OLR (I982)29 (12)
A. PhysicalOceanography
or more) was observed; deeper currents exhibited a smaller decrease, resulting in a general decrease in baroclinicity (except off the north coast of Bylot Island, where the deep currents reversed). A salinity increase with freezing winter temperatures was observed in the upper water column; at some sites this uniform layer appeared to deepen at a rate of 40-50 m per month to a maximum depth from 200-250 m. Arctic Sci. Ltd., 1986 Mills Rd., R.R. 2, Sidney, BC V8L 3S1, Canada. 82:5912 Tanaka, Iori, 1982. Direct measurements of horizontal divergence in the surface layer of the subarctic open sea in summer. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 33(1):24-34. (In Japanese, English abstract.)
Horizontal divergence measurements revealed 2 main components, one with periodicity 1.5-4 hr and another trending linearly over a wide range; magnitude of the former is well explained by internal waves. The measurement site exhibited a layered structure with a seasonal pycnocline. Lab. of Oceanogr. & Meteorol., Hokkaido Univ., Hokkaido, Japan.
A 5 0 . G e n e r a l h y d r o g r a p h y (distribution of c o m m o n oceanic properties) 82:5913 Clancy, R.M. (comment), T.M. Dillon and T.M. Powell (reply), 1982. A comment on observations of a surface mixed layer. Deep-Sea Res., 29(5A): 655-657. 82:5914 Evans, D.L., 1982. Observations of small-scale shear and density structure in the ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 29(5A):581-595.
Three North Atlantic locations near Bermuda, in the Gulf Stream, and midway between, were sampled. Mean square vertical shear correlated well with the square of the mean Brunt-V~tisal~t frequency over 100-m segments of the profiles; a change in slope of the vertical wavenumber spectrum of the vertical shear was observed at ~0.1 cpm. Richardson numbers computed over 2 m were of order 1. Tentative calculation of vertical eddy diffusivity yielded values of 0.1~).4 cm2/s for the non-Gulf Stream sites; Gulf Stream values were somewhat higher. Grad. Sch. of Oceanogr., Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA.
82:5915 Knysh, V.V., 1982. Multi-element four-dimensional analysis of the major hydrophysicul fields of the ocean. Fiz. Atmosf. Okeana, 18(4):391-398. (In Russian, English abstract.)
A90. Currents 82:5916 Hammond, R.R. and W.J. Wallace, 1982. Seabed drifter movement in San Diego Bay and adjacent waters. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 14(6):623-634.
Results from 500 woodhead-type seabed drifters in San Diego Bay and adjacent waters distinguished 4 'significant bottom drift regimes': main bay channel, off-coast, open and semi-enclosed docking basins. A northward bottom current off-coast caused a net bottom-water inflow into the main channel. From the docking basins to offshore regions, the mean residual bottom drift ranged 04). 17 km/d. Effects of the cooling water intakes and heated effluents of local power plants on the overall circulation need quantitative investigation. Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, Calif. 92152, USA. (isz) 82:5917 Heathershaw, A.D., 1982. Some observations of currents in shallow water during a storm surge. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 14(6):635-648.
During a storm surge in Swansea Bay (Bristol Channel), residual flows may be five times higher than during quiescent flow periods. The observed flow regime suggests that while the residual circulation may be influenced by strong SW winds blowing onshore, offshore winds from the N W have a more significant effect, possibly as a result of wind-induced setdown in the bay head. Observed bottom currents can be predicted by a simple constant eddy viscosity model in which tidal mixing is dominant. Inst. of Oceanogr. Sci., Taunton, Somerset, UK. 82:5918 Mariette, V., G. Rougier, J.C. Salomon and B. Simon, 1982. Tidal currents in the Mer d'lrolse [NW France]. Oeeanologica Acta, 5(2): 149-159. (In French, English abstract.)
Tidal observations from British and French ports and from open sea points were used in a mathematical model that permitted calculation of currents for every nautical mile in the area and for every 3 minutes of time. Results were generally satisfactory although comparison between measured and calculated currents is difficult. Univ. de Bretagne