(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.
AIAA 20...
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.
AIAA 2001-4277 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit 6-9 August 2001 Montreal, Canada
ZERO-MISS-DISTANCE GUIDANCE LAW BASED ON LINE-OF-SIGHT RATE MEASUREMENT ONLY Pini Gurfil* Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540
ABSTRACT This paper presents a high performance, simple and robust guidance method which utilizes line-of-sight (LOS) rate measurement only to yield zero-missdistance (ZMD) against highly maneuvering targets. The novel guidance law adopts the basic framework of proportional navigation guidance (PNG), yet instead of using an acceleration command which is proportional to the measured LOS rate, the acceleration command is applied proportionally to an equivalent LOS rate. The equivalent LOS rate is a linear combination of the measured LOS rate and higher-order LOS rate derivatives, which are estimated from the noisy LOS rate measurement using a Kalman-Bucy filter. It is shown that this methodology resembles optimal guidance, because high-order LOS rate derivatives comprise information regarding both target acceleration and the relative range. However, while optimal guidance requires a direct estimation of target maneuver and a measurement of the relative range, the new guidance method extracts this information indirectly from the LOS rate measurement. Thus, the difficulties associated with target maneuver estimation are avoided. A considerable part of this paper is devoted to a comprehensive simulation study of the new guidance law. Deterministic simulations and Monte-Carlo analyses show that excellent performance is obtained against highly maneuvering targets. 1. INTRODUCTION Synthesis of an efficient, robust and high performance missile guidance is a formidable task. Recently, new threats have appeared which render the guidance design more difficult than ever. The interception of highly maneuvering targets, such as intercontinental and
tactical ballistic missiles, constitutes a tantalizing objective of guidance engineers worldwide. The classical proportional navigation guidance (PNG) has exhibited poor performance against maneuvering targets,1"4 and thus its suitability to interception of modern evaders is questionable. Alternatives to PNG have been derived based upon optimal control theory5"8 (one-sided optimization) and differential games9 (two-sided optimization). While these optimal guidance laws (OGLs) often offer valuable operational features, such as a small miss distance, they also suffer from several inadequacies. First, there are no closed-form expressions of the acceleration command for high-order systems; realization of OGLs is complex; and the use of loworder OGLs for high-order systems creates a model mismatch that considerably reduces the robustness to system parameter uncertainties.10 However, probably the most acute drawback of OGLs is the need to estimate the target maneuver and to either measure or estimate the relative range (or the time-to-go). While the latter task can be usually reasonably fulfilled, an efficient, high-bandwidth direct estimation of target maneuver constitutes an evolving technology which has not reached its maturity yet. Although numerous efforts have been reported in the literature,11"15 the inherent time delays associated with the estimation process16 seriously degrade the guidance performance and increase miss distance. Recent studies17"19 have proposed an alternative to PNG and OGLs: The so-called "neoclassical" approach to missile guidance adopts the general framework of PNG, but uses modern concepts such as the small gain theorem and the adjoint system4' 20 to significantly enhance the performance of PNG. The new guidance method, often referred to as zero-miss-distance PNG
1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(c)2001 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.
(ZMD-PNG) utilizes LOS rate measurement only, similarly to PNG, but renders a miss distance which is of the order of magnitude of the OGL miss distance and often smaller. ZMD-PNG is merely PNG with an additional lead controller, designed to render the total dynamics of the guidance loop positive real. ZMD-PNG have been rigorously proved to yield ZMD for any flight time against deterministic and random bounded target maneuvers and specific stochastic inputs such as activeand passive-receiver noise in radar guided missiles.18'19 However, due to the inherent phase lead required, ZMDPNG may significantly amplify the LOS rate measurement noise to infeasible level. The purpose of this paper is therefore to establish a suitable design procedure of ZMD-PNG for the general stochastic guidance system where the LOS rate measurement is corrupted by noise. The resulting ZMD-PNG law exhibits outstanding performance. The performance of ZMD-PNG is compared to PNG and OGL using both deterministic simulations and statistical Monte-Carlo tests. The results with a target performing a randomphase sinusoidal maneuver show that the ZMD-PNG law exhibits excellent performance.
2. BACKGROUND To establish the necessary background for the novel guidance concept conceived, we begin with a brief review of the guidance kinematics. As mentioned, ZMDPNG is actually a variant of the well-known PNG. Thus, it is useful to recall the linearized PNG model. The general formulation of a nonlinear three-dimensional PNG interception problem is complicated. However, by assuming that the lateral and longitudinal maneuver planes are decoupled by means of roll-control, one can deal with the equivalent two-dimensional problem in quite a realistic manner.1"4' 22 Furthermore, a linearized model of the two-dimensional PNG about the collision course can be developed. This model has been widely used1"4' 17~19' 22 and it has been shown to faithfully approximate the full nonlinear guidance dynamics.22 A block diagram describing the linear model is given in Fig. 1. In this system, missile acceleration au is subtracted form target acceleration aT to form a relative acceleration y . A double integration yields the relative vertical position y, which at the end of the engagement, t = tf, is the miss distance y(tf). Assuming a constant closing velocity Vc , the relative range is given by A
R = Vc-tgo, where tgo=tf-t. Dividing the relative vertical position y by R yields the geometric LOS angle X . It is assumed that X is a small angle. The missile target tracking loop is modeled in Fig. 1 as an ideal
differentiator with an additional transfer function Gl ( s ) , representing the seeker, the LOS rate measurement and the noise filtering dynamics. The target tracking loop generates a LOS rate command A,m , which is multiplied by the PN gain N' - Vc to form a commanded missile maneuver acceleration ac, with N' being the effective PN constant. The flight control system, whose dynamics are represented by the transfer function G2 ( s ) , attempts to adequately maneuver the missile to follow the desired acceleration command. Target Maneuver
Missile Acceleration
1 s
Kinematic Integrator
1 5
Kinematic Integrator
A ———»
# , ar -P-* NVC —— £———.
Seeker Dynamics [
Traget Tracking Loop
G2 s)
Flight Control System
Figure 1: Linearized PNG block diagram.
Based on the method of adjoints4'20 and the small gain theorem, it was rigorously proven in Refs. 17-19 that zero miss distance (ZMD) for the system depicted in Fig. 1 is obtained for any flight time and any bounded target maneuver provided that the conditions formulated in the following theorems are satisfied. Theorem 1: Let [PR] be the class of positive real A
transfer functions, and denote G(s) = Gl(s)G2(s). If 3K(s) ("the guidance controller") such that K(s)G(s) I s e [PR], then 3aM < oo such that
Theorem 2: Let the missile maneuver acceleration aM