School Health Service Group

School Health Service Group

109 PUBLIC HEALTH, February, 1949 2. Producers. FA;Gs.--Increasc production. MiLK.----Improve quality and quantity. Pasteurise all milk. CrmESE. Pro...

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PUBLIC HEALTH, February, 1949

2. Producers. FA;Gs.--Increasc production. MiLK.----Improve quality and quantity. Pasteurise all milk. CrmESE. Produce larger quantities of existing national varieties ; produce fresh varieties. FISH. Improve handling, processing and distribution. MEAT.--lmprove handling. VEGETABLEs.--Maintain potato production at present level. Increase availability and vitamin content of vegetables. FLovR.--Improve milling processes. FRurr.--Increase production. [AAISON. Develop liaison with doctors, scientists and nutritionists. 3. Distributors. FISH. Improve distribution and handling. MEaT.--Improve handling. VECETABLES and FRUIT.---Improve distribution and handling. BaEAD.~lmprove handling; bread to be wrapped. 4. Caterers. Make use of every opportunity to improve the catering knowledge of staffs, including knowledge of nutrition. Eccs.--Serve attractive dishes made from dried egg. MinK.---Serve attractive dishes and dishes made from dried milk. CHEESE.---Serve more cheese and cheese dishes. Fzsn.--Serve more attractive dishes, especially of herring and fat fish. VEGETABLES.--Serve nmre attractive dishes at each main meal. Serve more salad vegetables. Study better methods of preparing vegetables. FLouR.---Serve bread of at least 85% extraction flour and in more attractive forms. FRuiT.---Serve fruit daily (fresh and dried). 5. Educators (including Ministry of Food and Ministry of Education, and Health and Education Departments of voluntary organisations. EcGs.---Develop an interest in dried egg. MILK.~Develop an interest in skimmed milk and stress its food value. CHEESE.----Cultivate taste for cheese and cheese dishes. FmH.--Encourage consumption of fat fish, especially herring. VECETABLEs.--Encourage liking for all kinds. Encourage consumption of potatoes. Promote daily consumption of vegetables, including salads. FLOUR.--Develop taste for lightly milled flour. SuGArt.--Encourage displacement of sweetened starchy foods by: bread (85% extraction), vegetables of high vitamin value, dried fruits. FrtuiT.--Correct prejudice against fresh fruit. Develop belief that flesh and dried fruits are among the best dietetic supplements. BREAST FEEmNG.--Encourage. PREGNANCY AND CHILD GRowTtt.---Encourage correct feeding.

SCHOOL MEALS.--Increase provision to make them available for 10O% of the school population. 6. Consumers--subject to food being available. more dried egg. MILK.--Use more skimmed and dried milk. Experiment with new milk dishes. CIIEESE.--Use more cheese. FisH.--Use more fat fish. VEGETABLES.----Usemore vegetables (especially fresh) and potatoes. FLovR.--Prefer 85% extraction flour (or more). SUGAR.~Use less sweetened starchy foods. FRurr.--Use more fresh and dried fruits.




President : Professor R. H. Parry, M,D., F.R.C.P., D.P.H. NOTICES

ORDINARY MEETING Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Meeting of the SocietY will be held in the Hastings Hail, Tavistoek House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.1, on Thursday, February 17th, 1949, at 5.80 p.m. AGENDA

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Minutes. Correspondence. Election as an Honorary Fellow, on the recommendation of the Council, of Thomas Carnwath, D.S.O., D.SC., mA., M.m, B.CH., R.U.I., formerly Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health, and Board of Education, of Craigside, Whitehead, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. Election of Fellows and Associates (see list printed on p. 1I0). Nomination of Candidates for election,


Election of fully-paid Life Fellows, on the recommendathm of the Council and their Branches, as follows : Home Counties Branch.--Dr. C. G. \Velch (formerly M.O.H., Bedfordshire). Joined the Society 1919. .~Ietropotitan Branch.--Dr. John Sullivan (formerly M.O.iI., Futham). Joined the Society 1923. 7. Report of transfer of the following Associates to the FelIo-~x~hip in accordance with the revised constitution : - J. c . Crossley, LD.S. jeffrey Fletcher, LD.S. F. J. Gilbertson, LD.S. Rachel I. Mears, X..D.S. A. Gordon Taylor, ~-.D.S. J. Rhys-Herbert, L.M.S.S.A., 1..D.S. R. Eva Velden, M.D. Douglas Wain, O.B.E., L.D.S. K. C. B. Webster, L.D.S. 8. T o pass the necessary resolution in accordance with the Companies Acts to increase the registered number of members of the Society to 2,500. 9. Address by C. A. Boucher, Esq., M.A., D.M., D.P.H., Medical Officer, Ministry of Health, entitled, " Can the M.O.H. help to prevent Home Accidents ? " Tavistock House, By Order, Tavistock Square, G . L . C . ELLISTON, London, W.C. 1. Executive Secretary. January 31st, 1949.

FEVER HOSPITAL MEDICAL SERVICE GROUP Group Council Meeting A meeting of the Council of the above Group will bc hcht at 2.30 p.m., on Monday, February 21st, 1949, at Ta~istock Housc South, in the Society's Committee Room (Room 3(}9. (,round F1~)r, near Entrance C), to discuss the contribution to be made bv the Group to the Joint Conference with thc British Paediatric Association, November, 1949. Grove Hospital, J . c . 3.tcENTEE. Tooting, London, S.W.17. Hon. Secretary. February 3rd, 1949. M A T E R N I T Y AND C H I L D W E L F A R E GROUP Refresher Courses The Group is arranging the following short coursc.~:-(A) A t Leeds, April 29th to l~]ay tst inclusiv,., i~rogrammc l , include : - I. Recent advances iu ante natal treatm=nt--Professor Clayc. 2. Address "Partners in the Care o~ (:t~ild Life"--Pro~c~-or Craig. 3. Skin disease in children Dr. Ingrain. 4. Visit to Pinderfields Hospital to see orthopaedic cases and rehabilitation organisation. Registration fees (10s. 6d.) for this course should be sent by March 31st, to the Hon. Treasurer, Dr. E. V. Saunders-Jacobs, Chest Clinic, Maxey Road, Woolwich, S.E.18. ~B) In London, at the conclusion of the Annual M. & C.W. Conference.--Programme to include : - 1. Speech defects--Dr. Mary Sheridan ; and a visit to a residential school for speech defects near Oxted, Surrey. 2. Visit to the Goldie Leigh Hospital and address by Sir Archibald Gray. 3. Visit to Islington day observation ward. 4. Gastro-enteritis Flying Squad, Hospital for Sick Children. Great Ormond Street. The Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health, has expressed his approval of these courses as likely to be of value to the Medical officers attending them. Divisional Health Office, ANN MOWER WHITE, 128, Brook Drive, Hon. Secretary. London, S.E.1 t.

SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICE GROUP Refresher Course for A.S.M.O.s, London, April 25t~ to 30th, 1949 The Group is arranging a course, designed mainly for Assistant S.M.O.s engaged in clinical work, to be held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine from Monday, April 25th to Saturday, 30th. The Minister of Education has approved the course and will sanction the payment of expenses by medical officers attending without special application. The course fee is 3 guineas. Applications should be sent as soon as possible to the Executive Secretary, Society of M.O.H., Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I.