N e w Equipment, Processes and Materials
Fischer Technology Inc. Windsor, Ct.
pump by minimizing the amount of suspended solids and recirculating much of the cleaner effluent back to the machine. Circle 402 on the reader service card STEEL D E B U R R I N G M E D I A
Abbott Ball Co. West Hartford, Conn.
The Abbott Ball Co. has introduced a new 50-50 mix of Abcut
The Fischerscope family of printed circuit board (PCB) measuring instruments from Fischer Technology employs three different test methods to determine the thickness of copper, electroplated coatings, and other finishes, easily meeting the exacting quality assurance demands for PCBs. Comprised of the X-Ray XDLM, MMS SR, and the hand-held Cu-Scope, these measurement instruments provide fast, precise, nondestructive measurement of copper coatings on PCBs using the X-ray fluorescence, electrical resistance, and eddy current test methods. The Fisherscope Xray XDLM-PCB is specially configured to measure coating thickness on PCBs using the X-ray fluorescence method according to DIN 50987 and ASTM B 568. Circle 401 on the reader service card FLOAT P U M P
Nova Finishing Systems Inc. Huntingdon Valley, Pa.
The floating pump assembly can be purchased complete, including the machine, tank, and a closedloop recirculation system, or each component can be purchased separately. When in operation, the pump floats in a constant upright, submerged position. The design greatly increases the life of the August 2002
knurled surface finishing media and regular chrome diagonal shapes for higher productivity and longer media life. The knurled surface has proven highly effective in reducing deburring times for steel, zinc, and aluminum, but its knurled surface also tended to wear the media at greater rates than other steel media. By introducing a 50% mix of conventional chrome diagonal steel media, media life is doubled compared to other steel media and is 13 times the life of ceramic finishing media. Circle 403 on the reader service card S E A L A N T FOR C H R O M E - P L A T E D TOOLS
Birchwood Casey Eden Prairie, Minn.
Dri-Touch topcoat is an effective rust blocker applied to protect chrome-plated h a n d tools, fixtures, and dies while in service or storage. Adding service life to
chrome-plated tools, such as wrenches, sockets, pliers, etc., Dri Touch p e n e t r a t e s and protects recessed areas of parts that can rust prematurely. The coating is a nontacky film that will not drain off or wick off into packaging, maintaining an effective, long-term barrier against humidity and corrosion. It works especially well on retail packaged products in shrink wrap or blister packages, where an oily finish would be undesirable. It protects all rust-prone materials, such as castings, forgings, powdered metal and partially finished components, awaiting final grinding, assembly, and packaging. Circle 404 on the reader service card PALLADIUM-NICKEL PLATING PROCESS
Shipley Electronic & Industrial Finishing Freeport, N.Y.
Shipley has introduced a new palladium-nickel alloy electroplating process for high-speed electronic applications. The Pallamet 500 process produces bright deposits from a sulfate-based, chloridefree system with deposit composition ranges from 70 to 90% palladium and 10 to 30% nickel. The near-neutral pH provides an environmentally friendly, stable bath operation and minimizes bath 57