Conference report
Conference report Second Intemetionel Colloquium on Concrete in Developing Countries, 3-8 January 1988, Bombay, India This colloquium, which is a sequel to the first held tn Lahore, Pakistan tn December 1985, was organised by the Engmeenng Staff College of India and sponsored by the Canad0an Society for Qvd Engmeenng, The Institution of Engineers (India) and the Victoria Jubdee Technical Institute, Bombay The Colloquium was opened by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, the Rt Hon S.B Chavan and the keynote address was delivered by Mr P Smith, Director, Research and Development Branch, Ministry of Transportat0on for Ontano Some sixty papers were presented over a period of three days. The papers were divided ~nto the mare themes of the Colloquium' Quahty control and durability of concrete, Computer apphcat0ons and analytical methods, Mineral and fibre addtt0ons and chemical admixtures to concrete, Evaluation, maintenance and rehabd0tatton of concrete structures, H0ghway structures, Residential and mdustnal buddmgs, Fadure and
testing of structures, Special aspects in design and construct=on and Codes The papers m each session generated a great deal of discuss=on, and extensive part0c=pat~onfrom the delegates, a pleasant and satisfymg feature of an Intemataonal Collogutum Several social functions were organ~sed as part of the Colloqu0um but the highlight was the Indian classical dancing presented by Menaka Thakker, the renowned dancer and mternat0onalauthonty on Indian dancing from Canada and her troupe The performance kept the audience spell-bound for nearly three hours. The Colloquium was backed up by a number of Workshops extending from 1 to 2 days These covered a wide range of topics- Non-destructive testing, Concrete design by computers, Bndge analysis, Quality assurance, Fibre reinforced concrete, Polymer concrete, Partially prestressed concrete, Construction control and form work design and Lessons from failures. The workshops were led by experts and well attended and popular as was the Colloqu0um The Colloquium and the Workshops were all a great success thanks to the excellent organtsation by the hosts, and the pnnctpal co-ordinator Mr R.N Ra0kar,of the Colloquium. The Proceedings of the Colloquium can be obtained from Mr. R.N Ralkar, Pnnclpal Coordinator 2nd ICC, 1008/9 Rahela Centre, Nanman Point, Bombay 400 021, India