Gondwnnn Research, V l , No. 2, pp. 305-306. 0 1998 Interncrtional Associationfi)r Gondwcinn Research, Japan. ISSN: 1342-937X
Gond wana Research CONFERENCE REPORT
Second International Symposium on Granites and Associated Mineralizations, Salvador, Brazil (August 24-29, 1997) M. K. Pandit Department of Geology, University of Rajasthan, Juipur 302004, India
lnspired by the success of the First International Symposium on Granitcs and Associated Mineralizations (ISGAM), held ten years back, Salvador was appropriately chosen to host the second meeting (ISGAM). The symposium was attended by 1 15 delegates from 25 countries, representing all the continents. Supported by the well-known Brazilian hospitality, the symposium provided a remarkable balance between festivity and engrossing scientific deliberations.
Pre-Symposium Field Trips Emphasizing the importance of field studies in geology, six theme-based, Pre-symposium Field Trips were organized to provide an idea of important granitoid provinces of south Amcrica including Brazil and neighboring countries. The trips were extremely well organised and resulted in lively ‘on the rock’ discussions, quite extending into ihc dinner hours. The following Field Trips were arranged: 1. Rapakivi granites of Rondonia Tin Province 2. Magmatic epidote bearing granitoids and ultrapotassic magmatism of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil 3. Granitoids of thc Espirito Santo Magmatic Arc 4. Magmatic epidote-bearing and cordierite-bearing granitoids from NW Argentina 5. Granitoids from central-eastern Minas Gerais 6. Archaean and Proterozoic granitoids of Carajas and Xinguara regions, northcrn Brazil
Symposium Formal inauguration of the symposium on the 24th evening was followed up by cocktail party and a generous splash of Bahiano folk dance performance by local artists. The technical programme included four invited talks in the morning sessions. Two more such talks were kept in the afternoon session with a two and half-hours Poster Session, in between. The oral presentations were exclusively for the invited speakers and the delegates presented their work through meticulously
prepared posters. The presentations covered all the aspects of granitology including its physics and chemistry. The major themes covered were: 1 . Granites and associated mineralizations 2. Granites: sources and magmatic processes 3. Granites and crustal evolution 4. Isotopic chemistry in granite petrology 5. Granite emplacement and geotectonics The opening session (25th August 1997) focussed on granitoids of Brazil and adjoining area. R. Dall’Agnol provided a broad overview of Rapakivi Granites of south America, this was followed up by characterization of Brazilian shoshonitic rocks by L.V.S Nardi, significance of granitoids in terrain characterization of Borborema province of NE Brazil by V.P. Fcrreira, magmatic epidote bearing granitoids of south America by A.N. Sial and origin of aluminous rocks by E. Wernick. The technical deliberations came to a successful conclusion on 29th August 1997, with a very informative talk by B.W. Chappell on trace element characterization of haplogranites.
Publications The publications included an abstracts volume and an excursion guide. The abstracts volume, jointly edited by V.P. Ferreria and A.N. Sial has extended abstracts organized into different themes. The excursion guide provides the geological information and significance of the field trips besides furnishing a detailed itinerary. The Proceedings of the symposium shall be published as reviewed articles. It is proposed to publish the reviewed papers of invited speakers as a special volume of some international Journal, other reviewed papers shall be accomodated in the special volumes of Annals of Brazilian Academy of Sciences and Revista Brasiliara.
Symposium Highlights Most significant aspect of the symposium was a large number of invited talks (30) from the experts that would greatly
benel'it the delegates in shaping and orienting their granite research in accordance with the emerging trends. Extended poster sessions allowed at length interaction of presenters and other delegates. The delegates appreciated prevailing informal atmosphere as it resulted in much better interaction among the
participants. Provision of simultaneous translation of talks into Portugese was welcome by a number of local delegates who are not so fluent in English. Brazil being a non-English speaking country, organizing the symposium with English as the official language was commendable.
Gondwann Research, V l . No. 2, 1998