Section I. Introduction to Embedded Systems

Section I. Introduction to Embedded Systems

SECTION I Introduction to Embedded Systems Introduction to Embedded Systems The field of embedded systems is wide and varied, and it is difficult to ...

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Introduction to Embedded Systems Introduction to Embedded Systems The field of embedded systems is wide and varied, and it is difficult to pin down exact definitions or descriptions. However, Chapter 1 introduces a useful model that can be applied to any embedded system. This model is introduced as a means for the reader to understand the major components that make up different types of electronic devices, regardless of their complexity or differences. Chapter 2 introduces and defines the common standards adhered to when building an embedded system. Because this book is an overview of embedded systems architecture, covering every possible standards-based component that could be implemented is beyond its scope. Therefore, significant examples of current standards-based components have been selected, such as networking and Java, to demonstrate how standards define major components in an embedded system. The intention is for the reader to be able to use the methodology behind the model, standards, and real-world examples to understand any embedded system, and to be able to apply any other standard to an embedded system’s design.