Screening of fusion partners for high yield expression and purification of bioactive viscotoxins

Screening of fusion partners for high yield expression and purification of bioactive viscotoxins

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Protein Expression and Purification 64 (2009) 16–23

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Protein Expression and Purification j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y p r e p

Screening of fusion partners for high yield expression and purification of bioactive viscotoxins Julius Bogomolovas a, Bernd Simon a, Michael Sattler a,b,c, Gunter Stier a,d,* a

Struc­tural and Com­pu­ta­tional Biol­ogy Unit, Euro­pean Molec­u­lar Biol­ogy Lab­o­ra­tory, Mey­er­hofst­rasse 1, 69117 Hei­del­berg, Ger­many Insti­tute of Struc­tural Biol­ogy, Helm­holtz Zen­trum Mün­chen, Ing­olstäd­ter Lands­tr. 1, 85764 Neu­her­berg, Ger­many c Munich Cen­ter for Inte­grated Pro­tein Sci­ence and Chair Bio­mo­lec­u­lar NMR, Depart­ment Che­mie, Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen, Lich­tenbergstr. 4, 85747 Garch­ing, Ger­many d Umeå Cen­ter for Molec­u­lar Path­o­gen­es­ is, Umeå Uni­ver­sity, SE-901 87 Umeå, Swe­den b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 20 June 2008 and in revised form 2 October 2008 Available online 17 October 2008  Key­words: Vis­co­tox­ins Thio­nins Fusion tag Expres­sion screen Esch­e­richia coli Iso­to­pic label­ing Cyto­tox­ic­ity

a b s t r a c t Vis­co­tox­ins are small cat­ionic pro­teins found in Euro­pean mis­tle­toe Vis­cum album. They are highly toxic towards phy­to­path­o­genic fungi and can­cer cells. Het­er­ol­o­gous expres­sion of vis­co­tox­ins would broaden the spec­trum of meth­ods to be applied for bet­ter under­stand­ing of their struc­ture and func­tion and sat­isfy pos­ si­ble bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal needs. Here, we eval­u­ated 13 dif­fer­ent pro­teins as a fusion part­ners for expres­sion in Esch­e­richia coli cells: His6 tag and His6-tagged ver­sions of GB1, ZZ tag, Z tag, malt­ose bind­ing pro­tein, NusA, glu­ta­thi­one S-trans­fer­ase, thi­o­re­doxin, green fluo­res­cent pro­tein, as well as peri­plas­mic and cyto­solic ver­sions of DsbC and DsbA. The fusion to thi­o­re­doxin gave the high­est yield of sol­u­ble vi­sco­tox­in. The His6tagged fusion pro­tein was cap­tured with Ni2+ affin­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy, sub­se­quently cleaved with tobacco etch virus pro­te­ase. Selec­tive pre­cip­it­ a­tion by acid­i­fi­cat­ion of the cleav­age mix­ture was fol­lowed by cat­ion exchange chro­ma­tog­ra­phy. This pro­to­col yielded 5.2 mg of visc­tox­in A3 from 1 l of cul­ture medium cor­re­ spond­ing to a recov­ery rate of 68%. Mass spec­trom­e­try showed a high purity of the sam­ple and the pres­ence of three disul­fide bridges in the recombinant vi­sco­tox­in. Proper fold­ing of the pro­tein was con­firmed by het­ er­o­nu­clear NMR spec­tra recorded on a uni­formly 15N-labeled sam­ple. Recombinant vis­co­tox­ins prepared using this pro­to­col are toxic to HeLa cells and preserve the activ­ity dif­fer­ences between iso­forms B and A3 found in native pro­teins. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Intro­duc­tion Vis­co­tox­ins are toxic pro­teins of low molec­u­lar weight ­iso­lated from Euro­pean mis­tle­toe (Vis­cum album L). Based on their ­ori­gin and the high sequence sim­i­lar­ity they belong to a spe­cific class of the plant thio­nin fam­ily. Pro­teins of this class are found in leaves and stems of mis­tle­toe spe­cies. They con­sist of 45–46 amino acids, are highly basic and share high sequence as well as ­ter­tiary ­struc­ture sim­i­lar­ity [1,2]. Three disul­fide bridges sta­bi­lize the fold, ­com­pris­ing two alpha heli­ces con­nected by a turn and a short ­anti­par­al­lel beta-sheet. This fold is found in vi­sco­tox­in A3 and with minor mod­i­fi­ca­tions in other mem­bers of III class a/b ­thio­nins [3,4]. Thio­nins are toxic to eukary­otes and pro­kary­otes in vitro and in vivo sug­gest­ing a role in plant defense. Vis­co­tox­ins were shown to be toxic to phy­to­pha­to­gen­ic fungi in vitro [5] and to pro­vide resis­tance in trans­genic plants [6], which implies that vi­sco­tox­in * Cor­re­spond­ing author. Address: Umeå Center for Molecular Pathogenesis, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. E-mail addresses: gun­[email protected], Gun­ter.Stier@mpimf-heidelberg. (G. Stier). 1046-5928/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2008.10.003

and – in broader con­tent – thio­nins func­tion as defense pro­teins. Nev­er­the­less, in Ara­bid­op­sis tha­li­ana the thio­nin gene is acti­vated by a dif­fer­ent path­way than defense pro­teins [7] cast­ing some doubt on a primary defense func­tion for thio­nin in A. tha­li­ana. Other reported activ­i­ties of thio­nins as chap­er­ones [8] or in DNA bind­ing [9] sug­gest addi­tional func­tions of this fam­ily of pro­teins. Thus, the bio­log­i­cal role in vivo remains unclear. Thio­nin cyto­tox­ ic­ity is explained by its inter­ac­tion with the cell mem­brane, which leads to chan­nel for­ma­tion, gen­eral desta­bi­li­za­tion or dis­so­lu­tion [10–12], although more com­plex inter­ac­tions and effects are also found [13,14]. Despite of high struc­tural sim­i­lar­ity the six iso­forms of vis­co­tox­ins have very dif­fer­ent cyto­toxic poten­tials towards can­cer cells in vitro [15–17], which may be asso­ci­ated with sub­tle amino acid sub­sti­tu­tions on the sol­vent acces­si­ble sur­face of the pro­tein lead­ing to dif­fer­ent affin­i­ties and per­tur­ba­tions of mem­ branes [18]. Het­er­ol­o­gous expres­sion of pro­teins in Esch­er­ ichia coli has been proven to be the most cost-effec­tive and safe method of recombinant pro­tein pro­duc­tion, pro­vid­ing the basis for using a vari­ety of meth­ods to under­stand pro­tein struc­ture and activ­ ity [19–21]. Prob­lems with pro­te­o­lytic deg­ra­da­tion, low level of

J. Bo­go­mol­o­vas et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 64 (2009) 16–23

expres­sion, insol­u­bil­ity and tox­ic­ity of thio­nins and related pro­ teins can be over­come by expres­sion of the pro­tein of inter­est as a fusion with car­rier pro­teins [22–27]. The level of sol­u­bil­ity and expres­sion of such fusion pro­teins can be increased by screen­ing induc­tion tem­per­a­ture and E. coli strain [28]. Native vis­co­tox­ins, have been used for var­i­ous stud­ies and are active com­po­nents in med­i­cal mis­tle­toe extract [29–33]. Sev­eral atomic struc­tures of thio­nins have been deter­mined using native sources [3,4,34]. Up to date, only cram­bin, a non-toxic mem­ber of the thio­nin fam­ily was pro­duced by het­er­ol­o­gous expres­sion. Fusion of cram­bin with malt­ose bind­ing pro­tein in E. coli gave low, but suf­fi­cient amounts for struc­tural stud­ies [35]. In other cases het­er­ol­og ­ ous expres­sion or in vitro trans­la­tion was car­ ried out for non-toxic thio­nin pre­cur­sors [36,37], but no quan­ ti­fi­ca­tion of the expres­sion effi­ciency was per­formed. To fur­ther enable struc­tural and bio­phys­ic­ al stud­ies, which require larger amounts of highly puri­fied pro­tein, we wished to estab­lish an effi­cient pro­to­col for the prep­a­ra­tion of recombinant vis­co­tox­ ins. Based on recent devel­op­ments of expres­sion vec­tors [38–40], 13 fusion part­ners for het­er­ol­og ­ ous expres­sion of pro­teins in E. coli were screened for the prep­a­ra­tion of recombinant vi­sco­tox­in. The induc­tion tem­per­at­ ure and E. coli strains used were var­ied and opti­mized as the most impor­tant fac­tors for pro­tein expres­ sion [28]. All con­structs com­prised a six-his­ti­dine (His6) affin­ity tag at the N-ter­mi­nus of the car­rier pro­tein and a TEV1 cleav­age site for vi­sco­tox­in release. Two iso­forms (A3 and B), hav­ing the high­est and the low­est cyto­tox­ic­ity, respec­tively, were pro­duced by this method. Cyto­tox­ic­ity of the puri­fied vis­co­tox­ins was tested on HeLa cells. After 15N iso­tope label­ing of vi­sco­tox­in in min­i­mal M9 medium, the cor­rect fold­ing of the pro­tein was con­firmed by 1 15 H N cor­re­la­tion NMR exper­i­ments.


37 °C over­night while shak­ing. For the ini­tial expres­sion screen 1 ml of pre­cul­ture was used to inoc­u­late 9 ml of LB medium sup­ ple­mented only with kana­my­cin and with 2% glu­cose. For pro­ duc­tion up­scal­ing, 10 ml of pre­cul­ture was used to inoc­u­late 1 l of sup­ple­mented LB medium. Inoc­ul­ ates were grown at 37 °C, until OD600 reached 0.6, then cooled down to 30 °C and induced by the addi­tion of IPTG to a final con­cen­tra­tion of 0.5 mM. The cells were pel­leted after 18 h, fro­zen in liquid nitro­gen and stored at ¡20 °C. For the ini­tial screen 2 ml of cul­ture was spun down, otherwise the pellet from whole vol­ume was used for pro­tein puri­fi­ca­tion. Fusion pro­tein puri­fic­ a­tion All subsequent puri­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dures were car­ried out on ice with pre-cooled solu­tions. Ten mil­li­li­ters of lysis buffer con­sist­ing of buffer A (20 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Imid­az­ole, 1 mM Pe­fab­ loc (Bo­eh­rin­ger-Mann­heim), pH 8) sup­ple­mented with 0,2% I­ge­pal 40 was used for each gram of pellet. After resus­pen­sion, lyso­zyme (Serva) and DNAse I (Sigma) were added to a final con­cen­tra­tion of 25 lg/ml and 5 lg/ml, respec­tively. The sus­pen­sion was briefly son­i­cated and insol­u­ble mate­rial was removed by cen­tri­fu­ga­tion at 17,000g for 20 min at 4 °C. The super­na­tant was applied twice to grav­ity flow on mi­cro­spin or Econo col­umns (Bio­rad), which were packed with 100 ll for the ini­tial screen or 2 ml for gen­eral puri­fi­ ca­tion of Ni2+ charged NTA aga­rose (Qiagen) and equil­i­brated with lysis buffer. The col­umn was sequen­tially washed with 10 times the vol­ume of the bead with the fol­low­ing buf­fers: Buffer A, Buffer A + 1 M NaCl, Buffer A + 25 mM imid­az­ole and eluted with five times the bead vol­ume (or with 150 ll for the ini­tial screen) of Buffer A + 330 mM imid­az­ole. TEV cleav­age

Meth­ods Con­struc­tion of vi­sco­tox­in expres­sion vec­tors The pUC 18 plas­mids with cloned pre­cur­sors of vi­sco­tox­in A3 and B was a gen­er­ous gift from Pro­fes­sor Klaus Apel (Insti­tute of Plant Sci­ences, Zurich). A pair of prim­ers (sense: 59-GCT ACC ATGG GC AAG AGC TGC TGC CCC ACC ACC-39, anti­sense: 59-GCT AGG TAC CTT ATT TAG GAT AAT CCG ACG GAC ATG-39) was used to amplify sequences of mature vi­sco­tox­in iso­forms with NcoI and Acc651 restric­tion sites suit­able for par­al­lel clon­ing. The cloned and sequenced PCR prod­uct was shut­tled into 13 dif­fer­ent pET sys­tem based vec­tors car­ry­ing dif­fer­ent N-ter­mi­nal His6-tagged fusion part­ners (for detailed infor­ma­tion see: http://www.pep­core.­tors/vec­tors/m-series_vec­tors.html). Plas­mids were pro­duced in E. coli DH5 alpha. Suc­cess­ful clon­ing was ver­ i­fied by PCR with pas­sen­ger and car­rier pro­tein spe­cific prim­ers and DNA sequenc­ing. Expres­sion of con­structs Unless otherwise indi­cated the fol­low­ing pro­ce­dures were applied. The E. coli strain Ros­set­ta (DE3) pLysS (Nova­gen) was trans­formed with the set of vec­tors. The cells where trans­ferred to kana­my­cin (100 lg/ml) sup­ple­mented LB agar plates. Ten mil­ li­li­ters of LB sup­ple­mented with 100 lg/ml kana­my­cin and 34 lg/ ml chlor­am­phen­i­col was inoc­u­lated. Pre­cul­tures were grown at

1 Abbre­vi­a­tions used: NMR, nuclear mag­netic res­o­nance; TEV, tobacco etch virus; HSQC, het­er­o­nu­clear sin­gle quan­tum coher­ence; IPTG, iso­pro­pyl­thi­o­ga­lac­to­side; TOC­SY, total cor­re­la­tion spec­tros­copy; MBP, malt­ose bind­ing pro­tein; GFP, green fluo­res­cent pro­tein; NTA, nitrilo­tri­a­ce­tic acid; ESI TOF MS, elec­tro­spray ion­i­za­tion time of flight mass spec­tros­copy.

Affin­ity puri­fied fusion pro­teins were con­cen­trated on Centri­ con Cen­trif­u­gal Fil­ter with molec­u­lar weight cut-off at 15 kD. The buffer of con­cen­trated pro­teins was exchanged on PD-10 col­umn (Amersham) equil­i­brated with TEV digest buffer (20 mM Tris pH 8, 150 mM NaCl and 10% glyc­erol) After the exchange TEV pro­te­ase was added to a final con­cen­tra­tion of 40 lg/ml. Cleav­age was per­ formed for 20 h at room tem­per­a­ture. Vi­sco­tox­in puri­fic­ a­tion The pro­tein mix­ture after TEV cleav­age was acid­i­fied with buffer B (200 mM Na-ace­tate pH 4, 10% eth­a­nol and 150 mM NaCl). The pre­ cip­i­tated pro­tein was spun down and the super­na­tant was loaded on a strong cat­ion exchange col­umn (1 ml SP Hi­Trap) equil­ib ­ rated with buffer B on an Akta prime sys­tem. Pro­teins were eluted by a lin­ear gra­ di­ent with buffer B + 1 M NaCl. Vi­sco­tox­in con­tain­ing frac­tions were con­cen­trated on Centri­con Cen­trif­u­gal Fil­ter with a molec­ul­ ar weight cut-off at 3 kD. The buffer was exchanged on a Nap 5 col­umn equil­i­ brated with a ster­ile phos­phate buf­fered saline (137 mM NaCl, 10 mM phos­phate, 2.7 mM KCl and pH 7.4). The con­cen­tra­tion of the fusion pro­tein was eval­u­ated with a com­mer­cial Brad­ford assay (Pierce). For cleaved vis­co­tox­ins the con­cen­tra­tion was obtained from absor­bance at 280 nm with molar extinc­tion coef­fi­cient: e = 2980 M¡1cm¡1. Mass spec­trom­e­try Vis­co­tox­ins were desalted with C4 micro col­umns and eluted with ace­to­ni­trile/water/for­mic acid (49.5/49.5/1) directly into cap­ il­lary nano-flow nee­dles. Spec­tra were obtained by ESI TOF (elec­ tro­spray ion­i­za­tion time of flight) on a Q-Tof 2™ spec­trom­e­ter. The exact mass was cal­cu­lated from the result­ing spec­trum with the decon­vo­lu­tion pro­gram Max­Ent1 from Mass­lynx4.0.

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To pro­duce uni­formly 15N-labeled vi­sco­tox­in for NMR stud­ies Ros­set­ta (DE3) pLysS cells were grown in a M9 min­im ­ al medium sup­ple­mented with 15NH4Cl as the sole nitro­gen source. Induc­ tion and puri­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dures were per­formed as described above for the unla­beled pep­tide. The 15N-labeled vi­sco­tox­in eluted from the cat­ion exchange col­umn, was exchanged into 50 mM phos­phate buffer, pH 3.6 and 10% D2O was added. Twodimen­sional 1H 15N HSQC and 3D 1H 15N HSQC–TOC­SY NMR spec­tra on a 0.3 mM sam­ple were acquired at 22 °C on a Bru­ker DRX600 equipped with cryo­genic tri­ple-res­o­nance probes and pro­cessed with Top­spin. Cyto­tox­ic­ity assay Cyto­tox­ic­ity of unla­beled vis­co­tox­ins A3 and B on HeLa cells was mea­sured with com­mer­cial ATP-based cyto­tox­ic­ity assay ATP­ lite™ on EnVi­sion™ plate reader (both Perkin–Elmer) accord­ing to man­uf­ ac­turer pro­to­col. Cells were incu­bated with ten serial dilu­ tions of vis­co­tox­ins for 72 h before mea­sur­ing pro­lif­er­a­tion inhi­bi­ tion. The assay was done in trip­li­cate. Results Expres­sion screen­ing

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We used 13 dif­fer­ent fusion pro­teins (Sup­ple­men­tary Table 1) for screen­ing of con­structs with high­est expres­sion lev­els of vi­sco­ tox­in. All of the expres­sion vec­tors are updated ver­sions of the


pETM-series ([21], G. Stier, man­u­script in prep­a­ra­tion). Expres­sion of sol­u­ble fusion pro­tein was observed in all except one con­struct (Fig. 1): The con­struct com­pris­ing the mature vi­sco­tox­in with only an N-ter­mi­nal His6 tag fol­lowed by a TEV pro­te­ase rec­og­ni­tion site was not expressed in this sys­tem and was not fur­ther ana­lyzed. The over­all good cor­re­la­tion between the inten­sity of the bands of the fusion pro­teins expressed in the bac­te­ria and those obtained in the clar­i­fied lysate and in the puri­fied sam­ples doc­u­ments the high sol­u­bil­ity and proper acces­si­bil­ity of the affin­ity tag in all ­con­structs. The purity of the fusion pro­teins after Ni2+ affin­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy was eval­u­ated by gel den­si­tom­e­try. Strong faster migrat­ing bands were observed in fusions with small tags (Z tag, ZZ tag and GB1), inter­nal ver­sions of Dsb pro­teins and mono­meric GFP. Tags of higher molec­u­lar weight (NusA, MBP) showed low level of co-puri­fied and/or degraded pro­teins. We expect the expres­sion level to be the lim­it­ing fac­tor in our screen since in all cases the amounts of puri­fied pro­teins did not exceed 10% of the max­i­mal bind­ing capac­ity of the Ni2+ charged NTA aga­rose (1.2 mg pro 100 ll accord­ing to man­u­fac­turer). The amount of puri­fied fusion pro­tein was mea­sured with a com­mer­ cial Brad­ford assay. The the­o­ret­i­cal amount of vi­sco­tox­in in the expressed fusion was cal­cu­lated from the mass ratio between vi­sco­tox­in and the com­plete fusion con­struct. Fig. 2 presents the expres­sion lev­els of all con­structs tak­ing into account the expected amount of vi­sco­tox­in in the fusion pro­teins. Higher expres­sion lev­els of other fusion con­structs were out­weighed by the higher pro­por­tion of vi­sco­tox­in in fusion pro­teins with smaller car­ri­ers. Based on these data, the fusion pro­tein with thi­ o­re­doxin gave the best yield of vi­sco­tox­in and was cho­sen for up­scaled pro­duc­tion.

A M BP D sb A D in sb A ou t D sb C in D sb C Tr ou x t

Iso­tope label­ing and NMR spec­tros­copy

N us


205 116 66 55 44.3 36 29 24 20 17 14.6


205 116 66 55 44.3 36 29 24 20 17 14.6


Fig. 1. Ini­tial screen­ing of vi­sco­tox­in A3 fusions with dif­fer­ent tags as fol­lowed on 15% SDS-PAGE. Two mil­li­li­ters of cell cul­ture were pro­cessed as described in the text. Five micro­li­ters of the cell lysate (A) or 15 ll of the eluted pro­teins (B) were loaded per lane. The strong band at approx­i­mately 14.6 kD in the whole cell lysate cor­re­sponds to lyso­zyme, which was added to facil­i­tate cell lysis. The thick­ness of the bands cor­re­spond­ing to the expressed pro­tein in the whole cell lysate cor­re­lates very well with the puri­fied pro­tein amount, indi­cat­ing high sol­ub ­ il­ity and proper expo­si­tion of affin­ity tag.

J. Bo­go­mol­o­vas et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 64 (2009) 16–23

Fig. 2. Expres­sion lev­els of dif­fer­ent fusion pro­teins and pre­dic­tion of vi­sco­tox­in A3 yields. Whole bar height (black and grey) rep­re­sents expres­sion level of the con­ structs eval­u­ated by Brad­ford assays with the ini­tially screened sam­ples. Black bars show the the­o­ret­i­cal amount of vi­sco­tox­in in the fusion con­text.

Up­scaled puri­fi­ca­tion The thi­o­re­doxin-vi­sco­tox­in fusion pro­tein was ­over­ex­pres­sed in BL 21 (DE3) cells. After screen­ing var­io ­ us tem­per­a­tures (25, 30 and 37 °C) and induc­tion times (2, 5 and 18 h), we found that an induc­tion for 18 h at 30 °C gives high­est expres­sion lev­els (Sup­ple­men­tary Fig. 1). Cell mass and clar­i­fied lysate from this induc­tion pro­to­col are shown in Fig. 3 (Lanes 1 and 2). After Ni2+ affin­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy the tar­get pro­tein was highly enriched (Fig. 3; Lane 3). Con­tam­i­nants with molec­ul­ ar weights smaller than 15 kDa were suc­cess­fully removed dur­ing pro­tein con­cen­ tra­tion on cen­trif­u­gal fil­ter devices (data not shown). Over­night incu­ba­tion with TEV in exchanged buffer gave almost com­plete release of vi­sco­tox­in (Fig. 3; Lane 4). Nota­bly, the stan­dard pro­ce­ dure for removal of the car­rier pro­tein via a Ni2+ affin­ity col­umn after TEV cleav­age was unsuc­cess­ful in the vi­sco­tox­in puri­fi­ca­ tion. Most of the vi­sco­tox­in was left bound on the resin together with the cleaved car­rier. We did not observe a shift of the peak

205 116 77 55 44.3 36 29 24 20 17









in ana­lyt­i­cal size exclu­sion chro­ma­tog­ra­phy before and after TEV cleav­age of the thi­o­re­doxin-vi­sco­tox­in fusion (Sup­ple­men­tary Fig. 3). A small addi­tional peak vis­i­ble after the TEV cleav­age cor­ re­sponds to impure vi­sco­tox­in. These find­ings sug­gest that after TEV cleav­age most of the vi­sco­tox­in tends to asso­ci­ate with the thi­o­re­doxin. Nev­er­the­less, we could iso­late the vi­sco­tox­in by low­er­ing the pH to 4.0 of the cleav­age mix­ture, which resulted in partial pre­cip­i­ta­tion of impu­ri­ties, cleaved thi­o­re­doxin and TEV pro­te­ ase (Fig. 3; Lane 6). Insol­u­ble mate­rial was spun down and the super­na­tant was added to a cat­ion exchange col­umn. Two peaks at 15 mS/cm and 25 mS/cm were obtained dur­ing gra­di­ent elu­ tion (Fig. 4). The first peak con­sisted of pure vi­sco­tox­in (Fig. 3; Lane 5) and the sec­ond mainly of cleaved thi­o­re­doxin (Fig. 3; Lane 7). Thirty-one mil­li­grams of thi­o­re­doxin-vi­sco­tox­in A3 fusion pro­tein was obtained from 1 l of LB cul­ture giv­ing 5.2 mg of pure vi­sco­tox­in A3. This cor­re­sponds to a 68% recov­ery of the pro­tein. Sim­i­lar yields were obtained grow­ing both iso­forms of vi­sco­tox­in in LB or in M9 medium. The masses of the vi­sco­tox­in iso­forms deter­mined by ESI TOF MS indi­cate high purity, and the pres­ence of three disul­fide bridges, as well as the absence of any addi­tional mod­i­fi­ca­tions or degra­da­tions (Fig. 5). Com­par­ing the masses expected for reduced vis­co­tox­ins (5151.9 and 5173.9 Da, for A3 and B iso­forms, respec­tively) with the exper­i­men­tally obtained molec­u­lar weights reveals a def­i­cit of 6 Dal­tons. This most likely reflects the loss of six hydro­gen atoms as a result of the for­ma­tion of three disul­fide bonds, as expected for native vi­sco­tox­in. Struc­tural integ­rity We next recorded NMR spec­tra to con­firm the struc­tural integ­ rity of the recombinant pro­teins. Com­par­ing the 1H chem­i­cal shifts to pub­lished results [37] clearly indi­cates that the native struc­ture of the pro­tein is pre­served. The sig­nals in the 1D 1H NMR spec­ trum (Fig. 6A) are well sep­a­rated, exhibit nar­row line widths, and are char­ac­ter­is­tic of a well-folded pro­tein. We observe 45 strong amide peaks in the 1H 15N HSQC exper­i­ment, which cor­re­spond to the expected num­ber of amide groups in the recombinant vi­sco­ tox­in. Out of six expected NH2 sig­nals for aspar­a­gine side chains we observed two strong pairs (Fig. 6B; con­nected by hor­i­zon­tal lines) and one weaker pair that is seen only in a 3D 1H 15N HSQC–TOC­SY exper­i­ment (data not shown). Thus, the NMR data clearly con­firm prop­erly folded vi­sco­tox­in A3.


* **


14.6 ***


Fig. 3. Pep­tide release and puri­fi­ca­tion of vi­sco­tox­in A3-thi­o­re­doxin fusion fol­lowed by tri­cine SDS-PAGE (15%). M, pro­tein marker; Lane 1, whole cell lysate; Lane 2 clar­ i­fied lysate; Lane 3, fusion after Ni2+ che­late col­umn; Lane 4, TEV cleaved fusion; Lane 5, puri­fied vi­sco­tox­in after cat­ion exchange col­umn; Lane 6, pre­cip­i­tate after acid­ifi ­ ­cat­ion of the cleav­age mix­ture; Lane 7, sec­ond peak from cat­ion exchange col­umn, con­sist­ing of cleaved thi­o­re­doxin and other impu­ri­ties. Fusion (*), cleaved thi­or­ e­doxin (**) and vi­sco­tox­in (***) are marked on the gel.

Fig. 4. Cat­ion exchange chro­ma­tog­ra­phy pro­file of the acid­i­fied cleav­age mix­ture. Two peaks were obtained dur­ing gra­di­ent elu­tion, at 15 mS/cm and 25 mS/cm, com­ pris­ing vi­sco­tox­in A3 and cleaved thi­o­re­doxin, respec­tively.


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Cyto­tox­ic­ity assay Both recombinant vis­co­tox­ins exhib­ited cyto­toxic ­activ­ity towards HeLa cells in micro­mo­lar con­cen­tra­tions (Fig. 7). ­Vi­sco­tox­in

B showed 30% pro­lif­er­a­tion inhi­bi­tion at 20 lM ­con­cen­tra­tion while the ED50 for recombinant vi­sco­tox­in A3 was 3.1 lM when HeLa cells were used. Vi­sco­tox­in B showed sig­nif­i­cantly lower cyto­tox­ic­ity than A3.

Fig. 5. ESI TOF mass spec­trom­e­try of recombinant vis­co­tox­ins. Decon­vo­luted spec­tra of both iso­forms: A3 (A) and B (B) show high purity, no deg­ra­da­tion or mod­i­fi­ca­tion. The def­i­cit of 6 Da in com­par­i­son to the the­o­ret­i­cal masses expected for reduced vi­sco­tox­in indi­cates the for­ma­tion of three disul­fide bonds (see text).

Fig. 6. 2D 1H lines.

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N HSQC spec­trum of



N-labeled vi­sco­tox­in A3 in 10% D2O and 90% H2O at pH 3.6 and 22 °C. The side-chain res­o­nances of Asn res­i­dues are con­nected by

Dis­cus­sion Thio­nins and related anti­bac­te­rial pep­tides have been suc­cess­ fully expressed in E. coli as fusion pro­teins. The fusion appar­ently pro­tects these pep­tides from pro­te­ol­y­sis, aggre­ga­tion and achieves high expres­sion yields [25–27,41,42]. More­over, the fusion tag often is a prerequisite for allow­ing the expres­sion of thio­nins in E. coli by sup­press­ing their anti­bac­te­rial prop­er­ties. Sim­i­larly, in plants acidic domains found in thio­nin pre-pro­teins are believed to have a func­tion in the inhi­bi­tion of tox­ic­ity [37]. Our expres­ sion screen showed high sol­u­bil­ity lev­els for all pro­tein fusions, ­indi­cat­ing that proper fold­ing of vi­sco­tox­in in E. coli cells is not a major prob­lem. Thi­o­re­doxin has been suc­cess­fully used as a fusion part­ner to pro­duce large amounts of sol­u­ble thio­nins or small pep­tides [23,24,26,41] The fact that thi­o­re­doxin enhances expres­sion of disul­fide bond con­tain­ing pro­teins like defen­sins and ­vis­co­tox­ins might be explained by tem­po­rary reduc­tion of the disul­fide bonds that are essen­tial for their struc­tural integ­rity. How­ever, thi­o­re­ doxin, where the cat­a­lytic cys­te­ines have been mutated, is still

capa­ble to assist the fold­ing of fused anti­bod­ies in E. coli cyto­plasm [43]. There­fore, an addi­tional/alter­na­tive thiol-inde­pen­dent fold­ ing and enhanc­ing activ­ity of thi­o­re­doxin could arise from endog­ e­nous chap­er­ones, which tend to asso­ci­ate with thi­o­re­doxin [44]. Up to date, the mech­a­nisms of how thi­o­re­doxin achieves enhanced expres­sion and/or chap­er­one activ­ity are poorly under­stood. We note, that among the 13 dif­fer­ent fusion pro­teins used in this study the thi­o­re­doxin fusion pro­teins were not those that gave the high­est over­all expres­sion level. How­ever, the thi­o­re­doxin fusion was selected since it com­prises a high per­cent­age of the tar­get pro­ tein in the fusion con­struct, thus pro­vid­ing the high­est abso­lute yield of puri­fied vi­sco­tox­in. Our rank­ing of fusion pro­teins accord­ ing to their effect on expres­sion fully matches a recent expres­sion screen of small human pro­teins in E. coli [45], where a His6 tag alone was found to per­form worst and a thi­o­re­doxin fusion was found to be best in terms of enhanced expres­sion of the fusion pro­teins tested. In con­trast, our find­ings are at var­ia ­ nce with another screen, in which GB1 fusion pro­teins gave bet­ter yields than thi­o­re­doxin fusions [46]. Note­wor­thy, the phys­i­co­chem­ic­ al fea­tures of thio­ nins are rather dis­tinct from typ­i­cal tar­get pro­teins used in large


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teins. How­ever, by com­par­ing abso­lute ED50 val­ues rang­ing from 0.1 lM to 3 lM obtained in those assays [15–17] recombinant vis­ co­tox­ins pos­sessed lover over­all tox­ic­ity. Due to dif­fer­ent assay pro­to­cols employed these obser­va­tions should be taken with cau­tion. The addi­tional GAMG sequence at the N ter­mi­nus of our recombinant vis­co­tox­ins could play role in non-spe­cific atten­u­a­ tion of the tox­ic­ity. The first gly­cine res­i­due is required for effi­cient TEV cleav­age and the AMG frag­ment is as a part of Nco I rec­og­ni­ tion site used for vi­sco­tox­in clon­ing (Sup­ple­men­tary Fig. 2). The mem­brane inter­act­ing part of vis­co­tox­ins is located in a heli­cal region and the addi­tion of extra N-ter­mi­nal res­i­dues would not be expected to have a spe­cific effect on the mem­brane inter­act­ ing sur­face. Poten­tially, it might gen­er­ate a pro­trud­ing “tail”, which could reduce spe­cific mem­brane bind­ing. In con­clu­sion, we pro­vide an effi­cient expres­sion and puri­fi­ca­ tion pro­to­col for the prep­a­ra­tion of recombinant vi­sco­tox­in in E. coli. This now enables struc­tural and bio­phys­i­cal stud­ies by pro­ duc­ing iso­tope-labeled pro­teins for bind­ing stud­ies with potential ligands, by employ­ing muta­gen­es­ is approaches and for fur­ther bio­chem­i­cal char­ac­ter­iza­tion of this fam­ily of pro­teins. Fig. 7. Cyto­tox­ic­ity of recombinant vis­co­tox­ins towards HeLa cells. Both iso­forms inhibit the pro­lif­er­a­tion of HeLa cells at micro­mo­lar con­cen­tra­tions after incu­ba­ tion for 72 h.

recombinant expres­sion and sol­u­bil­ity screens [28,40,45,46]. There­ fore, it may not be sur­pris­ing that dif­fer­ent fusion tags are found to be more suit­able for enhanc­ing thio­nin expres­sion. In this respect, our study is the first com­pre­hen­sive and sys­tem­atic expres­sion and sol­u­bil­ity screen directed to thio­nins and related pro­teins. Dif­fer­ent tech­niques are employed such as ultra­fil­tra­tion [23], reversed phase [27,41,42], metal-che­late [47], and ion exchange [25] chro­ma­tog­ra­phy alone or in com­bi­na­tions to purify the tar­ get pro­teins from the cleav­age mix­ture. The stan­dard pro­ce­dure of car­rier removal with Ni2+ affin­ity col­umn after TEV cleav­age was unsuc­cess­ful in the vi­sco­tox­in puri­fi­ca­tion pro­to­col, as most of the vi­sco­tox­in was left bound on resin with the cleaved car­ rier pro­tein. Asso­ci­a­tion of the thi­o­re­doxin with the vi­sco­tox­in in cleav­age mix­ture was ver­i­fied by ana­lyt­ic­ al size exclu­sion chro­ ma­tog­ra­phy (Sup­ple­men­tary Fig. 3). In order to test a potential spe­cific inter­ac­tion between vi­sco­tox­in and thi­o­re­doxin NMR titra­tion exper­i­ments were per­formed in PBS buffer. The 1H, 15N HSQC spec­trum of thi­o­re­doxin alone and after addi­tion of 10-fold excess of unla­beled vi­sco­tox­in is vir­tu­ally unchanged. This argues against a spe­cific inter­ac­tion between the two pro­teins. Poten­ tially, elec­tro­static inter­ac­tions between the car­rier and pas­sen­ ger pro­teins that are per­sis­tent after cleav­age could medi­ate an inter­ac­tion on the col­umn. This is fur­ther sup­ported by the oppo­ site charges of the two pro­teins at pH 8 in the buffer used for the sec­ond Ni2+ affin­ity col­umn (the­o­ret­i­cal pI for vi­sco­tox­in A3 and thi­or­ e­doxin are respec­tively 9.3 and 5.25). Alter­na­tively, the pres­ence of impu­ri­ties in the cleav­age mix­ture could facil­it­ ate the observed aggre­ga­tion. To over­come the inter­ac­tion between thi­o­re­doxin and cleaved vi­sco­tox­in an ion exchange chro­ma­tog­ ra­phy puri­fi­ca­tion was per­formed, using buf­fers sup­ple­mented with 10% eth­an ­ ol at low pH, where both pro­teins are expected to be pos­i­tively charged. Eth­a­nol was used instead of glyc­erol to reduce potential hydro­pho­bic inter­ac­tions with­out increas­ing the vis­cos­ity of the solu­tion. In con­trast to thi­o­re­doxin, TEV pro­te­ ase and other impu­ri­ties that mostly pre­cip­i­tated in acidic con­ di­tions, vi­sco­tox­in is sta­bile in acidic con­di­tions [2,12] and was there­fore enriched before the ion exchange chro­ma­tog­ra­phy. Thus, a two-step puri­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dure was suf­fi­cient to obtain pure and well-folded vis­co­tox­ins. Recombinant vi­sco­tox­in B was sig­nif­i­cantly less toxic than A3 towards HeLa cells in our assay. This phe­nom­e­non has also been observed in sev­eral can­cer cell line based assays using native pro­

Acknowl­edg­ments We would like to thank the pro­teo­mic core facil­ity at EMBL, in par­tic­u­lar Sabrina Rügge­berg for pro­vid­ing mass spec­tra, Peter Sehr and chem­i­cal core facil­ity for cyto­tox­ic­ity mea­sure­ment and Gil­les Trave for help­ful dis­cus­sions and crit­i­cal read­ing of this man­ u­script. We are grate­ful to Prof. Klaus Apel for plas­mids encod­ing pre-pro­teins of vis­co­tox­ins. Appen­dix A. Sup­ple­men­tary data Sup­ple­men­tary data asso­ci­ated with this arti­cle can be found, in the online ver­sion, at doi:10.1016/j.pep.2008.10.003.

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