite the convection and ion drift waves in a slightly inhomogeneous magnetized plasma. The growth rates of the nonlinear decay instabilities are obtained analytically.

A number of authors [ 1-4] has investigated the nonlinear decay of electromagnetic radiation in a uniform magnetized plasma. Stimulated scattering of strong high-frequency radio waves off ion waves has been observed [5] in the earth's ionosphere. On the other hand, in a nonuniform plasma, the high-frequency waves can also efficiently scatter off the low-frequency (w < Wci = ion gyrofrequency) drift waves [6-8]. Recently, the high-frequency (co ~ Wci) electrostatic ion drift [9] and convection waves [10] have been shown to play an important role in a weakly inhomogeneous plasma. Since the high-frequency electromagnetic waves are employed for heating as well as diagnostic purposes, it is of practical interest to investigate the coupling of radiation with convection modes in a nonuniform plasma. In this note, we show that a highfrequency electromagnetic wave can excite nonthermal ion drift as well as convection waves. It is well known that the excitation of low-frequency electrostatic waves (oA k) by a high-frequency (much larger than the electron plasma frequency ~Ope, the electron gyrofrequency 6Oce, as well as w) electromagnetic wave (c~0, k0) is governed by the equation [2,7] 1


- - + - - ~


1 + Xi

k2tr~0kb2 2oa0(~- 6)'


where 6 is the frequency shift [2], xp = sin ¢ cos 0 (in

general, ~ ~ 1 and k ~ 2k0) , 0 is the angle between k and k0, q~is the angle between k (=k - k0) and u 0 (-qeE/me6O 0 is the constant amplitude of the electron quiver velocity in the electromagnetic pump field E0). Here, qe ( = - e ) and m e stand for the electronic charge and mass, respectively. Eq. (1) describes the three-wave decay interaction process in which the high-frequency electromagnetic Stokes sideband ( c o , k _ ) and the low-frequency electrostatic mode are excited at the expense of the pump. The low-frequency dielectric susceptibility X/of species/(=e for the electrons, =i for the ions) for flute modes is given by [7,11]

X~ k2X----~n/- 1 -





~ _ tl C..,3cj 1













where wo/.. = 4nnoe~ /rn/,. XDi. = T//4nnoe. , A = In(b'/) X exp(-b/), b/= k~.T//m/6o2), COc/= q/Bo/m/c, o~ = - k y gcTj/qjBo, tc = -n61 dno/dx represents the inverse length of the inhomogeneity, B 0 is the stre ~gth of the external magnetic field directed along the z axis, T~ (m/) is the temperature (mass) of species/, c is the velocity of light, and I n is the modified Bessel function of order n. In the zero Larmor radius ( b / ~ 1) approximation, eq. (2) yields the well-known cold plasma result [12],

t Permanent address: Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.

0.375-9601/84/$ 03.00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)


Volume 106A, number 4

3 December 1984

PHYSICS LETTERS T D ~ ( 1 + 4k0Pa) 2 2 -1 ")'i,

602-~o2" l 60 ky " (3) c/ On the other hand, for 60 >> 60ci, Ti ~ Te, and b i >> 1, one finds Xj =

Xi = (kXDi)-2 .


Thus, the unmagnetized ions follow the straight-line orbit in the electrostatic wave field. First, we consider the excitation of the electron convection mode. Accordingly, we assume 60 "~ R e and write eq. (3) as

60 e (1 + 160.1

where L n 1 = -to. For 60 >~ 60pi, 60ci, one can set Xi 0. Substituting (5) into eq. (1), letting 60 = iTe + 6or, 2 2 2 ,~ • 60r = 60pe/[ WcelkyLn (1 + 60pe/60ce) 6, one obtains the growth rate



7e ~ [k0--~n il/2 [ -~0-'0[

60 e



where [koyL n I > 602e/(602e + 60c2e). Secondly, we consider the excitation of the ion convection wave [ 10]. Here, we take 60ci '~ co "~ Iwce60ci 11/2 and 1 @ IkyLn[ "~ (m~me)l[2. Thus, the appropriate ×i for our purposes are Xe = 602i/6060v ,


×i = -Jpi/602 ,


where 60v = 60ciky ILn 1(~"60ci) is the frequency of the convection wave [ 10]. Physically, the latter arises when the ion polarization current exactly balances the electron current generated by the coupling of the cV¢ X Bo/B 2 flow with the density gradient Vn 0. Inserting eqs. (7) and (8) into eq. (1), letting 60 = Wv + iTi and w v ~ 6, one finds the growth rate Ik0o0 1


7i - [koyLn 11/2 (60060ei)1/2

where Pa2 = Ti/me602e" Clearly, TD < ~i for k2p2a >>, 1. The threshold is determined by [7] v0>F



60 600 600



1 +




where F is the linear damping rate of the excited lowfrequency mode, and v e is the electron ion collision frequency. It is easy to verify that 2 2 -1 ")'e/Ti = (mi/me)l/2(Ok/C)( 1 + 60ce/60pe) ,


where v A = (~7,i/60pi)C is the Alfv6n speed. Thus, 7e Ti for OA/C ~ (me/mi) I/2. Taking some typical values for plasmas produced by Nd glass lasers, e.g., 6o0 ~ 1.8 X 10 15 rad s -1 , Wce 3 X 10 13 rad s -1, COpe ~ 3 X 10 14 rad s -1, Oo/C 10 -3, L n ~ 10/lm, mi/m e = 1836, one finds 7i 10 11 rad s -1 , which is of the same order as the growth rate obtained by Stenflo [7]. In summary, we have presented a nonlinear mechanism by which enhanced convection and ion drift waves can be created in a nonuniform plasma. The present nonlinear effects can have important consequences to plasma confinement. For example, nonthermal high-frequency drift-type fluctuations can give rise to anomalous cross-field particle transport [9]. On the other hand, the scattering of electromagnetic waves by density fluctuations can provide useful information on various plasma parameters in a nonuniform magnetized plasma. This research was performed under the auspices of the Sonderforschungsbereich 162 Plasmaphysik Bochum/Jiilich. One of the authors (A. EI-Nadi) would like to thank G. Ecker for hospitality during his stay in Bochum.



Finally, we consider the excitation o f the ion drift wave in a plasma with T i ~, T e. Here, we substitute eqs. (4) and (5) into eq. (1), let 60 = 60D + i~'D, assume 6 ~ 60D = 1607 I/(1 + k2p2a), and find the growth rate well above threshold



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Volume 106A, number 4


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3 December 1984

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