Scheduling multiprocessor tasks for mean flow time criterion

Scheduling multiprocessor tasks for mean flow time criterion

Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 571}585 Scheduling multiprocessor tasks for mean #ow time criterionq Maciej Drozdowski!,*, Paolo Dell'Olmo"...

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Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 571}585

Scheduling multiprocessor tasks for mean #ow time criterionq Maciej Drozdowski!,*, Paolo Dell'Olmo",# !Instytut Informatyki, Politechnika Poznan& ska, Poznan& , Poland "Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemi e Produzione, Universita% degli Studi di Roma **Tor Vergata++, Rome, Italy #Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica, Rome, Italy Received 1 October 1998; received in revised form 1 February 1999

Abstract Multiprocessor tasks are executed by more than one processor at the same moment of time. This work considers the problem of scheduling unit execution-time and preemptable multiprocessor tasks on m parallel identical processors to minimize mean #ow time and mean weighted #ow time. We analyze complexity status of the problem. When tasks have unit execution time and the number of processors is arbitrary the problem is shown to be computationally hard. Constructing an optimal preemptive schedule is also computationally hard in general. Polynomial algorithms are presented for scheduling unit execution time tasks when the number of processors is "xed, or the numbers of simultaneously required processors are powers of 2. The case of preemptable tasks requiring either 1 or m processors simultaneously is solvable in low-order polynomial time. Scope and purpose E$cient use of scarce resources is of vital importance both in computer and production systems. Scheduling theory attempts to provide guidelines and algorithms for e$cient assignment of the resources to the activities. For a long time the classical scheduling theory assumed that a task can be executed only by one processor at the given moment of time. This assumption is too restrictive in the case of parallel computer systems and modern production systems where tasks (e.g. programs) can be processed on several processors in parallel. Therefore, a new scheduling model of multiprocessor tasks has been proposed recently. Multiprocessor tasks may require more than one processor simultaneously. In this work a deterministic multiprocessor task scheduling problem is analyzed. Most of the earlier publications on this subject assumed schedule length (makespan) optimality criterion. Here we consider di!erent optimality criteria which are


This research has been partially supported by a KBN grant and project CRIT2. * Corresponding author. Institute of Computer Science, Poznan University of Technology, ul. Piotrowo 3A, 60-965 Poznan, Poland. Tel.: #48-61-8782366; fax: #48-61-8771525. E-mail addresses: maciej}[email protected] (M. Drozdowski), [email protected] (P. Dell'Olmo) 0305-0548/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 0 5 - 0 5 4 8 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 4 8 - 9


M. Drozdowski, P. Dell'Olmo / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 571}585

the mean #ow time and the mean weighted #ow time. These are important for the user of the computer system rather than for the owner of the computing facility because they are very closely related to the average waiting time observed by the user. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Deterministic scheduling; Parallel computer systems; Multiprocessor tasks; Mean #ow time

1. Introduction Parallel processing receives growing attention of the research community and the industry. An important element of parallel processing success is its e$ciency. Hence, there is a need for e$cient scheduling algorithms. In this work we assume that applications (or programs) are multiprocessor tasks. Multiprocessor task model assumes that some tasks may require several processors at the same moment of time. Examples of multiprocessor tasks include programs executed on several processors in parallel which vote for the reliable "nal result [1], mutual testing of processors by each other [2], "le transfers [3] which require two &processing' elements simultaneously: the sender and the receiver. Multiprocessor tasks are also favorable for e$ciency reasons and represent coscheduled (also called gang-scheduled) tasks [1,4]. An extensive description of the multiprocessor task concept can be found in Blazewicz et al. [5]; Drozdowski [6] and Vettman et al. [7]. We formulate now the considered scheduling problem. The computer system consists of set P"MP ,2, P N of parallel identical processors. 1 m The task set T"MT1, T2,2, TmN is composed of subsets: T1 of n tasks requiring one 1 processor, T2 of n tasks requiring two processors in parallel, 2, Tm of n tasks requiring 2 m m processors simultaneously, where n"n #n #2#n . For the sake of conciseness we will 1 2 m address uniprocessor tasks as 1-tasks, biprocessor tasks as 2-tasks, triple-processor tasks as 3-tasks, etc. The number of processors simultaneously required by task ¹ will be called task size and j denoted size . Note, that for each task only one possible number of simultaneously required j processors is given. Tasks are independent. In the following we distinguish two possible situations for task processing times. Tasks have either unit execution times (UET) and are nonpreemptable or the processing times of the tasks are arbitrary but tasks are preemptable. When preemptions are not allowed all tasks must be executed continuously on the same processor(s) from the beginning till the very end. Preemptability means that each task can be suspended, and restarted later (possibly on a di!erent processor) without inducing additional overheads. In the former case t "1 for j j"1,2, n. In the latter case processing time is denoted t for task ¹ . Tasks may arrive into the j j system at di!erent moments of time or may have limited duration of availability for processing. Therefore, task ¹ ( j"1,2, n) is characterized by ready time r and due-date d . Weights w j j j j ( j"1,2, n) may be given for the tasks to re#ect their relative urgency or value. The optimality criteria considered are mean #ow time: +n c , and mean weighted #ow time j/1 j +n w c , where c is the completion time of task ¹ . C denotes schedule length (though it is not j/1 j j j j .!9 the optimality criterion analyzed in this work). To denote considered problems the three-"eld notation introduced in Graham et al. [8] and Vettman et al. [7] will be used (cf. also [5,6]). Symbol P in the "rst "eld means that the number of

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processors is given in the particular instance of the problem. P2 means that the number of processors is equal 2 and "xed by the formulation of the problem. According to Vettman et al. [7] word size in the task "eld means that tasks may require arbitrary numbers of processors. Word j cube is used if the numbers of processors required by the tasks are powers of 2. j Now, we brie#y review related results for classical and multiprocessor tasks scheduling on parallel processors. For the case of mean #ow time criterion and parallel identical processors preemption is not pro"table [9]. Thus, preemptive and nonpreemptive cases (problems PDD+c and j PDpmtnD+c ) can be solved by an algorithm based on the shortest processing time (SPT) rule. j Introducing di!erent ready times or weights makes the problem computationally hard, therefore the following problems are NP-hard: P2DD+w c , P2DpmtnD+w c [10], P2Dpmtn, r D+c [11], j j j j j j 1Dpmtn, r D+w c [12]. UET case is slightly less complex because problems PDp "1, r , d D+c [13], j j j j j j j PDp "1D+w c [9] can be solved in polynomial time. As far as multiprocessor task case is j j j considered, it has been shown [14] that problem P2Dsize D+w c is strongly NP-hard, and problem j j j P2Dsize D+c is NP-hard. j j Further organization of the work is as follows. In Section 2 we consider scheduling UET tasks, and in Section 3 preemptive scheduling is analyzed. Conclusions and a table summing the results are presented in the last section.

2. UET tasks 2.1. PDsize , p "1D+c j j j In this section we consider scheduling unit execution time (UET) tasks. First, we show that the problem of scheduling UET tasks with mean #ow time criterion is strongly NP-hard. Theorem 1. Problem PDsize , p "1D+c is NP-hard in the strong sense. j j j Proof. The problem is in NP. We prove strong NP-hardness by reduction of 3-PARTITION to a decision version of our problem. 3-PARTITION is de"ned as follows. 3-PARTITION INSTANCE: Set A of 3q integers a ( j"1,2, 3q), such that +3q a "Bq and B/4(a (B/2 for j j/1 j j j"1,2, 3q. QUESTION: Can A be partitioned into q disjoint subsets A ,2, A such that + j ia "B for 1 q a |A j i"1,2, q? 3-PARTITION can be transformed to our scheduling problem as follows: m"B; n"3q; size "a , t "1 for j"1,2, n; j j j q y" + (3i)"3(q#q2). 2 i/1


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Fig. 1. A feasible schedule for the proof of Theorem 1, when 3-PARTITION exists.

We ask whether a schedule with mean #ow time at most equal to y exist. First, assume that the answer to 3-PARTITION is positive. Then, in a feasible schedule with mean #ow time at most equal y three tasks ¹ , ¹ , ¹ corresponding to three elements a , a , a forming set A (i"1,2, q), such e f g e f g i that + j ia "a #a #a "B, are executed in parallel (cf. Fig. 1). Thus, in time unit i tasks a |A j e f g corresponding to the elements of set A are executed in parallel. i Now, suppose a feasible schedule with mean #ow time less than or equal y exists. We will show that such a schedule must not be longer than q. Note, that due to the processing requirement no shorter shedule than q may exist. Assume, on the contrary, that the schedule is longer than q but its mean #ow time is y or less. Let us denote by n@ the number of tasks that are not completed by time q. On the one hand due to not completing the n@ tasks before time q mean #ow time is reduced by at most qn@ in relation to y. On the other hand, these tasks also contribute at least (q#1)n@ to the mean #ow time. Thus, any schedule completed after q has bigger mean #ow time than y. Consequently, the schedule must not be longer than q and must have the form presented in Fig. 1. Hence, also the 3-PARTITION instance must have a positive answer. h 2.2. PmDsize , p "1D+w c j j j j The method of solving this problem is based on the concept of a processor feasible set of tasks (PFS in short). A collection of tasks is processor feasible when the tasks can be processed in parallel on the given number of processors. The number M of PFSs is at most (n ) and is polynomially m bounded provided that m is "xed (i.e. it is O(nm)). Note, that the collection of tasks executed in each time unit of any feasible schedule for the considered problem is a processor feasible set. Let us observe that a greedy algorithm "rst executing PFSs with the biggest total weight of the included tasks is not optimal in general. To verify this observation consider an example. Example 1. Assume k, m, w are positive integers, and m*k'w#1. All tasks have unit execution time. n"2k; w "1, size "1 for j"1,2, k; j j w "w, size "m!1 for j"k#1,2, 2k. j j A greedy algorithm schedules tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ in the "rst time unit, and tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ in the 1 k k`1 2k interval [2, k#1]. The optimality criterion is +w c "k#+k`1wi. On the other hand, a schedule j j i/2

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in which pairs of tasks (¹ , ¹ ) for i"1,2, k are executed in parallel has mean #ow time i i`k +w c "+k (w#1)i. The second schedule is better when w'(k!1)/2. j j i/1 It can be shown by interchange argument that among the tasks with the same size tasks with j a bigger value of the weight should be processed "rst. Thus, let us assume that tasks with the same size k are ordered according to nonincreasing value of weight and that ¹k denotes the jth k-task, j while wk is its weight. The method we use here is based on the technique proposed in Blazewicz j et al. [15] and Brucker and KraK mer [16]. This method reduces the problem to "nding a shortest path in some directed graph G"(<, E). Each of the vertices in G is a tuple (t, i ,2, i , l ,2, l ) where 0)t)n, i "0,2, n and 1 m 1 m j j l "0,2, n for j"1,2, m. Such a vertex represents a partial schedule with i tasks of size j j j j ( j"1,2, m) started before or at time t. l is the number of j-tasks ( j"1,2, m) completed at time j t#1. Thus, numbers l ,2, l represent a processor feasible set of tasks started at t and completed 1 m at t#1. (0,2, 0) is a starting vertex representing state of the schedule when no decision about tasks started at time 0 is made yet. Vertex (n, n ,2, n , 0,2, 0) is the terminus of the network 1 m representing the situation when all tasks are completed. There are arcs of two types in E. The "rst type of arcs links nodes with the same value of time t. The arcs of this type represent a situation that some processor feasible set is started at time t. Let A ( j"1,2, M) denote a processor feasible set started at t. Then, an arc exists from node j (t, i ,2, i ,0,2, 0) to node (t, i #l ,2, i #l ,2, i #l , l ,2, l ). Note that l (k"1,2, m) is 1 m 1 i k k m m 1 m k the number of k-tasks included in A . A can be scheduled at t if and only if there are still unexecuted j j tasks of the sizes A comprises. This means that such an arc exists if and only if i #l )n for j k k k k"1,2, m. Starting A at t bears cost +m +la (t#1)waa in the mean #ow time. The second j a/1 b/1 i `b type of arcs joins nodes with di!erent time values: (t, i ,2, i , l ,2, l ) with (t#1, i ,2, 1 m 1 m 1 i , 0,2, 0). These arcs bear no cost in the mean #ow time. m A path in G from node (0,2, 0) to the node (n, n ,2, n , 0,2, 0) represents a feasible schedule. 1 m The length of the path is equal to the value of the mean #ow time criterion. Hence, the shortest such path in G from (0,2, 0) to (n, n ,2, n , 0,2, 0) represents the optimal schedule. There are 1 m O(n2m`1) nodes in G, at most O(nm) arcs direct into any node. Hence, construction of G requires O(n3m`1) time. The shortest path can be found in O(n3m`1) time. The total time complexity of the proposed method is O(n3m`1). Thus, the problem can be solved in polynomial time provided that the number of processors m is "xed. 2.3. PDcube , p "1D+w c j j j j In this section we analyze the case when task sizes are multiples of each other and m is a multiple of the biggest task size. In particular, it is the case of hypercube computers and buddy processor allocation schemes where tasks require number of processors which is a power of 2. This case is simpler than the previous ones because matching sizes of tasks to be processed in parallel can be done in polynomial time [17]. For the simplicity reasons we assume in the further presentation that sizes of tasks are powers of 2. The algorithm we propose for this problem builds processor feasible sets in the nonincreasing order of the total value of included tasks. The number of processors occupied by the PFS built gradually increases from 1 to m. A pseudocode of the algorithm for problem PDcube , p "1D+w c is j j j j as follows. We will refer to this algorithm as Merge by Weight and Size (MWS) algorithm.


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Algorithm MWS begin PFS " : 0; for i"0 to log m!1 do 2 begin ¸" : list of 2i-tasks sorted according to nonincreasing weights; PFS@ " : list of pairs of the highest weight elements merged from list ¸ and PFS; (* in a pair on list PFS@ both elements can come from PFS, or both elements may come from ¸, or one element may come from PFS and one from ¸, depending on the total weight of the combination*) PFS " : PFS@; end; ¸" : list of m-tasks sorted according to nonincreasing weights; PFS@ " : PFS and ¸ merged in the order of nonincreasing weight; schedule tasks in the order from list PFS@; end. Theorem 2. Algorithm MWS builds optimal schedules for problem PDcube , p "1D+w c in j j j j O(n(log n#log m)) time. Proof. Let us "rst analyze optimality of MWS algorithm. Suppose that in the optimal schedule total weight of the tasks executed in the "rst time unit is not maximal. Let TH denote a set of tasks which can be executed in parallel and has the highest total weight of the included tasks. We will demonstrate that every schedule can be transformed to a one in which TH is executed in the "rst time unit, and that the conversion does not increase the mean weighted #ow time. Let l where k"2i, i"0,2, log m denote the number of k-tasks in set TH. Without loss of k generality we assume that +-0' ml 2k"m. Otherwise, the desired collection is not the heaviest k/0 k possible because empty slots are left that can be "lled by any task, or the number of the tasks of m ky k/0 lk2 ) ,2, 1. certain sizes is not big enough. If +-0' ml 2k(m then there are no tasks of size 2 x-0'2(m~+-0' k/0 k In this situation we add m!+-0' ml 2k 1-tasks with weight 0. k/0 k The "rst step of the conversion consists in shifting tasks in their initial time units of processing (cf. Fig. 2a). Without changing the mean #ow time 1-tasks of set TH can be assigned to processors P ,2, P 1. Analogously, 2k-tasks can be reassigned to processors P ,2, P k k where 1 l a`1 a`l 2 a"+k~1l 2i. This transformation will be called move type one. The second step consists in shifting i/0 i tasks included in TH from their original time units to the "rst time unit of the schedule. This shift is feasible when the replacement is wider than the tasks being replaced (cf. Fig. 2b). We will call this kind of transformation move type two. In the opposite case (the task being replaced is wider than the collection replacing it) move type three is applied. The narrower tasks from a latter time unit must replace some task(s) of the same (total) size in an earlier time unit where another task to be shifted is executed. Then, the pair can replace another wider task (or collection of tasks) in the time unit where another task(s) desired for shifting is(are) executed (cf. Fig. 2c). In this way all the required tasks can be feasibly collected in one time unit which "nally is swapped with the "rst time unit in the schedule. The "rst type of moves does not change mean #ow time because

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Fig. 2. Transformation of the schedule for problem PDcube , p "1D+w c . (a) type 1, (b) type 2, (c) type 3 of a move. j j j j

completion times are not changed. The second and third types of moves do not increase mean #ow time because always the tasks with higher weight are executed earlier than in the original schedule. The tasks which due to the swaps are "nally executed later must have weights smaller than or equal to the weight of their replacements. Otherwise they would have been selected for set TH. Hence, the mean #ow time has been reduced which contradicts assumption that the schedule is optimal. We conclude that the "rst time unit must have the biggest possible total weight. This reasoning can be applied recursively to the following time units of the optimal schedule. Hence, time unit i should have the biggest total weight for the tasks executed in interval [i, C ]. .!9


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Algorithm MWS builds schedules in which the "rst time unit has the biggest weight PFS for tasks selected from T. The second time unit has the biggest total weight possible for the remaining tasks, etc. Construction of list ¸ requires O(n log n) time over all the algorithm run, each construction of list PFS@ (merging) requires O(n) time. The for loop of the algorithm is executed O(log m) times, therefore, algorithm MWS has complexity O(n(log n#log m)). h

3. Preemptive scheduling In this section we assume that processing times are arbitrary but tasks are preemptable. We "rst analyze the complexity of this problem in general. Then, we propose a polynomial time algorithm for problem PDsize 3M1, mN, pmtnD+c , i.e. when tasks use either one or all m processors. j j PDsize , pmtnD+c j j The idea of NP-hardness proof for PDsize , p "1D+c used in Theorem 1 cannot be applied here. It j j j is because tasks are preemptable. Let us examine an example. Example 2. m"4, n"6, n "4, n "1, n "1, n "0, 1 2 3 4 size "1 for j"1,2, 4 j size "2, size "3, processing times of all the tasks are 1. 5 6 It is clear that partition of the task set into two subsets of equal total sizes does not exist because the sum of sizes is odd. However, this does not imply that the shortest schedule has length 3. A feasible schedule of length 2.25 is shown in Fig. 3 The proof of Theorem 1 was based on the observation that schedule length must be an integer. This is no longer true here. From the above example we infer that Theorem 1 cannot be extended to the preemptive case. Yet, NP-hardness in the ordinary sense can be shown. Theorem 3. Problem PDsize , pmtnD+c } is NP-hard. j j

Fig. 3. Feasible schedule for Example 2.

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Proof. The proof is based on showing a Turing transformation of scheduling problem. PARTITION is de"ned below.



problem to our


Set A of q integers a ( j"1,2, q), such that +q a "2B and a (B for j"1,2, q. j j/1 j j Does set A@LA such that + j a "+ j a "B exist? a |A j a |A~A{ j The instance of the scheduling problem is described below.



m"B, n"q#k; size "a , t "1 for j"1,2, q; j j j 4 size "m, t "C for j"q#1,2, q#k; j j C, k are integers such that CAq, k'q and k'Bq/2. We will call tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ small, and tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ big. We ask whether a schedule with 1 q q`1 q`k mean #ow time not greater than y"[(q#k)/2]#[(k#1)kC/2] exists. The construction we described requires k'Bq/2 big tasks which poses a question whether the transformation is polynomial. Transformation is polynomial because description of big tasks requires only the number of tasks, their size and processing time. The length of such a string is O(log B#log q)(log q#log m). Suppose the answer to PARTITION is positive. Then a schedule can be built in which tasks corresponding to elements in A@ are executed in interval [0, 1], tasks corresponding to elements in 4 A!A@ are executed in [1, 1], and big tasks are executed at the end of the schedule. The value of the 42 mean #ow time is + 1#+ 1#+k (1#Cj)) q #k #[k(k#1)C/2]"y. j|A{4 j|A~A{2 j/1 2 2 2 Now, suppose a feasible schedule with mean #ow time at most y exists. In such a schedule small tasks must be executed "rst. Otherwise, if any of the big tasks were executed "rst, the value of the mean #ow time would increase in relation to y by at least C#q(C#1)! q !(C#1)'0. Suppose 4 2 2 that the last small task is completed at 1#e and e'0. Then, mean #ow time for big tasks is 2 ke#(k/2)#[(k#1)kC/2]. Now, let us examine the value of e when the answer to PARTITION is negative. This means that any PFS of tasks uses at most m!1 processors which creates inevitable idle time. The amount of idle time is at least 1 which must be compensated in extending the 2 schedule for small tasks by at least 1/2B. Thus, e*1/2B. The mean #ow time for small tasks must be at least q/4, which would be the case if all small tasks were processed in parallel. Hence, total mean #ow time would be at least (q/4)#(k/2B)#(k/2)#[k(k#1)C]/2. If k'Bq/2 then the total mean #ow time is bigger than y. Thus, negative answer to PARTITION implies negative answer to our scheduling problem. And vice versa, positive answer to the scheduling problem implies that all small tasks must be "nished before 1#1/2B which is possible only if total idle time created in the 2 part of the schedule for small tasks is less than 1 which is possible only when some PFS uses all 2 processors. Thus, the answer in PARTITION is positive. h PDsize 3M1, mN, pmtnD+c j j It is assumed here that tasks require either one or all m processors simultaneously. In the schedule for this problem one can distinguish intervals of time where 1-tasks are executed and intervals of time where m-tasks are executed. In the intervals of one of the above two types interruption of tasks execution is not pro"table which follow standard scheduling theory results [9]. Closer examination of the order among tasks of the same size leads to the following conclusion.


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Theorem 4. In the schedule for PDsize 3M1, mN, pmtnD+c tasks of the same size are ordered according j j to SPT rule. Proof. The proof can be done by the interchange argument. h However, the order between m-tasks and 1-tasks is not obvious. It seems that our problem has some similarity with 1Dout-treeD+c . It is because of the following properties of the optimal j schedules: 1. preemption during processing m-tasks is not pro"table, 2. properties mentioned in Theorem 4, 3. m-tasks should be started at the beginning of the schedule or at the end of some other task (this feature will become clear in the further discussion). Due to Theorem 4 schedule of 1-tasks is "xed. m-tasks can be inserted in this schedule only in time moments where some 1-task(s) complete. Therefore, schedule of 1-tasks can be transformed into a chain of arti"cial tasks ¹@ P¹@ P2P¹@ representing intervals between completions of 1 2 l the consecutive original 1-tasks. The chain of arti"cial tasks representing the schedule of 1-tasks and m tasks can be combined into an out-tree with an arti"cial 0-processing time task as a root. Thus, it seems that our problem can be reduced to 1Dout-treeD+c . Problem 1Dout-treeD+c is solvable j j in O(n log n) time [18] or cf. e.g. [5]. However, the similarity to 1Dout-treeD+c is super"cial. Let us j examine an example. Example 3. m"2, n"3, size "size "1, t "t "3, 1 2 1 2 size "2, t "2. 3 3 In the schedule for 1-tasks ¹ and ¹ are executed in parallel. Hence, the chain representing this 1 2 schedule consist of a single arti"cial task of length t@"3. The algorithm for 1Dout-treeD+c must j decide which of the tasks should be execute "rst ¹ , or the arti"cial task representing 1-tasks 3 schedule. The algorithm selects ¹ to start the schedule because t (t@. This results in mean #ow 3 3 time 12. On the other hand, if ¹ is executed last, mean #ow time is 11. We conclude from this 3 example that our problem is not equivalent to 1Dout-treeD+c . j Let us analyze yet another example to verify other possible positions of m-tasks in relation to 1-tasks. Example 4. m"2, n"9, size "2"size "1, 1 7 t "2"t "1, t "2"t "2, t "3; 1 3 4 6 7 size "size "2, t "1, t "2. 8 9 8 9

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The order of 1-tasks is SPT order, shown in Fig. 4a. The question is where to insert the 2-tasks. Suppose, ¹ starts the partial schedule for ¹ ,2, ¹ . This increases mean #ow time by 8. The same 8 1 8 would happen if ¹ were executed last. Yet, when ¹ is inserted after ¹ and ¹ mean #ow time 8 8 1 2 increases by 7. Suppose ¹ is executed right after ¹ and ¹ . By Theorem 4 task ¹ must be 8 1 2 9 executed after ¹ . When ¹ is executed immediately after ¹ , mean #ow time is increased by 14. 8 9 8 However, if it was executed after task ¹ , or at the end of the schedule the mean #ow time would 6 grow by 10. It can be concluded from Example 4 that the position of m-tasks in relation to 1-tasks is not governed by a simple rule. There can be many equally good insertion points of an m-task. To "nd a right position of an m-task we propose to calculate a simple piecewise linear function which speci"es the increase of the mean #ow time if m-task ¹ were inserted into some given initial j

Fig. 4. Example 4: (a) SPT schedule for 1-tasks, (b) f (8, t) and f (9, t) for ¹ started at 1, (c) optimal schedule for all tasks. 8


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schedule S for tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ at time t. If in the following discussion initial schedule S is clearly 1 j~1 identi"ed by the context we denote such a function f ( j, t), where distinction between the initial schedules for tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ is needed this function will be denoted f (S, j, t) (cf. proof of 1 j~1 Theorem 5). Function f can be seen as a superposition of two other functions of t: (a) the increase of the mean #ow time due to starting ¹ at t, j (b) a decreasing function which re#ects the number of tasks completed before starting ¹ . j k i 1. 2. 3.

The value of f ( j, t) decreases by t k at the points x (i"1,2, q) of the initial schedule where j i i tasks are completed. Thus, f ( j, t) can be calculated using the following rules:

f ( j, 0)"jt ; j f ( j, t) increases linearly with t, provided tOx (i"1,2, q); i f ( j, t) decreases by k t when t"x (i"1,2, q). ij i It can be observed that f ( j, t) has local minima only at 0, x ,2, x . Thus, we can restrict further 1 q examination of insertion points for m-tasks to these q#1 time moments. Furthermore, it is the reason for inserting m-tasks only at the end of some other tasks, which was alluded to before Example 3. Function f ( j, t) and its minima can be calculated in O(n) time. Functions f (8, t) and f (9, t) (when ¹ starting at time 1) for the Example 4 are depicted in Fig. 4b. We are able now to 8 formulate an algorithm for problem PDsize 3M1, mN, pmtnD+c . Without loss of generality we assume j j that size )2)size . 1 n Algorithm for PDsize 3M1, mN, pmtnD+c . j j begin build an SPT schedule for 1-tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ 1; 1 n order m-tasks according to SPT rule; for j"1 to n do m begin construct f (n #j, t) and "nd its minimum f (n #j, t@); 1 1 insert m-task ¹ into the schedule for tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ at t@; j 1 j~1 end; end. The algorithm has complexity O(n2). The optimal schedule for Example 4 is shown in Fig. 4c. From the form of example functions in Fig. 4b one observes that there may be many equally good positions for inserting m-tasks into the initial schedule for 1-tasks. Does the selection of ¹ insertion j point contribute to the minima achieved by functions f ( j#1, t),2, f (n, t)? We are going to demonstrate that it is not the case. Theorem 5. The insertion point t@ for m-task ¹ is immaterial for the minimum of f ( j#1, t), j 2, f (n, t), provided that f ( j, t@) is a minimum of f ( j, t). Proof. Suppose m-task ¹ can be inserted in two places t@ and tA, where t@(tA, and there are j no other equally good insertion points between t@ and tA. We select tA and show that f ( j#1, t)

M. Drozdowski, P. Dell'Olmo / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 571}585


has the same minimum if t@ were selected for the insertion of ¹ . The proof will be given by j contradiction. Function f ( j, t) has minima at time moments where some tasks "nish in the schedule for tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ . Therefore, we can restrict our considerations to these points in time. Let 1 j~1 l (i"1,2, a) denote lengths of intervals between two consecutive completions of some task(s), in i the schedule for tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ and included in [t@, tA]. Thus, tA"t@#+a l . k is the number 1 j~1 i/1 i i of tasks "nished at the end of interval i. Since t@, tA are equivalent for the insertion of ¹ we have j f ( j, t@)"f ( j, t@#+a l ). By the method of f( j, t) construction we have i/1 i



a a a f j, t@# + l "f ( j, t@)# + l !t + k , i i j i i/1 i/1 i/1 and from this a a + l !t + k "0. (1) i j i i/1 i/1 Let f (S , j#1, t) denote the function returning the increase in the mean #ow time due to processing 1 task ¹ when ¹ was started at t@. Similarly f (S , j#1, t), denotes the increase of the mean #ow j`1 j 2 time incurred by ¹ provided that ¹ was started at tA. j`1 j Suppose ¹ is inserted at t@, then the local minimum of f (S , j#1, t) achieved at the end of some j 1 interval x3M1,2, a!1N is



x x x f S , j#1, t@#t # + l "f (S , j#1, t@)#t !t # + l !t + k. 1 j i 1 j j`1 i j`1 i i/1 i/1 i/1 Alternatively, ¹ can be started at tA. Then, j


a a f (S , j#1, tA#t )"f (S , j#1, t@)# + l !t + l #t !t . (3) 2 j 1 i j`1 i j j`1 i/1 i/1 Suppose starting point t@ is better than tA. This means that there exist some point t@#t #+x l j i/1 i where



x f S , j#1, t@#t # + l (f (S , j#1, tA#t ). 1 j i 2 j i/1 By substitution from Eqs. (2) and (3) we get x x a a t !t # + l !t + k ( + l !t + l #t !t j j`1 i j`1 i i j`1 i j j`1 i/1 i/1 i/1 i/1 and from Eq. (1) x x a + l !t + k (!(t !t ) + k . i j`1 i j`1 j i i/1 i/1 i/1


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By reformulation of this inequality we obtain x a x x (t !t ) + k #(t !t ) + k (t + k!+ l j`1 j i j`1 j i j`1 i i i/1 i/x`1 i/1 i/1 a x x (t !t ) + k (t + k ! + l . j`1 j i j i i i/x`1 i/1 i/1 Since m-tasks are ordered by SPT rule, t *t and the left-hand side of the above inequality is j`1 j nonnegative. The right-hand side must be negative because f ( j, t@)(f ( j, t@#+x l ) i/1 i "f ( j, t@)#+x l !t +x k . Otherwise time moment t@#+x l (tA would be an alternative i/1 i j i/1 i i/1 i minimum, and would be selected for alternative insertion point of ¹ . Thus, we get a contradiction. j We conclude that the minimum of f (S , j#1, t) may not be smaller than minimum of f (S , j#1, t). 1 2 Analogously, suppose starting point tA is better than t@. This would mean ∀ f (S , j#1, t@# x 1 t #+x l )'f (S , j#1, tA#t ), but substituting a for x we get f (S , j#1, t@#t #+a l )" j i/1 i 2 j 1 j i/1 i f (S , j#1, tA#t ) by Eqs. (2) and (3). 2 j This reasoning can be applied recursively to all pairs of points in the initial schedule for tasks ¹ ,2, ¹ , where function f ( j, t) has minima, and to consecutive pairs of m-tasks. This concludes 1 j~1 the proof. h

4. Conclusions In this work we analyzed scheduling multiprocessor tasks for mean #ow time and weighted mean #ow time criteria. The results obtained are collected in the following table.



Unit execution time PDsize , p "1D+c j j j PmDsize , p "1D+w c j j j j PDcube , p "1D+w c j j j j

Strongly NP-hard O(n3m`1) O(n(log n#log m))

Preemptive scheduling PDsize , pmtnD+c j j PDsize 3M1, mN, pmtnD+c j j

NP-hard O(n2)

Further research may include analysis of preemptive scheduling multiprocessor tasks requiring processors according to cube model, scheduling with mean weighted #ow time criterion, or may j include problems where release times and due-dates are present.

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